Chapter 21: The Return

Artemis looked back at the doors of death and nearly dropped her bow in shock. Standing next to Thalia was her dead huntress Bianca Di Angelo. Artemis had tears in her eyes when she looked to the other side of Thalia and saw a figure wielding Percy's bow with the speed and accuracy of a huntress. There stood her long time lieutenant and the best friend she ever had, Zoe Nightshade, alive and well, and joining her sisters in battle against the diminishing number of monsters. Zoe was firing arrows into monsters as the three seemed to be waiting for Percy to come out the doors.

Artemis watched a smile appear on Zoe's face when Percy walked through the doors of death. Her smile vanished when Percy pulled out a dagger and grabbed her hand. They exchanged some words before Zoe nodded and Percy made a cut in Zoe's hand and pressed it to the doors of death. Artemis smiled when she realized that they were sealing the doors but she couldn't figure out why Percy didn't just do it himself.

Just as Artemis was about to flash over to the group, she felt earthen hands grab her legs. The giant Otus appeared out of the ground grinning evilly at her.

"I think it's time I introduced you to your future husband huntress. Or perhaps you want to spend a little quality time with me before I bring you to him." Otus said as he looked at Artemis lecherously.

Artemis eyes widened and she felt genuine fear for the first time a while. Just as she was about to reply, a flash of fire appeared between her and the giant. Artemis felt a flood of relief wash over her when she looked at the two figures standing between her and Otus. Percy Jackson and Zoe Nightshade stood in front of her and both looked ready the rip the giant's head clean off his body.

"You will pay for what you did to my brother Jackson!" Otus bellowed as a spear shot out of the ground and into his hand.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I just came from Tartarus… You're brother wasn't in any shape to come say hello. Perhaps you'd like to join him since you miss him so dearly." Percy said mockingly.

Otus bellowed in rage and was about to charge Percy when two arrows sprouted him his left eye. The giant roared in agony as golden ichor began to pour down his face.

"Percy!" Artemis yelled as the earthen hands began to drag her into the ground.

Percy's eyes widened and he just went with instinct, focusing everything he had on his earth shaker powers. Percy slammed him fist into the earth next to Artemis releasing a colossal quake that knocked everyone within one hundred yards off their feet and forced them to try to grab anything they could to stop themselves from being tossed around.

Percy grabbed Artemis' hands and pulled with every ounce to strength he had. He was at an impasse with the earthen hands before Percy closed his eyes as he pulled. When his eyes opened again they were a brownish sea green inferno of flames. He felt himself slowly winning the tug of war with his girlfriend trapped in the middle. Percy stomped his foot softly causing the ground to rumble slightly and pulled with everything he had. The earthen hands seemed to lose their grip as Artemis shot out of the earth and knocked him to the ground with her landing on his chest.

Percy looked up and saw Artemis' face was only inches from his. Artemis opened her eyes and looked in the sea green and brown one's of her love and couldn't help but smile.

Percy returned her smile, "I told you I'd be back."

Artemis' smile grew before a cry of pain broke her attention from Percy. She looked up to see Otus standing over Zoe with his spear raised. Artemis suddenly dropped to the ground, Percy gone from underneath her. She looked back up to see Percy driven to the ground as the spear connected with his back; Zoe gone from the spot, reappearing in a flash of flames next to Artemis.

"Percy!" Artemis screamed as she saw her boyfriend driven into the ground, the spear impaling him in the back.

Artemis shot to her feet in a rage as she quickly grew to her godly height as she charged the giant. Artemis tackled Otus to the ground in a rage and began thrashing the giant mercilessly with her hunting knives. Golden ichor flew wildly as she slashed through the giant's chest and stomach. A black arrow flew by Artemis and imbedded itself in the forehead of Otus before it was quickly followed by one of Artemis' hunting knives. The giant dissolved into golden dust before he had even realized what happened. What he did know was that he had just killed the great Perseus Jackson and his mother would be greatly pleased.

Artemis shrunk down to her human size and ran to the spot where Percy fell. Tears were already falling from her face as she reached a shallow crater where Percy's body lay. Artemis dropped to her knees in front of the crater and buried her face in her hands as she had just lost the only man she ever loved.

Artemis tensed when she felt a pair of hands gently pull hers away from her face. She opened her eyes and came face to face with the love of her life trying to smile despite the immense pain he felt. Artemis tackled him back into the crater as she wrapped her arms around him where she continued to cry with her head buried into the crook of his neck.

After a minute she pulled back and looked to make sure she had really seen him still alive. Percy was in obvious pain but otherwise fine.

He gave her a warm smile, "I told you I'd be back. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He said as he gently cupped her face in his hand before leaning up and kissing her softly. Artemis felt the weight of the world lift off her shoulders as he kissed her. When he pulled back he smiled and kissed her softly on the forehead.

"We should check on everyone else." Percy whispered.

Artemis eyes widened when she realized the battle was probably still going on. They stood up from the crater and sighed in relief when they saw the monsters were gone and the hunter's healers were treating some of the wounded. The rest gathered around the crater as Percy and Artemis awkwardly crawled out.

The minute Percy stepped out he was pulled in a gentle hug by Zoe, "Thank you Percy. You saved my life, again."

Percy smiled, "I would do it a million times Zoe."

Zoe smiled as she pulled back and was met with the wide gaping eyes of the majority of the hunters.

Phoebe stepped forward tentatively as a few tears fell from her eyes, "Is it really you Zoe?"

Zoe smiled and nodded. Phoebe rushed forward and pulled her into a bear hug.

When she put her down, Phoebe wiped her tears away and looked at Zoe in shock, "How?"

Zoe smirked and pointed at Percy. Phoebe's eyes shifted to Percy for a second before she launched herself at him, pulling him into an even tighter bear hug.

Percy cried out in pain causing Phoebe's eyes to widen and drop him, "I'm so sorry Percy." She said quickly.

Percy dropped to a knee but he looked up at Phoebe and smiled, "It's fine Phoebe. Just a bit sore after that spear to the back."

Phoebe looked relieved that Percy was okay and smiled. Percy looked at Artemis who was currently crushing Zoe in a hug. Before Percy could saying anything he was tackled by a blur of blonde hair as a sobbing seven year old wrapped her arms around Percy's neck. Percy winced again but didn't say anything.

After a minute Chloe pulled back; Percy wiped away her tears, "It's alright Chloe, I told you guys I would be back. I just had to get Thalia and couple more friends first."

Chloe didn't say anything just kissed Percy on the cheek and stood up. When Percy stood, she grabbed his hand tightly and refused to let go in fear on him doing something stupid and disappearing again.

When everyone was gathered, there were no casualties but a few injuries. Artemis snapped her fingers and teleported everyone back to the Argo II.

When they arrived, everyone stayed where they were as they continued to look at the four from Tartarus in shock. Nico had tears in his eyes as he noticed his sister was among the four for the first time. He had been getting treated for a few deep gashes and only now seemed to notice everyone that was there.

He approached his sister slowly, "Bianca?"

Bianca nodded and smiled before Nico wrapped his sister in a tight embrace as he cried openly in front of everyone.

Thalia walked up to Percy, "What happened to Luke?" She asked softly.

Percy's eyes widened when he realized he hadn't answered her question. He pulled Thalia aside before pulling her into a hug, "He sacrificed his freedom for us to escape. Someone had to seal the doors from the inside."

Thalia began to cry as she hugged Percy tightly. Percy rubbed her back soothingly, "We will get him out. Pallas said he would protect Luke inside Tartarus. I promise we will get him out first chance we get."

Thalia nodded into Percy's shoulder, "Did he say anything?"

Percy pulled back and held onto Thalia's shoulders, "He said to tell you he was sorry. We will get him Thalia; we will make sure he at least gets his place in Elysium like he deserves. He is a hero, he saved us all."

Thalia nodded sadly and walked back to the other hunters. Percy stood awkwardly looking at the hunters as he still had no idea how they had taken to the fact that he kissed Artemis.

As he stood there, Artemis made her way over to him. When she reached him, he thought she was going to kiss him again but instead he got slapped hard across the face earning a gasp from the hunters and other demigods.

Artemis' eyes widened as she clutched her now broken hand. She turned to Percy with a look of shock on her face. It quickly morphed into anger as she grabbed Percy and flashed them off the ship. They appeared in a forest clearing where she shoved Percy roughly.

"What did you do?" Artemis growled at him.

Percy sighed and looked right back into her eyes, "I did what I needed to in order to get out of Tartarus with all three girls alive. I'm sorry Artemis, I love you but what I did was the only thing that could have brought me back to you. I don't intend on breaking a promise to you, ever, and I promised you I would be back."

Artemis' eyes widened before she closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Percy smiled and kissed her back. When he opened his eyes they were on the Argo II again and everyone was looking at them with wide smirking grins.

Percy paled when he saw all the hunters staring at them. Artemis grabbed his hand and smiled, "Relax Percy, they are happy for us."

Percy's eyes widened before an ear splitting grin appeared on his face. His hand glowed as he held Artemis' injured hand.

Percy was about to say the something but Artemis spoke first, "Alright, I need to know how exactly you managed to bring Zoe and Bianca back to life. You obviously didn't find them in Tartarus."

Percy's face darkened as he looked at Bianca and Zoe. Both nodded to him to tell her what happened.

"Actually that's exactly where we found them." Percy said bitterly.

Artemis' eyes widened before she looked over at Zoe and Bianca is shock, "Why were you there?"

Zoe frowned, "Bianca and I were in Elysium, and before you ask milady, I was in Elysium because Lord Ouranos allows souls to leave his court if they wish. When I saw that bastard Orion, I knew Elysium would be the better choice."

Artemis scowled at the mention of Orion until she felt Percy squeeze her hand softly, wiping the scowl off her face. She looked down at her previously broken hand and smiled.

"Bianca and I were practicing archery in Elysium when Annabeth, Iapetus and Prometheus kidnapped us and dragged us down to Tartarus. Gaia brought us back to life as they were going to use us as bait for capturing Percy. We were chained to a wall in Tartarus for about a week before Percy found us. He and Thalia broke us out and Percy healed us both before we joined them on their journey to escape." Zoe explained.

Artemis' face contorted into a look of rage as she thought about the daughter of Athena. Percy pulled her closer and leaned down to her ear, "Relax, we will get her. But now Bianca and Zoe are alive again so this ended up being a good thing. Annabeth will pay when the time comes, I promise."

Artemis looked at Percy and nodded, "You're right Percy. Now they are back and we will get that little bitch."

Percy smiled and kissed her softly on the cheek, making Artemis' cheeks turn a shade of pink.

Percy and Zoe told them the entire story of their journey through Tartarus. When they finished, people were speechless. The first to break out of their stupor was Nico who walked up to Percy and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Thank you Perce. I can never repay you for saving Bianca." Nico said seriously.

Percy shook his head, "Nico, you're my brother. You owe me nothing. I would never leave Bianca or any of my friends behind. By the way, without your sword, I would have never been able to break them out."

Nico smiled as he pulled out Riptide, "Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not smart again Perce. No one else would have been smart enough to make sure they had a Stygian Iron sword before jumping into Tartarus."

Percy chuckled as he exchanged swords with Nico, "I doubt the words smart and jumping into Tartarus have ever been put into the same sentence before."

Nico chuckled, "You're probably right but it fits in this situation. You're crazy Perce, but the best friend anyone could ask for."

Percy smiled as Nico made his back to over to Bianca. Artemis slipped her arm through Percy's earning a big smile from him.

"So what do we do now?" Percy asked.

"You and Thalia are going to Olympus with me in a little bit. I think we should keep the return of Zoe and Bianca to ourselves for now though. I don't know if the other gods will want them to return to Elysium since they already died." Artemis explained.

Percy's eyes narrowed, "Over my dead body will they take those two anywhere. They earned their second chance and no one will take it from them."

Artemis smiled, "Let's go pry Jason away from Thalia so we can go to Olympus. The hunters will stay on the ship for the night. We can come back tomorrow."

Percy nodded with a big smile, "I think that sounds good. Are we staying with the quest from here until Greece?"

Artemis looked thoughtful before she shrugged, "We'll see what the Olympians think we should do. We can make our decision after that."

Percy agreed and they told the hunters to stay put for the night and they would return in the morning. After grabbing Thalia, the trio flashed to Olympus.

They appeared outside the throne room where Artemis led the two inside. When they opened the throne room doors, the room was empty with the exception of Zeus and Hera who sat in their thrones as Zeus held his wife's hand comfortingly.

Zeus was the first to notice the trio, his face morphing into a look of shock before splitting into a wide grin. He tugged Hera's hand toward the door. Hera looked up and her eyes shot wide open before she vanished from her throne only to reappear in front of Percy pulling him into a godly sized embrace.

Percy's grunted in pain causing Hera to release him immediately, "Percy what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"Sorry Mom, I took a spear to the back about an hour ago. It's still a bit sore." Percy explained.

Hera's eyes widened as she pulled up the back of Percy's shirt. She looked at him confused, "It looks fine."

Percy looked at his mother warily, "Yea I won't be getting any bruises anymore."

Hera stared at him confused until her eyes shot open, "Perseus, what were you thinking? You could have died. No one has ever survived that twice."

Percy gave her a small smile, "I'm sorry Mom, it was the only way to get Thalia and I out alive. In the end it led to us gaining our biggest ally inside Tartarus."

"Who was that?" Zeus asked confused.

"The Titan Pallas helped us reach the doors of death. He and Luke Castellan held off the monsters so Thalia and I could escape. Luke sealed the doors from the inside while Thalia sealed them from the outside." Percy explained.

The flash of sea green light appeared in the throne room as Poseidon appeared in front of Percy before stepping forward to pull him into a hug. Luckily for Percy, Hera stopped him and explained what Percy had told her so far. Poseidon's eyes widened in worry before changing into a look of pride at his son's actions.

"It's good to see you back home and safe now son." Poseidon said as his stress over the past day seemed to be lifted from his features.

Percy smiled and hugged his Dad gingerly, "It's good to be back Dad."

Poseidon smiled, "I will be back in the morning Percy, I expect the entire story of what has happened when I come."

Percy smiled and nodded before Poseidon disappeared into a sea breeze.

Zeus cleared his throat, "That traitor son of Hermes helped you? Why?"

Percy shook his head, "He may have betrayed us uncle, but he saved both Thalia and I multiple times. He killed the Titan Iapetus when he had me on the ground with his spear ready to impale me. Then when we battled the Titans Perses and Krios, he held Krios back after Thalia was severely wounded until I was able to kill Perses and then after Krios. Please uncle, I know he betrayed us, but he was thrown into Tartarus and immortalized against his will after he was sentenced to the fields of punishment. He has hidden in Tartarus for the past five years and done everything he could to sabotage Gaia's plans after he refused to join them. He was angry at his father but he is not the same traitor he was. I'm not saying welcome him to Olympus but please, he does not deserve to be in Tartarus."

Zeus looked at Percy sadly, "I will do what I can nephew but at the moment Hades has no access to Tartarus. After the war, if we win, we should be able to get him out of the pit where he can be judged again for his latest actions."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Lord Zeus; that is all I am asking."

Zeus smiled and walked up to Percy and pulled him into gentle hug, "Thank you for saving my little girl Perseus. I can never repay you for the things you've done for me and all the Olympians."

Thalia scowled at being called a little girl but before she could speak, Zeus pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm so happy you're safe again Thalia."

Thalia couldn't help but smile; her father had never shown this kind of affection toward her before.

Hera was looking at Percy strangely, "Perseus, you said that bathing in the Styx again gained you Pallas as an ally. What do you mean?"

Percy paled immediately. He looked at Artemis who was looking at him to answer. He looked back at his mother who was looking at him expectantly. Thalia was looking at Percy with sympathy but knew he would have to tell them. Percy tried to find a reason but his mind came up blank and he began to panic.

Hera's face turned into a glare and her eyes glowed, "Don't you dare lie to me Perseus." She warned.

Percy thought about flashing out of the throne room but couldn't do that to his mother or Artemis.

He looked up at Artemis and then to Hera and his shoulders slumped, "To survive a second dip in the Styx, my mortal soul is now bound to her river no matter what. When I die, I don't get to go to Elysium or anywhere, I go to the Styx for my afterlife. Pallas said his wife was impressed with my sacrifice and asked him to help us escape."

Hera's eyes widened before she started to tear up, "Why would you do something like that?" She asked softly.

Percy glanced at Thalia, "Some sacrifices are worth making. I don't think we would have made it if I didn't."

Hera wiped away her tears and turned to her husband, "We're making Percy a god. He is not spending his afterlife in that cursed river."

Zeus looked like he was about to agree but Percy spoke up, "No. Not yet at least. We need demigods in this war and if I were a god, I wouldn't be able to help my friends on the quest or in the hunt. If after this war, I earn the offer of immortality again then I will take it but I will not abandon my friends on the quest or in the hunters to fight without me."

Hera looked at Percy pleadingly, "Percy, I don't want to lose you. If you die, we won't be able to bring you back. I won't even be able to come see you."

Percy rushed forward and pulled Hera into a hug, "I will be fine Mom. I promise I will make it through this war. My body is invulnerable and no one knows where my Achilles' spot is this time. I will be fine but I need to fight with my friends in this war. We need demigods to fight alongside the gods."

Percy pulled back and used his thumb to wipe away Hera's tears before kissing her on the cheek, "I'll be fine Mom. I promise."

Hera nodded slowly, "You better be or I have to kill Styx myself to get my baby boy back."

Percy chuckled, "I will Mom, I promise."

"Okay Percy but you had better Iris Message me every day to let me know you're alright." Hera warned.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Alright, I'll check in to let you know I'm fine."

Hera smiled and kissed her son on the cheek. She sent a meaningful look at Artemis, "Take care of him." She asked.

Artemis smiled and nodded.

Hera and Zeus vanished from the throne room in flash of light, leaving Percy alone with the two girls.

Thalia smiled at Percy, "Thanks for doing that for Luke. It means a lot to me."

Percy smiled and nodded. Artemis walked up to Thalia and put a hand on her shoulder. Thalia vanished in a flash of silver back to the Argo II.

Percy looked at Artemis warily, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you…" Percy began before Artemis stepped forward and grabbed Percy, flashing them to her palace. When they reappeared Artemis shoved Percy onto a couch and looked at him angrily.

"You didn't tell me because you don't trust me to know the truth?" Artemis hissed at him.

Percy shook his head, "Of course that's not why. I trust you more than anyone."

"Then why did you keep this from me? You knew I would find out eventually." Artemis snapped back.

Percy shook his head again and stood up. He walked closer to her, "I didn't want you to worry about me. I didn't want you to try to stop me from fighting."

Artemis' eyes narrowed as she continued to glare at him. Percy gently grabbed her hand and put it under his shirt. Artemis looked at him confused, "What are you doing Percy?"

Percy ignored her and guided her hand to his sternum. When she touched his one vulnerable spot, he shivered involuntarily.

"Now you know that I trust you above all others." Percy said softly.

Artemis' mouth opened but nothing came out. After a few seconds she found her voice, "Why would you tell me where it is?"

Percy stepped closer until there were only a few inches between them, "Because I love you and I trust you with everything, including my life."

Artemis stared into his eyes before she gently walked him back onto the couch where she pushed him down. She climbed on top of him so that she was straddling him, never breaking eye contact. She slowly leaned down and placed her lips gently on his. She kissed him softly at first before the kiss began to get more passionate. She ran her hands along his stomach and chest while his glided down her back until they reached her backside. Artemis smiled and deepened the kiss forcing Percy to open his mouth where her tongue found his. Percy's hands glided down her butt and onto her thighs causing Artemis to moan softly. Her hands found their way into his hair where they quickly tangled themselves.

The need for air forced them to finally break their kiss.

Artemis stared into Percy's eyes a little nervously, "Percy I'm willing to break my vow for you."

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled, "Good, but you don't have to. When the time is right, we will know it."

Artemis stared at Percy before she looked down and became self conscious, "You don't want me?"

Percy cupped her face in his hands, "I do. But I want you when you are ready and that will come when it's meant to. I just want you."

Artemis stared at Percy for another minute before she leaned her forehead against his, "I love you so much Percy."

Percy smiled, "Just as I do you."

Artemis relaxed and cuddled up in Percy's arms. She leaned up and kissed his jaw, "Thank you Percy, I'm so lucky to have you."

Percy kissed the top of her head, "I will never leave your side Artemis. As long as I live I will only love you."