I Hate Mondays

It was just another day.

Yesterday was Ana's birthday, we celebrated till late at night, and by 'We' I mean Ana, Liz, Lily, Ana's mom, my mom, that chiby, and me of course.

I am currently sleeping in my room, or so I want to say, but I woke up a while ago. Just waiting for my alarm clock to ring,

The door of my room opened, and someone walked in.

The footsteps stopped near my bed as I heard someone saying,

"Luka, hey Luka."

This is my alarm, Lily. She goes off every morning at the same time, even though I never set a time.

"Luka, wake up, "She shook me as she said, "You will be late for school if you don't wake up."

Her voice sounds a little different.

I told her not to drink too many sweets. Now her voice sounds a little different.


Let's act as if I just woke up.

"Mmm...I hate Mondays", I murmured.

"Luka, wake up,"


I guess this much acting is enough.

I opened my eyes as I said, "You are waking me up differently than usual--" I rubbed my eyes to confirm if my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

"L-Liz?!" I stammered as I said, "Wh-What are you doing here?"

Just to confirm, I glanced around my room saying. "This is my room, right? Th-Then why are you here?"

I couldn't stop stuttering.

"Don't you remember I stayed over yesterday?"

"Yes, but you were staying at Ana's place. What are you doing here?"

Could it be that something happened between Liz and me, and I don't remember it?

"What are you imagining!" Liz's face flushed as she said, "It's not like that! I just came here to wake you up because Ana told me to."

"Ana did? Then it's okay----!" I immediately got up and grabbed Liz shouting, "No, it's not okay! Quickly get out of here before she sees you!"

"See me? Who are you talking about?"



"My sister!" I hid her behind me, saying, "Hide behind me, I will see you out."


I left the room, hiding Liz behind me.

We went downstairs to see Ana, who was talking to my mom.

Ana noticed me and said, "Oh! You are awake. Come eat your breakfast."

"What were you thinking? How could you send her to my room? What if Lily saw her?" I bombarded Ana with questions.


"What is it?"

"She is not here."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember she went on a school trip last night?"

"Ah?" I let go of Liz and said, "Yeah, she went on a school trip after the party last night."

I sighed in relief.

"Are you still half asleep?" Ana smirked.

Ana looks in a good mood today. Maybe it's because of yesterday.

"I am not half-asleep. It's just..." I rubbed my head as I said, "My head hurts whenever I wake up."

"Eat your breakfast, and take a bath." Ana walked to me and placed her hand on my forehead as she said, "We will be waiting outside."


I started eating in large bites, gulping down everything.

"Take it slow. We won't run away."

I know!

"Mm mmmf mumph"

"Yeah, yeah"

It's ironic that she can understand what I am saying. Or maybe not.

After I was done bathing, I hurried over to the girls who are waiting for me.

"Whoa! Your hair is still wet! Ana exclaimed."

I sighed and said, "I know. Let's go."

"So your sister, is she dangerous?" Liz questioned.

"She is super dangerous. She is cute, but when she gets angry, she is like a crazy monster."

"Is that so?" Liz glanced at Ana and said, "Is that true, Ana?"

Ana just nodded in reply.

You don't believe me?!

"By the way," I tried to fix my hair as I said, "Did you call your parents yesterday?"

"She didn't," Ana started fixing my hair as she said, "I told her, but she said that that is not necessary."

"It's not a big deal," Liz quipped.

"Your mom might be worried about you," I added.

"My mother is dead"

I gulped down and said, "Then your dad might be worried about you."

"He won't"

"What do you mean--"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said with a distant look.


It looks like she is uncomfortable talking about it.

It's not like we are going out for real.

Don't get too ahead of yourself, Luka.

I scratched my cheek and said, "Sorry if I somehow hurt you."

"No, you an't urt m"

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"No, nothing!"

I was fixing my hair, so I couldn't hear what Liz said, but I am damn sure she said something.

Ana then grabbed Liz's hand and smiled, saying, "It's okay."

It looks like Ana heard it.

"Is it just me, or have you two gotten closer?" I asked.

"We talked about many things last night, right, Liz?"


"Oh! I see" I was finally done fixing my hair.

"So what did you talk about?" I quipped.

"It's a secret," both Ana and Liz said in unison.

I am curious.

I chuckled as I thought, 'At least they are getting along.'

After reaching school, we all parted ways and went to our classrooms. But soon, we met again in the assembly hall.

Assembly is where every student gathers as well as experts and teachers to report about their previous day.

The second and third years are back from their school trip, so are around 250 students.

The assembly ended, and Ana came on the stage and said,

"Hey Guys, my memories are back."

The hall echoed in applause.

"I apologize for the trouble I have caused. And thanks for taking care of me even though I had amnesia."

"You are one of our best students. Of course, we needed you to get better", one of the teachers said.

The experts and teachers left the hall.

The students also started leaving one by--

"Wait a minute!" Ana shouted as everyone stopped

"All those who confessed to me despite knowing my condition shall remain here; others can go."

There was high tension in the air, but soon disappeared, and they started leaving the hall.

This is what you get if you mess with my Ana. Serves them right! Ana is also dangerous when she is angry.

Well, it doesn't concern me, I should get going.

I nudged Seig and said, "Let's go."

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, didn't you also--"

"Mister Luka Aldini, You shall stay here."

"Hmm?!" I furrowed my eyebrows as I said, "Wait, wait, wait! Why do I have to stay here?"

"Didn't you also confess to me?"

"But I was serious about that, and I truly love you."

"So were we," All the 49 boys present there said in unison.

Shut up, you assholes!

"Hey now," I walked near the stage as I said, "Aren't you my childhood friend? Let me off the hook"


"Oh, is that so?" She smirked and said, "I thought you wanted to become my boyfriend, isn't that why you confessed to me?"


Idiot Ana!

"Well then," Seig raised his hand and waved at me, saying, "I should get going, see you in the class, Luka."


This bastard!

He gave me a thumbs-up sign and said, "Good luck."

Good luck, my ass!


After 15 minutes or so, I entered my classroom.

As soon as I entered my class, and gazed at my desk, I saw Seig waiting for me.

"How did it go?"

I sighed as I said, "Apologies,"

"She apologized?!"

"She made us apologize again and then rejected us once again."

"Did she reject you too?"

"No idea," I shrugged my shoulders and said, "She made me stand in the corner."

"I see."

"So?" I raised my eyebrow.


I raised my other eyebrow and asked, "Why are you so damn curious?"

"I just wanted some entertainment."

"I see."



"Hahahaha" He slowly got up from my desk.

I kicked him in the back, yelling, "Get your ass back to your seat, you shit!"


All the classes finally ended.

Now I will go home and laze around, or so I want to do, but I have to complete those damn missions.

I was on my way to the conference room and found Ana and Liz talking in the corner.

"Yo! Whatcha talkin about? Lemme in", I quipped.

"Go home"

"What about missions?"

They both gave me a blank stare and said, "There are no missions on Monday."

"There are no missions today?!"

"You didn't know it?" Liz questioned.

I still can't believe what I am hearing.

If there are no missions on Monday, then, "I love Mondays.

As I was celebrating the good news, Ana pointed her finger at me and said, "By the way, Luka, shouldn't you practice some sword fighting? It's been like 6 months since you last fought"


"And you didn't even bring your sword today."

"I can't," I replied.

"You have to bring your sword in school and--"

"That's not what I am talking about. I don't have a sheath for my sword and can't bring a sword without a sheath, right?"


"Well then," She folded her arms and said, "I will give you the sheath."

"But my sheath is--"

"I have it," she added.

"Why do you have my sheath with you?"

"Stop asking questions."

When we reached home, Ana came over to my house to give me the sheath and ate dinner too.


Ana left after dinner, and I went back to my room.

I was trying to sleep, but there was an empty feeling inside me that wasn't letting me sleep.

Actually, I know very well what this empty feeling is.

"I am missing my alarm"

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

"I really don't feel like sleeping. If I sleep, I will get a headache in the morning."

I said that, but before I could realize it, I had fallen asleep.


I was woken up by a malicious feeling.

When I opened my eyes, my window was covered with shadow.

I immediately sat up and turned back to see a black mass. A big black mass was looking at me from the window. It had eyes all over its body, and every eye was looking at me.