Chapter 17: Finding Dead Friends

Percy looked her dead in the eyes, "Zoe and Bianca."

Thalia's jaw dropped and she shot up to her feet only to have Percy yank her back down roughly and clamp his hand over her mouth before she could protest.

Thalia's eyes flashed with anger when she looked at Percy but Percy just stared back at her defiantly.

"Wait!" Percy hissed quietly. "We have no idea how their down here and who has them chained up inside."

Thalia pulled Percy's hand off her mouth, "We have to help them."

Percy narrowed his eyes at his best friend, "You think I don't know that? Charging in their blindly will only lead us to being in the same position as them. We need to figure out what we're running into if we want to save them. I promise we are not leaving Tartarus without both of them."

Thalia nodded grudgingly knowing Percy probably just saved her from getting herself captured.

"Okay then Kelp Head, what should we do?" Thalia whispered frustrated.

"I don't know. You think I expected seeing two of my dead friends chained to a wall in Tartarus when I opened that door?" Percy whispered just as agitated.

"Did you see anyone else?" Thalia whispered.

Percy shook his head, "I got out of there as soon as I saw them so I didn't get seen. I wish Nico were here, his ability to hide in shadows would be awfully helpful."

"Are they okay?" Thalia asked, her tone softening.

Percy's eyes darkened, "They're alive but not in the best shape. If we can get them out and hide somewhere for a bit then I can heal them and get them some food and water. I have a small amount of nectar and ambrosia but I should be able to heal them with some water if I can still conjure up foods. My fire powers still work so I assume all my others still work too with the exception of teleporting. There is probably some kind of block inside Tartarus to prevent people from teleporting out."

Thalia nodded but her eyes have away her concern.

"Maybe if I can sneak the door open again I can get Zoe's attention. If she's awake, maybe she can let us know who is holding her." Percy said warily.

Thalia stared at Percy as she tried to think of a better plan but her mind came up blank.

"Alright Percy but if you get caught, we're going in there guns blazing. We are not getting captured down here alive." Thalia said seriously.

Percy nodded his head in agreement.

Percy grabbed a handful of small pebbles that littered the floor underneath them and crawled his way back up to the door. He looked back at Thalia who was crouched a few feet back with her canister of mace in hand as she nodded to Percy to signal that she was ready.

Percy gently pushed open the door to the dimly lit room again. He peered around until his eyes landed on the two chained huntresses. Percy's heart clenched when he saw their bruised bodies and faces. He looked at Zoe and noticed her body move slightly. Percy pushed the door just a little more open and looked around to see the room empty.

Percy grabbed a pebble and tossed it at Zoe's feet. When it hit, her eyes snapped open, a look of pure hatred in them. She looked toward the other end of the room but then started closing her eyes again. Percy threw another pebble, this time hitting her in the arm. Zoe's eyes shot wide open again and she looked around the room. When her eyes landed on Percy her jaw dropped.

Percy put a finger to his mouth. Zoe gave him the slightest of nods.

Percy mouthed the word 'guard' to her.

Zoe nodded slightly.

Percy then mouthed 'how many'. Zoe stared at him until he held up five fingers. Percy pointed up and Zoe shook her head. He pointed down and she nodded.

Percy mouthed the word 'Titan' and Zoe paused for a minute before shaking her head, something that made Percy a little uneasy.

Percy mouth the words 'we're coming' to her, to which Zoe's face quirked into the smallest of smiles and her gratefulness and gratitude shined in her volcanic black eyes.

Percy slowly crept back, closing the door quietly and turned to an anxious Thalia.

"Zoe seems okay. I'm not sure about Bianca but there are guards outside the door at the other end of the room. There aren't any Titans but she paused when I asked, so I'm guessing there is probably at least one nearby." Percy whispered to Thalia.

Thalia nodded, "What do you want to do?"

"I will slip in as quietly as I can and sneak over to them. You stand guard near the door. If anything comes through the other door, you put an arrow between their eyes." Percy said as he pulled his bow off his back and handed it to Thalia. Thalia grinned but then looked confused.

"We don't have any arrows." Thalia said sadly.

Percy shook his head, "Just pull back on the string, the arrow will appear already notched. The bow was a gift from Hestia when I started rescuing demigods."

Thalia pulled back on the string and grinned when an arrow appeared on the string, "Alright Kelp Head, let's do this."

Percy nodded and crept back to the door. After checking the room again he crawled over to Zoe who was trying to suppress a smile at the site of Percy and Thalia. When he reached her, he smirked, "Need a hand milady?"

Zoe glared but couldn't help but smile, "What are you doing down here Perseus?"

"Oh you know, Thalia and I thought we'd take a vacation and heard Tartarus was lovely this time of year." He said dryly.

Zoe's eyes narrowed but Percy chuckled, "Right now we're breaking you two the Hades out of here. I promise to explain once you two are safe." He said more seriously.

A small amused smile appeared on Zoe's face. Only Percy Jackson would make a joke at these of all times but she couldn't describe how happy she was to see him and Thalia.

Percy looked at the chains and noticed they were Stygian Iron, not something that would be easy to break.

"Perseus, there are a few monsters outside the door but Iapetus checks on us regularly. We must move quickly before he returns." Zoe whispered.

Percy nodded and reached into his pack, he pulled out a square of ambrosia, "Eat this. You will need your strength if we need to run." Percy whispered.

Zoe smiled and took the godly food from Percy. She tried to put it in her mouth but the chains kept her hand from reaching her mouth.

Percy grabbed the ambrosia and stuffed it into her open mouth. Zoe glared at him but smiled when the food worked its magic on some of her wounds.

Percy slashed his sword and broke the chains holding Zoe to the wall before snapping the ones that held her feet. Zoe dropped to a knee when she was finally released. Percy took off his cloak and threw it over her, covering her ripped and torn clothing. His blood boiled a bit at the thought of whoever touched her and Bianca. Zoe gave him a nod and smile of gratitude before the door swung open and two Cyclops burst through.

Thalia put and an arrow between both of their eyes before they could make a sound.

Percy quickly broke Bianca free of her chains and caught her before she could collapse on the floor. More monsters began to pour into the room faster than Thalia's arrows could strike them down. Percy turned to Zoe to see her limping slowly toward Thalia. She was more injured than she had let on. Percy put Bianca over one shoulder before ducking under Zoe's arm and helping her walk to the doorway where Thalia stood firing arrows. Percy set Bianca down gently and slipped out from under Zoe.

"Get them outside the door and close it." Percy yelled to Thalia.

Thalia gave him a worried look, "What are you doing Percy?"

Percy's eyes narrowed as he lit his hands on fire.

"Make sure I leave a lasting impression on their prison." He growled.

Thalia nodded and picked up Bianca and helped Zoe out the door. The minute it closed Percy turned toward the monsters trying to walk through the bodies of their fallen comrades and sent a huge wave of fire into the room. Percy continued adding more and more fire until the entire room was engulfed in flames.

Percy ducked out the door to see Thalia trying to carry Bianca and help Zoe get away from the doorway. Percy ran up and scooped up Bianca from Thalia and then turned to Zoe, "I'm sorry about this Zoe. You're not going to like this but we need to get some distance between us and those monsters. Iapetus won't be too far behind after that commotion."

Zoe looked at Percy confused before Percy snatched her up and set her on his other shoulder. Thalia tried to contain her laughter at Zoe's scowling face but Percy snapped her out of it.

"Go!" He yelled.

Thalia nodded and they ran back the way they had come. Thalia kept her bow out picking off any monster that came into sight until they saw a small cave off to the side of the trail they were running down. Thalia killed a Hellhound that was a couple dozen yards ahead before ducking into the cave with Percy right on her heels.

The cave was somewhat deep and they traveled a good fifty feet inside before they slowed down and stopped. Thalia grabbed Bianca from Percy and set her down before Percy gently laid Zoe back onto her feet.

Zoe glared at him but Percy glared right back causing Zoe to smirk, "I see you have grown up over the years Perseus. When we met before you would have shrunk from my glare immediately."

Percy's glare turned into a grin before he shocked Zoe by stepping forward and pulling her into a gentle hug, "I don't know how you two are alive but you have no idea how glad I am to see you guys." Percy said softly.

Zoe's shocked face shifted into a small smile as she hugged him back, "It's good to see you as well Perseus."

Percy pulled back with a smile before he looked at Bianca and frowned. Percy clapped his hands together softly as a half-dozen glasses of water appeared. He put a hand on each of his shoulders as his hands began to glow a soft orange color while the water followed his hands and travelled down from Bianca's shoulders and covered her wounds. Thalia and Zoe looked in shock when they saw him work on Bianca. Percy continued to work on her for a few minutes before the he made the water evaporate as he stumbled back in exhaustion, panting hard with beads of sweat pouring down his face.

Thalia reached into his pack and pulled out a flask of nectar and handed it to Percy.

"I'm fine. Save it for when we really need it." Percy said tiredly.

"Is she okay?" Thalia asked gesturing to Bianca.

Percy nodded, "Her injuries are healed. She just needs to rest for now."

Thalia sighed with relief before she looked at Percy questioningly, "What did you do? What was the glow coming from your hands?"

Percy smiled, "The hearth has the power to heal and well as hurt."

Thalia smiled but Zoe looked even more confused. Percy smiled at her, "Lady Hestia is my patron."

Zoe's eyes widened, "When did that happen?"

Percy scowled, "After I found out Annabeth killed my mother and her fiancé."

Zoe face morphed into a look of hatred, "The bitch that brought Bianca and I down to Tartarus."

Percy looked at Zoe confused, "How are you two down here? I thought you were in the sky?"

Zoe shook her head, "I was but Lord Ouranos allows souls to leave his court and go to Elysium if they wish. Once I saw that bastard Orion in the sky, I decided Elysium would be a better choice."

Percy scowled at the mention of Orion, but didn't respond. Then he looked confused again, "Okay I get that, but how are you in Bianca in Tartarus and from what I can tell, alive again?"

Zoe frowned, "Annabeth snuck into Elysium with Iapetus and Prometheus and captured Bianca and I while we were practicing archery. They brought us to Tartarus where Gaia brought us back to life. They said Bianca and I would be perfect bait for capturing you."

Percy scowled but Zoe spoke up again, "They said you were part of the hunt." She said looking at Percy confused.

Percy's eyes widened as Zoe continued looking at him waiting for an answer.

Thalia spoke up for Percy, "He isn't really a member of the hunt. But he and Lady Artemis are very close friends. He has been traveling with us for the past month or so. You're looking at the first man to ever receive the blessing of Artemis." Thalia said with a hint of pride in her voice.

Zoe's jaw dropped as she looked at Percy in shock. Percy looked at Thalia gratefully for not telling her everything. Thalia smiled mischievously but nodded.

"The hunters are okay with a male traveling with the hunt?" Zoe asked still confused.

Percy shrugged but Thalia spoke up again.

"Of course we are; but only because it's Percy. He has brought the last six or seven hunters to the hunt anyway. We are fine with Percy since we know we don't have to worry about him. I mean even Phoebe likes him." She explained.

Zoe looked confused for a minute before she smiled a bit, "I can see how you would be the only male to be accepted. But how did you manage to become friends with Phoebe?"

Thalia smirked, "Well he really won her over when he brought her to beat the crap out of everybody's favorite minor god Heracles. From the way Phoebe described it, Percy was almost as brutal as she was when they beat him senseless."

Zoe looked confused, so Percy explained further, "He was refusing to allow the quest traveling to close the doors of death to cross into the Mediterrean Sea. Nico sent me an IM to ask Zeus to call Heracles off. I thought Phoebe and I would just persuade him to change his mind."

Zoe stared at Percy before a huge grin stretched across her face, "Well I hope you two left a lasting memory of your encounter for that vile man."

Thalia chuckled, "Well he now has the words Anaklusmos burned into his flesh to remind him of betraying you courtesy of Percy and Phoebe made sure there won't be any little Heracles anytime in the future."

Zoe laughed at Thalia's explanation and smiled at Percy gratefully.

Percy then explained everything that happened since Zoe had died. Some of it she knew from the souls in Elysium but Percy explained everything up until after the battle versus the two giants in Rome. Zoe was shocked at Percy was adopted by Hera of all goddesses but was happy he had a mother in his life after his was killed. She smiled at Percy when he explained his wish and how he freed Artemis' mother as well as her half-sister Calypso.

"So why are you two in Tartarus?" Zoe asked Thalia and Percy.

Thalia scowled, "Annabeth snuck up on me after the Percy and milady killed one of the giants. She threw me into Tartarus before vanishing."

Zoe scowled but nodded. She looked at Percy, "Did she throw you in as well?"

Percy shook his as he looked around uncomfortably, "No, I sort of jumped in."

Zoe's eyes widened, "What? Why?"

Percy looked into her eyes, "I wasn't going to let my best friend face Tartarus alone and weaponless. Now that we've found you and Bianca, I am even more convinced that I made the right decision."

Zoe gaped at Percy before she smiled, "You are a good friend Perseus. Possibly the only good male out there but a great friend, regardless of gender."

Percy smiled at her before Thalia spoke up, "Zoe, what happened to your accent?"

Zoe shrugged, "Before I left the sky, Lord Ouranos helped me with my english. Since then it's been improving over the years in Elysium."

"I'm guessing you're hungry Zoe. What do you want to eat?" Percy asked once she finished her explanation.

"What do you have?" She asked.

Percy smirked and clapped his hands, producing a slice of pizza for himself, "Anything that can be cooked as a home cooked meal. It's one of the perks of being the champion of Hestia."

Zoe smiled and ordered a very large meal of just about everything she could think of. Thalia had a smaller similar meal. Percy conjured up several glasses of water, handing one to each of them before drawing the water out of the rest. He knelt down next to Zoe and gently grabbed her hand. Zoe looked at him confused but smiled when she felt her wounds healing. After a minute Percy pulled the water back made it evaporate.

A low groan drew their attention as Bianca began to stir. Percy knelt down beside her as her eyes fluttered open. When she saw Percy she scrambled back in shock. "W..What are you doing here Percy?"

Zoe stood up, "Relax Bianca. Perseus and Thalia rescued us. Perseus healed your wounds while you were asleep."

Bianca's eyes widened before she turned back to Percy and tackled him a hug, "Thank you so much Percy." She whispered as a few tears fell from her eyes. Percy smiled and hugged her back, "I'm just happy you and Zoe are alive and okay again."

Bianca pulled back smiling before she frowned, "Um… I'm really grateful to you and Thalia but what in my father's name are you two doing down here?"

Percy sighed and began explain everything again after getting Bianca some food and water. When he finished Bianca smiled proudly at Percy, "Thank you Percy. Looks like you've been saving everyone lately."

Percy shrugged, "Don't thank me yet. We still need to find our way to the doors of death and pray that Artemis and Nico are there with the hunters and that they have control of the other side of the doors."

Zoe stepped up frowning, "We don't have any weapons to help you fight."

Percy smiled and took his bow from Thalia who glared at him. Percy rolled his eyes and handed the bow to a shocked Zoe, "I think you will find this a weapon to your liking. It was a gift from Hestia when I started my new life. The bow loads itself when you draw back the string."

Zoe grinned when she pulled back the string, "This bow is amazing. It feels just like my old hunter's bow. But wait. Why do you have a bow? If I remember right, you are terrible at archery."

Thalia began laughing, "Percy is a better archer than any of the hunters. He tied Lady Artemis herself in an archery competition."

Zoe nearly dropped the bow in shock, "W..W..What? How?"

Percy smiled, "I spent five years on my own in the wilderness other than rescuing demigods. I had a lot of time to practice. Not to mention that Artemis' blessing gave me the same abilities as a hunter. Besides, the competition was easy; I only tied Artemis because she chose and easy format. I am good, but she would have beaten me if she had chosen a harder shot for the contest. She just assumed as a male I would suck. Five years earlier she would have been right."

Zoe shook her head, "Any more surprises Perseus?"

Percy paled a bit but shrugged, "None that I can think of." He said quickly causing Thalia to have to stifle a laugh.

Percy turned to Bianca and handed her his two hunting knives, "Sorry, I only have one bow but these were a gift from my mother. Twirl them in your hand and they turn into silver. Twirl them again to return them to imperial gold."

Bianca smiled, "Why silver?"

"I've had a few run-ins with Lycaon and his pack over the past few years." Percy answered.

Bianca nodded, "Thank you Percy."

Zoe nodded her agreement, "Yes thank you Perseus. We certainly owe you a lot after all you've done for us."

Percy chuckled, "Did you honestly think we would just leave you two? Just call me Percy from now on and we're even."

Zoe looked surprised but smiled, "I think that I can do that."

Percy smiled, "Good. Now let's get out of this hellhole. We've got a certain daughter of Athena I think we all would like to get a piece of."

All three girls' eyes narrowed as they nodded in agreement. Percy pulled out his sword as he headed out of the cave. Zoe stopped him though.

"Why do you have that sword Percy? You don't wield Anaklusmos anymore?" She asked sounding a little hurt.

Percy shook his head, "Of course I do Zoe. That sword means everything to me. But before I jumped into Tartarus, I gave it to the one person I trusted to hold onto it for me. I gave it to Nico and took his Stygian Iron blade as I knew I would need a blade of the Underworld down here in Tartarus. It has already paid off as I would not have been able to free you or Bianca as you were bound in Stygian Iron chains."

Bianca smiled at the mention of her brother, "So you and Nico are close?"

Percy nodded, "He is like a brother to me. He and Thalia are my two best friends. He is literally the only person other than Thalia on this planet I would trust to use Anaklusmos in my place."

Bianca smiled at his words. She was thankful her brother had someone close to him in his life.

Zoe nodded, "I trust your judgment as he is Bianca's brother. I am just happy my sword finally has a hero worthy to wield it."

Percy smiled at Zoe, "I'm grateful to have been given such great sword from someone I am proud to call my friend."

Zoe returned his smile.

"Come one ladies, we have a very long journey ahead of us and I'm afraid this is just the beginning." Percy said as he walked out of the cave.

When they exited the cave, Percy paused, "I think we need to go back the way we found you two. Do you remember anything about the area you were held in?"

Zoe nodded, "Yes, I think Iapetus lived somewhere near there. He would never go long before coming back to visit us." She explained bitterly.

Percy whirled around, his eyes were flaming orbs of rage, "What did he do to you?"

Zoe was shocked by Percy's flaming eyes, "He never touched us like that. He would beat us or find ways to humiliate us." She explained as she looked down at her clothes.

Percy eyes still burned with hatred, he took off his armor and removed the long sleeve shirt that was underneath. He handed it to Bianca who took it gratefully to cover her ripped and revealing clothing. Zoe was still wearing his hooded cloak so she was still covered up.

"I'm going to rip him apart piece by piece." He growled as he put his armor back on.

Zoe smiled a bit and put a hand on Percy's arm, "It's fine Percy, you saved us before he could do anything else."

Percy nodded but was still furious. No one messed with his friends, no one.

The group traveled until they reached the still smoking remains of the room where Zoe and Bianca were held. They could hear a male voice yelling angrily in the distance. Percy's eyes narrowed, "Iapetus."

Percy was about to step forward but Thalia stopped him.

"What's the plan Kelp Head? Like you said before, running in blindly will only get us killed; or even worse, captured." Thalia asked.

Percy was silent for a moment, "Zoe, Bianca and I will go in first. We will confront Iapetus and when the fight starts, you can jump in using the fact they don't know you're here to our advantage."

Thalia thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Percy, Zoe and Bianca carefully walked up to the doorway. When they looked inside, the saw Iapetus was yelling at about a dozen monsters for losing the prisoners.

"You two take out the monsters; I'm sure that there are more around. I need to have a word with my friend Bob." Percy said when he turned back to the two huntresses.

"Bob?" Bianca asked as she and Zoe looked at Percy confused.

Percy smirked, "I'll tell you after we've killed Iapetus and the monsters."

Before they could respond, Percy pushed the doors open loudly as he boldly walked into the burned and still smoldering room.

"Well you're looking healthy Bob. I see you've made yourself a lovely home down here in Tartarus." Percy said mockingly at the surprised Titan.

Iapetus narrowed his eyes once he got over his surprise, "Perseus Jackson. This is quite the pleasant surprise indeed. I guess the two little girls served their purpose in the end after all since you've foolishly come to Tartarus of your own free will."

Percy glared at the Titan, "I thought we became friends last time I was in the Underworld Bob?"

"You will pay for putting me into that cursed river Jackson." Iapetus growled.

Percy rolled his eyes, "You know, you were a lot more likeable as Bob. Since I don't see the Lethe around here I suppose I will just have to kill you this time."

"You think you can stand up to a Titan boy?" Iaepetus hissed.

"Maybe I can or maybe I can't. But for touching my friends I promise one of us is going to die today." He spat.

Iapetus smirked and snapped his fingers. Monster began to pour into the room and looked at Zoe and Bianca hungrily.

Percy sent a fireball into the group of monsters and charged toward Iapetus. Iapetus pulled out a spear and blocked Percy's first strike before sending his own.

Percy blocked but stumbled back at the power behind the strike. He regained his balance in time to dodge a jab aimed at his chest. Percy spun away from another jab before slashing across the Titan's stomach. Iapetus grunted in pain but began to attack once again. Percy managed to block and evade the strikes from Iapetus but was stuck of defense as the Titan's strikes were fast and powerful.

Iapetus tried to get inside Percy's guard but was met with a surprise as Percy grabbed the Titan in a bear hug and lit his body on fire. Iapetus roared in pain before head butting Percy causing him to lose his grip on the Titan.

Iapetus charged and feinted a strike to Percy's right and swung his spear at his legs when he tried to block the strike to his right. Percy's legs were knocked out from under him and he fell on his back hard. Iapetus raised his spear to impale Percy but was met with a ball of fire to his face.

The Titan roared in pain and stumbled back. Percy hopped up to his feet and looked at Bianca and Zoe to see them trying to hold off monsters as they poured in by the dozen. Zoe was firing arrows at impossible speeds while Bianca fought off any monster that got close to Zoe with her hunting knives.

Bianca was knocked to the ground by a Hellhound that snuck up on her and the monster was about to sink its fangs into her neck until a spear that was crackling with electricity was driven through its throat. Thalia jumped forward to defend Zoe while Bianca got to her feet and went to Zoe's other side to fend off monsters.

Percy turned back to Iapetus to see a spear being thrust into his shoulder. The weapon sunk into his shoulder and Percy let loose and growl of pain. Iapetus pulled the spear out of his shoulder and sent another thrust toward his head.

Percy ducked and spun a one eighty, slashing a deep gash across the Titan's thighs. Percy hooked his leg behind the Titan's before slamming his fist right in Iapetus' nose, sending the Titan to the ground.

Percy lunged forward to impale Iapetus who turned to avoid it. The sword missed his chest, instead impaling his arm.

Iapetus bellowed in pain before kicking Percy back as he climbed to his feet, swinging his spear like a baseball bat, catching Percy in the chest and knocking him off his feet again.

Iapetus lunged forward and kicked Percy's sword out of his hand. Percy panicked for a second as the Titan raised his spear to impale him.

Before the strike could be brought down, a gleaming bronze blade sprouted from Iapetus' midsection as his eyes widened in shock. Iapetus tried to turn around only to have the sword pulled from his back and swiped across his neck.

The Titan dropped to his knees before collapsing onto the ground, golden ichor pouring from his deeply slit throat.

When the Titan's body hit the floor, Percy looked to see his savior and his eyes widened in shock and surprise.

Luke Castellan was standing over the now dead Titan's body with a sword in his hands and looking at him with an expression that made it so Percy wasn't sure whether to thank him or get ready to defend himself.