(4) Peace Treaty- Clarke’s P.O.V

I had an idea that may work but I know Bellamy will never agree so I'm not going to tell him.

Bellamy and the others start to get ready for a fight, while I'm packing to go talk to Lexa, the one in charge over there.

"Where are you going?" Octavia says as she walks into my tent.

"If I tell you, do you promise not to tell your brother"


"I'm going to go try to make peace with the grounders" I say.

"Oh can I please come" She asks.

"If you can come up with a lie that your brother will believe, be my guest" I say as I finish packing.

"Give me 10min to talk to him and another 20min to pack" I nod and head to the gate to wait for her.

30 minutes go by and Octavia comes up to me and then we leave.

**an hour later**

"So what did you tell Bellamy"

"I told him I was going to go get supplies and if I'm not back by a day and a half then he can search for me" She says.

"And he bought that"

"Oh hell no, he tried to have me go with Finn but then I said I was going with you and he let me go" She says looking at me.

I nod and we continue walking. We got there about an hour later and the guards let me in right away.

"Did they know we were coming?" She asks. I nod and we go the way to meet and talk to Lexa.

Bellamy's P.O.V

It's been half a day and I was getting worried about O. But she said to start to worry if she's not back in a day and a half. Plus she's with Clarke so what could happen. I see Raven and I walk up to her to see why I haven't seen her all day but as soon as she sees me she runs. I don't know why tho.

**a day later**

A day has gone by when I see O and Clarke at the gate. "Oh thank god your safe, O"

"We don't have to fight," She says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"We didn't go get supplies, I went to go talk to the grounders leader and we made peace" Clarke says with a smile on her face.

"You went behind my back, you took O without telling me, you could have gotten killed"

"I know her personality, she only kidnapped me so I wouldn't run and she wanted to tell me her warriors wanted to attack, but me and Octavia made peace with them" Clarke says with a hopeful voice that I won't yell at her.

"And O, you lied to me"

"I knew if I told you the truth you would tell me I couldn't go and then you have stopped Clarke from doing anyway" She says.

I nod and walk to the med bay to see how the sick people are.

Clarke's P.O.V

I'm glad the peace treaty worked and that we don't have to fight. I'm also glad that Bellamy didn't yell as much as I thought he would.

I do hope he forgives me, but I'll understand I'd he doesn't ever trust me again.

**A little while later**

I was in my tent when I heard someone come in, I turned around and it's Bellamy.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"Yeah, what's up"

"Not here, let's go to the waterfall" I nod and we head out the gate and throw the woods to the waterfall. "I am upset about 2 things... One is that you left me to run the camp by myself. And two is that you could have gotten my sister killed" He says.

"I know and I'm sorry I left, and I'm sorry that I took Octavia, but if I didn't, she would have followed me and gotten herself killed by the grounders. The grounders know me and trust me, and they let me, her, she wouldn't have had any luck"

"and that's why I'm not as mad at you as I would be if it was the other way around" he pauses, then continues. "thank you for keeping her safe."

"doing my job as her friend and your friend if I still can't call you that" I say with a chuckle.

He chuckles too, then looks into my eyes and says nothing. For a minute I was afraid he was going to say that we were never going to be friends again, but he didn't.

I thought about maybe breaking the silence, but I decided not to, because what would I say? What would I say, oh, by the way, I'm in love with you, and I want to be with you so can you give me a chance? No... I would sound crazy, because he doesn't like me that way at all. But I wish he did.