(6) Unexpected News- Clarke’s P.O.V

**Next day**

I walked out of my tent and ran into Bellamy. He didn't notice me until I woke up. "Good morning princess" He says while smiling.

"Good morning, what are you doing outside my tent" I ask while crossing my arms.

"Waiting for you" He says, smiling the biggest smile ever.

"Why?" I asked as I chuckled a little.

"Because I can" I shake my head and we walk to the med bay to check up on the injured. I noticed that he would not stop looking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing, can we talk when we are done here?" He says.

"Yeah, I need to tell you something anyway" I say as I leave to go talk to Octavia.

**At Octavia's tent**

"Hey, I'm gonna tell him"

"Finally, go tell him and then tell me what happens after"

"Okay" I say and run out to meet Bellamy at the gate.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I finish up and I walk to the gate and I see Clarke is already there. I wonder where she went before she came here.

"Let's go to the waterfall," I say. She nods and follows me down there. On the way there we didn't say a word.

"So... "

"I'll go first I guess... " I pause the continue " I just wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend now"

Clarke's P.O.V

"I just wanted to let you know I have a girlfriend" what did he just say? Please tell me I heard that wrong, please tell me he does not, and I mean, does not have a girlfriend. Oh, my God. I can't tell him now I just can't it will ruin everything. "So what did you want to tell me?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter anymore, thank you for letting me know" then I left him standing there to go, talk to Octavia.

**At Octavia's tent**

I walk in almost crying and then she turns around and sees me. "What happened?" she asks.

"H-he has a girlfriend" I say almost sobbing.

"He what"

I say nothing and just sit there watching her reaction. It crushed me when he said he had a girlfriend. I wanted to jump into that lake and drown.

"I'm gonna kill him"

"No," I say quietly.


"No you're not, it's his decision to have a girlfriend or not, but I told you he doesn't have feelings for me, and what did you do? You made me believe that he did" I say again almost crying.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm going to bed. If you see Bellamy outside my tent, tell him I'll talk to him tomorrow" I say that I leave her tent. I just can't believe he has a girlfriend. He told me yesterday that he was single but was looking and now he has a girlfriend. How does that happen?