(5) A new start- Bellamy’s P.O.V

We were just staring at each other, like nothing could come between us. And in that moment I knew my feelings were real. My feelings for Clarke are real and I don't think she feels the same for me. There might be a possibility that she does but that is a slight chance. Before I could say anything she got up and hugged me tight. It takes me a second to react but then I hug her back. "W-we sh-sho-should go" I say. She nods and we start to head back to camp.

As we walk to camp Clarke leans her head on my shoulder and I do nothing to stop it. Before we get to camp, she lifts her head and walks ahead of me toward the gate. Before we get to the gate, she asks "are we good now" I nod and she heads to O's tent.

Clarke's P.O.V

Before I could think I got up and hugged him tight. It takes him a second to react but then he hugs me back. "W-we sh-sho-should go" He says. I nod and we start to walk back and then without thinking I lean on his shoulder as we walk.

Right before we got to the gate I lifted my head off him and walked ahead toward the gate. "Are we good?" I ask. He nods and then I go inside to talk to Octavia.

**At Octavia's tent**

"Hey can we talk" I ask as I walk in.

"Yeah, what's up" She says as she turns around. "Oh wait let me guess this is about your feelings for my brother."

"H-how did you-"

"It's so obvious, and it's obvious that he has the same feelings for you," She says.

"No, he doesn't have feelings for me" I say as I'm shaking my head.

"Want me to prove it"

" there's nothing to prove because it's not true... What should I do about my feelings for him."

"You tell him" She says while grabbing my hand.

"What if he says... We can't be friends because he didn't feel the same for me"

"He won't because he feels the same for you" She says looking right into my eyes.

With that I leave her tent and go to mine where I see Finn is waiting for me.

"What do you want Finn"

"You" He says.

Finn is an asshole he played with 2 different hearts, mine and my friend Raven's. He said he loved me when I was feeling alone, and we slept together. Then the next day I see him in bed with Raven. When I found out, he said the same thing to her.

She then decided that he wasn't worth anything, so every time we see him we try to ignore him, but it doesn't always work.

"Get out" I yell at him.

"Not until we talk"

"It's too late to talk you hurt me, you hurt Raven, so there's nothing to talk about now, get out of my tent NOW!"

"Please just let's talk about us"

"There is no us now leave" I say but he doesn't listen. Then I heard someone come in, it was... Bellamy.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I heard yelling coming from Clarke's tent so I went in there and I saw Clarke yelling at Finn. "There is no us now," Clarke says but Finn doesn't listen.

"She said leave, so if I was you, I would leave" with that he leaves and Clarke turns to me.

"Thank you" She says.

"Anytime, I don't like that guy... At all" She chuckles softly at that and I smile. "Anyway it's getting late I'm going to go to bed see you tomorrow"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" She says and then I left.