SIDE STORIES BOOK 2 Chapter 3- Vincent and Heather




I was posing when Heather came into the dining room, watching her closely as I tried to be sexy and alluring for her. I think that it worked, because the moment that she saw me, her heart rate jumped and sped up in excitement. And at the current moment, I was holding her against my chest while she kissed me.

Alright, I might have taken over the kiss, but she initiated it, so it still counted as her kissing me, at least in my book it does. I held her there longer than I normally would have for just a kiss. I wanted her to know that this night was more than just the surprise meal. She was getting a lot more than she might have bargained for when she wanted to spend the weekend with me.

In the end, I only broke the kiss when I heard a loud rumbling sound coming from in front of me. Heather's stomach had just growled, and in a perfect answer to her's, mine growled as well.