Chapter 19: Journey to Epirus and Through Tartarus

Artemis teleported from the throne room on Olympus and onto the Argo II. When she arrived, she noticed all her hunters sitting at the front of the ship, a general feeling of sadness clearly evident on their faces. As she approached her hunters, she noticed a small figure sitting on Phoebe's lap with her head buried in her shoulder. Artemis' eyes widened at the sight. Phoebe loved her sisters but the daughter of Ares had never been one for emotional moments or consoling grieving hunters. Artemis' eyes widened further when she noticed the red around Phoebe's eyes; evidence she had been crying recently. There was only one other time in Phoebe's fifteen hundred years in the hunt that Artemis had seen Phoebe cry; and that was after Zoe's death. Artemis felt a fresh wave of pain enter her heart at the thought her longtime lieutenant and best friend. The only relief came when she thought about Zoe spending eternity peacefully in the sky, away from all this war and conflict.

Artemis approached her hunters silently, taking a seat next to Phoebe, who had little Chloe on her lap as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"Can the Olympians do anything to help get Percy and Thalia out of Tartarus?" Phoebe asked as she looked at her mistress.

Artemis shook her head sadly, "Hades doesn't have any access to Tartarus so there is little anyone can do but hope Percy and Thalia can make it out."

The hunters' heads dropped at the words of their mistress.

Chloe picked her head off of Phoebe's shoulder and looked at Artemis with red eyes, "D.. D... Do you think they can make it milady?" She asked softly as she looked like she was still trying to keep her tears at bay.

Artemis gave her a small smile and nodded, "If any two people can make it then it is Percy and Thalia. Since he was twelve years old, Percy has achieved everything people said couldn't be done. I know he will not let Thalia or any of us down. It's not in Percy's nature to let people down. He's never done it before and I know he isn't about to start now. We will do our part and take control of our side of the doors and I know Percy and Thalia will be able to fight their way out and back to us." Artemis finished feeling more confident herself at the end of her words.

A little bit of light shone in Chloe's stormy grey eyes before she lay her head back down on Phoebe's shoulder.

Artemis smiled at her oldest huntress earning a little embarrassed blush followed slight glare in response. Artemis stifled a chuckle at Phoebe's embarrassment.

"I will go talk to Nico and the other members of the quest and see what they are planning. I will find out where you girls can sleep for the night." Artemis said before she turned around. She spotted Nico by himself at the controls of the ship.

Artemis made her way over to him. When Nico saw the goddess approaching he quickly composed himself and bowed. Artemis shook her head.

"You don't need to bow Nico. I know I am not usually kind to boys but you are Percy and Thalia's friend; you have earned enough of my respect to talk to me without fear." Artemis said kindly.

Nico's eyes widened but he regained his composure and nodded, "Thank you Lady Artemis."

Artemis gave him a small smile, "Do you have an estimate on how long before we reach Epirus?"

Nico nodded, "Leo believes we should reach it by tomorrow night; sometime early in the evening."

"Thank you Nico. My hunters and I will be ready for the battle we will face when we get there." Artemis replied.

Nico nodded, "There are seven rooms downstairs. I moved all the boys into my room and the girls are all in Reyna's room now. You and your hunters will have the other five to use for rest if you'd like."

Artemis was surprised but smiled at Nico, "That is very kind of you Nico. I can see why Percy and Thalia are so fond of you. I will inform the girls they have rooms to sleep in."

A small smile appeared on Nico's face, "Thank you Lady Artemis. We will get them out. I know Percy and Thalia will make it. Those two are unstoppable when there is something they need to accomplish."

Artemis nodded, "You're right Nico. We will get them out. But Percy is going to have hell to pay for being such an idiot." She said finishing with a scowl.

Nico's eyes widened before he chuckled, "I am sure he is already well aware of what will happen when he gets out. He may be thickheaded but he is actually very smart. He just can't help himself when it comes to the people he loves."

Artemis couldn't help but smile at Nico's perfect description of Percy.

"Thank you Nico. That was very thoughtful of you to move everyone around to accommodate my hunters." Artemis said kindly before she headed back toward her hunters.

The hunters and the quest traveled throughout the next day before they reached the Epirus region of Greece. Hades informed them that the only temple in his honor that was located in the region was in the city of Paramythia. It was a very small city of a little less than eight thousand people. They decided it was best to land outside the city and try to sneak in as unnoticed as possible.

Artemis told her hunters to gather at the back of the ship as they waited for the seven to finish gathering their things. As Artemis was making her way over to the hunters, she saw Phoebe standing in front of the hunters beginning to address them.

"Alright sisters, today we are going to face what is likely to be one of the toughest battles of our lives. We may not know what Gaia and her army will have waiting for us at the doors of death, but today, it isn't going to matter. No army will stand between us and our sister Thalia and our brother Percy. Both would lay down their lives in a second for any of us and we are going to do whatever is necessary to get them back. Whatever stands in our way is not going to compare to what those two will have to face on their side. But I don't have a single doubt in my mind that when we take control of our side, Percy and Thalia will be in control of theirs. Today we are going to show those monsters what happens when they try to hurt any of the Hunters of Artemis. Today we show them that it will take more than a fall into Tartarus to separate us from our brother and our sister. Watch each other's back in battle and know that whatever stands in our way is going to bow to might of the Hunters of Artemis!" Phoebe yelled as she finished her speech.

The hunters yelled a cheer of approval as they all seemed ready for whatever the battle brought.

Artemis was smiling widely behind Phoebe. She couldn't express the pride she felt after Phoebe's speech. She also couldn't express her happiness when she had called Percy their brother. She looked into her hunters' eyes and saw a fiery determination in each and every hunter that brought a smile to her face. Those monsters wouldn't know what hit them.

Artemis saw Nico leading the other six demigods toward the hunters. They all had looks of determination on their faces but none were more determined than Jason and Nico's. Both looked ready to take on Gaia herself to get back Percy and Thalia.

"Lady Artemis, my father has informed me of the location of his temple. I should be able to lead us their without any issues. How would you like to go about approaching the doors." Nico asked politely.

Artemis looked thoughtful for a minute before looking back at Nico, "After you lead us close, the two of us will scout the area. You will be able to hide yourself amongst the shadows while I will take care of keeping myself hidden. When we see what we are up against we will come back to the others and figure out the best way to approach the doors."

Nico nodded, his determination to succeed clearly evident in his onyx colored eyes.

Nico led the quest and the hunters to a building that was run down and looked abandoned. When they neared the building they could see two Cyclops standing outside the gate. Nico and Artemis led the hunters into the woods a couple hundred yards away from the building. They told them to stay hidden in the woods but to watch out for any monsters who could be patrolling or simply passing through.

Nico and Artemis left the hunters and quest members in the woods and snuck their way back towards the building. Nico used the shadows to keep both he and Artemis hidden. When they were thirty yards away from the building they stopped. Artemis drew her bow and notched two arrows. She released them and they both flew straight through the foreheads of the Cyclops who were outside the gates. Both monsters disintegrated without a sound.

Nico and Artemis snuck their way past the gates and to the edge of the building. When they peered through the windows of the door they both paled a bit. Over a hundred monsters were inside the temple. But what really worried them was the giant Otus who was standing inside as if waiting for their attack. Before they could turn back a voice spoke up behind them.

"Well I was wondering when the quest would show up. I didn't expect a goddess but that will make the victory all the sweeter." The voice spoke arrogantly.

Artemis turned around and saw Prometheus standing behind her with a battalion of Cyclops as well as two Lydian Drakons slithering around on the ground in front of the Cyclops.

Line Break

Percy turned and paled a bit when he saw two large figures entering the room; Perses, the Titan of Destruction and Krios, the Titan of Stars and Constellations stood at the back of the room looking at Percy with evil grins

Percy eyed the two Titans warily. He knew he had nearly been killed by Iapetus and now there were two Titans. When Percy turned, he saw Luke standing on his left and Thalia on his right. Percy felt a little better knowing he wasn't alone but he did not want anything to happen to his friends. He was even beginning to trust Luke a bit as he seemed to have his back. That being said, he was not going to give Luke a chance to stab him in the back either.

"We got your back Percy." Thalia said from beside him as Luke nodded.

Percy looked back and saw Zoe on her perch with an arrow already notched. She gave Percy a nod of encouragement.

Percy smiled and turned back to the two Titans, "You want me. Come get me." He said as his sword caught fire again.

Before anyone could react, Percy charged at Perses while Thalia and Luke charged at Krios.

Perses pulled out a huge broadsword and grinned at Percy with anticipation, "Foolish little demigod. You will and all your friends will taste my blade."

As Percy neared the Titan, Perses raised his blade. The minute he raised his arms, two arrows pierced the Titan in the armpit in a chink in his armor causing him to wince. Percy used the distraction to slice a deep gash in the Titan's thigh.

Perses let loose a cry of pain before he swung his sword at Percy. Percy blocked the strike but stumbled back from the power behind it. Before he could react, Perses charged again. His strikes were fast and powerful. Percy managed to evade most of them but some he was forced to block which usually knocked him back a few steps.

Percy tried to get a feel for the Titan's fighting style but Perses seemed to rely on power instead of any kind of technique. Every strike he took was powerful enough to slice a human clean in half. Percy tried using throwing fireballs at the Titan to distract him but despite his how powerful he made his strikes, he Titan moved like a cat. Percy tried to get inside the Titan but was met with a kick to the chest that knocked him off his feet. Before Peres could attack, a volley of arrows knocked him off balance, giving Percy a chance to get to his feet.

Percy continued to dodge the strikes of the Titan as an idea formed in his head. Percy waited until he knew Perses was beginning to tire. Percy attacked, forcing the Titan on the defense for the moment before Percy sent an exaggeratedly wild downward strike at the Titan. Perses dodged the strike easily and landed a thunderous blow to Percy's back when he was turned.

Perses broadsword shattered under the power behind the strike. Percy was knocked several feet forward onto the ground in a lot of pain but recovered fast. He turned and sent ball of fire into the stunned Titan's face. Percy hopped to his feet and charged. He feinted a strike to the left before he slashed his blade across the Titan's chest. Ichor began to pour from the deep gash in Perses' chest. Two arrows sprouted from the wound in his chest causing him to stumble back. Percy lunged forward and thrust his blade into the disoriented Titan's stomach.

Perses eyes widened before Percy ripped the blade out of his stomach and swung it through the Titan's neck. Perses' head was cut clean off his body as hid head fell to the ground followed closely by his body.

Percy turned to find Luke fending off Krios in front Thalia's injured body by himself. Bianca was trying to help her but Thalia had blood pouring from her stomach. At the sight of Thalia's injury, Percy snapped.

He snatched up the head of Perses and threw it right into the chest of Krios whose eyes widened at the sight. Krios kicked Luke in the chest knocking him back towards Thalia and charged at Percy.

Percy met the Titan in his charge as their blades met in a clash of sparks as both seemed to be an even match in strength for the other. Percy's rage seemed to increase the power of his strikes incredibly. Percy's body began to glow sea green and his speed only increased. Krios was forced of the defensive as Percy attacked relentlessly. Percy landed a strike to the Titan's arm before he spun and drove his blade all the way to the hilt through Krios' thigh.

Krios bellowed in pain as Percy ripped the sword out of his thigh. Percy kicked the injured leg of the Titan dropping him to a knee before a dagger was driven through the throat of the Titan. Percy saw Zoe behind Krios as she pulled the dagger out of his throat. Percy drove his Stygian Iron blade through the heart of the Titan. Percy watched Krios' eyes widen before the light in them slowly dimmed before his lifeless body collapsed onto the ground.

Percy wasted no time in sprinting to Thalia's pale form. Percy clapped his hands and summoned a dozen of glasses of water. The water flew from the glasses and circled around Percy. Percy put both his hands on Thalia's stomach as they began to glow. The water followed his hands and covered her wound.

Luke, Zoe and Bianca watched anxiously as Percy worked. Tears fell from Luke's eyes as he looked down at Thalia's pale form. Percy's body was still glowing sea green as he worked. Sweat was pouring down his face as he struggled to save his best friend.

"In my pack there is a flask of nectar and a small piece of ambrosia. Feed her the ambrosia." Percy ordered.

Zoe grabbed Percy's pack and stuffed the ambrosia in Thalia's mouth. Thalia's skin began to regain a bit of its color as Percy continued using both the water and his powers of the hearth to heal her wound. After another couple minutes Percy's entire body was drenched in sweat but Thalia's face had its normal color. Percy pulled back his hands and fell back on his butt.

"Give her the nectar." Percy ordered before he clapped his hands summoning more water.

"If I'm not awake in a few minutes, pour this water on me." Percy said before he collapsed onto ground unconscious.

Zoe's eyes widened. After she poured the nectar down Thalia's throat, she ran over to Percy and put his head in her lap. She checked his pulse and her eyes widened at the rate it was throbbing. Percy's entire body was soaked in sweat as well as blood from Thalia and golden ichor from the two Titans he killed.

Thalia slowly sat up and crawled over to her unconscious friend, "Is he okay?"

Zoe nodded, "I think he just passed out from exhaustion. It took a lot out of him to heal you."

Thalia nodded and looked at her cousin with love. She put a hand on his cheek as she smiled at his sleeping form, "Damn it Percy. You're the best friend a girl could ask for."

"Yes he is. He killed two Titans and still managed to save yo-u." Zoe said smiling at Thalia.

"I didn't kill two Titans. You killed Krios and helped me kill Perses. Without you, I'd be dead right now Zoe." Percy muttered as he slowly opened his eyes.

Zoe smiled at his modesty, "Whatever you say Percy. We'd all be dead right now if not for you."

Percy shrugged and sat up only to be tackled back down to the ground in a hug from Thalia.

"I see you're feeling better Thals." Percy said chuckling from underneath her crushing embrace.

Thalia didn't respond. She just hugged Percy tighter as she thought about how much she loved her best friend.

Once Thalia pulled back, Percy sat back up.

"Are you okay Percy?" Luke asked.

Percy nodded, "I'm fine but I need about a gallon of water before I'm getting up."

Luke chuckled and handed Percy two of the glasses he summoned before he passed out. Percy gulped them down instantly and gestured for more. After about ten glasses, Percy climbed to his feet. He walked over to Bianca and summoned the water out of the remaining two glasses. He put a hand over her gash as the water seeped into her wound. After a minute, he removed his hand. Bianca's arm had no sign of the injury she had previously had.

Bianca smiled at Percy, "Thanks Percy."

Percy smiled at her before turning back to the others. Thalia and Zoe had big smiles while Luke looked like he was feeling awkward amongst the group of friends.

"What about you Luke? Any injuries?" Percy asked surprising the three girls.

Luke's eyes widened and he shook his head, "Nah I'm fine. Thanks Percy."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Luke. If you hadn't protected Thalia like you did then she wouldn't be alive right now. I'm not saying I trust you yet but I'm grateful to have you here with us."

Luke looked at Percy a little shocked but smiled, "Thank you Percy."

Percy nodded, "So where to next? I'm grateful you're with us, but let's get the Hades out of this hellhole. All of us."

Luke nodded, "Follow me. If we can remain mostly unseen it should only take a few more hours to get there."