Ana and Liz

"I know. I know that, but he doesn't have any magic."

"Really?" Liz was both confused and shocked.

"Yeah. He doesn't have any magic. Mine is wind, and yours is… lightning, right?"


"Elders and other exorcists used to make fun of Luka. And due to that, our relationship crumbled many times."

"I see" Liz looked at Ana, who was clenching her fist in frustration, and said, "So that's the reason you feel responsible for what happened to him, and he feels responsible for what happened to you."


"So why does he go to human school?"

"He was allowed to be enrolled in the exorcist school."


"It was our dream to go together and always stay together. But we couldn't fulfill it."

"And he blames himself for that?"

"Ana nodded and said, "When we were kids. Luka used to say 'I will protect you' all the time whenever he said that, my heart used to flutter. So I thought if I said the same thing to him, his heart would flutter too. I thought..."

She took a deep breath and said, "I thought he would feel the same way I did. But I was wrong. I was mistaken. Whenever I said that to him, he always gave me a bitter smile. I was just hurting him. I have always hurt him."

"That's not true." Liz grabbed Ana's shoulder and said, "You didn't know it at that time. But now you do. And I am sure Luka knows too. I am sure he knows how much you love him. So don't...just. Just throw that burden from your shoulders."

"Your hands are giving burden to my shoulders right now."

"By the way, Ana. Isn't that girl super clingy to Luka?"


'Back to the old topic,' they both thought at the same time.

After a while, a yell of a girl was heard saying, "Didn't you say you will always be together with me?! Or that was a lie?!"

"Hey!" Liz held her yell as she said, "What's going on? That girl is spouting some serious nonsense."

"Hey, she grabbed his arm," Liz added.

"He is going somewhere," Liz commented.

"Is it just me, or is he coming this way?" Liz questioned.

"Did he spot us?" Liz added.

Liz was giving commentary on what was going on.

"Oh, he went to the drug store."

"He bought some medicine."

"He is going back now."

"He took all the pills at once."

"They have been talking for a while now. But I can't hear them"

Liz was still commenting on what was happening even though Ana was also looking at them fiercely as if she was trying to figure out their relationship.



"Stop commenting. I can see it."


Not even a minute had passed and, "Liz."


"She is looking at us."

"But we are far away. She shouldn't be able to see us," Liz stated.

"Hey, she grabbed his arm again. Isn't it like a date? I am so jealous. Hey Ana. Why aren't you reacting after seeing that? Don't you love him?" Liz asked with mixed emotions.

"Well, I don't mind it."

"You don't mind it…?" Liz is even more confused now.

"I am okay if he flirts with other girls."


"As long as I know the girl," Ana added.


"Weird, right?"

Liz nodded in agreement.

"Then…what about me? If I flirt with him, you won't get mad?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Argh…stop it, it's my birthday. And he is hanging out with some other girl."

'That does affect you!' Liz thought but couldn't bring herself to say it.

After following them for a while they...

"Hey! He is going inside her house," Liz never stopped commenting.

"I can…see that. Let's wait here outside, and we can't do anything even if we want to."


Ana pointed her finger at some shady guy, who was looking in the house through the window.

"He has been following them for a while now."

"Is that so? I didn't notice."

'I could even feel his power,' Liz thought.

"If I remember correctly. He is her father."

"Her father? Is he also human?"

"No," Ana shook her head and said, "Her father is an exorcist. And her mother is human."

"I see. That's why he is carrying a lance on his back."

"We need to move away from here," Liz added.

"No," Ana instantly rejected.


"I don't trust that guy. He blames Luka for what happened to his daughter."

"Wait, you mean...the incident. That incident of one year ago happened in some human school. It Luka middle school…?"

"Yeah. She is a victim of it. And her dad blames Luka for that. Even last time…at the hospital, he got so mad at Luka."

"He won't harm Luka, right?" Liz asked worriedly.

"I don't know. But I don't trust this guy."


Liz realized that she needs to keep an eye on Ana so that she doesn't end up doing something she shouldn't do.

After a while, Ana insisted on going home, saying, "I should go home and bring my sword."

"Wait, Ana. It's okay. I don't think he will do anything. I mean, if he wanted to do something, then he would have done that already"

"You are…right."

"Oh! Look. He is out, and wait! Is that a sword in his hand?" Liz questioned as she commented.

"That is…Luka sword. Why was it here? I tried to find it everywhere, but I couldn't find anything besides the sheath."

'So it was with her?' Ana thought in frustration.

"Now is not the time for that, Ana." Liz grabbed Ana's hand and said, "Let's follow him."

They both followed him.

After following him for a while, they saw that man kicking Luka, which sent him flying in the park.

"I am gonna kill him!"

Ana rushed towards them, but Liz stopped her.

"No. Wait, Ana. I think it will be okay."

"How can you say that after seeing that?! HE kicked him! I need to kill him. And if not kill, then at least, I will cut his leg."

"No, I mean. I don't sense any killing intent from him"


It was true that there was no killing intent coming from that man. But Ana was dead set on killing him.

After watching them for a while, both Luka and the man were talking like nothing happened.

"See? They are just having a normal conversation," Liz reassured.

"Yea...h" Ana still wasn't convinced, but Luka seemed happy talking with that man, so she let it slide.

"Oh! They are done. Now he will go straight home. We should go too, Ana."

"I wanna follow him more."

"You are talking in that dialect again. And if we follow him anymore, he will catch us. Let's go before he reaches home, okay?"


They were about to leave but decided to glance at him one more time. And just to their surprise--

"Where did he go?" Liz asked in confusion.

--he wasn't there.

"He was just here just a while ago!" Ana stated.

"Excuse me, suspicious people. May I ask what you two are doing here?" a voice said from behind them.


"Don't yell together."

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Liz asked nervously as she tried to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"That's my line. What are you two doing here? You were stalking me, weren't you?"

"Stalking? What are you talking about? We just happened to go the same way, right Liz?"

Ana was clearly nervous, but she was giving her all to hide it.

"Is that so?" Luka confirmed.

"Yes. And besides…"


"Hmm?" Liz quipped.

"Besides…it isn't staking anymore if we get caught, right?"

"Idiot Ana! You just confessed that we were stalking him," Liz yelled.


"Well, it's okay. You can stalk me as much as you want," Luka said as he took the hat from Liz. And sunglasses from Ana.

He wore them and asked, "How do I look?"

"Lame," they both said in unison.

'You don't have to be so blunt!'

"Oh! Nisa is not with you?"Luka asked as she gave the hat back to Liz.

"Nisa? Why did you mention her now?" Liz inquired.

"She was with you guys, so…"

"She went home," Ana said instantly.

"I see" Luka gave the sunglasses back to Ana and said, "So Ana, will you still be friends with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your memory is back. So…"

"She is still my friend."

"Good. Please take care of her. She doesn't get along with anyone in school. She is a good girl, and I owe her"

"You don't have to tell me that! I know more about her than you do."

"Why are you getting angry?" asked Luka.

"I am not angry."

"You are"

"I am not."

"You are"

"You are Ana," Liz quipped.

"Liz!" Ana yelled.

"That's because you are cute," Liz replied.

"I know, right? So cute," Luka added.

"Shut up, both of you!"


"Stop laughing."

"Sorry, sorry."

Luka patted Ana's head as Ana slapped his hand, yelling, "Don't pat me!"

"But you like it."

"I don't."

"She did say that she liked it," Liz quipped once again.


"Whoa. Angry Ana is also cute."

"Yup, yup."

"Hey Ana, let's have a cake when we get home," Luka suggested.


"Hey, Liz. Why don't you stay over for the night?" Luka asked.

"Huh? Staying a night…at Luka place."

Liz's face went red just by imagining that.

"What are you getting red for?" Ana asked as she looked at Luka and asked, "He meant at my place, right Luka?"

"Yeah, obviously," Luka replied instantly.

"Did you hear that, Liz?" Ana asked while smiling at Liz.

Liz was the only one who knew the reason behind that smile and replied, "Yeah."