Chapter 29: Reunions at Camp

"You have all done well. This is but the beginning. Do not get ahead of yourselves as we have a long way to go. But I think I speak for Jason as well when I say we are proud of you today. You have proven why you are the elite in the Army of the Light, the best of the best. Return to the White City; Jason and I will return tomorrow after speaking with the Olympians." Percy announced loudly to the troops as Jason nodded in agreement.

"THANK YOU SIRS!" The troops thundered before they all disappeared into a blinding light, leaving on Percy, Jason, Clarisse, and Luke.

Percy turned around only to have his helmet ripped off as Artemis crashed her lips onto his in a passionate kiss. When they broke apart he smiled stupidly and saw an identical expression on Jason as Piper stepped back.

"It's not possible." Came the shocked voiced of an old centaur standing in front of a hundred dumbfounded demigods and hunters.

Percy smiled as he saw Chiron staring at him in shock.

"Hello Chiron. It's nice to be back at camp, although I wish the circumstances for our return were more pleasant." Percy said before he was pulled into a tight embrace from his old mentor.

When Chiron stepped back he looked disbelievingly at his favorite student before him, "How are you here Percy?"

Percy's smile grew, "Why don't we gather everyone in the amphitheater in thirty minutes and Jason and I will explain how and why we are here."

Chiron's face shifted into a smile, "Yes, I think some explanations would be nice my boy."

"Before you do that, I need to introduce one of my generals right now as she will likely kill me if I make her wait another minute." Percy said as Clarisse snorted in amusement from behind her helmet.

"I want to reintroduce the campers to mine and Jason's general and former Ares camper, Clarisse La Rue." Percy said trying to hold in his chuckle from the gasps coming from the campers.

Clarisse pulled off her helmet and immediately scanned the campers until a certain son of Hermes had shoved his way to the front. He stared at Clarisse wide eyed as he looked unsure of what to do. Clarisse sent him a harsh glare which made him smile and walk towards her until he was right in front of her. Clarisse quickly grabbed him and kissed him in front of everyone drawing a number of cheers and wolf whistles from the campers.

Clarisse and Chris disappeared into the campers while Percy turned back to Artemis who was standing beside roughly twenty shocked huntresses and three who were smiling.

Before anyone could say anything Chloe launched herself and Percy, jumping into his arms. Percy smiled at the now eleven year old huntress who had grown at least six inches since he had last seen her. Percy put her down and smiled, "I take it you missed me?" He asked teasingly.

He was quickly answered with a hard slap to the face.

Percy laughed, "I see you've taken on the mannerisms of your mistress and sisters."

Chloe smiled, "How are you here? I've missed you so much Percy."

Percy shook his head, "I will explain everything at the amphitheater. But I promise I am here for good now."

"Promise? You're my big brother and I don't want to lose you again." Chloe asked with big puppy dog eyes.

Percy grabbed her shoulders gently, "I promise little sis."

Chloe smiled happily as she kissed Percy of the cheek before stepping aside, knowing Percy had another little sister who he wanted to see him.

Zoe pushed a small sea green eyed and raven haired girl towards Percy. Percy took two steps toward her and knelt down in front of her, "I'm sorry I haven't been around for you Sophie. I promise I will do whatever I can to make it up to you for the rest of my life." Percy said softly.

Sophie stared at him for another minute before the first tear leaked out of her eye. It was quickly followed by more before Percy pulled her close to him and held on tightly while he rubbed her back softly.

"I..I thought you were dead. I thought my only brother, my only family, was dead." Sophie whispered softly as she wrapped her arms around Percy.

Percy frowned and pulled back from her, wiping the tears off her cheeks with his thumbs, "I'm so sorry but I didn't have a choice. This was the only way I could come back. But I promise I will be here for you for now on. I'm not going anywhere again, I promise."

Sophie's face slowly shifted into a smile as her brother smiled down at her. Even kneeling, he still was a couple inches taller than the hunt's youngest member.

Percy turned toward the rest of the hunt to see them smiling fondly at him.

"Alright girls, head to the amphitheater as you will want to hear Percy and Jason's story." Artemis ordered as she wanted a few minutes alone with her boyfriend.

The hunters minus Piper took off for the amphitheater as Percy turned to a still not revealed Luke, "Flash yourself to the amphitheater, I will make sure you are welcomed back my friend."

Luke smiled gratefully and nodded before vanishing in a bright light.

Artemis quickly wrapped her arms around Percy before he could turn around, "Promise me again you won't leave me."

Percy turned around and cupped her face in his hands, "Artemis, I promise I am never leaving again. I never wanted to leave in the first place but when they said it was only way to make sure you and everyone else was safe, I knew I had to. I would never leave you willingly, I promise." Percy said as he looked into be beautiful silver eyes.

Artemis's eyes widened slightly and smile graced her lips before he stood on her toes and kissed Percy softly.

"That was a good answer Percy." She whispered as she pulled back and grabbed his hand as they started slowly walking back into camp.

Percy noticed Jason and Piper walking in a similar position about twenty yards in front of them and smiled. Then a thought popped into his head, "Artemis? I know Piper is a hunter now, but you're going to let her out of her oath, right?" Percy asked a little nervously.

Artemis paused and looked at Percy blankly, "And why would I release her from the eternal vow of maidenhood?"

Percy paled and was about to reply before Artemis started laughing at his worried face. Percy's eyes widened before he scowled at her angrily, "That wasn't funny." He growled.

Artemis stopped laughing and glared at Percy causing him to flinch, which made her chuckle again, "Seriously Percy? You can walk up to a primordial goddess like Gaia fearlessly but you flinch away from my little old glare." She teased.

Percy gently pulled Artemis closer to him and smiled, "Trust me, Gaia had nothing on my girl."

Artemis blushed a bit and pecked him on the lips, "Piper asked to leave but I offered to let her stay in the hunt, at least until after the war. I told her we could discuss it later."

Percy looked surprised, "You would let her stay?"

Artemis looked down sadly, "I don't know if the hunt will exist after the war Percy. Part of my maiden vow was getting to form my group of huntresses."

Percy's eyes widened, "What? Artemis, I can't be the reason for the hunt being disbanded."

Artemis smiled sadly, "I know you don't want that but I love you Percy and I won't lose you, no matter what the cost is."

Percy shook his head, "If Zeus decides the hunters can't exist unless you remain a maiden then you will have to remain one." He said seriously.

Artemis suddenly looked panicked, "No Percy, I don't want to lose you."

Percy smiled, "You wouldn't lose me. I told you Artemis, I don't care about that. I love you regardless of whether we could have kids or not. I won't be the reason for the hunt being disbanded; I love you but I love the hunters too. I know they're like daughters to you and I won't let you lose them. You can have us both, I promise."

Artemis stared at Percy for a minute, "You would stay with me even if we could never have sex?" She asked disbelievingly.

"Of course I would, I love you." Percy said like it was obvious.

Before Artemis could respond, Percy cut her off with a kiss. When he pulled back he smiled, "I'm not going anywhere Artemis, I promise. Now let's get to the amphitheater before everyone thinks I blew them off." He said before they both vanished and reappeared in front of the campers who looked at the two surprised. Artemis blushed but smiled and quickly flashed over to her hunters.

Percy found Jason and Clarisse standing next to Luke who was still wearing his helmet. Percy turned toward the campers and recounted everything that had happened to him starting with his plunge into Tartarus and finishing with his being revealed on Olympus. When Percy finished speaking, the campers all looked at him in awe. Percy figured now was the time to reintroduce his controversial friend back to the campers.

"I also have a friend I want to reintroduce you all to." Percy said warily before his face morphed into one of a stern commander, "His past has its dark points but I will say this as a warning to everyone here; he is a general in the Army of the Light and pledged his loyalty to Lord Aether and thus it is beyond question. To question his loyalties is to question those of Clarisse, Jason or I." Percy finished

The campers all looked at Percy confused but Percy's face stayed stern as Jason stood next to him mirroring his expression.

"It's time for all of you to be reintroduced to our friend, Luke Castellan." Percy announced loudly.

While the campers all gasped at Clarisse being revealed, a deathly silence enveloped the amphitheater when Luke pulled off his helmet.

The silence was quickly replaced by angry shouts of protest and betrayal from the older campers while the younger ones looked confused. Percy and Jason's expression shifted from stern to angry. Thunder rumbled loudly in the sky while a small earthquake shook the amphitheater and silenced the campers immediately.

"If not for my friend Luke; Thalia, Zoe, Bianca and I would still be stuck in Tartarus. I understand your anger but if you trust me then you will trust Luke. He felt the same resentment we have all felt towards our parents. The difference was that his was worse and for good reason. Luke has served as our general for the past eight years in Aether's army and has proven his loyalty beyond question. Every single soldier would lay down their lives for Luke, including myself, Jason, and Clarisse. Now is the time to forgive as we have no time for grudges as another war approaches." Percy explained as the campers looked at Luke warily.

Clarisse stepped forward, "I wanted nothing more than to rip Castellan's head off when Percy first recruited us. But he has proven his loyalty and regret for his past actions. He has redeemed himself. Anyone who touches or harasses my friend Luke will deal with me. If you're lucky, you'll die by my hand before Percy or Jason get their hands on you."

The campers stared at Clarisse disbelievingly until Chiron made his way over to Luke, "It's good to have you back my boy. I'm happy you decided to turn things around." Chiron said before pulling Luke into a hug.

"Thank you Chiron, I just want a chance to make up for all the things I've done." Luke said gratefully.

Chiron nodded and looked at Percy, "Will you four be staying at camp tonight?"

Percy shook his head, "Luke and Clarisse will be staying here but Jason and I will stay up on Olympus. We still have much to discuss with the gods about the war."

Chiron seemed a little disappointed but smiled, "Very well Percy; it is good to have you back, all of you."

Percy returned the smile, "Jason and I will return tomorrow and update you on things after we speak to the gods, before we take Clarisse and Luke back to Lord Aether's realm so that we may inform our army of the plans. We will stay here until dinner, we both have a lot of old friends to catch up with."

"Speaking of friends, where is Nico?" Percy asked a little surprised he just realized Nico wasn't around.

Chiron chuckled, "He lives at Camp Jupiter with his girlfriend Reyna. He is co-praetor now."

Percy's eyes widened before he smirked, "Guess I'll have to make a little visit to see how the legion is treating him. I knew those two liked each other. I will come see you before Jason and I return to Olympus Chiron, it's been far too long."

Chiron smiled and nodded before guiding the campers out of the amphitheater. Clarisse said her goodbyes before taking off with Chris while Luke ran off to catch up with Chiron.

Percy and Jason were left in the amphitheater with only the hunters. Percy wasted no time in walking up to Thalia and grabbing her shoulder before they disappeared into a bright light. The hunters all looked surprised but Jason and Artemis merely shrugged as they had no idea where he took off with her to.

Percy and Thalia reappeared at the beach of Camp Half Blood where Percy looked at Thalia expectantly.

"What?" Thalia asked.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I want to know what's wrong. I've missed you every single day that I've been gone and you haven't said two words to me since I came back."

Thalia looked away and stared out into the ocean. After a minute Percy moved so he was standing directly in front of her. When he saw her tears he stepped forward to give her a hug, only to receive a shock when he touched her. Percy jumped back from the jolt and looked at her confused.

"Why are you so mad at me?" Percy asked.

Thalia shook her head, "I'm not mad at you; I'm tired of losing you Percy. This is the second time you've vanished on me. I don't want to keep doing this. You're my best friend and every time you disappear it kills me."

Percy looked down, "I don't mean to do that Thalia. I didn't have a choice this time though. When I woke up, Aether and Hemera told me you and all my friends and family would die if I didn't help them. I promise this will be the last time I disappear."

Thalia shook her head, "That's what you told me last time I got you back."

"Thalia, I didn't have a choice. I swear on the Styx that I will stick around this time." Percy said as thunder boomed overhead.

Thalia looked up at Percy surprised until she smirked a bit, "Well at least now that you're immortal, if you break your promise this time you'll spend some time in Tartarus to think about your next stupid move."

Percy chuckled softly, "I'm sorry Thals, I really did miss you a lot though."

Thalia shook her head and pulled Percy into a hug, "I missed you too Kelp Head. I thought I lost my whole family with you and Jason gone but yet again you have to be a hero and fix everything in the end."

Percy grinned, "I only gave them the second chance they deserved."

Thalia nodded and plopped down in the sand while Percy followed suit. Thalia leaned her head on his shoulder, "Do you think we can win this war Percy?"

Percy nodded slowly, "I think we can but it won't be easy. They have some powerful allies and this war is probably going to last a lot longer than the last two." He said a little dejectedly.

"Why can't we ever get some peace? I'm sick of worrying about Titans and Primordials. I just want to relax for a while." Thalia complained.

"I know what you mean but war or not, I'm just happy to be back with my family and friends." Percy said softly.

Thalia smirked a bit, "And your goddess girlfriend."

Percy blushed a bit, "Yes, her too." He said smiling before he smirked a bit, "You and Luke seemed pretty chummy in the throne room. I think Artemis was ready to kill him when she saw you two together."

When Percy looked at his friend he saw her smirk had been replaced with a frown, "I don't like him like that. I love the hunt and I don't want to leave for Luke or anyone." She said seriously.

"There's nothing wrong with that Thals. I don't know if Luke likes you like that or not but he will understand. If he does get mad, Jason and I will knock a little sense into him." Percy said as he slipped an arm around her shoulder.

"I don't want to hurt him. I do love Luke but in the same way that I love you, like a brother." Thalia said sadly.

"He will be fine. He knows you're a hunter and he will find someone else while still remaining your friend." Percy said trying to comfort his friend.

Thalia gave him a small smile and nodded, "Let's go back before Artemis thinks I'm trying to steal her boyfriend."

Percy rolled his eyes and held his hand which Thalia took and they both disappeared from the beach.

Percy spent the rest of the time before dinner catching up with different campers and hunters that he had missed. After a somewhat painful start, Phoebe had forgiven him for not revealing himself when the hunters were attacked by Prometheus but not before issuing a threatening warning about disappearing again. She said she didn't want to see any more of her sisters upset but really she had missed Percy too and wanted him to stick around for her as well.

After dinner, Artemis had sent the hunters to the archery range; leaving Zoe and Thalia in charge while she and Piper accompanied Jason and Percy to Olympus. When the four walked into the throne room the gods were all staring at Percy and Jason and smiling.

"What?" Percy asked.

Ares stood up from his throne grinning hugely, "That battle was awesome. Where did punks like you learn to lead an army like that?"

Percy and Jason both rolled their eyes, "We've been leading them for years, we know how to get our soldiers amped up before a battle." Percy answered.

"I think it was hot." Aphrodite said batting her eyes at Percy.

Percy rolled his eyes until he heard Artemis growling next to him, "Like I told you before Aphrodite, not interested. I already have a girl and I'm not looking for a downgrade."

Aphrodite's eyes narrowed and she was about to speak but a quick glare from Artemis caused her to huff indignantly and bite her tongue. Artemis smiled triumphantly and slipped her hand into Percy's.

"You two did very well today. It makes me proud to watch my son and nephew lead their troops so effectively." Zeus said smiling.

Percy and Jason grinned before Percy spoke up, "Thank you Lord Zeus. Tomorrow we will return to Lord Aether's realm where we will find out what information, if any, he was able to obtain from the Titan Hyperion. Once we speak to him, we will report the information back to the council."

Zeus smiled and nodded, "You two aren't leaving already are you?"

Percy shook his head, "No, Jason and I will be staying at my palace on Olympus, assuming I do still have one."

Zeus smiled, "Yes your palace is just as you left it. Now, let us know how you two have spent the past four years. You both have been missed dearly by your family."

Percy and Jason spent the next couple hours with the Olympians explaining exactly how Percy recruited Jason and their generals; their time training with the primordials, as well as explaining about their army and the bonds they developed with different people over their time in Aether's realm.

After spending some time with their parents, Jason and Percy walked through the streets of Olympus with Artemis and Piper toward the palaces section of Olympus. When they finally reached the area where Artemis and Percy's were, the couples stopped.

"You two can have my palace for the night. Make yourselves at home. Until you get your own place, you live with me Jason" Percy said.

Jason smiled and nodded, "Thanks bro."

Percy smirked, "Now you two behave yourselves, Piper's still an eternal maiden you know." Percy said before he received a smack to the back of the head courtesy of Artemis while Piper and Jason tried to control their blushes.

"Ouch, I was just kidding." Percy said as he rubbed the back of his head. He was about to turn towards Artemis' palace when Piper stepped closer and hugged Percy tightly.

"Thank you so much Percy, I can never repay you for bringing him back." Piper whispered to him.

Percy smiled and shook his head, "It was nothing. I would have gone crazy over the past decade if I didn't have him there to remind me of what we had to come back to."

Piper smiled and kissed Percy on the cheek, "I don't care about why you did it Percy, just that you did; so thank you."

Piper turned, dragging Jason with her towards Percy's palace.

Percy turned back to his girlfriend who grabbed his hand and flashed them into her palace. They both sat down on the couch where Artemis laid her head on Percy's lap.

"Are you really leaving tomorrow?" Artemis asked quietly.

Percy smiled as he played with her hair, "Yes but only for a few hours. I'm not going anywhere for longer than that without you."

Artemis looked at him from his lap and smiled, "You know, Aphrodite might be a dumb bimbo but she was right about you looking pretty hot leading your soldiers into battle."

Percy chuckled, "Don't get too used to it. After this war, I want to be done with battles and wars for as long as possible. I just want to spend some time with my family and friends, and a certain goddess I love."

"So you've found a new goddess to love?" Artemis said teasingly.

Percy smirked, "Yes, didn't you hear Aphrodite? I think I might take her up on her off…." Percy started before he was punched in the stomach.

"I'm sorry Percy, what were you saying?" Artemis asked.

Percy rolled his eyes before kissing Artemis softly on the lips. She smiled when they broke apart, "I'm going to kill Aphrodite if she doesn't take the hint soon."

Percy smiled and went back to playing with her hair.

"Why did you disappear with Thalia today?" Artemis asked as she closed her eyes.

"She was acting weird but its fine now, she was just upset about me disappearing again." Percy explained.

Artemis' eyes opened slowly, "She seems awfully chummy around your friend Luke."

Percy rolled his eyes, "Relax Artemis; I talked to her about that too. She said she loves him like she loves me, in a brotherly way. She was worried about hurting him but it'll be fine. I don't even know if he likes her in that way but if he does then he'll have to get over it." Percy said softly.

Artemis seemed relieved and closed her eyes again.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" Percy asked softly.

Artemis smiled and nodded before they both vanished from the living room and into Artemis' bedroom. Artemis flashed some sleeping clothes on both of them before they both climbed into bed.

Artemis quickly cuddled up next to Percy before she leaned up and kissed him softly, "Goodnight Percy, I love you."

Percy smiled as she laid her head on his chest, "I love you too Artemis."