This Humble Slave

Bai Yutang lives in the university dorm with his classmate, Yu Dong. Both of them rent the two beds room. Yu Dong is his best friend, they often play games together. Yu Dong is a geek nerd type, but very funny. He's also a very clean and organised person. Their room is one of the most hygienic rooms in the building.

His other best friend, Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang, both rent the room upstairs. They often hang out at Bai Yutang's room, because it's very clean and tidy. Today both of them visit his room and invite them to have lunch together at the cafe outside the dorm. Every first week of the month they usually eat outside, celebrating momentary wealth sent by their parents.

Four of them walked together to the cafe. Today's weather is a bit cold. Winter is coming. Bai Yutang wears his sweater and black jacket to protect him from the cold wind outside. His hair disheveled by the wind, he shuddered a bit.

Tang Yuxuan suddenly put his arms around his neck and asked him with a playful tone, "Baby, did you cheat on me? Why have you spent your Saturday night outside lately? Daddy drank tons of vinegar alone last night, wondering where my baby went without telling me."

Liu Xiang also hugged his waist from behind. With a voice that sounded like an abandoned wife, he complained, "Uh huh, me too. You really change into a heartless man. How could husband leave me alone with this pervert scoundrel? This wife almost lost her virginity last night."

Yu Dong walks in front of them, turns his head back towards them and looks at them with a disdainful face under his glasses. "You guys know nothing about my suffering. I thought we would celebrate finishing mid term exams last night, finishing Cecilia Dungeon. Turns out my knight betrayed me and I can't find a good team to finish the dungeon. I almost spent all my precious potion because that stupid elf i found randomly." 

He then poke Bai Yutang's chest, "Are you happy, traitor? You know how hard to collect the Holy Wing material. I'll make you pay dearly for this."

Bai Yutang laughs, and knocks Tang Yuxuan ribs with his elbow. "I think I already told you guys before the exam that i have something to do. I can check the group chat and show you the evidence."

"Tang Yuxuan jumped to avoid the attack and bumped to his back. "Daddy doesn't care! Who can pay attention to what you said before the exam. You know Daddy has short term memory loss! Tell me honestly, which fairy you hid from us? I thought we already sworn as blood brothers not to leave each other behind."

Liu Xiang bumped away by Tang Yuxuan and tried to hit his back. "You scoundrel! If Yutang's fairy had some friends, it was me who needed it the most. You already had so many fans clubs out there! Don't try to steal the light from me again this time.

Yu Dong shakes his head, "What are you guys talking about. It was me who needed it the most. I think the only fairy i can get in this life is that swindler bastard."

Bai Yutang laughed and tried to poke Yu Dong's arms. It was true that Yu Dong's story is so miserable. He met this 'beautiful fairy' at Magallan last year and likes to do co-op together with her. Magallan could be played on PC, mobile phone, and game console. That's why this game is so popular.

Yu Dong spent a lot on this game, including giving some expensive costumes and weapons to his fairy. Yu Dong even exchanges WeChat IDs and they sometimes chat until midnight. Until one day he receives a message from his friend, asking him to read an online forum about this "beautiful fairy".

Turns out this 'beautiful fairy' is a swindler. This fairy is not even a female. He's a troll that likes to take advantage of pure heart nerds and extorting expensive items in the game from them. His victim is not only one or two. He keeps changing her appearance in the game, and also his name.

Yu Dong even doesn't believe that forum post in the beginning. He tried to ask for clarification from his fairy. Of course his fairy denies it. But when Yu Dong ask for a video call, this fairy keeps avoiding him and finally blocks his WeChat. This 'beautiful fairy' also blocked him in the game. Once again that swindler changes his appearance and his name in the game, and maybe now has a new victim.

Liu Xiang is also right about Tang Yuxuan. Although Liu Xiang is handsome, his face belongs to that pretty boy category. And his height is average. A little bit shorter than Bai Yutang. 

While Tang Yuxuan is 185 cm, his body is one of the best among third year architecture students. He played for the faculty basketball team, and his face was really handsome. Lots of girls will cheer on him every time he plays and fight for each other to give him water or a towel.

Bai Yutang pushed Tang Yuxuan aside and poke Yu Dong, "Please forgive this humble slave, your majesty. Let me guard you tonight to clear that dungeon once again, and let this humble slave honoured with your grace."

Tang Yuxuan didn't give up. "Don't try to avoid this subject, baby. Daddy is really curious. I noticed this semester you missed for a few times, and you won't tell Daddy any clue. Come one, who is this fairy? Daddy will bestow you with a one week free lunch if you introduce your fairy's beautiful sister to your Daddy."

"This humble slave didn't meet any fairy. I just met my friend. Remember the restaurant I told you guys which was the inspiration of this term project? He was the one who showed me that restaurant. Last night he took me to his friend's restaurant to let me do some research there about the restaurant building specification."

Bai Yutang tried to explain to his friend. If he didn't explain it clearly, they won't stop pestering him. They already teased him so much when Yu Dong told them that Bai Yutang had a date last month. Just because he dressed quite formally to go to the concert. And last night he also dressed well. It was understandable that all of them thought he's having a date.

"Is this the same person who invited you to that fancy concert last month? Where did you go last night? Another fancy place?" Liu Xiang spoke with an envious tone.

Bai Yutang nodded, "Yes, his friend's restaurant is really fancy. It was an Italian restaurant in the K building. They allow me to take pictures and measurements too. I'll show you guys later."

Yu Dong's family is quite rich, he actually can choose to stay in a better apartment near the campus. But he chose to stay with Bai Yutang since the dorm is also more practical and really near to their faculty. He was surprised to hear Bai Yutang's answer. "Is it Il Mare? The name of that restaurant you visited last night?"

"Mmm, how do you know?" Bai Yutang opened the cafe door and held it to let his friends walk inside.

Yu Dong stops his step and looks at him with disbelief. "That place is super expensive. I think the architect is Zhen Guo. You know, architect of the year for three times in a row. Rumor said he didn't want to win this year's award so he deliberately took out his name as the project leader. That's why that old fox could win this year's award."

That old fox is their design class lecturer. He is really good, but his demand is quite high. He loves nitpicking minor design utility matter. And he's very good using his words to destroy his student's excuses. It's really hard to pass his class. But if your design is exceptionally good, he will praise you to heaven and give you an opportunity to gain extra income by designing some small project.

They found the empty table in the corner and sat together. "Really?" Bai Yutang asks Yu Dong. Liu Xiang asked for the menu from the waiter.

"Really??? Are you really going there and they allow you to take pictures plus measurement?" This time Tang Yuxuan's voice raised two tones higher.

"En, the manager let me do everything. Even she show me the office and the kitchen flow. I spent almost an hour there. I even took the pictures of the kitchen ceiling. I really want to see the details of their ventilation. It was seamlessly blended with the ceiling but we can't smell any smoke residual in the room. But I don't think I can shamelessly ask for that." Bai Yutang answered while looking at the menu.

Yu Dong grabbed his hand and asked him with a high pitch tone, "You should! If your friend could let you walk around and do so much over there, I bet he also knows Zhen Guo. You said that it was his friend's restaurant, right? I remember Zhen Guo didn't accept the project for a small building unless it was for his relatives."

Bai Yutang just waved his hand, "How could i ask for that? My friend already does so much for me. I don't want to take advantage of him. Unless he offers by himself, I won't ask for that matter."

They finish ordering and chat a bit. Liu Xiang looked and scrolled at his phone's screen and suddenly screamed, "Holy shit!!! You really went there last night, husband? I saw the pictures and price for this place. It was really expensive. It said the average cost per person there is 600 yuan! It was the same cost with our dorm rent per month! Why didn't you invite this wife to eat there with you also??? You heartless man!"

This time Bai Yutang really turned into a heartless man and said with some smug tone, "This humble slave even tasted caviar for the first time last night. So this slave is asking for the young lord's lenience about why i left you guys last night."

Yu Dong threw him with some candies popped up from God knows where, "Bastard! Who is this rich lord you hooked up with! No wonder you left this master alone! Is this your way betraying your old master??"

Even though Yu Dong parents could count as the richest among them, four of them are actually on the same financial status. They have enough pocket money to live leisurely, but as university students of course their pocket money is still limited by their parents. Spending 600 yuan for one time dinner is out of question.

Bai Yutang laughs and dodge to avoid the candies attack. They chat, laugh, and discuss the architecture details of Il Mare restaurant. His friends can't wait to go back to the dorm and look at the pictures taken last night. They said too bad he didn't take pictures of his meal last night too.

Bai Yutang highly praised the dishes. No wonder it tastes heavenly. And Bai Yutang had to admit inside his mind that last night's dinner was definitely worth more than 600 yuan per person with caviar as their appetiser.

When they finished their lunch, they realised three girls sitting at the table next to them kept stealing glances toward them. Liu Xiang teased Tang Yuxuan, saying that those three girls must be his fans club members.

They left the cafe and went straight back to the dorm. Too bad they can't hear this girl's conversation.

Yes, these three girls are the same rotten girls from the fast food restaurant.

"See!! My analysis is accurate. He's an architecture student!"

"Sister, please don't be too proud of yourself. You were guessing engineering as your first guess."

"Architecture is also part of engineering!"

"No no no, sisters. Please don't add more water into your brain. They are already floating and drowning there."

"That tall guy in front of him is also handsome. I think i know that person. The male God of third year architecture faculty. Saw him in the basketball competition last semester when our team pitifully lost in the first game."

"Ah, but still can't beat that little shou's gong level of attractiveness. Truly the most handsome man I saw in real life."

"I really think that gong is not just a handsome face, but he has this charming and elegant look. I can't forget his face until now."

"Sister, me too! And his gentle smile.. Ah, I really support that little shou. That way, we can see that handsome gong again when he visits him."

"I think I heard that little shou called Yutang. Wish i was in architecture class too so I can silently support him by showing him the art I draw based on them."

"Don't show me the art. I already can guess what kind of art you draw."

"Show me sister! I can describe to you tons of the positions they do inside my head."

"No, please don't draw that little shou with a gag ball, blindfolded, and wearing the cat's tail on his butt!!!"


'Sister, actually you are the person among us with the wildest imagination.'