Chapter 132- Reece - Operation Save The Girls Part 4 (VOLUME 5)




Evil looks, darkened eyes, and threatening postures. This is what we were all seeing in the men that were standing by the girls. Another thing that I saw though, was that the girls were listening to me. They all looked uneasy and seemed to want to get away from those men.

The girls all started to pull away from them and run toward me and the others. The problem though was that Ada and one of the other girls had been hanging onto the men when this all started to go down, and those men decided that they were going to keep those girls in place.

"You're not fucking going anywhere." Claud was glaring at me as he growled at the girl.

"LESLIE!" One of the girls that got away called out to her. "ADA!" She called as the girl that I recognized was lifted off of her feet and held against the chest of the man that was holding onto her.