Chapter Four

After Jacob was brought home he went to check on Toby.

"How was school today?" Jacob asked.

"Pretty good," Toby responded. "I learned about pronouns and the science of feeling."

"Wow," exclaimed Jacob. "that's a lot for a first grader." As Jacob got ready for bed he froze.

"I've forgotten something, haven't I." Jacob thought.

Suddenly it all came back to him. The lying, the manipulation, the control the government had on the public. He remembered what really happened to Miranda. Jacob decided he was gonna do something about it. He got up from his bed but suddenly he felt very tired.

"Th- the vaccine!" Jacob groaned as he fell asleep.

The next morning, Jacob woke up with a headache. He slowly got up, went to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror.

"My name is Jacob Carroway," Jacob told himself. "I have a 7 year old son and I... I support the government in all their endeav- NO! Let's try this again. My name is Jacob Carroway, I have a 7 year old son named Toby and I... I... I refuse to listen to the government's guidli... this is for my own- No, It's getting worse."

"I had a wife who was killed by the gov-" Jacob tried to say. "She was killed by the g- the g- the DianVirus. Miranda died because she refused to listen to the safety guidelines. She didn't take the vaccine so the virus killed her. I'd better get to work."

Jacob took a shower, ate breakfast, made sure Toby was doing school, put on his safety suit, went to the door and waited for it to open. At 9:00 AM, just like every morning, it slid open and an officer was standing there to escort Jacob to his job.

"How are things today, Hal?" Jacob asked.

"Pretty good." Hal responded.

They had walked to the factory. Jacob said bye to Hal and went into the building.

Jacob went into the building and set up at his work station.

"Working hard or hardly working, ay Hector?" Jacob said, jokingly.

"I feel like there's something I'm forgetting." thought Jacob. "Probably nothing."