Chapter 30: Start of War

Percy woke up to find a familiar mess of auburn hair spread out over his chest and couldn't help but smile. The sound of someone clearing their throat though wiped that smile clear off his face.

Percy peeked over the top of Artemis and saw Jason and Piper trying to keep their laughter contained.

"I guess you two have a death wish." Artemis growled from the top of Percy's chest.

Jason immediately turned pale white, "Sorry Lady Artemis but Aether had asked me to get Percy and report back to his palace as soon as possible."

Artemis groaned in annoyance but didn't reply.

"I'll meet you outside in fifteen minutes bro. Go grab Luke and Clarisse and I'll be ready by the time you get back." Percy said chuckling.

Jason nodded and dragged Piper away as quick as he could.

Percy looked down at Artemis apologetically, "I'm sorry but I need to go."

Artemis pouted a bit before cuddling up closer to Percy with her face buried into his neck, "Fine but you better come back soon and not with bad news."

Percy sighed, "I can't promise you that. I doubt Aether would be so urgent if it was anything but bad news."

"Whatever it is, you better let me know first. You're not going off and getting hurt by yourself. Wherever you need to go, the hunters will be joining you." Artemis demanded.

Percy wrapped his arms around her, "Alright, I can deal with that. I'm sure I'll need to inform the council of whatever it is anyway. We can figure it out then."

Artemis looked up at him and smiled before she leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"I will go inform the hunters that they need to be ready to move. Not that they wouldn't jump at the opportunity to get out of camp as soon as they can." Artemis said as she pulled back. She leaned forward and kissed him again before disappearing in a flash of silver light from the bed.

Percy smiled and flashed himself over to his palace to put on normal clothes. As he dressed he saw the armor he got from his mother in the corner of the room. He smiled and put it on, planning to have Hemera adjust the colors but leaving the symbols of his parents and patron on it.

After meeting Jason, Clarisse and Luke; the four immortal demigods teleported to the palace of Aether and Hemera in the White City. Both primordial deities were waiting on their thrones for their arrival.

"Jason, I told you to grab him quickly." Aether said annoyed from his throne. Hemera snapped her fingers turning Percy's armor pure white and earning a smile from the young demigod.

"That was my fault Aether; I'm not really a morning person." Percy answered quickly before Jason could speak.

Aether rolled his eyes, "Well we have a problem. There is an army of monsters marching toward each of the demigod camps. It seems father is rather determined to wipe out the demigods as best he can before he makes his move on Olympus."

"What are your orders? I assume we must defend both camps." Jason asked.

Aether nodded, "I think it would be best if each of you takes a general and a battalion to each camp. I want Jason and Clarisse at Camp Half Blood and Percy and Luke at Camp Jupiter."

Jason looked surprised, "Aether, shouldn't I go to Camp Jupiter; that was my home."

Aether shook his head, "No, I think it would be best to have Percy at Camp Jupiter."

"My lord, I don't mean to question you but I don't see why Percy would be more helpful amongst the people I grew up with than me. I know Percy can help wherever he goes but it would be better if the Romans had one of their own to lead them into battle." Jason argued.

Aether tensed and looked at Jason incredulously. Before he could retort, Hemera put a hand on his arm and spoke first, "Jason, in all the years you've lived with us, have we ever not had a reason for doing something?" Hemera asked with an unfamiliar edge to her voice.

Jason's eyes widened at her tone before he bowed her head, "I am sorry Lady Hemera and Lord Aether, I shall do as you wish."

Hemera nodded, "Go and inform the Olympians of your orders. I trust that you will succeed. Prepare for more, Tartarus has been opened."

Percy's eyes widened, "What do you mean opened? Like the doors of death?"

Aether shook his head, "This is worse. Tartarus has joined his brother and sister in the war. While we don't know if he will actually fight, he has given his siblings every monster in the pit for their army. Thankfully your father has Typhon imprisoned deep within the depths of his domain. But should Oceanus wrestle control of the seas from Poseidon, there will be little left to stop Olympus from being toppled."

Percy paled, "Has he attacked my father yet?"

"No yet but it is only a matter of time. Go, inform the Olympians. We will try to gather aide and allies but I'm afraid most of the other primordials have no wish to enter the conflict whether they support our side or not." Aether said dejectedly.

Percy nodded solemnly, "Luke, Clarisse; gather your battalions and prepare them for battle. We leave for the camps right after Jason and I speak to the gods."

Luke and Clarisse nodded and flashed out.

Percy exchanged a look with Jason before they both disappeared from the throne room.

When the two arrived in the throne room, only Zeus and Hera were present.

"Uncle, gather the council. We need to prepare for war. It's starting." Percy said quickly.

Zeus' eyes widened before his master bolt appeared in his hand. He shot a huge bolt of lightning into the sky and thunder shook the throne room. Within seconds, the entire council flashed in and looked at Zeus expectantly. Zeus gestured for Percy to speak.

"Armies are marching toward both demigod camps as we speak. According to Aether, we have less than a day before they both reach their destinations and attack. Luke and I will be going to Camp Jupiter with half our army while Jason and Clarisse defend Camp Half Blood with the other half." Percy announced quickly.

Zeus' eyes widened, "What can we do to help?"

Percy looked down, "I don't know. Whatever help you can give will be needed. I know none of you other than Artemis can actually fight but anything is helpful."

Zeus nodded and was about to speak but Percy interrupted, "There is more. Tartarus has joined his brother and sister and emptied out the pit for their army. This is just the beginning. We need you to do whatever you can to protect my father's domain. If Oceanus is able to take control of the seas, he will release Typhon and we will have no hope."

When Percy finished, the council all looked pale.

"We will do whatever we can to aid the demigods as well as help Poseidon protect his realm." Zeus said with a worried expression.

"My hunters will accompany Percy to Camp Jupiter to defend the camp." Artemis announced to her father.

Zeus shook his head, "No Artemis, Camp Half Blood will need more fighters, they have far fewer demigods to defend the camp."

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "I'm sorry father but I am going with Percy."

Zeus' face reddened, "Artemis, I am ordering you to take the hunters to defend Camp Half Blood."

Artemis stood up from her throne but Percy spoke up first, "What if we divide the hunters between both camps. We can leave the more experienced hunters to defend Camp Half Blood while Artemis takes a few of the younger girls to Camp Jupiter."

"No, I'm not separating my girls. We are all going to Camp Jupiter." Artemis snapped.

The council all watched the interaction between father and daughter warily knowing both were too stubborn to give in.

Zeus narrowed his eyes, "Take your pick Artemis; you can follow Percy's idea or join the rest of your hunters at Camp Half Blood. Make your choice daughter; it would not be wise to defy my orders. Council dismissed." Zeus bellowed before disappearing in a lightning bolt.

The rest of the council followed suit and flashed out until it was only Percy, Jason and Artemis.

"Um.. I'll meet you back in the White City." Jason said quickly after looking at Artemis who was glaring at Percy. Jason disappeared from the throne room leaving Percy alone with an angry goddess of the hunt.

"What the Hades Percy? Why would you suggest that?" Artemis yelled.

"I was trying to help. Sorry I can't overrule the King of the Gods. It's fine, stay with the rest of the hunters at Camp Half Blood. We will be fine in New Rome." Percy said disbelievingly as he disappeared from the throne room.

Artemis eyes widened before she flashed back to her hunters at Camp Half Blood.

Line Break

It had been an eventful four years for Nico Di Angelo. It had begun with the worst event of his life when he lost his best friend and brother Percy Jackson. For a while Nico had shut down from the world, spending his time searching the Underworld for any sign of Percy. Nico was convinced that Styx had claimed Percy's life after he broke his oath and continued to question the goddess every chance he could. It got to the point where the goddess was near the point of blasting the demigod out of existence. Sure Nico was immortal but a quick unintentional swim in her river could have changed that. Thankfully, Nico's father had dragged him away and convinced him the goddess was not hiding his friend from him.

After a few months, Nico started to come out of his funk and tried to return to Camp Half Blood. Unfortunately, the place was a constant reminder of his best friend; the place Percy had brought him and given him the first real home in his life.

Deciding he couldn't handle the constant reminders of Percy, he decided he might find comfort in family. While his full sister was mostly unavailable as a member of the hunt, Nico sought out his only other living family in his half-sister Hazel.

After the war with Gaia, the Romans and Greeks had developed a much better relationship. While they weren't to a point where they wanted to combine their camps, the two groups of demigods had developed a kind of mutual respect for each other that could only be forged in trenches of war. Being one of the prophesized seven, Nico was regarded with the utmost respect within the Legion of Rome.

Once spending time in Camp Jupiter, Nico decided it was best to make the camp his new home. A way to be with family and friends while avoiding most of the reminders of the best friend he lost.

Of course, it helped that the girl he was crazy about happened to also be at Camp Jupiter; Praetor of the Legion, no less.

After joining the legion, Nico and Reyna being together soon became a regular sight around New Rome. It was only a matter of time before their friendship involved into their relationship.

After the death of the legion's other Praetor, Jason, the camp waited a while before finding a replacement for the position. Despite being a Greek, the son of Hades was the overwhelming favorite when the senate held elections.

For three years, Nico and Reyna led New Rome in an era of peace. Monster attacks were almost non-existent, something that was both nice and unsettling. Nico knew something was amiss in the world after the defeat of Gaia. His father never regained any kind of access to Tartarus and monsters no longer seemed to roam free throughout the country. The only times monsters were seen, they were in groups launching what could only be categorized as unified guerilla attacks against groups of demigods.

At the moment, Camp Jupiter was in pre-war mode. The camp's eagles had spotted an army of roughly one thousand monsters marching toward camp from the direction of Mount Othrys. The legion was in the process of setting traps around the Field of Mars while fortifying the defenses around the city should the monsters get past he legionnaires.

Nico had Iris Messaged his father to inform him and the council of the impending attack on Camp Jupiter and was shocked to find out he already knew. Even stranger was the smile his father was trying and failing to hold back when he said an old friend would bring him some allies to help in the battle. Nico wasn't sure what his father had meant but assumed that maybe Thalia was bringing some of the hunters to help in the defense of his camp. While it would help, the legionnaires were outnumbered by nearly eight hundred. The hunters would not do much to tip the scales in the demigods' favor.

After a few hours of setting up the camp's defenses and fortifications, the army of monsters appeared on the outer edge of the Field of Mars. When Nico looked closely, he nearly wet himself.

Standing in front of the army of monsters was the Titan Atlas as well as the dangerous monster Kampe. Behind them was a legion of powerful monsters include at least a dozen Drakons. He knew they stood almost no chance of holding the monsters out of New Rome, let alone winning the battle.

Nico turned to look at his girlfriend to find her face hardened into one of a battle hardened general but one look in her eyes and Nico could see the unease and nervousness she felt for their home. Before Nico could speak, a blinding light appeared in front of the Roman legionnaires, causing the demigods to turn their heads to block the blinding light.

When the light vanished, Nico heard Reyna gasp loudly. An army of over three hundred soldiers were standing in front of the Roman demigods. Everyone one of them was decked out in pure white armor. Their faces were hidden behind the tinted visors of their helmets which hid their identities. Standing in front of the troops was a figure in similar armor but his was that of a leader. He stood silently in front of his troops as they all stood motionless as if waiting for something. Nico grabbed Reyna and shadow travelled down to the mysterious warriors.

"Who are you?" Nico asked when he reappeared next to the leader.

The figure simply shook his head, "Wait." He said in a commanding tone.

Before Nico or Reyna could reply, another blinding light appeared about one hundred feet above their heads. At the sight of the light, the soldier began to pound their shields in unison.

Nico looked up to find a large figure appear out of the light. Before he could fall, pure white wings sprung from his back and he slowly began to float down towards the ground. As the figure dropped, the drumming of the soldiers' shields grew louder and more intense, only increasing the confusion of Nico and Reyna.

When the new figure's foot touched the earth, the drumming stopped instantly and the already tight lines of the soldiers tightened further.

Reyna looked at the figure in awe, "Who are you?"

The figure's face was hidden just like his troops, "We are the Army of the Light. Soldiers of Lord Aether and we are here to help you defend your camp from the army of Nyx and Erebus."

Nico paled when he heard the names of the two primordial deities of darkness but hid it well. Something about this new man seemed familiar to Nico but he couldn't figure it out.

Before Nico could ask anything else, a flash of silver appeared next to the man. Three figures appeared out of the silver light making Nico's eyes widen. Artemis appeared with two little girls; one Nico identified as a daughter of Athena who Percy had developed a close relationship with. The other little girl was none other than Percy's only sibling; a small girl named Sophie who Nico had tried to get to know but quickly discovered the girl did not have Percy's outgoing personality.

The figure turned to Nico and Reyna, "Return to your soldiers, I will explain everything after we have won this battle."

Nico looked at Reyna and noticed she was about to argue with the man but he knew it was not the time for that.

"Thank you for your aide." Nico said gratefully before he grabbed Reyna's hand and shadow travelled them over to his troops.

Artemis turned to Percy with a look of worry. He noticed and reached out and gently grabbed her hand, giving it a soft and reassuring squeeze. Artemis' worried face quickly changed into a warm smile.

"I will set these two up somewhere with good cover to help with aerial support." Artemis said.

Percy nodded before Artemis disappeared with the two girls leaving Percy and Luke standing in front of their troops.

Percy turned and looked towards the army of monsters amassed at the other end of the Field of Mars; they had begun marching forward behind the Titan Atlas. Percy kept his back to his troops and began to march forward. Luke and the army followed him, taking care to stay ten yards back. As they marched the soldiers began to beat their shields again, the sound reverberating throughout the battlefield. When the armies were about 100 yards apart, Percy's wings extended again as he shot in to the air. The soldiers intensified their beating as their commander rose into the sky.

When Percy was about twenty five feet up, his wings stopped flapping and he dropped to the ground. He landed on a knee as he drove both his fists into the earth, shaking the Field of Mars violently and knocking the monsters off their feet.

Line Break

The gods had informed the campers of the impending attack on their camp. Only a day had passed since the last attack which despite the fact that the campers didn't have to lift a finger, was quite worrisome. The war was beginning far sooner than any of them had predicted, being that they didn't find out until the day before when their hero returned in time to protect them.

The return of Percy Jackson had greatly lifted the spirits within Camp Half Blood. Not only was their hero alive and well but he had returned other great heroes that had passed during the war with Gaia and the giants.

As the campers continued their preparations for battle, they anxiously waited for Percy to show up with his army and helped defend their home aganin. As the hours passed, the demigods' nervousness continued to gradually rise. There was no word from the gods about Percy or his army.

After many hours of waiting, an army of close to eight hundred monsters appeared at the bottom of Half Blood Hill. The campers quickly formed up ranks behind the borders of camp. A feeling of panic began to settle in as the campers looked over their meager numbers, barely one hundred demigods, as they stood against an army eight times that big.

A flash of silver light appeared in front of the campers bringing some relief to their hopeless situation. It quickly vanished when they noticed that Artemis was not leading her hunters but instead they were led by Zoe and Thalia.

Chiron quickly cantered his way over to the two lieutenants of the hunt.

"Where is Lady Artemis?" He asked the girls worriedly.

"She is helping with the defense of Camp Jupiter as an identical army is marching on their camp." Zoe answered.

Chiron nodded solemnly.

Thalia looked at the old centaur sadly, "Relax Chiron, help is on the way."

Chiron's face lit up, "Percy?" He asked hopefully.

Thalia shook her head, "No but he will not leave the camp defenseless. He is following his orders from Lord Aether."

Before Chiron could respond, a flash of bright light appeared in front of the campers. Over three hundred warriors of Aether stood in front all in full battle armor with two figures in front. The two walked over to the two lieutenants and Chiron.

Clarisse and Jason pulled off their helmets with grim expressions on their faces. Jason put a hand on his sister's shoulder, "I need you to keep your head in this battle Thalia."

Thalia looked at her brother strangely, "What?"

Jason's eyes narrowed, "Because of the same reason that Percy and Luke were sent to Camp Jupiter." He said gesturing to a figure leading the army of monsters as they marched toward Camp Half Blood.

Both Thalia and Zoe's blood broiled at the sight of the figure in pitch black battle armor. Wearing a smug smile as she marched, Annabeth Chase led and army of monsters toward the camp she once called her home.