Chapter 16: Welcome to Tartarus

Don't you dare." Artemis said with tears in her eyes.

Percy smiled sadly at her, "I have to do this. I will be back. Find the doors of death. Nico, I'll give you your sword back there, I'll need a weapon of the Underworld. Thalia and I will meet you guys there. I love you Artemis." Percy said before he backed up to the edge of the pit.

Artemis tried to grab him but couldn't before Percy back flipped into the canyon and fell into the abyss of Tartarus.

Artemis dropped to her knees as tears fell freely from her eyes. No one spoke. Everyone was trying to come to grips with what had just happened. Percy had just willingly jumped into Tartarus in an effort to save his best friend.

Nico stared down into the abyss in shock and horror. His two best friends were now in the depths of the pit. A place even his father wouldn't venture into.

The hunters stared into the pit, all with tears in their eyes, not just for their sister and lieutenant but also for the one man they trusted. They had all just seen Percy kiss their mistress, the goddess of virginity and a maiden goddess. The older hunters knew their mistress and Percy liked each other and honestly weren't that surprised to find out they were in love.

After a couple minutes of silence, Nico turned toward everone with a look of grief on his face but also a fiery determination in his onyx colored eyes.

"We must get to the doors of death. If there are two demigods on this planet who can make it through Tartarus, it's Percy and Thalia. Percy will hold up his end and we need to hold up ours." Nico said in a commanding tone.

The other six members of the prophecy nodded their heads in agreement.

Jason finally regained his composure after seeing Thalia thrown into Tartaru00s, "He's right, if we don't get there it won't matter if they make it through Tartarus or not."

"Do you know where the doors of death even are?" Artemis asked quietly as tears still fell from her face.

Nico nodded, "Ephialtes said the doors of death are in Epirus, Greece. When he thought he was about to kill us, he bragged how we would have never made it to Epirus. He taunted me for not realizing the location of the doors was in a temple dedicated to my father. He said they were in a place called the House of Hades." Nico explained.

Artemis finally regained some of her composure, "My hunters and I will join you in the journey to Epirus. The doors will be heavily guarded by Gaia's forces. We will help you take control of the doors on the mortal side."

Nico nodded, "Thank you Lady Artemis. We are grateful for your aid."

"Return to your ship. My hunters will join you shortly. I must go to Olympus and inform the gods about what has happened here." Artemis said solemnly.

Nico led the other six members of the prophecy out of the coliseum while the hunters remained behind to speak to their mistress. Once the demigods were gone, Artemis turned to her hunters with a saddened expression.

"I'm sorry girls." Artemis said looking down.

"Do you love Percy Jackson milady?" Phoebe asked in a tone that didn't give away her opinion of the topic.

Artemis looked up into her oldest huntress' eyes, "Yes I do." She said softly.

Phoebe remained silent for a minute before nodding, "Good."

Artemis' eyes widened, "You're okay with it?" She asked in disbelief.

Phoebe smiled, "If it were any other man in the world then I would be furious and probably try to kill him first chance I got. But I don't know if the world has ever had a male even half as good as Percy. You heard him when he went off on Aphrodite, although that does explain why he got quite that angry. He took the weight of the sky for you when he was fourteen and just willingly jumped into Tartarus to save one of our sisters. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am happy you've found the best male this worlds's ever seen milady."

Artemis stared at Phoebe in disbelief. Before she could speak, hunters began voicing their agreements one by one until they all agreed they were happy for their mistress.

Artemis smiled sadly, "Thank you for understanding girls. Come gather around, I will drop you off on the ship before I go to Olympus to deliver the news. I will be back as soon as possible and we will go get Percy and Thalia back, no matter what it takes."

The hunters all nodded before Artemis teleported them to the Argo II. Artemis tried to calm herself down but the images of Percy and Thalia both falling into Tartarus kept popping into her head. Eventually she composed herself and teleported into the throne room on Olympus where she found both her father and Hera.

"Father, gather the council." Artemis said as confidently as she could but her voice cracked when she spoke.

Zeus eyes widened, "What happened dear?" He asked concerned.

"Percy and Thalia are in Tartarus." Artemis whispered sadly.

Zeus' eyes widened while Hera looked like her heart had been ripped out of her chest.

Zeus raised his master bolt before a monstrous bolt of lightning shot in the sky. In a matter of seconds, the entire council flashed into their thrones.

Everyone looked at Zeus in confusion but when they saw the tears in Hera's eyes, they knew something bad had happened.

"The council has been called because Artemis has informed us that Perseus and Thalia are currently in Tartarus." Zeus said worriedly.

Poseidon shot out of his throne with a look of panic on his face, "What? How did this happen?"

Zeus turned to Artemis to explain.

Artemis tried to compose herself before speaking, "Percy received an Iris Message from Nico earlier today; Nico and the quest had run into the two giants Ephialtes and Otus. Nico said they members of the quest had prayed for help but no one came. So he messaged Percy knowing he would be with me. Percy and I, along with my hunters, teleported to Rome to find the seven battling both giants and a small army of monsters. My hunters fought the monsters while Percy and I joined Jason, Reyna and Nico against the giants. Percy and I killed Ephialtes but the moment we turned to help the others against Otus, the entire arena shook violently. Otus disappeared into the earth and when we looked to check on my hunters, we found Annabeth with a knife at Thalia's throat."

The tension in the throne room grew immensely at the mention of Athena's daughter. Athena herself tried to keep her composure but her eyes gave away her sorrow. Zeus nodded for Artemis to continue.

"Percy tried to exchange places with Thalia but Annabeth said it wasn't time for him to die yet. When the arena had shaken violently, a large crack had appeared in the earth. Before we could react, Annabeth took Thalia's weapons and tossed her into the crack, which lead into Tartarus. Annabeth then disappeared into the earth like Otus had. While everyone was still in shock, Percy gathered Thalia's weapons. He gave Nico Riptide and took Nico's Stygian Iron sword. When I asked Percy what he was doing." Artemis said before her voice cracked. "He said he was sorry but he wouldn't let Thalia face Tartarus alone. I tried to grab him but he just smiled sadly and jumped away from me and into the abyss."

The room was in shocked silence. No one spoke for a full two minutes before Zeus jumped out of his throne and launched his master bolt at Dionysus.

Dionysus was blasted out of his throne and onto the floor unconscious.

"My orders were clear. You are to aid quest when they fight the giants born to oppose you." Zeus bellowed in a rage.

Hera stood from her throne; tears still present in her eyes as she put a comforting hand on her husband's arm. Zeus calmed a bit at her touch.

"Heal him Apollo." Zeus growled.

Apollo jumped from his throne and began to work on the unconscious wine god.

Poseidon sat on his throne still in a state of shock. Artemis returned to her throne as she struggled to keep her tears at bay.

Dionysus regained consciousness and looked at his father with fear.

"Why did you not follow my orders?" Zeus growled.

Dionysus shrunk under his father's glare, "I.. I'm sorry father."

Zeus clenched his master bolt but Hera kept a hand on his arm trying to calm him.

"You are a disgrace to the council. Because of you, both my daughter and Perseus are in Tartarus. The only reason I haven't blasted you down to Tartarus is I fear you wouldn't be brave enough to stand up against Gaia and her minions. You would most likely betray us to save your own ass." Zeus spat at the cowering god.

Dionysus tried to walk back toward his throne but was stopped by Zeus.

"Where do you think you're going? As of right now, you don't have a throne within the council. Perhaps you can redeem yourself in this war. But you had better hope both Thalia and Perseus make it out of Tartarus alive or you will face the wrath of both Poseidon and I." Zeus growled.

"But father…" Dionysus started before he was silenced by a blast of ice cold sea water hitting him in the face.

"You are beyond pathetic. You shrink from the battle and force Percy and Artemis to fight in your place. If my son dies down in that hellhole, I will drag you into my domain for an eternity of pain and suffering." Poseidon said trembling in anger and sorrow.

"Just leave Dionysus. Return to Camp Half Blood before someone actually kills you." Hera said seriously but she wanted to kill him herself.

Dionysus wisely flashed out of the throne room.

Everyone returned to their thrones, a general feeling a sorrow was felt throughout the council.

"What can we do to help my son and Thalia?" Hera asked finally speaking up.

Everyone turned toward Hades who shook his head sadly, "I have no access to Tartarus. Word from the pit says that the Primordial Tartarus will not join Gaia outright but he will not aide us against her either."

Zeus cursed loudly and silence overtook the room again until Artemis spoke up.

"Before he jumped into Tartarus, Percy told us to meet him at the mortal side of the doors of death. He said he would meet us there. My hunters are already aboard the Argo II and I will be joining them as soon as this meeting is over." Artemis said regaining some confidence.

"Do we know where the mortal side of the doors of death are at the moment?" Poseidon asked.

Artemis nodded, "Nico said they are in Epirus, Greece. Ephialtes taunted Nico that he couldn't find the doors when they were in his father's temple. My hunters and I will help the quest take control of the mortal side of the doors. We just have to pray that Percy and Thalia can fight their way there."

New hope coursed through a number of the Olympians. Before anyone could speak Apollo stood from his throne, "Artemis you are not going to the doors of death. It is a mortal quest and godly interference is forbidden."

Artemis' eyes narrowed and she slowly walked over to her brother. When she was a foot away from him she reached back and threw a hard punch into his nose. Ichor began to flow from his nose as he looked at his sister shocked.

"I'm a goddess you chauvinistic bastard. This is the final time you will ever interfere with my life. I know you plan on trying to kill Percy after the war. I've got news for you brother; I don't need you to protect me. You are the definition of the vile kind of man I hate. I've always been forced to love you because you were my twin brother but this is it. I sever any kind of familial relationship with you. You are no different than any other mortal male scum in the world to me now." Artemis spat at a wide-eyed Apollo.

Apollo stared at his sister in shock before his eyes narrowed, "You would choose a demigod over your own brother?"

"Yes Apollo, I do choose Percy over you. He actually has enough respect for me to treat me like an adult instead of a child. I didn't want this but I will not spend the rest of my life worrying about you killing any male friend I have." Artemis replied seriously.

Artemis turned and walked back to her throne without looking back at Apollo once. Apollo just stared at her in shock.

"Apollo, I agree with your sister. Furthermore, if you touch Perseus, I swear on the River Styx I will cast you into Tartarus for the rest of eternity." Zeus announced and thunder boomed loudly.

Apollo's jaw dropped as he slumped back into his throne avoiding the looks of anger from the rest of the council.

"Back to point, I will lead my hunters and the quest to Epirus and help them take control of the doors. We can do little else to help them while they are in Tartarus." Artemis said turning back to the council.

"What hope do they really have of fighting their way through Tartarus and to the doors of death?" Hermes asked.

"Perseus is the most powerful demigod to ever live and Thalia is one of the most powerful. If anyone can make it, it's the two of them." Artemis said confidently.

Everyone thought about her words and couldn't argue with her logic. They still knew the chances weren't good but Percy had a knack for defying the odds.

"Very well, we will just have to hope Perseus and Thalia can make it and be ready on the mortal side of doors." Zeus announced before dismissing the council.

A number of the Olympians flashed out but a few stayed back. Apollo walked over to Artemis throne, "Artemis…" He started but was cut off.

"If you value your life, you will not speak to me, boy." Artemis spat.

Apollo's head dropped and he flashed out. The only Olympians left were Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hestia and Artemis.

"How do you know Apollo was planning on trying to kill Percy?" Poseidon asked Artemis.

"Percy read his thoughts when he was arguing with father last council meeting." Artemis answered angrily.

A small smile appeared on Hera's face, "His power is growing."

Poseidon looked surprised but nodded sadly and turned back to Artemis, "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I will do anything help my son and Thalia escape the pit."

Artemis nodded and Poseidon disappeared into a sea breeze. Artemis turned towards her father and Hera only to be pulled into a hug by the Queen of the Gods.

Hera leaned down to her ear, "Percy will make it out. He would never forgive himself for hurting you. Don't lose faith, he will make it."

Artemis pulled back and nodded with a small smile to Hera. Hera turned to Hestia and both disappeared from the throne room.

Artemis was left with only her father who sat on his throne with a worried look on his face. Artemis walked over a put hand on his arm, "It's okay father, they will make it out." She said softly.

Zeus looked up a little surprised but gave her a small smile, "I hope you are right."

"Percy has never let you down has he father?" Artemis asked.

Zeus smiled, "You are right daughter; never in his life has he let me or anyone down. He is quite special isn't he?" Zeus asked, his face morphing into a bit of sly smile.

Artemis eyes widened and she couldn't help but blush.

Zeus chuckled, "You may be a goddess but a father can always read his daughter and her feelings toward a boy."

Artemis' face was now crimson red. She composed herself and looked at her father questioningly. She was about to say something but Zeus held up his hand.

"Any man who would take the sky off one of my daughter's shoulders and then jump into Tartarus to save another has more than proven his worth. We can discuss whatever your feelings are toward Perseus if we win this war. Just know that I will protect him from your brother no matter the circumstance." Zeus said seriously.

Artemis smiled and kissed her father on the cheek, "Thank you Dad."

Zeus smiled, "Go join your hunters. You and Perseus have a long road ahead of you before we can think about things like this."

Artemis nodded and flashed back to the Argo II.

Line Break

Thalia cursed herself for letting that bitch Annabeth sneak up behind her. She knew her life was over now. She was plummeting down to Tartarus. She prayed the fall would just kill her and she wouldn't have to suffer inside the pit. She had a bad feeling that the fall wasn't going to kill her since Annabeth had taken the time disarm her. Now she couldn't even defend herself. Thalia was starting to get impatient at the time it was taking her to fall. She was on the verge of a panic attack as her ultimate fear was of heights and she had been free falling for at least thirty seconds.

Thalia got a sense of dread when she felt her speed slow dramatically. She slowed until he reached the bottom of the cavern with little more than a soft thud. She shot to her feet looking around wildly.

At first she thought she was alone until she saw a pair of glowing red eyes looking at her from a few yards away. The figure stepped forward until the Minotaur looked at her with a malicious grin. Slowly more monsters came out of the shadows eyeing Thalia like a tasty piece of steak. Of course to them, that probably exactly what she looked like.

The monsters skulked toward her as Thalia looked around wildly for anything she could use as a weapon. Just as she was about to try to fight off the beasts with her bare hands a thunderous boom shook the area she was standing in and the ground shook violently.

Thalia was confused when all the monsters were knocked off their feet while she wasn't affected by the quake. Suddenly Thalia saw a sight that nearly brought tears of both joy and sorrow to her eyes.

Her cousin and best friend rose from a knee with a murderous look on his face. He looked around until he saw Thalia and a look of relief flashed across his face.

Percy smiled and reached into his pack and tossed Thalia and bracelet and canister of mace. Thalia's eyes widened when she saw her bracelet was the one that held Aegis and her spear materialized in her hand out of the canister of mace.

Without a word, Percy charged toward the Minotaur as the monster got to his feet. It growled murderously at Percy as it tried to split Percy in two with its axe. Percy dodged the strike before slicing off one of the Minotaur's arms with his new Stygian Iron sword.

Thalia activated Aegis just as a Hellhound lunged at her. The monster was met with a face full of celestial bronze shield before Thalia slammed her spear through its throat. The beast shuddered but didn't dissolve. It just died and laid there.

The Minotaur roared in agony when Percy severed its arm. Percy wasted no time in decapitating the monster before spinning to find a Dracaena charging at him. Percy sent a ball of fire into its face and slit the throat of the Hellhound next to it.

Percy whirled around to find a half dozen other monsters lying dead on the ground. He saw Thalia retract her spear and shield and lock eyes with him. Percy sheathed his sword just as Thalia tackled him in a hug as tears began to pour from her eyes.

"It's alright Thals. You're not alone. I'm right here with you." Percy said soothingly as he rubbed her back. Thalia just hugged him tighter.

After a minute Thalia pulled back and wiped her eyes, "What happened Percy? How did you end up down here too?"

Percy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Umm, I kind of jumped in."

Thalia's eyes widened, "Why the Hades would you do that?" She screeched.

Percy shrugged, "You're my best friend. If you go to Tartarus, I'm going with you."

Thalia stared at Percy in shock before she punched him hard in the stomach. Percy winced but Thalia immediately pulled him into another hug.

"You're such an idiot Kelp Head." Thalia said as a few more tears fell from her eyes. "But you're the best Kelp Head a friend could ask for."

Percy smiled and hugged Thalia tightly, "I know it was stupid Thals, but you didn't even have your weapons. I won't lose another person I love to that bitch Annabeth. You and I are getting out of here, no matter what it takes."

Thalia buried her head into Percy's shoulder, "Thank you Perce. I love you too. And when we get out of here, we are going to slice that bitch up into million pieces." She whispered softly.

Percy chuckled, "I can't wait."

Thalia pulled back and looked around, "Any idea where to go?"

Percy shrugged before he put a hand of Thalia's shoulder.

"Um, before we start. I need to tell you something." Percy said warily.

"Okay, what is it?" Thalia asked curiously.

Percy sighed, "The rest of the hunt knows this now, but please don't kill me Thals, Artemis and I are kind of dating." Percy said carefully.

Thalia stared at Percy for a minute before she laughed, "I was waiting for you to say something Kelp Head."

Percy's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth Percy, who knows what you'll catch down here. I saw you two kiss on the beach a couple days ago." Thalia said smirking.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Thalia shrugged, "You're my best friend. I knew you would tell me when you were ready."

"And you're okay with it?" Percy asked.

Thalia smiled, "Of course. If any man is worthy to date milady, it's you Perce. But if you hurt her, I'll cut your balls off." Thalia said dead serious.

Percy grinned, "That sounds fair to me."

Thalia smiled, "Good. Now let's try to figure out how we can get out of here. I'm guessing you can't teleport us out."

Percy grimaced, "No, I tried to flash to you when you got pushed in. It was like running into a brick wall."

Thalia smiled, "Thanks for trying."

Percy shrugged, "Would have been cool if it actually worked. Then we wouldn't be stuck in this hellhole."

Thalia rolled her eyes but smiled. She couldn't express how relieved she was she had a friend willing to jump into Tartarus for her.

The two walked in a direction they guessed might be good for a couple hours. They ran into monsters every few hundred yards but nothing they couldn't handle. They soon reached some kind of doorway and crotched down behind it.

"Should we go in?" Thalia whispered.

Percy nodded, "If they are putting doorways then at least we know we are heading somewhere important."

Thalia grimaced but nodded.

Percy slowly crept to the doorway and gently pushed the door open to peer inside. The room was dimly lit but he didn't see anyone. He crept a little further in and froze. Percy crept back, slowly closing the door.

Thalia stared at Percy confused. Percy crept back a few feet from the door. When Thalia looked at him, Percy was deathly white.

"What's wrong Percy? Thalia whispered quietly.

Percy shook his head, "I don't get it. They shouldn't be here."

"Who?" Thalia asked worriedly.

Percy stared blankly, "We have to get them. They're chained to the wall in there."

Thalia groaned in frustration, "Who Kelp Head?"

Percy looked her dead in the eyes, "Zoe and Bianca."