Chapter 32: Trouble Ahead

Percy and Artemis walked back into the borders of Camp Half Blood, still hand in hand as they checked on the hunters. Thankfully, no one was injured with the exception of Zoe but no one knew that at the moment. The campers had not fared as well as the hunters in the battle. They lost over twenty campers including a few who were older and friends of Percy's. The immortal Leo Valdez had fallen in battle. While sad, his death was temporary, his full immortality ensuring he would reform in a decade or two. Other fallen campers included Will Solace, Jake Mason and a mess of campers who had come to camp after Percy had left camp.

Percy looked around at the shroud covered bodies of the fallen campers and felt a familiar pain enter his heart. Artemis noticed Percy's mood and led him away from the fallen demigod bodies and into her cabin. Once they had the privacy of the hunter's cabin, Artemis looked at Percy seriously.

"Don't do this Percy. There isn't a single thing you could have done to prevent their deaths. If not for you, all of Camp Half Blood would have been destroyed and many more would have died." Artemis said in a soft but stern tone.

Percy looked into Artemis' silver eyes before he nodded slightly and sighed, falling back onto one of the beds inside the cabin. Percy closed his eyes as he tried to push the images of his dead friend's faces out of his mind.

He was brought out his thoughts when Artemis lay down beside him, grabbing his hand again. They both stayed silent for a minute as Percy thought about the events of day.

After a few minutes, Percy finally spoke up, "She almost killed me, Annabeth almost killed me today."

Artemis tensed and sat up looking at Percy worriedly, "What do you mean?"

Percy shook his head, "She is powerful. She might be more powerful than I am now. If not for Zoe, I would probably be dead right now."

Artemis' eyes widened, "Tell me what happened Percy."

"When my army reached camp, I saw Annabeth sneak off to the side of the battle towards some boulders with a couple of Cyclops in tow. I followed as quickly as I could without being seen but when I got there, the two Cyclops were holding Zoe as Annabeth smacked her around. Then Annabeth said her dagger is now like Kronos' scythe, able to kill mortals and immortals alike. She tried to kill Zoe but I stopped her. We fought back and forth for a while but she had me on the ground. Zoe saved me and Annabeth vanished before we could attack her again." Percy explained solemnly.

Artemis listened with shock to Percy's story until he finished when her mood shifted into anger and rage.

"When I get my hands on that bitch, she will regret the day she was born from Athena's head." Artemis growled.

Artemis looked at Percy to see him staring blankly at the wall. Her anger mellowed quickly as grabbed her boyfriend's hand softly, "Percy, what's wrong? You saved Zoe's life, you should be happy."

Percy's expression darkened as his eyes caught fire, burning with a mixture of sea green, brown and gold flames, "I finally had my chance to kill her and I failed. It was pathetic."

Artemis pulled Percy closer, "Don't say that Percy. There is nothing shameful in what you did. You saved your friend and it was one fight, you will have your revenge against her. We both will."

Percy looked into Artemis' eyes again before he took a deep breath and nodded, deciding he wouldn't pass his stresses onto Artemis. She was the most important person to him and he wouldn't add to her troubles over this war.

Percy gave her a small smile and leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips. Artemis responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down on the bed on top of her where the kiss began to grow more passionate. His hands found their way to her back where it slipped under her shirt. He softly ran his fingers along her spine sending a pleasurable shiver through the goddess' body. Before the kiss could go any further, the door to the cabin swung open, forcing the two to grudgingly break apart.

They looked to the entrance to see Thalia with a wide smirk on her face, "Sorry lovebirds but Nico is going crazy looking for Percy."

Percy's eyes widened, "I need to go talk to Nico. I love you." Percy said quickly as he pecked Artemis on the lips and quickly exited the cabin.

Artemis looked red faced at Thalia who smiled mischievously at her mistress.

"Not a word Thalia." Artemis growled.

Thalia rolled her eyes and plopped down on the bed next to Artemis, "What milady? I'm happy you've found love. The hunters are all happy and we are all still committed to our oaths. You being with Percy doesn't change that. Someone like Percy only comes around once a lifetime, mortal or immortal."

Artemis looked at Thalia and smiled, "Thank you Thalia. You're a good lieutenant and sister."

Thalia's eyes widened a bit but she smiled as Artemis called her sister, something that she hadn't done since the day she offered her a place in the hunt.

Percy exited the Artemis cabin and jogged through Camp Half Blood, avoiding the area where the shrouded bodies were placed. As he neared the dining pavilion, he saw the Romans all seated at a number of makeshift tables near the entrance. Percy took one step into the dining pavilion before he was tackled to the ground by an overjoyed son of Hades.

"Damn it Perce, it's about time. I looked everywhere for you. Where did you sneak off to this time?" Nico said happily as he let go and pulled Percy to his feet.

Percy grinned, "Sorry bro, I was in the hunter's cabin."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Oh yea? Perhaps getting some alone time with a certain maiden goddess?" Nico teased.

Percy's face turned red as he tried to glare at Nico but received a cheeky grin in response.

"Whatever bro. So I hear you're Praetor of Camp Jupiter?" Percy asked.

Nico nodded and smiled proudly, "Not bad huh?"

"I also hear you've even managed to snag yourself a girl that's way out of your league?" Percy taunted.

Reyna who was listening to their conversation blushed at Percy's words. Nico glared at Percy but couldn't help but smile, "Enough of that Perce, you have a ton of explaining to do. You've been gone for four years without a word. You better have a damn good excuse for not letting us know you were okay."

Percy nodded and wrapped an arm around Nico, "Let's go for a walk, it's going to take a while to explain everything."

Nico smiled and nodded but Percy stopped and turned back to the Romans, "C'mon Reyna, I know for a fact you'll hear the whole story from Nico anyway."

Reyna smiled and made her way up to Percy who threw his other arm around Reyna and began to explain everything that happened starting when he vanished from the battlefield in Greece. It took Percy nearly thirty minutes to explain everything that happened. When he finished the two Praetors looked at Percy in awe. Percy shoved Nico to shake him out of his funk.

Nico shook his head, "Does this mean after the war you'll leave again?"

Percy grinned, "Not a chance. I only agreed because they said it was the only way to protect everyone still here."

Nico smiled, "Thanks the gods, I've missed you Perce. I never got to thank you for making Bianca immortal. You're the best Percy, no one else would have made sure to keep their promise to her and Zoe."

Percy shrugged, "They deserve their second chance and I figured I had mine as well make it an eternal second chance, especially since I know you're immortal too."

Nico grinned, "Thanks Perce."

Percy nodded, "Now, explain how you ended up Praetor of Camp Jupiter and how you managed to capture the heart of a certain daughter of Bellona."

Nico looked down for a second, "After I thought you died, I tried to come back to Camp Half Blood but I just couldn't do it. Everything about this place reminded me of you. Since I didn't have any real close friends here, I thought I'd spend some time with Hazel for a while. After a little while I decided it might be better just to stay at Camp Jupiter. The Romans treated me like one of their own, although I think they had some encouragement from a certain Praetor." Nico said as he smiled and glanced at Reyna.

Reyna rolled her eyes, "You were basically the leader of the Prophecy of Seven; I didn't need to encourage them, you had already gained their respect."

Nico shrugged, "Well after making Camp Jupiter my new home, Reyna and I hung out a bit as friends and I guess things kind of progressed from there." He explained, his face turning a bit red when he spoke causing Reyna to laugh at how uncomfortable he felt.

Nico playfully glared at his girlfriend before turning back to Percy, his expression switching to confused, "Care to explain why you recruited a traitor to be one of your generals?"

Percy's eyes narrowed a bit at his friend, "Your sister along with Thalia, Zoe and I would all be stuck in Tartarus if not for Luke so watch the words you speak about my friend Luke. He has proven his loyalty many times over throughout the last decade. I understand why you think of him like that but take my word when I say he is one of the good guys."

Nico's eyes widened at Percy's defensiveness towards Luke, "Relax Percy, I was just asking. And what do you mean decade?"

Percy shrugged, "What was four years for you were eight for us in Aether's realm. Plus the last six months down here was actually a year and a half for Jason and I while we trained with Chronus."

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Damn Perce, that's a long time. I guess my four years wasn't so bad after all."

"Well at least it's finally over. Now we just need to win this war and then maybe I can have the first peaceful break in my life in the last nineteen years." Percy said tiredly.

Nico nodded, "We will win Perce. You'll get the peace you deserve I promise."

"I hope you're right Nico. You and the Romans are staying at Camp Half Blood for a while right?" Percy asked.

Nico looked at Reyna who shrugged before he turned back to Percy, "Do you think we should?"

"Jason and I will be on Olympus tonight and will ask the gods what they think but I think it would be best to keep all of our forces together from her on out so that Erebus and Nyx can't try to wipe us out by attacking separately." Percy answered.

Nico and Reyna both nodded their agreement.

"I need to go catch up with Jason to discuss what we will do next, so I will leave you two lovebirds alone so you can have a little privacy." Percy said mischievously as he vanished before either Praetor to retort.

Line Break

Percy stood at the edge of the water with the hunters and campers for the shroud burning ceremony for all the fallen campers. Percy forced himself to keep his face as emotionless as possible as Chiron spoke a few words about each fallen camper prior to sending the funeral pyre out while members of the Apollo cabin would fire a flaming arrow to ignite the pyre as it drifted out to sea.

In total twenty six campers had died in the battle; the youngest only thirteen years old. As Percy watched the burning shrouds float out to sea, he wanted nothing more than to get the Hades out of camp and run away from all the violence and death that war brought.

Once the final shroud was sent out to sea, the campers began to disperse from the area, returning to grieving for their lost siblings and friends. Percy teleported off to Olympus without a word to anyone as he needed to escape the sad atmosphere at Camp Half Blood.

Percy appeared in front of the throne room doors where he quietly peeked inside to find only his mother sitting in her throne, apparently deep in thought. Percy slipped inside as quietly made his way over to Hera's throne.

When she saw Percy making his way toward her throne, her face brightened and a warm smile graced her lips as she shrunk down to her human size.

"Hello Percy." She said warmly.

Percy couldn't help but smile a little when he saw his mother's happy expression as she noticed him. When he reached her he hugged her tightly, feeling slightly better at seeing her so happy.

"Hey Mom." Percy replied back softly.

Hera looked at Percy sadly; she knew how he was feeling after watching more of his friends die in battle. Hera waved her hand producing a large couch where she sat down and gestured for Percy to do the same.

Percy sat down next to his mother as she looked at him expectantly.

"What?" Percy asked.

"As much as I wish you did, I know you didn't come all the way up here to come visit me. Tell me what's bothering you Percy." Hera asked softly.

Percy shrugged, "It's nothing I can't handle, just a long day. I really did come up here to find you, I've missed you Mom."

Hera smiled, "Well I'm glad you know I'm always here if you need to talk. So I take it you'll be staying on Olympus again tonight?"

Percy nodded, "Yea Jason and I will stay here for now on. Once this damned war is over I think I'm going to stick around Olympus for a while."

Hera raised an eyebrow, "So what you mean is Jason and his girlfriend will be staying at your palace while you stay with your girlfriend?"

Percy's eyes widened and his face reddened at her words.

Hera laughed softly, "I'm only teasing you Percy; although I don't want to see any grandchildren out of you two. Well not yet at least."

Percy face turned a bright shade of red, "Are you trying to stop me from coming to visit you?"

Hera waved her hand dismissively, "Relax Perseus, I'm just happy to have you around again, you have no idea how hard the years you were gone were for me and everyone. I don't think Artemis took a single day off from hunting for four years straight."

Percy was about to respond when a lightning bolt crashed into the throne of Zeus before he appeared seated on his throne. When he saw Percy and Hera talking on the couch he smiled, "Perseus, what brings you to Olympus?"

Percy shrugged, "Just came for a visit but since you're here, there is something I need to ask you Lord Zeus. I was thinking it would be best to have the Romans stay at Camp Half Blood for the rest of the war. That way Erebus and Nyx can't single out one group. I have a feeling an army will march on New York once Oceanus makes his move against my father. With one of the big three out of the way, they will have their best chance of taking Olympus."

Zeus looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding, "I agree with leaving the Romans at Camp Half Blood but I have bad news concerning your father Perseus. We have little ways to aide him when the war with Oceanus comes. I have ordered every minor water god, nymph and nature spirit to help defend his kingdom but as for us Olympians, we are useless under the sea. Even with your father's permission, our domains are not exactly compatible with his. Athena is still trying to come up with ways to aide him but we have made little progress so far."

"I will aide my father when the battle comes to him." Percy said seriously.

Zeus' face became troubled, "And what of the battle up here? We will need you to lead your troops into battle."

"Jason is more than capable of leading our troops. While powerful before his death he is easily the most powerful demigod alive today. Well right up there with me anyway." Percy replied.

Zeus smiled at the description of his son, "The decision is yours to make Perseus. I know you are more than able to make the correct choices in battle."

Percy nodded slowly, "Lord Zeus, we need to watch out for Athena's daughter. She has become very powerful. She nearly killed me in battle today and I can only assume that when the army marches on Olympus, she will be leading the army under Kronos."

Zeus scowled, "I want that traitor dragged in chains in front of the council. We will not make the same mistake twice. She will receive every ounce of wrath Hades has to offer when her punishment is delivered. We shall devote an entire section of the Fields of Punishment just for her. If she thinks she will escape my wrath after throwing my daughter into Tartarus then she shall receive an eternity of learning otherwise." He growled.

Percy nodded, "I think I will enjoy that very much uncle."

Zeus looked at his nephew proudly, "I can't express my gratitude enough to you Perseus. When this war is over I will make sure you receive the reward you justly deserve for jumping into Tartarus to save Thalia; along with everything else you've done for us."

Percy smiled and bowed to his uncle, "Thank you Lord Zeus. I will deliver the news to the Romans and make sure they have proper accommodations for their stay at Camp Half Blood."

Zeus shook his head, "There will be cabins for each cohort once you arrive at camp."

Percy nodded, "Thank you uncle."

Percy turned to his mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, "I will return to Olympus later Mom."

Hera smiled, "Be safe Percy."

Line Break

Percy spent the next two days moving from Camp Half Blood to Olympus and back to Aether's realm to discuss the war with the Aether and Hemera. The days, while relaxing, were nerve racking for Percy. Everything had been peaceful, no attacks, not monsters, nothing. It was too peaceful for the middle of a war and a sense of dread had been haunting Percy. Despite his worries, he did his best to ignore the feeling, knowing there was nothing he could do about it other than wait for the enemy to make its move.

He used the break from war to catch up with Chiron and some of his old friends from Camp Half Blood. He couldn't help but smile as things seemed to have hardly changed since he left almost a decade ago. His friends were older and councilors at camp, helping to train the next generation of heroes as they prepared for what they hoped was the last war in their lifetime.

Percy had used the rest of his free time hanging out with the hunters and Artemis. He made sure to resume his training of his little sister Sophie who had become quite powerful on her own but Percy was determined to make her more powerful than him one day just as he had promised her.

Dinner had just finished at camp as the demigods all went off to train further or gather around the campfire for a sing-a-long while most of the hunters and Romans retired to their cabins for the night knowing their days for getting a good night's sleep were about to end soon.

Artemis was on Olympus for a council meeting while Nico and Jason had taken their girlfriends to the beach. Percy wandered around camp aimlessly, lost in thought, until he came to the pier behind the Poseidon cabin. When he looked up he saw a figure sitting on the edge with their feet dangling in the water. The figure had clad in a silver huntress uniform but was too tall to be Percy's little sister. As he approached her, he saw the silky black hair of Zoe Nightshade as she stared out into the sea. Percy slowly made his way over to her and joined her on the edge of the pier.

"What are you doing out here?" Percy asked curiously.

Zoe shrugged, "Just enjoying the view and thinking."

Percy nodded, "This was where I always snuck off to at night when I needed to think. The sea has always helped to clear my mind."

Zoe smiled, "Yes, it used to for me as well."

Percy looked at her a little confused, "Why did it used to?"

Zoe looked down sadly, "My mother was a sea goddess, Pleione. She faded long ago but I am a part of the sea just like you."

"So the sea doesn't comfort you because your mother is gone?" Percy asked.

Zoe shook her head, "Not just that. My immortality was tied to being a Hesperide but my mother gave me a pin that contained the immortal power I got from her. When I gave it to that bastard Heracles, I lost my connection to the sea."

Percy's eyes widened, "Anaklusmos?" He asked as he pulled the pen out of his pocket.

Zoe nodded as she looked at the pen.

"Take it Zoe. I don't want to have something so important to you." Percy said handing her the pen.

Zoe shook her head and smiled, "No Percy, there is more. My mother would get visions, similar to Apollo's oracle. When she gave me the pin, she said I was supposed to give it a great hero, the greatest hero to ever live. I was angry before because I thought it was Heracles that I supposed to give it to but I was wrong. I thought I had messed up by giving it to the wrong person. But two thousand years later, I finally understood; I was meant to give it to you. When I was dying and you tried to give me back the sword, I knew I hadn't messed up because the sword ended up with who it was meant to."

Percy stared at Zoe in shock for a minute until a hard punch to the arm snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that?" Percy asked.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Well I didn't realize it until I was dying and was a little busy to explain everything while bleeding out. Then when you found me in Tartarus, I never got a chance to explain during the war because you went and sacrificed yourself. So really despite you being one of my better friends, I've only really known you while we were both around and alive for less than a month."

Percy was silent for a minute until he started laughing, making Zoe look at him questioningly.

Percy smiled, "It's just funny how messed up our lives are. I've known you for about ten years but we've only both been alive or in the same realm for basically for a month." He said still chuckling.

Zoe couldn't help but laugh herself when he explained it, "Yes, our lives certainly aren't normal."

Percy smiled, "I never thanked you for saving my life the other day. If you hadn't shot her, Annabeth might have killed me when she knocked me back."

Zoe shrugged, "Well you can take off my debt; your still quite far ahead in terms of saving each other. Besides, it's like you said, you're my friend, I'll always have your back."

Percy smiled at her words, he was about to speak again when an Iris Message appeared in front of them.

Zeus looked at Percy warily, "Perseus, your father is under attack. He needs your help to hold off Oceanus' forces until his army of Mermen reaches Atlantis as they were ambushed on their way back there from a mission."

Percy shot to his feet, "Thank you Lord Zeus. I will head there now." He said quickly before swiping through the Iris Message. He turned to Zoe to offer her a hand up when two loud thuds were heard. Percy dropped to the ground, golden ichor pouring where two arrows were protruding from his chest.

Zoe shot to her feet with her bow in hand as she looked down the pier to find two calculating grey eyes staring down at her and Percy's bleeding body.