Late Night Battle

I was woken up by a malicious feeling.

When I opened my eyes, my window was covered with shadow.

I immediately sat up and turned back to see a black mass. A big black mass was looking at me from the window. It had eyes all over its body, and every eye was looking at me.

What the hell is that thing doing here?!

I jumped over the bed and grabbed my sword.

I can do this. I can do this. You can do it, Luka. Don't worry. Everything is okay.

I couldn't stop trembling. I wasn't trembling because of those monsters. I was trembling because, right behind the monster, is Ana's room. Even her window is open right now.

What if I hadn't woken up and that monster had attacked Ana?

"Why...why...why does this keep happening."

I jumped out of my window and ran towards the park.

I was making sure that the monster followed me.

I reached the park as I said, "Now it's just the two of us," as I took out my sword from the sheath.

But what is this thing doing here?

"Is the barrier broken? No, I can still sense the barrier."

It's impossible for impurities to enter the barrier. Moreover, the area around a 5-kilometer radius is full of exorcists and their families.

Impurities shouldn't be here.

And this one looks like a rank C monster.

A weak monster like Liks might have passed through the barrier because they are weak. But for a rank C monster, it's impossible.

There is only one possibility I can think of, and that is, "This impurity is born inside the barrier."

"That makes sense, but..." The cloud covered the moon.

The impurities are born from living beings by their anger, rage, grudge, ego, pride, in other words, all of their negative emotions.

Impurities take form like a monster, the stronger the emotions are, the stronger the impurity will be born. And it will keep getting stronger as it feeds on human flesh and emotions.

Some strong monsters can even possess humans and control their bodies as they slowly eat them from inside.

The cloud covering the moon finally passed by as the moonlight revealed the monster's full body.

I didn't see it properly, but this monster is about 5 meters tall. It has eyes all over its body, and it looks so "Creepy."

Impurities created by one living being has one eye, so that means, "This is the impurities of multiple people's negative emotions."

"I have read about it before, but it's my first time seeing it."

The monster's body grew some hands….Or rather, tentacles and started attacking me.

I dodged all its attacks.

How long it has been since I got in a serious fight.

This is a rank C monster.

Even someone as strong as Ana couldn't beat one. What can someone like me, who is magicless, can do?

The monster grew some more tentacles and kept attacking me.

I was dodging some of them while blocking some with my sword.

The monster kept growing more and more tentacles.

"Dammit, I can't block them all!"

I jumped over to a high surface.

I caught my breath as I said, "At least this is better than getting a headache in the morning."

The monster kept attacking, and I kept cutting all his tentacles, but that monster kept regenerating.

"Just what the hell is this thing?!"

I don't think rank C monsters have that high regenerating powers.

I remembered what Ana told me after school, 'You should practice your sword fighting.'

"Yeah, I am practicing it right now."

An hour passed, but we were still fighting. We changed positions several times.

I tried attacking it in every way I could, but it's still alive.


I am out of breath.

The monster is about half its original size.

It looks like it was using its mass to regenerate fast.

Its eyes decreased too.

I panted as I said, "Why don't you just die already? I am feeling hungry now."

The monster wrapped all its tentacles around itself, and all its eyes started merging together.

I don't know what's going on, but it doesn't look good.

All the monsters' eyes merged into one big eye, and its tentacles looked longer and thicker.

I have to defeat it as soon as possible.

"Come on, let's finish it quickly."

I dashed at the monster as it kept attacking me with its tentacles.

I can't block every attack. I need to dodge some or maybe get hit by some, but, "I can't get infected. I don't have any partners to have them extract the infection from me if I get infected.


I slashed all the tentacles, but that monster had already started regenerating.

"No, you won't!" I stabbed my sword into the monster's eye, which made it go berserk.

In these types of eye monsters, their eyes are the critical spot. They always make sure to protect it. This one was protecting it too, but due to its big ass eye, it was possible to stab it.

"Does it hurt, huh? Here comes another"

The monster had now started attacking randomly, but it missed most of the attacks.

"Take this!" I stabbed the monster again and cleaved it into two.

"Still regenerating, huh?"

Before the monster could regenerate itself, I kept stabbing and slashing the monster until it reduced into nothing.

I felt dizzy as I fell down on the ground.

"Are all impurities this strong now, or have I just become weaker?

After looking at the moon and the stars around it for a while, I got up, saying, "Well then, it's time to go home and eat something, then go to bed."

But first, I should check the barriers.

What if any layer is broken?

It can be dangerous.

Let's go take a quick look, "It won't take long."

I said that, but it took me two hours to reach home.

It took more time than I thought. I am so hungry, but I am tired too.

"Guess I will just go back to bed."

As soon as I hit the bed, I fell asleep.


I was woken up by my alarm in the morning.

After waking up, the first thing that came into my mind was that my head didn't hurt even though I was awake till late at night.

I got up from the bed, saying, "So Lily, weren't you supposed to be in training camp?"


"So, what are you doing here?"

"Well," She fidgeted as she said, "I already have an exorcist badge, so I don't really need any training. So they let me go early."

"That makes sense."

"Hmm?" Lily turned to the door as she said, "Get ready fast. You will be late for school."

"Yeah, yeah."

She was about to step out of the door as I said, "Lily."

She immediately turned around and said, "What?"

"You will always come to wake me up, right?"

"What are you talking about---oh!" She smirked as she said, "Could it be that you were missing me and finally realized your love for me?"

"Nope," I grinned as I said, "I was only missing my alarm."