Chapter 33: Traitors and Titans

Percy smiled at her words, he was about to speak again when an Iris Message appeared in front of them.

Zeus appeared in the mist and looked at Percy worriedly, "Perseus, your father is under attack. He needs your help to hold off Oceanus' forces until his army of Mermen reaches Atlantis as they were ambushed on their way back from a mission."

Percy shot to his feet, "Thank you Lord Zeus. I will head there now." He said quickly before swiping through the Iris Message. He turned to Zoe to offer her a hand up when two soft thuds were heard. Percy dropped to the ground, golden ichor pouring from where two arrows were protruding out of his chest.

Zoe shot to her feet with her bow in hand as she looked down the pier to find two calculating grey eyes staring down at her and Percy's bleeding body.

"What the Hades are you doing?" Zoe screamed.

The boy at the end of the pier smiled, "Performing my mission obviously. You fools didn't think we don't have people in each of your groups of demigods did you?"

Zoe's eyes narrowed as she sent a silent prayer for help to Artemis, "You will die painfully traitor."

The boy smiled, "I'm sure I will but only to be reunited with my masters in my death."

Zoe pulled back the string on her arrow until she saw thirteen flashes of light appear a few yards behind the demigod. Before the gods could react, the demigod was knocked unconscious by a spear cracking him upside the head after being swung like a baseball bat. The boy crumpled to the ground unconscious with a seething Phoebe standing over his body.

Zoe dropped her bow and slid down next to Percy's body.

"Percy! Percy! Stay with me." Zoe yelled as she tried to get some kind of indication he was still alive, but Percy simply lay there unmoving.

Artemis and Apollo flashed to his side in an instant, tears already falling from Artemis' face.

Apollo looked at Percy warily as he examined the arrows. He quickly pulled one of the arrows out of his shoulder but hesitated on the second one.

"HEAL HIM!" Artemis screamed at her brother.

Apollo ignored his sister as he checked Percy's vital signs before returning his attention to the arrow.

"I can't pull the arrow out yet. It's too close to his heart; it could kill him if the arrow grazes his heart on the way out. Otherwise we could just pull it out and push him into the sea to heal." Apollo explained.

By this time, Hera, Zeus, and Hestia were standing behind Zoe and the twin siblings as Zeus had an arm wrapped around his sobbing wife. Silent tears fell from Hestia's face as she stared at her champion.

Zoe stared at the situation in shock as her own tears began to fall from her eyes.

"I need to take him to Olympus. I need to take my time with this." Apollo said as he gently levitated Percy's body, a stretcher appearing underneath as his body carefully floated onto it. Straps wrapped around Percy's head, shoulders, waist and legs to ensure he wouldn't move.

Apollo looked at his sister sadly before he and Percy vanished into a golden light.

The minute Apollo and Percy vanished; Artemis shot to her feet and ran to the end of the pier where Athena was staring in shock at her son's unconscious form.

In a flash, Artemis had her hunting knife in hand, ready to slice the demigod to pieces. At the last second, she was tackled to the ground.

Artemis rolled over and pinned her attacker to the ground with a knife to their throat. Her eyes shot open when she saw her best friend had been her attacker.

"Don't Artemis! It's what he wanted. He was planning on dying so he could return to Erebus and Nyx." Zoe pleaded.

Artemis pulled her knife back from Zoe's throat and jumped to her feet, pulling Zoe to hers once she was up.

Zeus stepped forward before Artemis could speak with barely controlled rage, "Bind the traitor Ares. We shall bring him to Olympus and decide his fate once Perseus recovers. Everyone else, return to the throne room, now!"

Zeus grabbed his sobbing wife's hand and disappeared in a bolt of lightning.

Ares glared at the unconscious demigod before snapping his fingers, binding the traitor in celestial bronze chains before him and the rest of the council, minus Artemis, flashed back to the throne room.

Zoe looked up her mistress' tear filled eyes and knew her own looked the same, "He'll be okay milady." Zoe said unsure of her confidence in her own words.

"I'm going to check on Percy. Gather the hunters along with Jason, Luke and Clarisse; have them teleport all of you to Olympus. Wait in my palace; I will come get you once I find out how Percy is." Artemis said quietly before vanishing in a flash of silver.

Artemis appeared inside her brother's palace just as Apollo stepped out of the infirmary that made up a section of the palace with exhaustion clearly evident in his features. Artemis looked at the golden ichor on his hands and arms and immediately felt her heart shatter.

When Apollo saw Artemis and the expression on her face he gave her a reassuring smile, "Relax sis, Percy's going to be fine. I got the arrow out without touching his heart. You won't have to wait for him to reform; he'll be good as new in a day or so."

Relief washed over Artemis' body at her brother's words, "Thank you Apollo. Can I go see him?"

Apollo nodded but stopped her when she went to walk into the infirmary, "Wait Artemis. Can I talk to you for a second?"

Artemis stopped and nodded to her brother's request.

"Listen, I'm sorry about how I was when it came to you and Percy. I thought I was protecting you but Percy was right, you don't need me to watch over you. I promise you don't have to worry about me trying to stop you and Percy from being together ever again. If there has ever been a person worthy of my sister, then it's Percy." Apollo said in a rare moment of seriousness.

Artemis stared at her brother for a minute in shock before she smiled and pulled him into a hug, "You might annoy the Hades out me sometimes Apollo, but no matter what you'll always be my brother. I'm sorry for saying I disowned you. No matter what, you're my only true brother. And thank you for saving Percy."

Apollo smiled at his twin's words as she let him go, "Thanks sis but go easy on him in there. He's out of the woods but he is still in rough shape, the arrows were poisoned. I managed to get it all out but he needs to go easy for a bit; at least until he can spend some time in the sea."

Artemis nodded, "Thank you again Apollo." She said before making her way into the infirmary.

She found Percy lying on a bed with his eyes closed, apparently sleeping. When she reached his bedside his eyes shot open and a smile appeared on his face, "Hey Artemis."

Artemis' eyes narrowed, "What did I say about getting yourself killed?"

Percy's smile grew, "I don't remember but I think it had something to do with not doing it. So mission accomplished."

Artemis glared at him until she couldn't help herself from sliding next to him on the small bed. She leaned over and kissed him gently, "Since you lived, I'll let it slide just this one time."

Percy smiled into the kiss before he pulled back quickly. Artemis looked at him confused.

"What happened to Zoe? Is she okay?" Percy asked frantically.

Artemis smiled at his concern, "She is fine Percy. She probably saved your life too."

Percy sighed in relief, "Who shot me anyway?"

Artemis scowled, "Some foolish son of Athena, Malcolm I think his name is."

Percy's eyes widened, "Malcolm? Why? He was one of my friends from camp."

Artemis looked at Percy sympathetically, "He is a traitor too Percy. The council has him in the throne room right now."

Percy winced as he sat up. Artemis grabbed his arm before he could roll off the bed, "Where do you think you're going?" Artemis asked incredulously.

"I need to go to the throne room." Percy said seriously.

Artemis shook her head, "No, Apollo said you need to rest for at least a day. You're staying in bed."

Percy narrowed his eyes a bit, "Artemis, have I once treated you like you were weak or that you needed someone to protect you?"

"No, why?" She replied confused.

Percy nodded, "Good, then I expect you to have to the same respect for me. I love you but I can handle myself, it's just an arrow wound, I'll be fine."

Artemis looked like she wanted to argue but decided against it and sighed, "Fine, but at least let me teleport us to the throne room."

Percy smiled and nodded, holding out his hand for her. Artemis took it, and the two vanished from Apollo's palace. They reappeared in Artemis' palace where the hunters along with Jason, Luke, and Clarisse were waiting anxiously for news. When they saw Percy appear with Artemis, huge smiles lit up their faces.

"Come to throne room." Artemis said quickly before she and Percy flashed to the throne room.

When they arrived, the first thing Percy noticed was Malcolm bound in chains in the middle of the room while a number of gods were arguing. Most of the gods seemed to be yelling at Athena who seemed to be the only person on her side.

When Artemis and Percy appeared, the throne room fell silent. The silence was broken by Hera jumping from her throne and quickly making her way towards Percy.

Artemis held up a hand, "Be gentle, he's still wounded."

Hera paused when she reached him, "Are you okay Percy?"

Percy smiled and leaned down to kiss his mother on the cheek, "I'm fine Mom."

Hera sighed in relief as she turned back to her throne with a big smile on her face. The hunters and Percy's friends appeared in the throne room. The hunters all stood beside their mistress' throne while Percy's friends all stood by their parents' sides.

Percy looked around the throne room, "What's everyone arguing about?" He asked as he turned to Zeus.

Zeus sighed and pinched the bridge of nose, "We are trying to decide what to do with the traitor. Most are in favor of sending the demigod to the Fields of Punishment while Athena is asking for anything else."

Percy nodded and glanced at a trembling Malcolm in the middle of the throne room. Percy's eyes shifted from god to god until a voice speaking up broke him from his reveries.

"Why don't we let Perseus decide? It was he who was attacked so it seems fitting that he decide the boy's fate." Hestia announced to the council.

Zeus looked at his sister thoughtfully before looking back at Percy, "I must agree. The boy's fate shall be Perseus' to decide."

Athena stood from her throne, "But father…" She began before Zeus slammed his bolt on the throne room floor.

"Enough Athena! Another one of your children has betrayed the gods. He has attempted to kill the son of two Olympians and the greatest hero Olympus has ever known. His fate is Perseus' to decide and that is final." Zeus bellowed.

Percy looked uncomfortable as everyone's attention turned to him but steeled himself and walked up to Malcolm, his face an emotionless mask.

He stared at Malcolm for a minute, his eyes glowing brown as he looked into the demigod's mind. Percy turned away from Malcolm with a scowl on his face. He looked at Athena who was the only Olympian not looking at him. He walked over to her throne, which along with the rest of the council's was in human size. When he reached her, he gently put her hand on her arm, finally garnering her attention.

"Lady Athena, what would you do with your son if the decision was yours?" Percy asked stoically.

Athena looked shocked by the question as she scrambled for an answer. After a minute, her face fell, "I do not know Perseus. I just don't want another one of my children to die."

Apollo laughed from his throne, "Ha! Athena doesn't have an answer for once."

Athena glared murderously at the immature son god causing him to shrink back into his throne.

Percy stood a few feet from Malcolm as he thought. His eyes shifted to his patron who smiled and gave him a small nod of encouragement which helped him be sure of his decision.

"Malcolm shall be remanded to Athena's custody. He shall stay imprisoned on Olympus for the duration of the war but he is not to be harmed. Once we win this war, his fate shall be decided by his mother." Percy said confidently.

Hera stood up, "Percy he tried to kill you! You can't just give him a free pass."

Percy shook his head, "Please Mom, I know what I'm doing. I know Athena well enough to know Malcolm will be getting anything but a free pass. There is no need for any unnecessary deaths as I have seen more than I want in my life and I will not add to that list because he was misled or deceived by his sister."

The entire council stared at Percy in shock, with the exception of Hestia who beamed at her champion.

Zeus finally came out of his shock, "The boy's fate was Perseus' to decide so we will follow his wishes. Hermes, bring Athena's son to another room. He will remain shackled until this war is over to ensure he cannot escape."

As Hermes walked towards Malcolm, Percy spoke up again, "Remember this day Malcolm. I forgive you for trying to kill me but I will tell you now, if you ever come after me or any of my friends again, you'll beg for the Fields of Punishment when I get my hands on you." Percy said in calm but ice cold tone.

Percy nodded to Hermes who led a wide eyed Malcolm out of the throne room.

Before anyone could speak, Percy began to speak again, "Now I need to go to Atlantis. Jason, Luke and Clarisse will have our soldiers ready for battle which I assume will come soon."

Artemis shot out of her throne, "What? You are not going into battle! You're already wounded Percy."

Percy smiled sadly at her, "I'm sorry Artemis but I can't leave my father on his own. I will be fine, the sea will only speed the healing of my injuries anyway."

Artemis glared at Percy, "I'm going with you then. You're not going to fight against a Titan and his army alone."

Percy shook his head, "You won't be able to help under the sea Artemis. I would have to focus too hard on making sure you could breath and not get crushed by the water pressure. But I was hoping to take another child of the sea with me." Percy said as his gaze shifted to Zoe whose eyes widened.

Artemis followed Percy's eyes, "What do you mean? Zoe can't breathe under water." Artemis asked.

Percy smiled, "She is a daughter of the sea and the sea never forgets one of its own."

Zoe stepped up, "Percy, you know I lost my connection to the sea."

Percy shook his head, "Do you trust me Zoe?"

Zoe's nodded without hesitating, "I do."

Percy grinned, "Then you're coming to Atlantis. I need someone I trust to watch my back."

Artemis was staring a Percy in shock, "Why do you want Zoe to come?" She asked suspiciously.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Relax Artemis, she is a daughter of a sea goddess. She is the only one who will be able to fight without being affected by the domain. Do you trust that I know what I'm doing?"

Artemis nodded, "I do, but just know that if you get yourself or Zoe killed, you'll be in a world of hurt when you come back or reform." Artemis said seriously.

Percy smiled, "I love you too Artemis. Lord Zeus, we will be back as soon as possible. Please inform me of any move Erebus or Nyx make on Olympus."

Zeus nodded proudly, "Good luck Perseus."

Athena stood up from her throne, "Wait Perseus."

Percy looked at Athena, unsure of what she wanted. Athena made her way over to Percy where she placed a hand on his shoulder. Percy's body glowed grey for a minute drawing wide eyes from most of the council.

When the glow disappeared, he looked at Athena questioningly.

"The least I can do is give you my blessing. It will help you form plans quicker when in battle." Athena explained.

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled, "Thank you Lady Athena."

Athena smiled back, "No thank you Percy. Thank you for giving my son a chance to redeem himself one day. Don't worry; he will be punished severely for his actions."

Percy nodded his thanks before he walked over to Zoe, putting a hand on her shoulder as they vanished from the throne room. They reappeared on the beach of Camp Half Blood.

"Are you ready for this Zoe?" Percy asked.

Zoe shook her head, "Percy, I'm not going to be able to breathe underwater. I want to help you but I don't have any powers underwater like you do."

"Well I think you'll be fine. I will make you sure you can breathe when we are down there. You'll just have to trust me." Percy said seriously before he held out his hand to Zoe.

Zoe tentatively took her friends hand before Percy led her out into the water. The water was cool to the touch but Zoe felt surprisingly comfortable as Percy walked her out further and further into the sea. When they reached the point where the water was up to Zoe's waist, Percy stopped.

"Don't let go. Next stop, Atlantis." Percy before he dragged Zoe underwater with him. At first, Zoe panicked; but after a few seconds, she noticed there was a bubble of air around her. Before she could say anything to Percy, the water sent the two propelling like a high speed rocket into the depths of the sea. Zoe held firmly onto Percy's hand as the ocean passed by them in a blur. Before Zoe knew it, they had stopped.

Percy and Zoe looked down at the damaged city of Atlantis that was continuing to get pummeled by the forces of Oceanus.

Percy wasted no time in flashing himself and Zoe into the throne room of Atlantis where Poseidon sat with a few of his advisors and generals. The sea god was in full battle armor with his trident clutched tightly in his hand. When he noticed Percy, he dismissed everyone else and got out of his throne.

"Percy, what are you doing here?" Poseidon asked confused.

Percy shrugged, "I'm here to help you hold off Oceanus until your army of Mermen can reach Atlantis."

Poseidon smiled gratefully until he looked confused again as he caught sight of Zoe, "Percy, why did you bring a hunter?"

"I'll explain in a minute but I need a moment alone with you first Dad." Percy replied back quickly.

Percy walked up and spoke to his father quickly in hushed voice. At first, Poseidon looked confused but his faced slowly shifted into a look of understanding and then finally a smile. When Percy finished speaking, his father stood from his throne and walked over to Zoe who was still confused why Percy wanted her to come with him.

Poseidon stood in front of Zoe, who bowed a bit to the sea god, and placed a hand on her shoulder as he muttered something quickly in ancient Greek. Zoe glowed with a sea green light for a minute before is dissipated. Zoe looked at Percy questioningly only to be greeted with a chuckle from the son of Poseidon.

"What was that?" Zoe asked confused.

Poseidon smiled, "Look around you Miss Nightshade. As you can see, you are no longer inside an air bubble and still seem to be breathing just fine."

Zoe looked around her to find her air bubble gone, "How?" She asked in shock.

Poseidon's smile grew, "I have returned your powers over the sea that were taken when you became a Hesperide. As Lord of the Seas, I simply unlocked the powers that were rightfully yours when you were born. Percy explained about your sword and how you lost your power over the sea. But as you are no longer a Hesperide, your powers should be returned to you. The sea never forgets one of its own."

Zoe's eyes widened before a big smile appeared on her face, "Thank you Lord Poseidon." She said gratefully.

Poseidon nodded, "Thank Percy, not me. He is rather fond of you and wanted you to have what belonged to you."

Zoe's eyes shifted to Percy with an even bigger smile on her face, "Thank you Percy."

Percy smiled back at her, "Where do you want us father?"

"Go help hold off Oceanus' forces. Triton is commanding the army we have here in Atlantis at the moment but we are vastly outnumbered. I may have a mission for you two shortly but for now, go help wherever you can." Poseidon said quickly.

Percy nodded and led Zoe out of the throne room. When they were alone, Zoe quickly tackled Percy into a hug, barely holding back her tears.

"Thank you so much Percy. You have no idea how long I've missed being connected to the sea." Zoe said gratefully.

Percy smiled, "It was rightfully yours, and I just needed to explain it to my father. Now I can train you on your powers over water along with Sophie."

Zoe nodded happily before the two set off to the edges of the city. When they reached it, Percy saw his half-brother Triton trying to organize his soldiers. Percy and Zoe made their way over to him.

"Where do you want us?" Percy asked.

Triton's eyes widened when he saw Percy and Zoe standing there, waiting for instructions.

"Why are you here?" Triton asked coldly.

"We are here to help. But if you want us to leave, we will." Percy said with narrowed eyes.

Triton glared at Percy but shook his head, "No, I'm sorry. We need all the help we can get. Try to reinforce the left flank as best you can, we've lost a number of soldiers over there. And who is this?" He asked gesturing to Zoe.

Percy nodded, "This is my friend Zoe, a daughter Pleione and she is here to help as well."

Triton looked surprised but nodded, "Thank you for your help Zoe. Just follow Percy wherever he goes."

Zoe nodded as she and Percy took off the left flank where the Cyclops and few Mermen where quickly losing ground to Oceanus' battalion of Telekhine and Sharkmen.

Percy pulled out Riptide, which glowed extra brightly in the sea, while Zoe pulled out her hunting knives as they charged into battle.

Percy quickly reached the front lines of the battle and blocked the sword of a Sharkman as he tried to impale a Merman and kicked the monster back. Zoe was at Percy's side as she slit the throat of a Telekhine before ducking the sword of a Sharkman and drove her hunting knife through its chest.

Percy looked at Zoe, "Get ready to do some serious damage." He said as his eyes glowed golden and the movements of the monsters slowed considerably.

Zoe took advantage, go on a rampage as she sliced and stabbed her way through monsters at a lightning fast pace. The power of the sea ensuring her energy never waned.

The slowed monsters gave the forces of Atlantis time to regroup before charging with renewed vigor, cutting down the enemy and they pushed back and shored up the left flank of their forces.

Percy's eyes returned to normal as he stabbed Riptide through the heart of a Sharkman while kicking out the legs of another. Percy stabbed the fallen monster before using the currents to propel him forward, using the speed burst to catch the enemy off guard.

A flash of light behind Percy caught his attention. He brought his hands together as he sent a blast of white energy into a group of Telekhine who dissolved instantly.

"Father needs you and Zoe back in the throne room." Triton said as Percy turned back to the flash of light.

Percy nodded as he looked at the Army of Atlantis continuing to push the enemy back a few feet at a time.

Percy grabbed Zoe's shoulder just as her hunting knife was thrust into the throat of a Sharkman. The two reappeared in the throne room of Poseidon.

"Percy, I need you and Zoe to go help the battalion of Mermen who were ambushed on their way here. They've been fighting their way towards Atlantis all day but have lost a number of soldiers. They are currently about a mile south of the city." Poseidon said.

Percy nodded and was about to leave but his father spoke again, "Be careful Percy. Oceanus hasn't been seen in a while. Send for help if you run into him on your way there."

Percy nodded and led Zoe out of his father's palace. Percy used the currents to send him and Zoe in the direction of the army. After about ten minutes, they saw the army of Mermen still locked in battle. As they were about to charge, a voice behind them caused Percy to stop. When he turned, he saw Oceanus standing behind him and Zoe with the largest monster Percy had ever seen standing beside the Titan.

"Where do you think you're going Jackson?" Oceanus sneered.

"I was going to help the Mermen but now that you're here, I think I will kill you first." Percy growled.

Oceanus laughed loudly, "I think not demigod. I have a meeting with your father but I'll leave my friend the Kraken here to keep you entertained." He said before turning back towards Atlantis as the monstrous Kraken stood in his place looking at Percy and Zoe hungrily.