Chapter 20: Doors of Death and Sacrifices

Percy smiled at Bianca before turning back to the others. Thalia and Zoe had big smiles while Luke looked like he was feeling awkward amongst the group of friends.

"What about you Luke? Any injuries?" Percy asked surprising the three girls.

Luke's eyes widened and he shook his head, "Nah I'm fine. Thanks Percy."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Luke. If you hadn't protected Thalia like you did then she wouldn't be alive right now. I'm not saying I trust you yet but I'm grateful to have you here with us."

Luke looked at Percy a little shocked but smiled, "Thank you Percy."

Percy nodded, "So where to next? I'm grateful you're with us and everything, but let's get the Hades out of this hellhole. All of us."

Luke nodded, "Follow me. If we can remain mostly unseen then it should only take a few more hours to get there."

Percy nodded as followed Luke as he and Thalia walked a few yards ahead of the other three. Zoe walked up beside Percy and bumped him with her shoulder. Percy looked at her questioningly and received a smile in response.

"You did well back there Percy. I can see why you've become Lady Artemis' only male friend." Zoe said smiling.

Percy nodded quickly and looked away. Something Zoe picked up on. She looked at Percy questioningly and waited until he finally looked at her again.

"Why do you tense up whenever I talk about Lady Artemis?" Zoe asked suspiciously.

Percy's eyes widened as he looked into Zoe's eyes as she waited for his answer. He thought about when Zoe said she trusted him with her life. He would not ruin that trust with a lie.

"Luke. Thalia. Hold up." Percy called.

Luke and Thalia walked to the group and looked at Percy expectantly. Percy kept his eyes on Zoe before he sighed.

"I'm not going to lie to you Zoe. Artemis is more than just my friend. We've kind of been dating for a little while now." Percy explained as he looked at Zoe warily.

Zoe's eyes widened and she turned to Thalia who nodded her head in confirmation.

"B.. B.. But how?" Zoe asked in shock.

Percy sighed, "We became friends after I returned to Olympus and things kind of progressed from that. After Annabeth showed her face at the wolf house, I sort of lost it and vanished. I was so angry that I really don't remember what I was doing until Artemis tackled me. She tried to convince me to calm down but it didn't really work. Then she kissed me."

Zoe stared at Percy in disbelief, "And you started dating after that?"

Percy shook his head and looked down, "No, I kind of turned her down. I really did like her but I told myself I would never fall for another girl after Annabeth fooled me. I didn't want to lead any more friends to their deaths because I let myself get distracted by love."

Zoe stared at Percy in shock along with Bianca and Thalia while Luke's eyes widened at the mention of Annabeth and he tried to shrink away from the group until the conversation was over.

"Then after the battle at Camp Jupiter I apologized for being foolish and asked her to give me another chance. We started dating after that." Percy explained.

Bianca and Zoe weren't sure how to respond to Percy's story.

"How can you date a maiden goddess?" Bianca asked as Zoe looked at Percy for his response.

Percy shrugged, "Why does it matter if she is a maiden goddess? It's not like we are actually doing that."

Both girls seemed surprised, "Don't you want to have children at some point?" Bianca asked.

Percy shrugged again, "Of course I do but I can't control who I fall in love with. If being with Artemis means I can't have children then I will deal with it. She's worth it."

All four of his companions stared at Percy in shock. After a minute Zoe smiled, "You really are different than other men Percy. I am happy that you and milady have found some happiness in each other."

"You're okay with it then?" Percy asked surprised.

Zoe nodded, "You are a good man Percy. Lady Artemis is lucky to have you."

Percy smiled, "Thank you Zoe. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away but I didn't want cause any more problems than we were already facing. But I don't lie to my friends so I figured it was time to get it out there."

Zoe and Bianca's smiles grew.

"So assuming we make it out of here, does that mean you'll be joining us as the first male member of the hunt?" Thalia asked hopefully.

"I doubt it. I still serve my own mistress Lady Hestia. I will continue my missions rescuing endangered demigods I assume. But I might be around more often…." Percy said trailing off.

Thalia looked at Percy confused.

"I guess it depends on how the hunters reacted to me kissing Artemis and saying I loved her in front of all the hunters before I jumped into Tartarus." Percy explained.

Thalia shook her head, "They all like you Percy. I am sure they will be okay with it. Even if they aren't, they will learn to get over it."

Percy sighed, "I don't want that Thalia. I won't disrupt the hunter's home because I fell for a maiden goddess. The hunt is their family and if they don't want me around then I will have to see Artemis when I can. I won't take that away from them."

Thalia looked like she wanted to argue but decided against it. Zoe was beaming a Percy after his words. She had a feeling the hunters would feel just like she did about their mistress and Percy.

"Let's get moving again. We can worry about my love life when we get out of here." Percy said gesturing for Luke to lead them again.

Thalia and Luke resumed leading the group was Bianca and Zoe flanked Percy on both sides. As they walked, Zoe slipped her arm into Percy's in a friendly way.

"They will accept you Percy, I am sure of it." Zoe said with a smile that Percy couldn't help but return.

Luke led the group for a couple of hours, running into monsters in small groups as they went, but for the most part the way was clear. Percy had a bad feeling about the ease in which their journey progressed. After a total of two and a half hours Luke stopped the group behind a group of boulders. Everyone stared at Luke expectantly but Percy knew why they stopped from the uneasy look in Luke's eyes.

"We're close aren't we?" Percy asked.

Luke nodded, "The doors are about a hundred yards up. I don't know what we'll face when we get there but I'm assuming it won't be pleasant." Luke said a little nervously.

"It doesn't matter what is waiting at those doors. We are going home. All of us." Percy said as he glanced at Luke.

Luke nodded but didn't seem very hopeful.

"Wait here, Zoe and I will scout up ahead. We'll come back when we see what we will face at the doors." Percy announced.

Thalia was about to speak up but a quick glare from Percy told her it wasn't open for discussion.

Percy and Zoe snuck their way forward for fifty or sixty yards before Zoe grabbed Percy and pulled him behind a boulder.

They peeked out from the boulder and their eyes widened. There were several hundred monsters at the gates of a doorway. There was every kind of monster that Percy had ever seen; Drakons, Dracaena, Hellhounds, Cyclops, Laistrygonian Giants, Empousai, but thankfully no Titans or giants that Percy could see.

Percy looked at Zoe who had a worried look on her face. Percy put a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "Relax Zoe, we got this. I don't care if they had a thousand monsters; nothing is stopping me from giving you and Bianca another chance at life. And I did not jump into Tartarus to save Thalia only to fail when we are so close to escaping."

Zoe could help but grin at Percy's confidence, "You're right Percy. We are getting out of here. Let's go get the others so we can get this show on the road."

Percy nodded and they crept back to the others.

"There are several hundred monsters of just about every variety but no Titans or giants from what we saw." Percy explained to the others.

"How can we get through so many monsters?" Bianca asked dejectedly as the other looked the same way.

Percy smirked, "Easy. We're going to kill them all and walk out the doors where hopefully Nico and Artemis are waiting with the hunters and the rest of the quest."

Everyone looked like they were about to ask why he was so confident but a deep male voice chuckling from behind them drew their attention. Everyone grabbed their weapons when the voice spoke again.

"I am here to help you demigods. My wife was mightily impressed with young Mr. Jackson's willingness to sacrifice his eternity to save you all." A large figure said as it stepped out of the shadows.

Percy's eyes widened, "You're Pallas, the Titan of War." Percy announced shocked.

The man smiled, "Right you are Mr. Jackson."

"You're a Titan. Why would you try to help us?" Thalia asked suspiciously.

Before Pallas could respond, Percy did, "Enough Thalia. Just because someone is a Titan, or the daughter of a Titan," Percy said with a glance at Zoe, "does not mean they are against us. He is the husband of Styx and like her, did not oppose us in the last war. We are honored for your aide Lord Pallas."

Thalia was shocked by Percy's words while Pallas smiled.

Zoe looked at Percy in shock, "What does he mean you sacrificed your eternity to save us?"

Percy's eyes widened before he sighed, "Lady Styx told me that if I survived the dip in the Styx, my soul will be eternally bound to her river. When I die, I will take my place in her river instead of being judged."

Pallas nodded, "Yes and my wife was so impressed by his sacrifice that she asked me to aide you in escaping Tartarus. I do not like coming down here but it is easy enough for me to come and go as I please with the help of my wife. I will help you in this battle and try to give you a fighting chance to take control of the doors."

Percy four friends were still staring at him in shock.

Finally Zoe regained her composure and looked at Percy, "Why would you sacrifice so much to help us escape?" She asked softly.

Percy shrugged, "Some sacrifices are worth the consequences. Besides, I don't plan of dying anytime soon. Now we can worry about my afterlife later, right now, we have several hundred monsters to slay before we can get out."

The three girls were still looking at Percy but Pallas stepped forward, "I must agree with young Perseus here. Your friends and the hunters are fighting for their lives on the other side of the doors right now. We need to get moving before they get overwhelmed."

Percy's eyes widened, "When we reach the monsters, give me a ten second head start before you follow me."

"Why?" Luke asked.

Percy smirked, "Because I think it's time for the monsters to get a proper introduction to the son of the earth shaker."

Luke's eyes widened before he grinned, "You got it Percy.

Percy turned to Pallas who nodded, "Go Perseus. I will lead your friends in behind you."

Percy nodded and walked out of the rocks they were hidden in. He reached the monsters and climbed onto a boulder overlooking the monsters. Percy took a deep breath before jumping from the boulder and dropping ten feet down to where the army of monsters was gathered.

Percy's first foot collided with the earth followed closely by his other knee and then both his fists. When his fists hit the earth the cavern shook with a colossal earthquake. The monsters were tossed and thrown off their feet; many began attacking and biting other monsters in their confusion.

Percy stood from his position on one knee and thrust both his hands forward sending waves of fire into the confused monsters.

Arrows began to rain down on the monsters from the boulder Percy jumped down from and Percy knew Zoe and his friends had arrived.

Percy pulled out his sword and charged into the slowly regrouping monsters.

Zoe stood on the boulder firing arrows down on monsters and she watched the Titan Pallas lead the others into battle. She watched the Pallas wield his spear with power and precision and couldn't help but be reminded of Athena when she would spar with her mistress. Zoe watched Percy form a path through the monster army leaving a trail of death in his wake. She thought about all the sacrifices that her friend had made for them. He risked his life to jump into the River Styx for a second time and even sacrificed his afterlife for them. She made a promise to herself that she would make sure she did everything she could to make sure Percy made it through this war and had a long and happy life with her mistress.

Zoe's eyes turned to Thalia, Luke and Bianca as they tried to forge their own path through the monsters. They were making progress but nothing compared to Percy and Pallas. Both were striking down more monsters by themselves than all three demigods were together. Percy and Pallas were slowly converging together in the middle of the monsters. They were soon fighting side by side and slaying monsters in waves.

Percy was fighting alongside the Titan Pallas and even kept up with the Titan's pace as they surged forward. Percy drove his blade through the throat of a Cyclops and dropped a knee to avoid the club of a Laistrygonian Giant. He sent a fireball into the giant's face before kicking a hellhound who was lunging at Pallas.

"The doors aren't much further ahead Perseus. You will need to hold here while I go gather your friends and bring them to you. Once here, we can hold back the monsters and get you through the doors." Pallas yelled over the sounds of battle.

Percy nodded as the Titan began working his way back through the monsters.

Percy sent a fireball into a group of Cyclops and lunged to decapitate and Dracaena that was standing in front of the doors. Percy jumped forward so the doors were at his back and sent two huge fireballs into the monsters in front of him. When the fire died, a Drakon was slithering its way toward Percy.

Percy rolled to the side to avoid its jaws but was smacked by the monster's tail as he climbed to his feet. Percy was knocked through the doors of death where he collided with a group of monsters on the other side. Percy turned to find the hunters in a heated battle with just as many monsters as they were fighting in Tartarus. Percy scanned the area until she locked eyes with Artemis. A huge smiled appeared on her face as she released an arrow into a charging Cyclops.

Percy drove his sword through the chest of an Empousai and focused on Artemis' mind.

'I need to go get Thalia and the others. I promise I will be right back.' He said in her mind.

'What others?' Artemis asked back confused.

'It's a surprise but you will be very happy. I love you.' Percy replied back in her mind before he jumped back through the doors and into Tartarus.

At the sight of Artemis Percy fought with renewed vigor. He saw the Drakon that had knocked him through the doors. Percy ran toward the beast until it snapped it jaws at him. Percy juked to the side and jumped on the Drakon's side. Percy pulled himself up by the monster's scales until he stood atop the flailing beast. He crawled his way up the monsters back holding his sword in one hand and holding onto the Drakon's scales with the other. He reached the monster's neck and jumped forward driving his blade through the back of its skull. The Drakon tensed before its body went limp.

Percy jumped down and came face to face with his four friends and Pallas.

"Go, Artemis and the hunters need help." Percy ordered as he pushed the three huntresses through the doors of death.

Percy turned to Luke, "Go. Follow the girls."

Luke shook his head, "I can't Percy. I have a job to do."

Percy's eyes widened and he reached for his sword but Pallas put a hand on Percy's arm, "He is not betraying you, quite the opposite actually." Pallas said as he began to hold off the charging monsters as he wielded his spear with expert precision.

Percy looked at Luke questioningly.

"Someone has to stay behind. The doors of death must be sealed with blood on both sides. I will stay. Go Percy." Luke ordered.

Percy's eyes widened, "I can't leave you here. You saved my life. You… You're my friend Luke."

Luke smiled sadly, "And I'm very grateful to be your friend but I must stay. But do me one favor."

Percy nodded.

"Clear my name in the world above. Explain to people I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I just wanted the Olympians to pay for the things they've done. I know you know what happened to my mother. Please just help change the story that goes with my name. Just make sure it's the truth. The whole truth." Luke said seriously.

Percy stared at Luke for a minute before he pulled him into a hug, "I will Luke. I swear it on the Styx."

Thunder rumbled and Luke smiled.

"I will get you out of Tartarus Luke. I will make sure of it." Percy said seriously.

Luke smiled and nodded, "Thank you Percy. And tell Thalia….. Tell Thalia that I'm sorry."

Pallas turned back to the two, "You need to hurry Percy. I can't hold them back much longer. I will protect Luke down here. Someone must seal the doors from the other side with blood. You won't be able to do it so you must use one of your friends."

Percy nodded and smiled sadly at Luke before jumping through the doors. Percy stepped on the mortal side and grabbed Zoe's hand and pulled out a dagger.

Zoe eyes widened in shock.

"I need you to trust me again Zoe." Percy said seriously.

Zoe looked at Percy for a second before nodding. Percy made a small cut on the inside of Zoe's hand and then pressed her hand to the doors. The doors glowed a pitch black color before they sealed themselves on both sides.

Percy grabbed Zoe's hand in his as his hand glowed. He let her hand go and it was healed.

Thalia turned around on Percy, "Where is Luke?"

Line Break

Nico and Artemis snuck their way past the gates and to the edge of the building. When they peered through the windows of the door they both paled a bit. Over a hundred monsters were inside the temple. But what really worried them was the giant Otus who was standing inside as if waiting for their attack. Before they could turn back a voice spoke up behind them.

"Well I was wondering when the quest would show up. I didn't expect a goddess but that will make the victory all the sweeter." The voice spoke arrogantly.

Artemis turned around and saw Prometheus standing behind her with a battalion of Cyclops as well as two Lydian Drakons slithering around on the ground in front of the Cyclops.

Artemis narrowed her eyes at the Titan, "Are you planning on fighting me Prometheus or are going to run and hide behind your pets like you usually do?" Artemis sneered at the Titan.

Prometheus smirked, "No pets, but I have an uncle that wants to take you to his brother as he plans to make you his bride after mother earth takes control of the planet once again." Prometheus said as the lion headed giant Leon appeared out of the earth.

Artemis glared at the Titan. She entered Nico's minds, 'Go gather the hunters and the rest. I will hold them back. Shadow travel before Prometheus notices you're a son of Hades."

Nico wanted to argue but knew better than to question Artemis when it came to her ability to take care of herself. He just prayed she would be fine because Percy and Thalia would have his head if they knew he left her to fight alone.

Nico turned and bolted into a shadow before anyone could react.

Prometheus simply smiled, "Ha. Even the little demigod knows you're in a hopeless situation."

Artemis was about to respond when a golden arrow pierced the Titan through the shoulder.

Apollo jumped down next to his sister, when she looked at him she could see the desire for her forgiveness in his eyes. She gave him a slight nod and turned back to Prometheus who was pulling the arrow out of his shoulder.

"Come to protect your little sister Apollo?" Prometheus sneered.

Apollo smirked, "Actually, I'm doing you a favor Prometheus. You will suffer far less by my hand than hers. I'm simply here because I am looking forward to killing the big kitty cat behind you again."

Leon growled as he looked at Apollo with hatred. Before anyone could react, Artemis had her bow out and fired an arrow right through the forehead of Prometheus who crumbled into golden dust.

Apollo grew to his godly height and began to fire arrows at Leon while Artemis fired arrows into the group of monsters.

Artemis fired arrows into the Cyclops as she moved back a few steps looking for higher ground. One of the Drakons began slithering toward her as she was focusing on the Cyclops. The Drakon lunged at her before she noticed it. Artemis was about to flash away when a shadow passed over her head. When she looked back she smiled. Phoebe was pulling her spear out of the Drakons skull as the monster shuddered and slowly dissolved.

Silver arrows began to rain down on the Cyclops quickly wiping out the battalion while Phoebe and Frank battled the remaining Lydian Drakon.

Nico and Jason joined Apollo in his battle against the giant Leon.

Apollo continued firing arrows at the giant while Jason brought lightning down from the sky. Nico disappeared into a shadow and reappeared behind the giant and drove Riptide through the back of Leon's knee. The giant's knee buckled as a huge bolt of lightning struck him. Leon fell to the ground with a thunderous crash. The giant looked up only to see Apollo standing over him with his bow out and aimed at his head. Apollo grinned and sent the arrow through the giant's forehead.

Leon dissolved into golden dust.

The hunters and Artemis had finished off the Cyclops and Drakon and stood watching as the giant dissolved.

Apollo shrunk down to human size and slowly made his way over to Artemis. When he reached her, her face was expressionless as she waited for him to speak.

"Artemis, I'm sorry for how I acted. I was out of line trying to tell you who you can and cannot be friends with." Apollo said quietly.

Artemis stared at her brother before she slowly nodded, "I accept your apology brother. But I need you to let me live my own life. I am more than capable to handling myself. If Percy was a problem do you not think I could handle a single demigod?"

Apollo nodded, "I know that. It's just that when I saw you hanging out with another son of Poseidon, it reminded me of that bastard Orion."

Artemis scowled at bit, "Do not compare Percy to that worthless boy. Percy is nothing like him. Percy has been nothing but kind and respectful to both of us. He turned down godhood for the good of demigods and to free our own mother. Instead of thanking him, you have only given him grief. I accept your apology Apollo but if you do something like this again, I will not forgive you a second time."

Apollo was a little surprised by her speech but nodded nonetheless, "You're right Artemis. I'm sorry. I never even thanked him for freeing Mom. I won't stand in you and Percy's friendship again."

Artemis nodded and gave her brother a small smile. Apollo returned her smile before vanishing into a golden light.

The hunters and the seven all converged around Artemis as they waited for her to decide their next move.

"Good job girls." Artemis said proudly. She looked at the others, "You all did well but I'm afraid that was only a warm up." Artemis explained.

The seven and the hunters all nodded; the look of determination still evident in their eyes.

Artemis turned to Phoebe, "How did you manage to jump over me and straight into the Drakon?" She asked with an impressed look on her face.

Phoebe smirked, "Thalia's little bro gave me a boost with the winds."

Artemis smiled and gave Jason a nod of appreciation.

"What is the plan now Lady Artemis?" Nico asked as he was getting impatient about getting to the doors of death.

Artemis was silent as she thought. After a minute, she turned to the seven demigods, "Do any of you have any Greek fire?"

Leo reached into his pouch and pulled out a small jar of Greek fire. Artemis took it and turned towards the doors.

"We'll give them a little something to warm up. There's little we can do besides start this battle before it is too late. We will march straight up to the building and try to lure as many monsters out as possible." Artemis explained. She turned to her hunters, "I want the youngest girls to find good positions to shoot from while the older girls come with me and the others where we will meet the monsters head on and try to fight our way inside."

The younger hunters began running around looking for good spots to post up with their bows while the older ones followed Artemis and the quest to the doors of the building.

When they reached the door, Artemis looked around at everyone to make sure they were ready. She received a nod from each and gave Jason a meaningful look. He nodded and raised his hand before bringing down a bolt of lightning that blasted the doors apart.

Hundreds of monsters stared at Artemis and the demigods in shock. Before they could react, Artemis threw the jar of Greek fire above their heads where a silver arrow flew into it and caused the jar to explode; raining down Greek fire upon the army of monsters.

Artemis and the rest quickly backed up a few steps before the monsters charged out of the building, and straight toward them.

Silver arrows flew down from above picking off the monsters in the lead, causing the ones behind to stumble as they tried to charge past their fallen comrades.

Artemis pulled out two hunting knives and lunged forward in a flash of silver decapitating two Empousai and then driving her knives through a lunging Hellhound. She spun away from a Cyclops' club, slicing the back of the monster's knees and impaling a Dracaena with her hunting knife. She moved from monster to monster wasting less than a second on each before she was in the process of killing the next. A long trail of golden dust followed in the wake of her path of destruction.

Nico and Reyna fought side by side. Nico wielding Riptide as if he had been using the blade for years while Reyna used an imperial gold gladius in one hand and a Roman shield in the other. She moved flawlessly through the ranks of monsters as she impaled a Cyclops in the chest and swung her shield to crush the throat of a Hellhound. Reyna cut the hand off a Telekhine before she turned; only to find a gleaming celestial bronze sword sprouting out of the chest of a Laistrygonian Giant. The giant dissolved revealing a smiling Nico. Reyna blushed at the son of Hades' smile making his smile grow.

Phoebe surged into the monsters with her spear in one hand and a celestial bronze hunting knife in the other. She fought with such speed and ferocity that monsters began to shrink away from the daughter of Ares as she continued on her path of death. Every monster that came within two feet of her was met with a spear to the throat or chest. Any that slipped inside the length of her spear was quickly dispatched with a quick slit of their throat. No monster seemed to be able to make even a scratch on the huntress as she thrust and slashed her way towards her mistress.

When Phoebe finally reached Artemis, her mistress turned toward her with wide eyes.

"The blessing of Ares." Artemis gasped.

Phoebe's eyes widened as she noticed the aura of red surrounding her body. She shook off her shock and grinned. She knew what the blessing entailed and didn't intend on wasting a single second. Phoebe drove her spear through the throat of an unsuspecting Laistygonian Giant and jumped back into the fray.

Artemis stabbed a Hellhound before impaling both her hunting knives in to a Cyclops and the using the shocked monster's chest as a boost and jumping onto a small ledge where she pulled out her bow and staring picking off monsters.

A huge crash was heard near the doors of death as she took aim at a charging Cyclops. Artemis' eyes widened before her face cracked into a huge smile.

There was her love, Percy Jackson alive and well, as he sent a few balls of fire into monsters near him. When they locked eyes she felt Percy enter her mind.

'I need to go get Thalia and the others. I promise I will be right back.' He said in her mind.

'What others?' Artemis asked back confused.

'It's a surprise but you will be very happy. I love you.' Percy replied back in her mind before he jumped back through the doors and into Tartarus.

Artemis couldn't help but wonder who he could have possibly found in Tartarus that she would be happy to see. She also couldn't describe how relieved she felt now that she knew Percy and Thalia were alive.

Artemis looked over the battle as she continued to pick off monsters from her small ledge. The hunters and members of the quest were in control of the battle. The number of monsters was slowly decreasing but at the same time, Artemis hadn't seen the giant Otus since she and Nico peeked into the building over an hour ago.

Artemis looked back at the doors of death and nearly dropped her bow in shock. Standing next to Thalia was her dead huntress Bianca Di Angelo. Artemis had tears in her eyes when she looked to the other side of Thalia and saw a figure wielding Percy's bow with the speed and accuracy of a huntress. Artemis couldn't hold back her tears as she saw Zoe Nightshade, alive and well, joining her sisters in battle against the diminishing number of monsters. Zoe was firing arrows into monsters as the three seemed to be waiting for Percy to come out the doors.

Artemis watched a smile appear on Zoe's face when Percy walked through the doors. Her smile vanished when Percy pulled out a dagger and grabbed her hand. They exchanged some words and Percy made a cut in Zoe's hand before pressing it to the doors of death. Artemis smiled when she realized that they were sealing the doors. She couldn't figure out why Percy didn't just do it himself.

Just as Artemis was about to flash over to the group, she felt earthen hands grab her legs. The giant Otus appeared out of the ground grinning evilly.

"I think it's time I introduced you to your future husband huntress."