Chapter 131- Reece - Operation Save The Girls Part 3 (VOLUME 5)




The five men and the five teenaged girls were entering the park now. They were heading toward the picnic tables and park benches that were in the center of the park. It was time for us to move. We needed to hurry. Trinity and I were going to be there in the lead when we stopped these people. This was what we had been working for over the last month or so. We needed to stop these people as soon as possible.

We were on the move now. Trinity, Shawn, Dietrich and I were running toward the park. I was able to sense that the others were moving as well. One hundred and twenty people were convening around this area at once, and it was all to get these twelve men. The entire group was on guard for these people, and those people didn't even know it.

The moment that we were down the hill that we had been hiding on, we ran across the street and into the park. My ears were already picking up the words that were being spoken by that group.