Chapter 28: Army of the Light

Percy and Jason sat on small little thrones inside the throne room of Aether and Hemera as they waited for the two primordial deities to arrive so they could discuss what to do with the information they learned from Prometheus.

"You think we'll be able to return to Earth soon?" Jason asked hopefully.

Percy shrugged, "I hope so but I have a feeling we still have some waiting to do. I mean Prometheus said they were planning an attack on one of the two camps in around six months. Unfortunately that means we have close to year before we can go back for good." Percy said sadly.

Jason's shoulders slumped, "Damn it. I just want to let them know I'm alive. It's been six years and every day is killing me."

Percy was about to respond when two bright flashes of light appeared in the two larger thrones. Hemera and Aether flashed in, both smiling at their two commanders.

"Well boys, I take it you have some news to tell us?" Hemera asked warmly. Both boys smiled, Hemera had been like a mother to both of them over the past six years.

Percy nodded, "We captured Prometheus and prevented the capture of Artemis." Percy said, his voice cracking a bit when he said Artemis' name.

Hemera looked at Percy sadly, "Soon Percy, your time to return draws closer. Please have faith that we know what we're doing."

Percy's eyes widened, "We would never doubt either of your opinions milady; it was just painful to see everyone today. We know why we must wait; it just doesn't make it any easier."

Hemera nodded sadly before Aether spoke up, "Please inform us of what you have learned from the Titan Prometheus."

Percy nodded and recited everything from the day from the battle to the interrogation of Prometheus. When he finished, both Hemera and Aether sat in their thrones deep in thought. The husband and wife looked at each other and seemed to be having a mental conversation before they looked back at their two commanders warily.

"The news about the Titans is rather troubling. We must speak to a few of our allies before deciding on our next course of action. Take comfort in knowing your time to return to you loved ones is closer than you believe. Return to your training, we will talk again soon." Aether said before he flashed out of his throne.

Hemera smiled warmly at the two boys, "Good work today you two. The information you obtained is invaluable." She said as she stood from her throne and kissed each boy softly on the cheek before she flashed out of the throne room.

Percy looked over at Jason a little nervously, "Aether seemed a bit unsettled about what we told him; didn't he?"

Jason nodded slowly, "Yea he did but at least he said we're going back sooner than we thought."

Percy frowned, "Yea but if Aether's this nervous then it may not be a good thing."

Line Break (Six months later)

Percy and Jason walked from their shared palace and towards the palace of Aether and Hemera. The past six months had been tough for the two. They hadn't left the White City once and were constantly training. Aether forced them to hone their skills above all others, never taking a day off from training their troops or training one on one with Aether and Hemera. Their power and skills had grown incredibly over that time.

Percy had decided Jason wasn't fit for being his second in command. After consulting with Aether and Hemera, Jason was made co-commander of the Army of the Light, answering only to the two primordial deities and holding the same amount of authority as Percy within the army. After trying to refuse, Jason accepted the role, his friendship with Percy only growing stronger.

No one from the Army of Light had been to earth in the past six months as Aether decided it was not worth the risk of Erebus or Nyx discovering that his forces were ready to defend Olympus at a moment's notice.

Percy and Jason pushed open the throne room doors and were shocked to find and elderly looking man standing between Aether and Hemera. The three were talking quietly until they noticed the two immortal demigods entering the throne room.

"Percy, Jason; I want you two to meet Chronus, Primordial God of Time." Hemera said smiling.

Both demigods' eyes widened before they dropped into a deep bow, "Lord Chronus." They said in unison.

Chronus waved his hand dismissively, "No need for that. You two have earned the right to stand beside anyone, primordial god or not."

Percy and Jason were slightly shocked but relaxed when the elderly looking god smiled at them.

"I'm sure you two are wondering why you're here." Hemera said warmly.

Both boys nodded and smiled back at the friendly Goddess of the Day.

Aether cleared his throat to gain the boy's attention, "Chronus here is going to bestow his blessing upon the two of you."

Both demigods' jaws dropped, earning chuckles from the three primordials.

"You two have a very long and difficult road ahead of you. Seeing as the army of Erebus and Nyx is going to be led by the Titan Kronos, the blessing of the true lord of time will be a huge factor in whether or not we can overcome this threat. You two will be the only ones to ever receive his blessing and needless to say it will make you quite powerful, right up there with the Olympians. Percy, you will most likely be more powerful than a number of the Olympians, right up there with your father considering all the blessings you have from some of the Olympian Goddesses." Aether explained with a smile.

Jason and Percy just looked on in shock as they tried to absorb the information they were just told. They both started to nod slowly causing the trio of deities to chuckle again.

Chronus began chanting quietly and both demigods began to glow gold for a minute before the glow dissipated and both boys dropped to a knee. Percy and Jason looked at each other and gasped.

"Dude, you have gold in your eyes!" Jason yelled.

Percy's eyes widened, "Well get a mirror because so do you bro."

Chronus began laughing loudly before he waved his hand and a mirror appeared in front of the two. They both looked at their eyes closely before they started to grin.

"Why do our eyes have gold in them? Our eyes didn't change when we were blessed by either of you." Percy asked Aether and Hemera.

Aether smirked and looked at Chronus who was smiling, "I'm afraid my time is coming to a close. Rather than allow my power to pass to my little bastard of a nephew Kronos, I have passed some of that power onto you two."

"But why?" Jason asked shocked.

Chronus smiled, "You two are far more worthy of the power than him or any other being I have met. When I am done with you two, you will be able to resist the power of Kronos so that you may meet him in battle head on."

"When we're done?" Percy asked confused.

Aether grinned, "You two are leaving with Chronus. When you finish your training with him, it will be time to return to your loved ones."

Percy smiled and was about to speak but a scepter with an hour glass on the top of it appeared in Chronus' hand. He spun the scepter before both demigods vanished in a flash of gold along with the Primordial God of Time.

Aether smiled when they vanished and looked at his wife who was staring at him with love, "They will be ready when he is done with them." She said confidently.

Aether nodded, "They need to be if they want to have a world to return to after this war."

Line Break

(Just under four years since Percy Jackson was last seen) (Eight Years for Percy and Co.)

Camp Half Blood was in a frenzy. An army of over five hundred monsters was marching towards camp. Lookouts had spotted the army as they entered Long Island. The past six months had been hell on the demigods. Small stealthy attacks on the camp had slowly depleted their numbers while dropping the morale amongst the demigods. The hunters were at camp but the demigods were still outnumbered roughly five to one.

The Hephaestus and Hermes cabins were setting as many traps as they could before the army came arrived. According to last reports, the army was a little over five miles away and the demigods were running out of time.

Meanwhile on Olympus, the council was gathered as they tried to come up with anything they could to help the campers.

"Perhaps we should abandon camp and try to regroup somewhere else so we have more time to prepare. We could bring the Roman demigods from Camp Jupiter. We still have a few hours before the army reaches camp; we have enough time to get everyone out safely." Athena suggested.

Zeus looked thoughtful and was about to reply but a blinding flash of light appeared in the middle of the throne room. When the light faded, all fourteen Olympians stared in shock at the two people in the center of the room.

"Lord Aether, Lady Hemera, why are you here?" Zeus asked confused.

Aether smiled, "We are here for a number of reasons actually but first we are here to help you with the impending attack on Camp Half Blood."

Zeus looked at him shocked, "Thank you Lord Aether, but may I ask, why are you helping us?"

Aether sighed, "I'm afraid that this is just the beginning. My mother and father have been building an army in secret since the beginning of your war with Gaia in hopes of catching you off guard. Fortunately for you, I have been building my own army to help you fight this war."

The council stared at Aether in shock, "Why would you wait until now to tell us that Nyx and Erebus were planning a war?" Artemis yelled, drawing glares from a number of the Olympians for shouting at the primordial deity here to help them.

Surprisingly Aether smiled at her, albeit sadly, "I am sorry Artemis but it was necessary. For the past eight years, my wife and I were grooming our champion to lead our army into war. As it turned out, we now have two champions who serve as the co-commanders of the army. Our original choice convinced us that his counterpart was more than worthy to share the title with him. If our father found out about our champions, they would have attacked sooner and neither the commanders nor our army was ready until now."

The council seemed a little relieved about the help but still nervous about two primordials waging war against Olympus.

"How many troops do you have?" Ares asked excited, at the prospect of a huge war.

"We have roughly seven hundred warriors in our army, most have served me for centuries. The army is divided into two battalions which are each led by a general handpicked by our champion." Aether replied.

Ares seemed impressed and grinned.

"When can they be here?" Zeus asked.

"I will be sending one of the battalions to defend the demigod camp when the army is close. We do not wish to let the enemy know we have entered the war until as late as possible." Aether explained.

Zeus nodded gratefully, "Thank you Lord Aether."

Aether smiled before he frowned, "We still have much more to discuss I'm afraid. Our two champions captured the Titan Prometheus when he attacked Artemis and her hunters. In exchange for a pardon at a later time, he revealed everything he knew about the enemy's plans. The Titans Atlas and Hyperion have been freed and are serving in their army. Oceanus plans to wage war on Atlantis to keep Poseidon out of the fight. And the Titan Kronos has been reformed with the help of Nyx and Erebus and will be leading their army in the war."

The council paled at the mention of Kronos returning.

"We can't win a war against so many powerful enemies." Apollo said dejectedly.

Aether shook his head, "You can but it will be difficult. Our champions have been groomed to help even the scales in this war. Both have been blessed by me, my wife, as well as the true Lord of Time, Chronus. Both are about as powerful as an Olympian but not restricted from fighting in battles as most of you are."

Zeus looked impressed, "Will we be able to meet these champions of yours Lord Aether?"

Aether nodded slowly. He closed his eyes for a moment before four bright flashes of light appeared in the throne room. Four figures in pure white armor were standing in front of Aether and Hemera.

"I would like you all to meet my two generals," Aether said gesturing to the two figures in white armor, "As well as our two champions." He said gesturing to the two figures in white armor along with white cloaks with holes in the back where their wings protruded out of the back.

"First, my two generals," Aether said nodding to the two figures, "I would like to reintroduce you to Luke Castellan and Clarisse La Rue."

The council gasped when Clarisse and Luke pulled off their helmets. Hermes looked like he was about to cry at the sight of his son. The first tear leaked out when his son actually smiled at him.

Aether looked at the other two before turning back to the council, "I need you all to understand what we did was for the survival of Olympus. Only after some rather tough negotiating were we able to obtain the services of one of our champions." Aether said as he turned toward Artemis, "I am mostly sorry to you Artemis. Only when we told him it was the only way to protect you were we able to convince him to agree."

Artemis' eyes widened and started tearing up as she hopped off her throne, shrinking down to human size and walking toward the taller figure in the white cloak. The figure walked toward her slowly.

Artemis reached up and gently pulled the helmet off his head, revealing jet black hair and the sea green, brown, gold and tear filled eyes of Percy Jackson.

Artemis cupped his face in her hands softly as she looked into the face of the man she had been grieving over for the past four years. She tried to savor the moment of staring into his eyes fearing this was somehow not real. She tried to speak but couldn't as her throat closed up so she just continued to stare into the eyes of the only man she had ever loved.

"I'm so sorr…" Percy began before Artemis crashed her lips into his, kissing him deeply in front of the entire council.

Apollo tried to jump out of his throne but was met with a blade to the throat courtesy of Ares, "You can have your words with him later." Ares growled causing Apollo to remain seated.

Artemis pulled back from the kiss with teary eyes but wasted no time in slugging Percy across the face with a hard right. Percy staggered back but the smile never left his face as golden ichor leaked from his mouth.

Hera, Hestia and Poseidon were watching the interaction with tears in their eyes and big smiles on their faces. Zeus smiled widely from his throne as Olympus' champion and his daughter's only love had returned.

Artemis stared at Percy in shock, "Y..You're immortal?"

Percy nodded, "I know you must hate me but this was the only way. Styx would have claimed my soul if Aether and Hemera didn't save me. I've waited all these years to come back to you. I swear not a day has gone by where my heart didn't break a little bit at not being able to see you."

Artemis' shocked face shifted into a warm smile, "You're immortal." She said softly before she closed the distance between them and stared intently into his eyes. She gently wiped the ichor from his mouth, "I will forgive you if you promise to never leave me again." She whispered softly.

Percy nodded, "I swear it on the Styx." Thunder boomed outside the throne room before Artemis leaned up and kissed Percy softly on the lips.

Percy smiled when they broke apart and grabbed Artemis hand and led her back to a smiling Aether and Hemera.

Aether snapped his fingers and three hunters stood in front of Percy and Artemis. Zoe, Thalia and Piper looked around confused until they noticed Artemis and then Percy.

They were about to run to Percy but Percy held up his hand, confusing them.

"Wait, I need to do something first." Percy said quickly.

The girls looked a little upset but nodded as they stared at Percy in shock.

"I need to introduce everyone to my brother and co-commander of the Army of the Light." Percy said smiling, "I want to reintroduce everyone to Jason Grace."

Thalia and Piper's eyes widened as Jason pulled off his helmet. Piper wasted no time in running to him and smashing her lips onto his.

When they broke apart, Aether held up his hand to silence the room.

"Now let me explain how everyone who is here is here. When we took Percy from the battlefield in Greece we told him of the war with Nyx and Erebus. We told him the only way to protect his loved ones was to become our champion and the commander of our army. Percy accepted after laying down his own demands. The first was to immortalize Miss Nightshade and Miss Di Angelo so they could not be sent back to the Underworld. After that, he wanted to pick his own two generals and lieutenant. He chose Clarisse and Luke as his generals and Jason as his second in command. After the first six years he asked my wife and I to make Jason his co-commander as the two grew closer than brothers over the years. All four are immortal and blessed by me and my wife. Percy and Jason were blessed and trained by the Primordial God of Time and inherited some of his power before he faded."

Everyone stared in shock at Percy and Jason who blushed a bit as they both held tightly onto Artemis and Piper.

Hera made her way off her throne, shrunk down and approached Percy tearfully. Percy wasted no time in engulfing his mother in a tight embrace. Hera held onto him as if he were about to disappear.

When they broke apart Percy wiped away Hera's tears making her smile, "My baby boy is immortal now." She said warmly making Percy return the smile.

"I have missed you so much Mom." Percy whispered as he wiped away Hera's last few tears.

Hera smiled, "I'm just so grateful to have you back Perseus. My life wasn't the same without you in it."

"I will be on Olympus tonight Mom, I promise I will tell you everything once the battle is over." Percy said softly.

Hera smiled and nodded, kissing Percy on the cheek before finding her way into the arms of a smiling Zeus.

Percy's eyes widened when he saw his uncle. He made his way over to him a little nervously, "Lord Zeus, as you saw, I'm in love with Artemis. I know…" Percy started before Zeus laughed loudly.

"Relax Perseus; you have my blessing to be with my daughter. We can talk more about it later but all that matters is you're back." Zeus said before he surprised Percy by pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you for bringing my son back to me. I've lost track of how many of my children you've saved now." Zeus said as he released Percy.

Percy smiled, "Thank you uncle. Letting me be with Artemis is all the thanks I need."

Percy turned to find his father but came face to face with a furious Apollo glaring at him.

Zeus and Artemis went to intervene but were stopped by Aether and Hemera.

"Can I help you Apollo?" Percy asked calmly as the throne room went silent, everyone closely watching the confrontation between the god and immortal demigod.

Apollo's glare intensified, "What do you think you're doing with my sister?" He growled.

Percy laughed, "I think it's quite obvious Apollo. She is my girlfriend and now that I have Lord Zeus' blessing to date her, no one will get in between us, including you."

Apollo's eyes widened. He reached back to punch Percy but suddenly froze. Apollo's face turned panicked.

"Listen Apollo, I love your sister and she loves me. She is an adult goddess and doesn't need you to treat her like a baby. I swear on the Styx that I will never hurt her but if you can't deal with this then you can basically kiss my ass. Grow up and accept that she's not your baby sister. She is her own woman and can take care of herself." Percy said in a deadly serious tone as thunder rumbled in the distance.

Percy released Apollo from the time freeze and looked at him expectantly. Artemis was looking at Percy with love while the rest of the council stared at Percy impressed.

Apollo stared at Percy before looking at Artemis for a minute and then looking back at Percy.

Apollo sighed, "You're right Percy. I've been an ass about this for too long. I'm sorry for that; I was just worried about her."

Percy's face cracked into a grin, "So then we're cool Apollo?"

Apollo smiled, "Yea we're cool Percy. If you hurt her though, I don't care how powerful you are, I'll find a way to kill you."

Percy nodded, "That sounds fair but don't worry, I'm not dumb enough to hurt her, I wouldn't get someone half that perfect again."

Apollo seemed satisfied and walked towards his father who smiled at him. Percy turned only to get crushed into a godly sized hug from his father.

Percy grunted, "I missed you too Dad but you're breaking my bones."

Poseidon released him with a smile, "Sorry Percy but I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Dad, more than you know. I will be back tonight, so make sure you're here so we can catch up." Percy said.

Poseidon smiled and nodded.

Percy quickly located the little eight year old goddess he had missed just as much as his parents. He saw her sitting by the hearth poking at the coals with a stick. Percy walked up to her unnoticed as she tended the hearth.

"My lady?" Percy said quietly.

Hestia turned around and smiled at Percy. Percy wasted no time in pulling her into a big hug, "I've missed my patron just as much as everyone else you know." Percy said softly.

"I'm not your only patron anymore Percy." Hestia said a little sadly.

Percy shook his head, "Of course you are milady. Aether and Hemera are my friends but you're my only true patron. My loyalty still lays with you above all others."

Hestia looked surprised but her face quickly changed into a warm smile and she hugged him again, "I'm so grateful you're okay Percy. I have missed you so much over the years."

Percy smiled, "I will always come back to you my lady. We will catch up tonight okay? I have many stories to tell you."

Hestia smiled and kissed Percy on the cheek.

Percy made his way back over to Artemis and the hunters. Piper clung tightly to Jason as they both smiled happily. Percy walked up behind Zoe and put an arm around her shoulder, "Nice bow Zoe."

Percy was quickly met with a punch to the gut, "I should kill you for leaving that day." Zoe growled.

Percy looked up from holding his stomach, "I was under orders to not reveal myself. I knew you would know it was me, that's why I said it. I wanted to let you know I was still alive without revealing myself and honestly I knew you would be the only one to figure it out."

Zoe glared at him before she threw her arms around him and pulled him into hug, "Thank you Percy, for everything." She whispered softly.

Percy smiled, "You're my friend Zoe. I don't break promises to my friends."

Zoe pulled back smiling, "I know you don't Percy but still, thank you."

Percy grinned, "Now we're both immortal; you get to deal with me for all of eternity."

Zoe rolled her eyes but smiled, "Unfortunately, but you seem to make milady happy so I guess I can deal with it. There are worse friends to be stuck with for eternity, even if you are a man."

Percy smiled, happy that Zoe was going to be around just as long as him.

Percy turned and looked for Thalia to see her with Luke smiling and laughing. He saw Artemis glaring at Luke so he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do this." He whispered in her ear before kissing her on the cheek softly, making her smile and blush a bit.

"I do actually because I've waited just as long." Artemis replied with a smile.

Percy shook his head making Artemis turn to look at him, "Actually you haven't. Time passes half as fast in Lord Aether's realm. So four years for you was eight for me and the year and a half Jason and I spent training with Lord Chronus was only six months here."

"It's been almost ten years for you?" Artemis asked shocked.

Percy grimaced but nodded, "It was hard but now that I finally have you back, it was worth it in the end." He said as he grabbed her hand softly.

Artemis smiled and leaned her head against his chest.

"Let's go back to camp. We can reveal my identity to the rest of the hunt after the battle. Jason and I need to go gather our troops. Prepare for an entrance worthy of Lord Zeus." Percy said smirking.

Artemis rolled her eyes but smiled. The glow in her silver eyes finally returning after so long.

"At least now if you do something stupid and die, I only need to wait until you reform so I can kill you more painfully myself." Artemis said with smile.

Percy smiled, "I'm not going anywhere. I've waited too long to see you again to do anything else that would take me away from you."

Artemis' smile grew and she pulled Percy into another deep kiss before she grabbed Piper and Zoe and dragged them over to Thalia and vanished in a flash of silver.

Percy and Jason made their way over to Aether and Hemera, "We are ready to get our troops and lead them into battle." Percy said seriously.

Hemera smiled, "It's nice to see you two so happy at last. I hope you know we never wanted to keep you away from them."

Jason shook his head, "We know that. You two were like a mother and father to us over the years. We can never repay you for how much you've done for us." Jason said as Percy nodded his agreement.

Hemera smiled and hugged Jason tightly.

Aether looked at Percy seriously, "I know you're ready for this Percy. Both of you are. You two were born to lead. We couldn't have found better champions and commanders. I want you to take a unit of only 150 soldiers plus your two generals and show those monsters what happens when they step into battle against the Army of the Light."

Line Break

The demigods at Camp Half Blood stood in tight lines behind the borders of camp. The hunters and Apollo cabin were spread out in the trees and in different sniping spots around the edges of camp. The nervous energy coming off the campers was almost visible as they watched the army of monsters marching toward camp. Leading the army of monsters was the Titan Hyperion. He smiled smugly when he looked at the small army of demigods and hunters gathered at the borders of camp.

Artemis, Zoe, Piper and Thalia stood in front of the demigod lines, all trying to hide their smiles as the army approached, those monsters weren't going to know what hit them.

The army of monsters stopped about one hundred yards away from the camper borders, eyeing their easy victory hungrily. Hyperion looked up at Artemis standing in front of the demigods and smiled, thinking how pleased Erebus would be when they destroyed the demigod camp along with capturing one of their top targets.

Just as the Titan took a step to walk towards Artemis, a blinding flash of light appeared in front of the now shocked campers. One hundred and fifty warriors draped head to toe in pure white armor stood protectively in front of the demigods. Clarisse and Luke stood in front of the troops, their identities hidden behind their helmets and visors.

Hyperion frowned, the battle just a lot more difficult but he was still confident. He was about to order the monsters to charge when thunder shook the ground as lightning crackled loudly in the sky above the campers.

A blindingly bright light lit up the sky as thunder boomed and lightning struck violently in the area between the two armies. Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning struck ten yards in from the the warriors.

Two figures stepped out of the crater created from the bolt as the warriors of Aether began to smack their swords against their shields creating a deafening clatter of metal on metal.

The demigods looked on in absolute awe at the warriors and the two figures that stepped out of the crater. The two slowly walked toward the soldiers. The soldiers drumming of swords on shields grew louder and louder as the two figures approached the army. When they were five feet in front, the noise stopped instantly.

Artemis turned back to the campers and hunters, "No one moves forward without my word. That is an order from Olympus. Do not shoot one single arrow unless given permission by me and me alone." She yelled loudly to the now stunned campers and hunters.

Chiron quickly made his way over to Artemis, "Lady Artemis, surely these warriors could use our help." He asked confused.

Artemis shook her head, "I will explain later Chiron but this order is non-negotiable." She said sternly.

Chiron's eyes widened and he nodded, "Of course Lady Artemis. We will stand ready should you order us to join."

Percy and Jason stood smiling as they looked at their troops, every one of them itching for the battle to start.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Percy bellowed loudly.

"WE ARE THE ARMY OF THE LIGHT SIR!" Came the thunderous response from one hundred and fifty well trained soldiers in unison.

"WHO DO YOU SERVE?" Jason bellowed to their troops.

"WE SERVE LORD AETHER SIR!" Yelled the warriors.

"WHO DO WE PROTECT?" Percy screamed.

"WE PROTECT THE INNOCENT SIR!" Thundered the troops.

"WHY DO YOU FIGHT?" Jason yelled.

"WE FIGHT BECAUSE IT IS OUR DUTY TO PROTECT ALL THAT IS GOOD SIR!" Boomed the troops as their excitement grew.

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT YOU DO!" Percy screamed.


The warriors roared in response and quickly sprinted past the camp borders and toward the stunned army of monsters.

Percy and Jason turned and sprinted a few yards ahead of their troops and straight into the army of monsters.

Percy jumped as he reached the nervous group of monsters, driving a knee in the chest of a Cyclops and knocking it onto its back where he quickly drove Riptide into its heart. Percy hopped to his feet and stabbed a Dracaena through the stomach, kicking the monster back into the legs of a Laistrygonian Giant which staggered only to find an imperial gold gladius thrust through its neck.

Jason pulled his gladius out of the giant's throat locked eyes with Percy. Both immortal demigods' eyes began to glow gold as they surged forward toward the now sluggish looking monsters. The two wreaked havoc through the monster army for a couple minutes before their eyes lost their gold glow and they used too much energy.

Percy looked around and saw Luke and Clarisse battling the Titan Hyperion together as the Titan struggled to defend himself against their onslaught. Percy saw Jason bring down a huge bolt of lightning that took out half a dozen Telekhine before he grabbed Jason's shoulder and flashed them both out the front of the monster lines.

Jason smiled when he and Percy reappeared in front of the battle. Their troops were wreaking havoc through the army of monsters, some of the monsters already trying to slink away from the battle. Percy twisted his ring as his bow materialized in his hand. Jason tugged on his necklace as a pure white bow appeared in his, a gift from Hemera.

They both sat back and picked off monsters that tried to sneak away from the battle or occasionally monsters that tried to sneak up on their troops. They continued picking off monsters until they noticed a Drakon slithering its way toward the back of their troops. Jason brought down a small bolt of lightning just to draw the beast's attention.

The Drakon quickly noticed the two soldiers away from the rest and charged towards them.

"Mechanical bull?" Percy asked with a smirk.

Jason grinned as both charged at the Drakon. When they almost reached it, they both split into two different directions, causing the Drakon to pause just long enough for both demigods to hop onto its back.

The monster bucked and shook but Jason and Percy both had firm grips on its scales. Percy slowly let his hands catch fire, increasing the heat of the fire until the scale he was holding onto began to glow bright red. The monster suddenly froze at the pain in its back.

Jason was already on his feet and running up the Drakon's back and toward Percy. He used Percy's back as a launch pad jumping into the air with his gladius raised with both hands over his head as he came down on the monster's head, driving the blade through its skull. The Drakon slowly dissolved until only a skeleton remained.

Percy slid off the skeletal back and grinned at Jason who wore a matching expression, "That was sweet bro." Percy said chucking while Jason grinned and nodded in agreement.

They looked back at their troops standing in front of them in tight lines, mounds of the golden dust behind them. Luke and Clarisse came forward with a shackled Hyperion and threw him at the feet of Percy and Jason.

Percy grinned and beckoned a solder forward, "Gabriel, please bring this friendly Titan to Lord Aether's palace. I believe he will have some questions for him."

Hyperion glared at Percy, "This is but a fraction of our army. We simply did not know you pathetic warriors of Aether would be here. Lord Erebus and Lady Nyx will not make the same mistake again." He sneered at Percy and Jason.

Percy smiled and lifted his helmet just enough for Hyperion to see his face as he leaned down next to the Titan. Hyperion's eyes widened, "Impossible. You're dead Jackson."

Percy chuckled, "That's odd, I'm feeling very much alive right now. Of course, I can't say the same for you unless you answer every single one of Lord Aether questions."

Percy nodded to Gabriel before Hyperion could reply and both disappeared in a flash of light.

Percy's face turned serious and he and Jason stood straight, an action mirrored by their troops and they tightened their lines back up.

"You have all done well. This is but the beginning. Do not get ahead of yourselves as we have a long way to go. But I think I speak for Jason as well when I say we are proud of you today. You have proven why you are the elite in the Army of the Light, the best of the best. Return to the White City; Jason and I will return tomorrow after speaking with the Olympians." Percy announced loudly to the troops as Jason nodded in agreement.

"THANK YOU SIRS!" The troops thundered before they all disappeared into a blinding light, leaving only Percy, Jason, Clarisse, and Luke.

Percy turned around only to have his helmet ripped off as Artemis crashed her lips onto his in a passionate kiss. When they broke apart he smiled stupidly and saw an identical expression on Jason as Piper stepped back.

"It's not possible." Came the shocked voiced of an old centaur standing in front of a hundred dumbfounded demigods and hunters.