
new life for me i guess:

the day started out like any other i got up got in the shower brushed my teeth got dressed and went to school when i got home i went upstairs to take a nap when i woke up i felt something very heavy on my back. i went to the mirror i saw my wings and promptly fell backward on to my been bag and passed out when i woke up my wings felt very bad cus i had been laying on them for a while and i needed to pren my wings but i had no idea how to because my computer was dead i went to the mirror to clean myself up and then i noticed the fluffy wolf ears on my head and than i felt the tail brush against the back of my legs i found a pair of clothes and spent the next four hours modifying them so i could put them on with my wings in a comfortable position cus the first time i put the shirt on i looked ridiculous and it was so tight around my wings which hurt a lot i modified the rest of my clothes and cut a hole in the back of my pants for my tail i also modified the rest of the clothes i owned and would actually were know that i had wings while i worked i listened to my favorite song karma by AJR the one outfit i left untouched was the one my older brother left for me when he left to fight in the war he never came back. at 8:30 i got done modifying my clothes and went down stairs my mom and dad were waiting for me i looked at them in disbelief because the both had wings and wolf ears and tails too they had modified their cloths too and they told me that my friends were waiting for me in the kitchen.