Chapter 15: The Oh So Great Heracles

Phoebe stepped forward, "I am really going to enjoy this." She said, a sadistic grin stretching across her face.

Percy put a hand on her shoulder, "Wait Phoebe. This needs to be handled correctly or else we'll be answering to Zeus."

Phoebe scowled, "You promised me I could hurt him Jackson."

Percy smiled, "I need you to trust me Phoebe. I promise you'll get what you want but you have to trust me and let me handle this until I say so. Can you do that?"

Phoebe narrowed her eyes and stared at Percy. After a minute she sighed, "Alright Jackson. I've never trusted a man in my life but I will give you a chance. Do not let me down."

Percy smiled and nodded. We walked up the Heracles who was lounging under a tree, unaware of their presence so far.

"Heracles." Percy called.

The minor god got up and rolled his eyes when they landed on Percy, "I already told your friends. I don't care what they're doing; I will not let you pass."

Percy scowled, "I beg to differ. They are on a mission from Olympus you have no right to deny them passage."

Heracles scoffed, "I care little about their mission from that wench Hera. Piss off before you get hurt kid."

Percy's eyes caught fire and he threw a knife right by Heracles head, barely missing and becoming imbedded in the tree next to his face.

"You have some kind of a death wish kid?" Heracles snapped.

Percy glared at him, "You speak about my mother that way again and you won't be alive long enough to brag about one of your weak accomplishments again."

Heracles eyes widened, "Mother? Hera has no demigods. And it's a well known fact that I am the greatest hero to ever live."

Percy looked at Heracles emotionlessly for a minute before he started laughing loudly. Heracles looked at him confused.

Percy calmed himself down, "Wrong on both accounts there. First, Hera is my mother. And second, you aren't even in the ballpark of being the greatest hero ever."

"Name one hero who has accomplished more than me?" Heracles snapped, his anger growing.

Percy smiled and uncapped his sword, "There are many but I will start with the one you tricked into giving you this sword, Zoe Nightshade."

Heracles laughed, "That little huntress? She was simply a means to end. She was no hero, just a foolish little girl. I will enjoy reclaiming my sword after I kill you. That sea spawn Poseidon had no right to take the sword from me to begin with."

Percy sent a stream of water from the sea to sweep Heracles' legs out from underneath him.

"Those are strikes two and three. Now you've insulted both my mother and father and insulted my friend Zoe." Percy hissed.

Phoebe was itching to put an arrow up this arrogant male's ass.

"This is your last chance to let the ship pass. If not, my friend and I will make sure you never forget our friend Zoe." Percy growled.

Heracles got to his feet enraged, "Now you will die little demigod. I will enjoy seeing the look on that bitch Hera's face when she finds out I killed her son."

A silver arrow flew from behind Percy and imbedded itself in Heracles' shoulder. Percy turned around and nodded, "Now we can hurt him Phoebe."

Phoebe grinned. Heracles ripped the arrow out of his shoulder and pulled out his club. Percy charged toward the minor god while Phoebe began firing arrows at amazing speeds as Heracles tried and failed to block them all. When Percy neared Heracles he lit his free hand on fire and sent a ball of fire into Heracles' chest as he tried to block the incoming arrows. The fire hit him square in the chest and knocked him off his feet.

Heracles stood up in a rage, his shirt was charred along with parts of his skin. He charged at Percy with his club trying the crush him. Percy rolled to the side to avoid the club and heard Heracles scream in pain. Percy looked up to see Phoebe grinning as her hunting knife was impaled to the hilt in Heracles' back where Phoebe had snuck up behind him. Phoebe twisted the knife as she pulled it out.

Percy sent another stream of water at Heracles' legs, knocking him off his feet again before he could attack Phoebe.

Percy's eyes widened when he saw Heracles' body starting to glow. He sent a huge wave of water at him this time. When the water reached Heracles, Percy froze the water, encasing the minor god within the ice.

Percy made his way toward Heracles as Phoebe smirked at the helpless man.

"You promised me blood Jackson. I was just getting started." Phoebe complained.

Percy smirked, "I did, didn't I?"

Percy concentrated and melted the ice below Heracles' shoulders and above his knees, keeping him completely immobile.

Phoebe gave Percy an appreciative nod before she took out two hunting knives and made several wild and violent slashes at the minor god's chest and stomach. Golden ichor splattered all over Percy and Phoebe before Percy grabbed Phoebe's shoulder to stop her.

"Alright, I think you've made your point." Percy said warily as he looked at the injuries on Heracles' midsection. Percy lit his sword on fire for a minute before the fire vanished. Percy pressed the smoldering hot flat of the blade to Heracles chest. When he pulled it away, the skin was burned severely with the exception of the Greek letters 'ANAKLUSMOS' clearly imprinted in non-charred flesh.

"Something to remember Zoe by." Percy spat.

Phoebe nodded impressed and walked away from Heracles while Percy joined her. When they were ten feet away, she spun and fired an arrow into Heracles' groin.

Percy involuntarily cringed when he saw that.

Phoebe smiled, "That was for Zoe, douchebag."

Percy smiled and put a hand on Phoebe's shoulder, vanishing from the island and reappearing on the Argo II. When the members of the quest saw them appear, they nearly jumped out of their skin.

Nico and Jason looked at Percy and Phoebe in shock. They had ichor splattered all over their bodies and both looked like they could care less.

Percy smirked, "The way is clear."

Nico chuckled, "Did you kill him?"

Percy shook his head, "Phoebe and I just talked a little sense into him."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Thanks bro. Hopefully we won't need help again."

Percy shrugged, "No problem. I wouldn't mind a little action and I'm sure Phoebe would love to join as well, as long as there's a man or two to maim."

Phoebe grinned and shoved Percy playfully.

"Alright Nico, keep me updated." Percy said before teleporting out with Phoebe. They reappeared on the beach of Camp Half Blood. Before Percy could react, Phoebe pulled him into a bear hug.

Percy's eyes widened. He would have never guessed in a million years would he ever be hugged by Phoebe.

Phoebe let him go, "You're a good friend Jackson. I can see why you were Zoe's only male friend."

Percy smiled, "That was rather fun, wasn't it?"

Phoebe smiled and started to walk back to camp. When she was a few feet away, she stopped and turned, "You're my friend Jackson, but if you tell anyone about that hug, I'll gut you like a fish."

Percy's eyes widened before he nodded, "Understood Phoebe."

Phoebe smirked before heading off into camp.

Percy was about to walk out into sea to clean up when soft laughter caught his attention. Percy smiled when he recognized the laugh.

Artemis came out of the woods smiling at Percy, "Never in my entire immortal life did I ever think I would see Phoebe hug a man."

"Yea and I would appreciate if you kept that to yourself. I have no wish to feel her wrath." Percy said shuddering at the memory of her maiming Heracles.

Artemis smirked, "We'll see. I might just hold onto this one until I can get something useful out of you."

Percy scowled playfully at her, "That's not right."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "You're just lucky I like you."

Percy looked around before he gave her a soft kiss on the lips. Artemis smiled at Percy and leaned forward to kiss him again. When she was inches from his lips, she whispered, "Later," and vanished into a flash of silver.

Percy opened his eyes feeling like an idiot as he was leaning forward into thin air. He shook his head before turning and jogging off into the sea to clean up.

Line Break

Things continued normally for the next couple days at Camp Half Blood. The Romans and Greeks began to get along better. Each camp respected the other for their abilities in battle. While their styles were completely different, neither could deny skill the other possessed. Both knew what the stakes were in the war against Gaia and focused on their training instead of whether they were Roman or Greek. Percy continued training Sophie after dinners while sneaking off with Artemis at night when they could slip away unnoticed.

Percy was walking with Sophie toward the dining pavilion for lunch when the overwhelming smell of perfume brought a scowl to Percy's previously smiling face. Percy felt slender arms wrap around his arm as he walked.

"What do you want Aphrodite?" Percy asked in an irritated tone.

The goddess frowned, "What? I can't stop by camp to see every Olympian's favorite demigod?" Aphrodite asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Percy rolled his eyes, "You could, but I am quite sure that you didn't stop by to say hi." Percy muttered as he pulled his arm free and sat down at the Poseidon table. Aphrodite sat far too close to Percy, much to his discomfort.

Artemis led the hunters into the dining pavilion at that moment, her eyes widening when she saw Aphrodite sitting next to Percy. Artemis concentrated, using her godly hearing to listen to their conversation.

"Percy dear, I'm simply here to convince you to forget about that silly little decision to follow those loveless hags who accompany Artemis." Aphrodite said smiling.

Percy tensed, "You're walking a dangerous line Aphrodite."

Aphrodite laughed, "You know what I'm saying is right. The hunters are rather pathetic; trying to use their vows as an excuse to stay away from men. If you ask me, they only take that oath so they have an excuse to be cold hearted bitches to everyone around them. As if someone would want them to begin with."

"Say something like that about the hunters again and I promise you won't like the results." Percy growled.

Aphrodite's eyes widened before she laughed, "Please Percy, you would never hurt a woman, we both know that. I'm only here for your benefit. You're making a terrible decision. Do you really want to end up like Artemis, alone for millennia?"

Percy put a hand on Sophie's shoulder, who was watching her brother's conversation with the goddess nervously, and teleported her to the head table next to Chiron.

Percy's slammed his fists into the Poseidon table, causing it to break apart where his fists hit it before he stood abruptly. The dining pavilion shook violently as Percy's body began to glow with a sea green light.

Aphrodite stumbled back from her seat as she stared at Percy with wide eyes, a look of genuine fear on her face.

Percy's head snapped in her direction, his eyes glowing brightly, "I don't care if you're an Olympian or not, I will not listen to you talk about Artemis or any of her hunters like that. I won't let you put them down because they have some self-control and don't follow your lead going from bed to bed with a different man on a nightly basis." Percy hissed at the frightened goddess.

A flash of light behind Percy caught everyone's attention but his. Hera's eyes widened before she put a hand on Percy's shoulder a whispered something in his ear. The dining pavilion stopped shaking and the glow coming from Percy vanished.

Hera stepped forward, her own eyes glowing with rage, "I warned you stay away from my son Aphrodite. If you haven't noticed he isn't interested in you or anyone else at the moment. If he decides to find love, he will do it on his own. He certainly doesn't need you trying to make decisions for him. This is the last chance you'll get. Harass my son again and I will tear your throne to pieces before I even start on you." Hera snapped at the love goddess.

Aphrodite narrowed her eyes before vanishing in puff of pink smoke.

Hera turned back to Percy, her mood making a one hundred and eighty degree turn, "I'm sorry Percy but I couldn't have you destroying the camp because Aphrodite can't take a hint."

Percy smiled and engulfed him mother in a tight hug. The campers looked on in shock. They knew Hera had adopted Percy but they still never pictured them being so close.

"Thank you Mom, you saved me back there, I don't know why I lost it so quickly." Percy said gratefully.

Hera smirked and leaned down to Percy's ear, "I think it had something to do with her insulting your girlfriend."

Percy blushed a deep shade of red before scowling playfully at his mother. Hera chuckled and kissed Percy on the cheek before vanishing in a flash.

Percy turned around and noticed everyone staring at him.

"Um… yea, sorry about that." Percy said awkwardly.

Everyone just stared at him before the hunter's table started roaring in laughter, Thalia and Phoebe laughing louder than the rest.

Percy glared at them for a minute but he soon started to chuckle himself.

Sophie walked back over to Percy, "Where are we supposed to eat now?"

"We'll sit at my Mo…." Percy started before the hunters started yelling for them to come sit at their table.

Percy smiled and grabbed Sophie's hand and led her over to the hunter's table where they sat in between Artemis and Thalia.

As soon as they sat down, Percy was ambushed by a blur of blonde hair plopping down on his lap.

"Percy!" Chloe cried excitedly.

Percy chuckled, "It's good to see you too Chloe. I don't think you've met my other sister Sophie yet." Percy said gesturing to his little sister.

Chloe smiled widely, "Hi Sophie, I'm Chloe."

Sophie smiled shyly, "Hi Chloe."

Percy chuckled at interaction between the two. Their personalities were polar opposites.

Chloe turned back to Percy with big puppy dog eyes. Percy sighed, "What do you want?"

Chloe just stared at him. Percy rolled his eyes and clapped his hands producing a large plate of macaroni and cheese.

"I swear this is the only thing you would eat if you could." Percy muttered.

Chloe grinned and kissed Percy on the cheek before turning to her food. Percy looked to Sophie who was staring at him with wide eyes.

Percy chuckled, "What do you want sis?"

"Anything?" She asked quietly.

"Anything that's normal. No specialty foods but I can make any kind of normal home cooked meal." Percy explained.

Sophie looked thoughtful, "A hotdog and french fries?"

Percy smiled and clapped his hands conjuring up a hotdog and french fries.

Sophie smiled at her brother gratefully. Percy turned to find a table full of huntresses looking at him expectantly and sighed loudly.

"Alright, one at a time." Percy said tiredly. The hunters grinned and listed off their orders. Once Percy finished he leaned back in his chair looking at all the happy girls eating their meals. As he looked around he met a pair of silver eyes staring at him with love.

Percy smiled at Artemis earning a big smile back.

After lunch the hunters all headed for the archery range while Percy headed for the sword fighting arena. As he walked, someone grabbed his shoulder and flashed him away. When he reappeared, he already had Riptide uncapped as he whirled around on whoever it was. He froze when he met the smirking face of Artemis.

Percy recapped his sword and glared at her, "I was ready to kill you. I thought it was Aphrodite harassing me again."

Artemis closed the distance and pulled Percy into a passionate kiss. When she pulled back her face was red but she was smiling happily.

Percy smiled back, "What was that for?"

Artemis' smile grew, "For being you; for standing up for me and my hunters when Aphrodite tried to convince you to find love."

Percy looked at her strangely.

"What?" Artemis asked confused.

"I already found love. So she wasn't one hundred percent wrong, I just don't have any interest in finding love with her." Percy answered.

Artemis' eyes widened before she pushed him back and onto a couch and climbed on top of him, crashing her lips onto his. Percy's eyes widened when he felt Artemis' tongue in his mouth before he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. When she pulled back she looked into Percy's eyes with a serious look on her face, "I love you too Percy."

Percy smiled happily as he pulled her closer to him.

Artemis pulled back, still looking serious, "Next time Aphrodite tries to make a move on you, she won't be alive long enough for Hera to get to her."

Percy chuckled, "Hopefully she just backs off. I really don't know what people see in her, I mean she has literally been with thousands of men." He said shuddering at the thought.

Artemis rolled her eyes, "That's what I've been saying for millennia. Most men don't mind, one of the reasons I've always been so repulsed by them."

Percy nodded before a thought occurred to him, "Artemis, what about your hunters? They all are going to hate me when they find out about us."

Artemis' face turned into a frown, "I've been worrying about that too. But if there was ever a man who they would approve of me being with, it would be you."

Percy sighed, "I just hope they don't hate me. It's been nice getting to know them so much better. Their all good friends if you ever get past the hating males part."

Artemis smiled at his words, "They care about you too Percy. I think most will be alright with us when they find out. They know you aren't like other men and the younger girls love you like a brother. I mean you already befriended Phoebe, something I could have never predicted." She said before kissing him softly.

Percy and Artemis spent a couple hours inside her palace before an Iris Message appeared in front of them. Percy's eyes widened when he saw a panicked Nico with the side of his head bleeding appear in the mist.

"Nico, what the Hades happened?" Percy asked as he shot to his feet.

"Percy, we are in Rome. We ran into the giants Ephialtes and Otus. We are inside the coliseum in Rome but underneath it. I can't talk long, Jason and Reyna are out there alone. They've got a legion of monsters that the others are holding back. We need a god Percy. We've prayed to our parents but no one has come." Nico said before the image flickered and disappeared.

Percy's face became panicked and he turned to Artemis who was already on her feet. She grabbed Percy's shoulder and flashed them into the archery range at Camp Half Blood.

"Girls, gather together. We're going to Rome. The quest in Rome needs help." Artemis yelled at the hunters.

The girls quickly split into two groups; half around Artemis and the other half around Percy. The two groups flashed out before anyone could say a word.

They reappeared in the middle of an underground arena in Rome. Nico, Jason and Reyna were trying to fight the two giants while the other four members of the quest were trying to hold back over a hundred monsters.

"Hunters, help with the monsters. Percy and I will fight the giants." Artemis ordered.

The hunters took off toward the small army of monsters while Artemis and Percy turned toward the giants. Percy took out his bow and fired three quick arrows into the face of Otus while Artemis did the same to Ephialtes. The giants staggered when the arrows hit them giving Percy and Artemis the chance join Nico, Reyna and Jason.

"Damn it's good to see you Perce."Nico said relieved.

"Thank you for coming Lady Diana." Reyna said gratefully.

The giants regained their composure and stared at the four demigods and Artemis with distaste.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you've found a goddess to help. It's unfortunate we can't kill her. She is promised to our brother Gration. He plans to make her his wife when our mother rules the planet again." Ephialtes sneered at them.

Percy glared at the giant with hatred. He looked around at the underground arena trying to find things he could use to his advantage. Percy grinned when he saw the small artificial lake behind a couple trenches.

"You three take Otus, I'll handle Ephialtes." Percy said calmly, "Artemis will help kill both the giants when the time comes."

Jason and Reyna looked at Percy disbelievingly but couldn't say anything before Percy sprinted off toward Ephialtes.

"Well, well; the great Perseus Jackson wants to fight me one on one. You will pay for your arrogance little demigod." Ephialtes sneered before trying to impale Percy with his spear.

Percy rolled to the right to avoid the spear, notching an arrow as he stood. He began firing at the giant who, compared to other giants was rather small, but still stood twice as tall as Percy's height of six foot two. As Percy continued to fire arrows at the giant, Ephialtes began getting struck by silver arrows from behind. Artemis stood behind the giant firing at a speed similar to Percy, forcing the giant to decide which side to defend. More and more arrows found their way into the flesh of the giant.

Ephialtes spun toward Artemis and charged but the goddess of the hunt was much too fast for the giant, quickly evading the giant's spear. Percy used the distraction to draw water out of the artificial lake. When the water reached Percy, he froze it into half a dozen frozen spears. Ephialtes was about to turn toward Percy, but Artemis saw Percy's plan and charged the giant, impaling him in the leg with two hunting knives.

Ephialtes knocked Artemis off her feet with his spear and grinned victoriously as he was about to impale her before his body went rigid. Three large spears of ice protruded out of the giant's midsection while one impaled each of his legs and the final ice spear pierced his neck.

Ephialtes dropped to his knees as Artemis stepped closer to him. The giant's eyes were already glazed over before Artemis drove her hunting knife through the giant's skull. Ephialtes dissolved into golden dust.

Percy and Artemis were about to help the other three with Otus when the entire arena shook violently. Otus sunk into the ground before anyone could react. They all looked toward the army of monsters to find only the hunters and members of the quest staring at a figure who had dagger to Thalia's throat.

Percy and Artemis looked on in horror as Annabeth had a dagger to Thalia's throat. She held her in front of a huge canyon that appeared when the arena shook.

"Let her go Annabeth. It's me you want to kill, not Thalia." Percy growled.

Annabeth smiled evilly, "Wrong again Seaweed Brain. I want to kill both of you. But I think I will start with good ol' Thals here."

Percy tried to step forward but Annabeth pressed her dagger more tightly to Thalia's throat, drawing blood from a small cut.

"No, no Percy. You're going to stay right where you are. But don't worry; I'm not going to kill Thalia yet. Some of my friends from the pit want to have some fun with her first." Annabeth said with a sadistic smile.

Percy and Artemis' eyes widened.

Annabeth reached down and ripped the bracelet from Thalia's wrist and threw her canister of mace that was her spear toward the hunters.

"Don't worry Percy, I promise to reunite you with your dearest cousin very soon." Annabeth sneered before she threw Thalia backwards into the large hole in the ground. Annabeth's body sunk into the earth before anyone could attack her.

Percy tried to flash into the hole but his body simply bounced off when he tried to get to Thalia. Artemis sprinted to the edge of the canyon where Percy was climbing to his feet. The rest of the hunters and quest members quickly joined them.

Everyone stared into the canyon in horror as they knew Thalia had just been thrown into Tartarus. Nearly every single person there had tears in their eyes as they looked down. The only exception being Percy.

Percy snatched up Thalia's bracelet and canister of mace. Artemis watched him and noticed the strange look in his eyes.

"Percy, what are you doing?" Artemis said nervously.

Percy didn't reply. He walked over to Nico and grabbed his sword; handing him Riptide as he did. Nico looked at Percy in confusion.

Percy walked over to Artemis who was standing a few feet away from the edge of the abyss that led into Tartarus. Everyone was watching Percy in confusion.

Percy grabbed Artemis' hands in his own before he pulled her close and kissed her passionately in front of every single hunter.

"I love you Artemis. I'm sorry but I have to do this." Percy said as everyone stared at him in utter shock.

"Don't you dare." Artemis said with tears in her eyes.

Percy smiled sadly at her, "I have to do this. I will be back. Find the doors of death. Nico, I'll give you your sword back there, I'll need a weapon of the Underworld. Thalia and I will meet you there. I love you Artemis." Percy said before he backed up to the edge of the pit.

Artemis tried to grab him but couldn't before Percy back flipped into the canyon and fell into the abyss of Tartarus.