
Chapter 4


"Calm down, calm down, I got you."

The expression on her face said everything. It seemed like she wanted to curse me out for telling her to calm down in a situation like this.

Bree looked at me as the rest of her body was untied. "It'll be fine. Now, help me untie Anya." Bree and I untied Anya while Reem got himself together. "Bree, go get help." Bree then stood up and ran upstairs to call the cops.

Anya tackled Reem and pinned his arms to the ground. "Why the hell are you so strong?!" Well, that's not something I"d be worried about in this situation. I'd be more worried about the cops than why this kid is strong. "Don't worry about that. Just shut up and wait till the cops arrive." Anya's restraint on him got tighter.

I crossed my arms and looked at Reem. "It's better to deal with them than to deal with me. I could easily kill you with no remorse. Sure, I may be charged with murder, but it's worth it to save Bree and my sister. I'd rather have you die than for you to have killed others. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who'd want that. And based on your methods, I'd say that this isn't your first time kidnapping somebody. Am I correct? By the way, I can easily hack the system and get your records in the snap of my fingers...if I ever learned how to snap, but that's not important." I might be lying a bit about the part of the records. I'm not a computer wiz.

Bree came back downstairs and alerted us that the dispatcher had sent out some officers to investigate or check out this situation. Anya turned to Reem and looked at him.

"There's no point in trying to break free. I'm stronger than I look, and this isn't even all of my strength. I have a question though. Why the hell did you kidnap me and Bree? She was here by the time you brought me here too." He looked away then back at Anya. "I don't have to answer to you!" Anya put her hands around his neck. "Speak or I won't let go." Reem hesitated but only avoided eye contact with Anya. "Fuck off."

A few minutes passed and Reem passed out. Later on, after many questions, the authorities came and took Reem in.

Turns out that he was on the run too...and yet he continued to do more. If I were him, I would've stayed under the radar instead of doing dumb shit that'd get me caught. He wasn't even good at hiding it either...He's so smart.

For the next few hours, we had waited for everything to get settled down. I texted Bree to make sure that she got home safely and to make sure that she wasn't left with some psycho uber driver. A few hours later Anya went to sleep. Before I went to bed I called Shiroe; straight to voicemail. I went through the house and made sure that every window was locked and that the doors were securely shut/locked, then I called it a night and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and texted Shiroe before going to school. Anya was already awake before I was, so she had left before I did. We don't go to the same school anyway so it doesn't really matter to me.

As long as she gets there safely I don't really care. And as long as nothing happens at school, everything should be fine. I got myself ready for school and then left out of my house. I walked up to the bus stop. I waited for the bus for about 10 minutes. I decided to call Shiroe while I was waiting.

Still, no answer.

I felt like something was off but I wasn't sure. For all I know his phone could be off, he's probably too lazy to pay for it. Seconds later, Haruhi came running up to the bus stop. "Hey, Saito." "Hey...why are you running?" "I didn't wanna be late and miss the bus." "But the bus doesn't come until 5 minutes from-" The bus slowly stopped in front of us, cutting my sentence short. "Now..." What a coincidence.

I turned to Haruhi and smiled. "Well, it's a good thing you ran." He smiled and laughed before we got on the bus. We got onto the bus, paid for the fare, and took our seats. "Thanks, for everything that happened yesterday." "What happened...Oh! No problem. It wasn't anything special about it." "Geez, you must've gotten hit harder than I thought...is your nose broken?" "I don't know...it doesn't feel broken, but it was hit pretty hard. It wouldn't stop bleeding for a while. Anyways, are you okay now?" Maybe Anya jinxed me already.

"Yeah, I'm fine. They've bothered me for a while, but I was too weak to help myself. Even when I tried to fight back it only made matters worse. It'd be so bad that sometimes I'd have to stay home to recover." "And nobody else has tried to help you?!"

"No, they usually just ignored it or ended up avoided me completely. I guess they were afraid that they could also become a target...I don't know." "Well, since I'm aware of this now, I'll be on the lookout. You should've told me sooner. But I'll try to see if I can get them to stop bothering you as much, even if it means that they target me." "Saito, you don't have to do that, I'll be fine, I promise." "Nah, it's cool. Besides, they really need to pick on someone their own size...honestly, they shouldn't even be at the school anymore, with the trouble they cause they should have been expelled a while ago." "Or instead of picking on somebody their size they could just leave everyone alone and go on about their own lives. Such assholes... I don't think they realize how much pressure they put on everyone. I-I hate it." "You're too nice Haruhi. There's no way they don't realize how they've affected the whole school. We're practically under Daniel and Isen supremacy and nobody is doing anything about it. There's only so much that we can do without getting in trouble." Haruhi smiled and looked out the window. "Yeah...god forbid we do something, they can do whatever they want huh...I should've-"

The bus suddenly jerked and swerved violently.