
The news:chapter two

all my friends waited for me in the kitchen and when i got there my jaw dropped John had horns and a lizard like tail and dragon wings kira had a unicorn horn and a horse tail and now had hot pink eyes Thomas was now a tiger and Jane was was a mix between a bird and a water creacher that i had never seen before.

everyone had gotten here the day before but i had no clue because i was in my room for the last three days i was hungry and my stomach decided to tell everyone that my friends laughed when my stomach grumbled and my mom made food for everyone.

i was surprised that mine was raw meat but when i took a bite it was actually pretty good kira had water and grass which was odd but she liked it so no one judge John also got raw meat so did thomas Jane got seeds and raw fish plus some water me John and thomas all got red kool aid which was ironic cus blood is red but we refused to drink blood .

after we ate me and John wanted to learn how to fly my mom and dad said they would teach us and they also prened my wings for me because they knew how to and they said it would make flying easier i did not know what to expect but before i could say anything my mom grabbed me and my dad grabbed John and took off fly up my friends kira and Jane laughed at the startled scream that John made i stayed quiet and after about a hundred feet they told us to stretch our wings out and make the pause they did that would makes us hover almost flote.

we did and they let go as we did we fell a bit but caout ourselves after about a foot drop and they told us to flap at an angle everytime we started going down and when we did we went up and they told evan flaps would keep us at the same altitude.

and then they told us to dive fold ours wings in and spread them out before we hit the ground after that i flew around kira and jane they laughed we played hide in seek me and John had to find the girls .

after awhile we went in side mom told us not to fly at day time because we could be seen and if we really needed to we had to fly above the clouds but only in an emergency and never in a group.