Chapter 31: Defending Home

Percy turned and looked towards the army of monsters amassed at the other end of the Field of Mars; they had begun to march forward behind the Titan Atlas. Percy kept his back to his troops and began to march forward. Luke and the army followed him, taking care to stay ten yards back. As they marched the soldiers began to beat their shields again, the sound reverberating throughout the battlefield. When the armies were about 100 yards apart, Percy's wings extended again as he shot in to the air. The soldiers intensified their beating as their commander rose into the sky.

When Percy was about twenty five feet up, his wings stopped flapping and he dropped to the ground. He landed on a knee as he drove both his fists into the earth, shaking the Field of Mars violently and knocking the monsters off their feet.

Before the monsters could recover, Luke led the Army of the Light head first into the stumbling and confused monsters.

Percy rose from a knee and was about to charge until a flash of silver light appeared next to him.

Percy looked at his girlfriend and smirked, "Coming to protect me?"

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "Last time I left you alone, you sacrificed yourself for me. You won't be doing that again."

"I would make the same choice again without a second thought." Percy said as he uncapped Riptide.

Artemis' face softened as her hunting knives appeared in her hands, "I'm sorry about getting angry in the throne room."

Percy smiled, "I wasn't mad, I just know I can't win an argument against you. Now, let's kill these monsters so we can go help the hunters at Camp Half Blood."

Artemis smiled and nodded as they charged into the monster army. The demigods of Camp Jupiter soon reached the monster army as well as the two forces met in an epic clash in the middle of the Field of Mars.

Percy lit Riptide on fire and immediately sought out one of the many Drakons roaming freely throughout the battlefield. Percy slit the throat of Telekhine before his eyes widened. A Drakon stood in front of him with its jaws clamped on the throat of one of his soldiers. Percy's vision went red as he charged at the monster.

Percy reached the Drakon and wasted no time in sending a fireball into its face. He used the distraction as a chance to climb onto the beast's back. Just as he grabbed onto a scale, his eyes widened when the beast shot into the air. Percy slipped Riptide under his knee and used both hands to grab tightly onto the Drakon's scales as it rose higher and higher into the sky. Percy tried to climb toward the beast's head but found he couldn't without losing Riptide.

After a minute, he decided to let Riptide slide out from under his knee where it fell towards the battlefield below. The Drakon bucked and twisted, trying to fling Percy off his back but Percy had a firm grip on the monster's scales as he pulled himself up its back and towards its head. The Drakon's efforts increased the closer Percy got to its head, trying to flip and barrel roll to in an attempt to dislodge Percy. The Drakon made a last ditch effort to dislodge its unwanted rider as it tucked its wings in and began free falling towards the earth. Percy pulled himself to the beast's neck just as its wings sprung out, bringing the fall to an abrupt stop. But Percy had anticipated this and let himself be thrown into the back of the Drakon's head, his hidden blades out as he drove both deep into the back of its skull. The Drakon tensed and began to dissolve.

Percy jumped from its head and spread his wings as he soared over the battlefield, searching for his next targets. As he scanned the battle, he felt his breath hitch when he saw two small figures dressed in silver sneaking toward the battle. A trio of Cyclops had already spotted the pair and were making their way over to the two small huntresses.

Percy's wings tucked into his sides and he barreled toward the Cyclops. Just as the trio reached his two little sisters, Percy reached the Cyclops. As he aimed for the middle of one, his wings spread out, knocking both monsters on the side of the middle monster face first into the ground as a hidden blade impaled the middle monster through the back of its head. Before the other two could react, Percy pulled out two hunting knives and impaled both Cyclops through the back of the neck, sending them on a one way trip to Tartarus.

Percy stood up glaring at the two wide eyed hunters, "What are you two doing down here? Artemis told you to stay hidden and provide archery support."

"The battle was too far away to shoot accurately. We didn't want to kill anyone on our side." Chloe said back quickly.

Percy shook his head and looked around until he saw the fort the campers used in their war games, a much better vantage point for archers. He quickly grabbed both girls by an arm and disappeared from the battlefield, reappearing at the top of the fort.

"Shoot from here and please don't leave this spot, I can't have anything happen to you two" Percy said seriously.

Both girls looked down at the battle before turning back to Percy as they both pulled out their bows, "Alright, at least from here we can help." Sophie answered.

Percy smiled and jumped from the top of the fort, spreading his wings and heading back toward the battle. He noticed the demigods and his soldiers were winning the battle but they had suffered some losses. As Percy looked over the battlefield, he saw Artemis battling Atlas one on one and quickly took off in their direction.

As he neared the battle, Artemis dodged a strike from the Titan's javelin and made a deep gash in his chest. Atlas roared in pain before kicking Artemis hard in the chest, knocking her into the air and into the waiting arms of Percy.

"Need a hand milady?" Percy said playfully.

Artemis glared at him, "I'm winning if you didn't notice."

Percy smiled, "Yes but I can't have you kill him. Aether has some questions for him and sending him to Tartarus would only be giving him back to Erebus and Nyx."

Artemis let out an annoyed sigh as Percy set her down, "Fine but let's make this quick since I can't kill him."

Percy nodded and pulled out Riptide which had returned to him and uncapped it, drawing wide eyes from Atlas.

"So, the son of Poseidon lives after all." Atlas growled but his eyes showed fear as he looked at the demigod and goddess warily.

Percy smirked, "You didn't think I'd miss a chance to see my old buddy get out from under the sky did you?"

Atlas growled and charged at the Percy, thrusting his javelin toward Percy's midsection. Percy parried and pushed the javelin aside with Riptide and moved in closer to the Titan, making his longer reach useless.

Percy went on the offensive, slashing and stabbing at Atlas who had surprisingly quick reflexes for someone his size. Percy landed a glancing blow to Atlas' midsection but the strike caused him to lose his balance, stumbling toward the Titan. Atlas' huge fist slammed into Percy's face, breaking his visor and nose badly and knocking him back a few steps.

Before Atlas to attack Percy again, Artemis cut him off in a blur of silver, smacking aside his javelin and burying one of her hunting knives into his shoulder. Atlas roared and swung his javelin wildly, knocked Artemis' legs of from under her. Before he could drive his javelin through her, a celestial bronze sword blocked the strike as Percy stood in front of her with his helmet off and ichor pouring from his nose.

Before Atlas could recover, Percy sent a small fireball into the Titan's face, sending him stumbling back screaming as the fire burned his face. Percy charged toward Atlas who raised his javelin to block the strike but Percy quickly juked the his left and brought his blade down onto Atlas' right arm, severing it from his body. Percy drove Riptide into the stunned Titan's knee and kicked the other one, knocking Atlas face first into the ground. Percy slammed Riptide's hilt into the back of Atlas' head, knocking the Titan unconscious.

Artemis walked up next to Percy as she looked at his face worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Percy smiled and nodded and he placed celestial bronze shackles on the unconscious Titan's ankles and connecting them to another shackle on the Titan's one remaining wrist before placing a hand on his shoulder. Atlas vanished in a bright flash of light to the throne room of Aether and Hemera.

Percy and Artemis turned to the battle to see the few hundred remaining monsters be engulfed by a shadow and disappear from the battlefield. Percy looked at the scene confused until realization hit him. Before he could speak, Nico and Reyna approached and were staring in Percy in shock.

"P… Percy?" Nico asked confused.

Percy nodded, "Long time no see bro."

Nico ran forward and pulled Percy into a tight embrace. Percy hugged his friend back tightly but stepped back, "I need to go to Camp Half Blood Nico. Another army is there and I have a feeling those monsters just went to reinforce that army. I promise I'll come back to explain everything later."

Line Break

Before Chiron could respond, a flash of bright light appeared in front of the campers. Over three hundred warriors of Aether stood in front of the campers all in full battle armor with two figures in front. The two walked over to the two lieutenants and Chiron.

Clarisse and Jason pulled off their helmets with grim expressions on their faces. Jason put a hand on his sister's shoulder, "I need you to keep your head in this battle Thalia."

Thalia looked at her brother strangely, "What?"

Jason's eyes narrowed, "Because of the same reason that Percy and Luke were sent to Camp Jupiter." He said gesturing to a figure leading the army of monsters as they marched toward Camp Half Blood.

Both Thalia and Zoe's blood broiled at the sight of the figure in pitch black battle armor. Wearing a smug smile as she marched, Annabeth Chase led and army of monsters towards the camp she once called her home.

"That bitch will regret the minute she decided she would march into Camp Half-Blood." Thalia growled.

Jason looked at his sister worriedly, "I need you to stay calm for now Thalia. Without Artemis here, you two need to lead your hunters in this battle." Jason said seriously.

Thalia's eyes narrowed but Zoe whispered something to her which made her soften and nod before the two lieutenants led the hunters behind the Army of Light's soldiers where they quickly found the best places to shoot from.

Annabeth led her army of monsters until they were fifty yards from the borders of the Camp Half Blood.

Annabeth had her army wait as she walked another fifteen yards closer to the borders where she stopped and looked at the demigods and army of Aether expectantly.

Jason and Clarisse were about to walk forward when Zoe and Thalia came running up to join them in their meeting with Annabeth.

As they neared the daughter of Athena, Annabeth's face never shifted from a sickly sweet smile. Before they were in earshot of Annabeth, Jason put his hand in front of his mouth, "Not a word about Percy or Luke. We need to keep their identities a secret for as long as possible or Erebus and Nyx may try to kill Percy before they continue the war." He muttered quietly and very seriously.

Thalia and Zoe nodded slightly as the group stopped in front of Annabeth.

"Hey Thals." Annabeth said happily.

Thalia reached for her bow but Zoe put a hand on her arm to stop her.

"What do you want Chase?" Jason growled.

Annabeth smiled, "Well I was hoping that a handsome demigod like you might want to come join me on the winning side." Annabeth said in seductive tone.

A low growl was heard from Thalia while Jason simply rolled his eyes, "What do you really want?"

"I am here to offer you one chance to take your army as leave these demigods to their fates. You are only delaying the inevitable and getting your soldiers killed. Erebus and Nyx have no wish to kill their children or their army. They simply want control of the planet and are willing to forgive Aether and Hemera for going against them." Annabeth said in a more serious tone.

Jason stared at her for a minute before laughing in her face, making Annabeth's face redden in anger.

"Run back to your monsters. If you really thought we would consider that then Athena's brains obviously skipped a demigod you dumb bitch." Jason sneered.

"This camp will be razed to the ground, your corpses littering the battlefield when we're done with you." Annabeth hissed before she was engulfed by a shadow and reappeared in front on her army.

Jason grabbed Thalia while Clarisse grabbed Zoe and they flashed back to their army.

The army of monsters charged toward Camp Half Blood as the army of Aether let out a battle cry and matched the monster's charge with their own.

The two armies met in a clash of swords and shields just outside the borders of Camp Half Blood. Silver arrows rained down into the middle of the monster army, cutting down unsuspecting monsters before they were replaced by what seemed to be endless lines of monsters.

Jason shot into the air above his troops where he raised his hand to the sky bringing down lightning on the monsters. Before Jason could bring down his next bolt, a pitch black arrow imbedded into his shoulder.

Jason grunted in pain as he pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. He scanned the battlefield only to find Annabeth with a bowin hand, smirking at his shocked face before she vanished into a shadow.

Jason lowered himself to the ground, finding himself next to Zoe, Phoebe and Thalia who were about to charge into the battle. Jason pulled out his gladius and joined their charge.

Zoe dropped back when the three charged and hopped onto a boulder a few feet away, twisting the silver ring on her finger until the bow Percy gave her appeared in her hands. Zoe watched Jason and her two sisters charge into battle and began picking off monsters that tried to attack the trio from the sides.

Thalia's spear crackled with electricity as she reached the first monster. The sight of Annabeth had thrown her into a bloodthirsty rage. She drove her spear into a Dracaena before Aegis sprung from her wrist in time block Cyclops' club. Before she could attack, another spear sprouted from the Cyclops' midsection before it dissolved into golden dust. Phoebe grinned before spinning and slamming a fist into a Telekhine that tried to sneaking up on her. The monster shrieked as it crumpled to the ground unconscious before Phoebe jammed her spear through its throat.

Jason had fought his way to Clarisse and was now fighting side by side with the daughter of Ares. Clarisse was wielding her spear his the skill of a master, impaling two Hellhounds in one thrust before wrenching out her spear and swinging it at a Laistrygonian Giant's legs as it charged. The monster's legs were swept out from under it, landing face first on the ground, only to have its head stomped on mercilessly by Clarisse until it dissolved. She wasted no time, impaling another Hellhound as she stomped on the giant's head.

Jason grinned when he saw Clarisse running through monsters with ease. Seeing Clarisse tearing her way through the monster caused his excitement to grow. He swung his gladius with lightning fast speed as he decapitated an Empousai before slicing the clawed hands off a lunging Telekhine. He brought his blade down like and axe on the top of the monster's head, nearly splitting it in two before it dissolved. Jason parried the strike of a Dracaena, slamming the hilt of his sword into its skull before it crumpled to the ground. Jason's eyes flashed gold as a Cyclops charged at him. He sprinted at the sluggish monster only to have a Hellhound jump in his way. Jason used the hound as a springboard, jumping off it and driving his gladius into the Cyclops' lone eye.

Jason landed back on the ground and slit the throat of the the Hellhound. Jason smiled as he saw Clarisse drive her spear through the groin of a Laistrygonian Giant but his smile vanished as he noticed his army and the demigods were getting pushed back to the borders of camp. Jason shot into the air and paled when he saw at least another three hundred monsters appear out the shadows, only increasing the advantage the enemy held.

"FALL BACK TO THE CAMP BORDERS!" He bellowed over the sounds of battle. Jason focused his energy on slowly down the approaching monsters. His eyes glowed golden as his troops fell back and regrouped at the camp borders.

Jason became light headed as he lost energy quickly slowing down time for so many monsters at once. His vision darkened and he fell back to the earth landing with a loud thump. As he slowly regained his bearings, he felt two hands grab his arms and start dragging his back towards camp. Jason opened his eyes to find Clarisse pulling him back while Thalia and Phoebe fired arrows into the monsters as they tried to reach him.

When they reached the camp borders and the soldiers formed ranks in front of their commander, Clarisse pulled Jason to his feet and handed him a large square of ambrosia.

Jason took it and looked at Clarisse gratefully, "Thank you Clarisse."

Clarisse smirked, "I can't let my commander die this early in the war. Jackson would have my head."

Jason smiled and nodded as he ate the godly food, his energy returning to him.

Jason face darkened, "We're outnumbered and we've lost a too many soldiers."

Clarisse's face turned serious, "I know but we can't abandon the campers. We won't be able to gather them together in time to transport them somewhere else."

Jason looked unsure of what to do, he was about to say something when the thunderous sound of shields being drummed in the distance caused his eyes to widen. He and Clarisse shot into air to see what was happening.

When they looked over the army of monsters, identical grins appeared on their faces. A battalion of soldiers from Percy's army stood behind the monsters as the monsters looked unsure of which group to attack.

"Jackson." Clarisse said with a smile.

Jason couldn't help but smile as well. He turned to Clarisse, "I'm going to teleport over to their troops to see where Percy is. You're in charge Clarisse."

Clarisse nodded as she started to descend back down while Jason teleported over to the soldiers on the other side of the battlefield. When he arrived he looked around for Percy but couldn't find him anywhere. A feeling of dread entered Jason's heart at the thought of the only person he considered a brother being injured or captured. Jason spotted Luke in front of the troops about to lead the army into a charge.

"Luke! Where is Percy?" Jason yelled.

Luke shrugged, "He is fine. He is somewhere around here but said to lead the army into battle."

Jason sighed in relief, "Thanks the gods you're here. We were forced back to the borders."

Luke nodded and then smirked, "We have another surprise for the monsters too. Lead your troops into a charge. These monsters won't know what hit them"

Jason looked confused but nodded and flashed back to his army.

Zoe had been picking off monsters quicker than the eye could follow. She had been so focused on killing monsters she didn't notice the demigods and soldiers had fallen back to the camp's borders. Zoe dropped off the boulder but saw she didn't have a way to get back to the borders; monsters flooded the space between her and slipped behind the boulder and tried to slip away unnoticed from the battlefield so she could circle around to her allies.

As she slowly backed away, she was suddenly shoved roughly to the ground. Before she could react, she was grabbed by two pairs of large rough hands and pulled to her feet.

"Well, well, well. Look what we've found here. The little huntress is all alone." Annabeth sneered. Two Cyclops held Zoe in place by her arms.

"What do you want?" Zoe growled but she was nervous, no one knew she was there.

Annabeth grinned evilly, "Well I was thinking about using you as bait to catch that bitch Artemis but I think I might just have some fun with you myself." Annabeth said happily before slamming the butt of her dagger into Zoe's ribs.

Zoe grunted in pain as she felt a couple of her ribs break.

"I knew leaving you with that worthless Titan was a bad idea. How hard is it to hold two weak little hunters imprisoned until we needed you. It's too bad your little boyfriend Jackson isn't here to save you this time." Annabeth said as she smiled at Zoe.

"You'll never win this battle Annabeth. You aren't smart enough to lead an army to victory. I know why you betrayed the gods. It must have been hard knowing no matter what you did, you would never be half as good as Percy was." Zoe sneered.

Annabeth's eyes narrowed as she punched Zoe in the face.

"Jackson was nothing more than a worthless demigod. That is why he is dead and I am still here, powerful and immortal and will rule over those worthless demigods when this war is over." Annabeth hissed.

Zoe laughed as ichor leaked from her mouth, "You? Better than Percy? Wow, I knew children of Athena had problems with hubris but yours is apparently so warped that it's made you delusional. Even your boyfriend Luke abandoned you for Percy."

Annabeth's eyes widened as she punched Zoe again, "Where is Luke?"

Zoe smiled, "He sacrificed himself to help us escape Tartarus. How do you think we sealed the doors from both sides? He chose being stuck in Tartarus over being anywhere near you."

"You lie huntress." Annabeth growled.

Zoe's smile grew, "I swear it on the Styx. But you can't really blame him can you? Who wouldn't choose Percy over you?"

Annabeth screamed in rage as thunder rumbled, she smacked Zoe across the face with the hilt on her dagger.

Zoe grimaced as ichor began pouring from inside her mouth. Despite the pain she continued to glare at the daughter of Athena defiantly.

"It doesn't matter. You think you're safe because you're immortal but this blade is similar to Kronos' scythe. It will reap the soul from your body. When I kill you, you will stay dead." Annabeth said as she regained her composure but her eyes gave away her anger.

Zoe felt genuine fear for the first time in their conversation.

Annabeth twirled the dagger in her hand as she stood grinning evilly five feet in front of Zoe. Zoe glared at Annabeth but her heart raced as she looked at the dagger.

Annabeth took a step closer to Zoe as she brought up her dagger to stab Zoe when the two Cyclops roared in pain before dissolving. Zoe was grabbed and pulled backwards where she fell to the ground.

"You won't touch another one of my friends you little bitch." Percy growled as his eyes glowed with power standing protectively in front of Zoe.

Annabeth's eyes widened in shock, "Not possible, you're dead."

Percy glared at her, "I see you haven't got any smarter; truly the biggest disappointment in Athena's immortal life. The only person dying today is you and your monsters."

Annabeth smirked, "You're vastly outnumbered Seaweed Brain."

Percy shook his head, "Wrong as usual Annabeth. It doesn't matter for you though, win or lose, you're dying today for trying to touch my friend. I should thank you though, you gave me two more friends after another one of your failed ideas to hurt me."

Before Annabeth could respond, the drumming of shields in the distance alerted everyone to the arrival of another army.

Annabeth's eyes widened a bit before her eyes narrowed and she returned to glaring at Percy.

"We may not kill the demigods today, but the loss will be more than worth it for your death." Annabeth hissed before lunging at Percy. Percy parried the strike with his hunting knives and pushed Annabeth back.

Annabeth growled before putting her hands together in front of her and sending a blast of dark energy at Percy. Percy sent his own blast of white energy back, meeting hers in between the two immortal demigods. The power of the two blasts knocked both Percy and Annabeth back before both regained their bearings and charged each other.

The two exchanged blows, neither landing a strike for a minute before a shadow wrapped around Percy's legs and swept his feet out from under him. Annabeth lunged forward and stab him but Percy rolled to the side just in time to avoid the strike. He kicked Annabeth back before jumping to his feet.

"Two can play at that game Wise Girl." Percy growled as he made to charge but sidestepped and sent a fireball into Annabeth. She rolled to the side but the fireball hit her hair, burning away a section of her curly blonde hair.

Annabeth snarled at Percy as she patted her hair out, charging at him again. She disappeared into a shadow and reappeared behind him. Percy anticipated her move and spun out of the way, tripping her as he spun.

Annabeth fell to the ground. She rolled to the side and fired another blast of dark energy at the son of Poseidon, catching him off guard and knocking his onto his back.

Annabeth tried to charge again but two black arrows flew toward her. She dodged the first but the second caught her and imbedded into her arm.

Annabeth grunted in pain as she ripped the arrow out, glaring murderously at Zoe.

"This isn't over for either of you. You've only seen a taste of what you face. You will both die painfully by my hand." Annabeth sneered before being engulfed by a shadow.

Percy growled in anger when she vanished before looking at Zoe's bleeding face. He quickly walked over to her to help heal her only to be pulled into a tight embrace.

"Thank you Percy. You saved me for what has to be at least the tenth time." Zoe said as she hugged her friend tightly.

Percy hugged her back, "You're my friend Zoe, and I will always have your back, always."

"How did you know I was here?" Zoe asked curiously as she pulled back.

Percy smiled, "I saw Annabeth sneak off with a couple Cyclops. I decided to follow to see what they were up to. I'm just glad I got here in time."

Zoe's eyes widened but she smiled.

Percy drew some water from a bottle he was carrying and put a hand softly on Zoe's cheek. The water gently covered her wounds and after a minute, the cuts and bruises were healed.

"Any other injuries?" Percy asked with care.

Zoe grimaced as she clutched her ribs, "A couple of broken ribs but it can wait."

Percy shook his head and put a hand on Zoe's side as his hand glowed. After another minute, her ribs were healed completely.

Zoe smiled gratefully at Percy until she noticed his broken nose and ichor covered chest.

"What happened to you Percy? She asked worriedly.

Percy chuckled, "Your father decked me."

Zoe's eyes widened but Percy spoke before she could, "Don't worry, he was captured and is now in Aether's realm. I did cut his arm off in the battle first though. Looks like the gods will have to find a new way to punish him; he can't hold the sky now that he is missing an arm."

Zoe's eyes widened before she smiled, "Let's get back to the battle. They may need help."

Percy nodded and the two made their back to the battlefield only to see the army of monsters trying to fight demigods and soldiers from both sides. Percy jumped up on the boulder where Zoe had been shooting from and looked over the battlefield.

"Care to resume our contest from the Giant War?" Percy asked mischievously as his bow materialized in the hand.

"Shouldn't we join the fight?" Zoe asked.

In response, Percy just shook his head and grinned.

An army marched up to the side of the battlefield, purple t-shirts visible under their Roman style armor. The legion of demigods from Camp Jupiter stepped onto the battlefield.

"How did you get all of them here?" Zoe asked shocked.

"I didn't, Artemis did. I brought my army while she teleported the legionnaires." Percy replied as he started firing arrows into the army of monsters.

Zoe wasted no time in joining her friend as they raced for the most kills.

A roar came from the legionnaires of Camp Jupiter as Nico stepped forward and drove his Stygian Iron sword deep into the earth, opening a crack from which undead warriors began to pour out by the dozen. The undead formed up ranks beside the Roman legionniares. Nico stepped forward and held out his hand. Shadows circled around it before solidifying into the legion's eagle standard. Nico raised the eagle above his head, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!" He bellowed before slamming the eagle down releasing bolts of lightning from the eagle. The lightning wiped out the entire line of monsters in front of the Romans.

"Romans! To victory!" Reyna shouted as the legionnaries let loose a battle cry and followed their Praetors into battle.

With the addition of the Roman demigods and army of undead, the tide of the battle changed quickly. The three armies fought and pushed their way forward, allowing no monster to escape their wrath. The three armies took less than twenty minutes to meet in the middle, mounds of golden dust was all that was left of the army of monsters.

As Percy and Zoe picked off the last few monsters, Percy suddenly stopped and hopped off the boulder before he walked on the battlefield.

Zoe watched him confused until she saw at least fifty soldiers in pure white armor laying motionless on the battlefield. Zoe followed Percy, staying a few feet back as she knew her friend had a tough time when people he led died in battle, usually placing the blame on his own shoulders.

Percy knelt down next to next to the body of a soldier and slowly pulled the helmet off his head. The soldier was dead but his eyes were open, staring hauntingly back at Percy. Percy gently closed the man's eyes before chanting something too quiet for Zoe to hear. When Percy stopped, the soldier's body glowed brightly before it vanished from the battlefield.

Zoe's eyes widened and she wanted to ask Percy what he had done but one look into his multicolored eyes told her that it wasn't the right time.

Zoe looked around the battlefield to find Jason, Clarisse and Luke doing the same as Percy. It took almost a half an hour for the four leaders of the army to approach each fallen soldier.

Once finished, the four began helping their other soldiers with the wounded. The injuries ranged from minor to fatal but none were skipped as they did what they could for each and every one of them.

Once the wounded were treated, Percy and Jason spoke to their troops for a minute before the soldiers vanished into a blinding light and returned to Aether's realm.

When Percy turned back to Camp Half Blood, a flash of silver light appeared beside him. Artemis appeared and looked at Percy sadly after seeing the grief clearly evident on his face. She slipped her hand into his, giving it a soft squeeze to show she was there for him as they made their way back into Camp Half Blood.