
December is when the city's sky gradually turns into dove grey, each hue darker and richer than before. The naked winter trees line in the avenue. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves. The sun shyly radiates from the horizon, bringing the unnoticed warmth into the surface. Morning comes, and another day carries on.

The crispy sound of alarm awakened the two young men slumped in the bed. Their eyes stubbornly won't open, try to abide the body's instruction to rest some more. Gradually their brain starts to focus and their lid finally opens.

Bai Yutang raised his head, tried moving his hand to support his body from his bed. His neck feels cramped. He thinks he just passed out last night and didn't even care about his sleeping position. Finally he sat down and his head pinched his right shoulder. His neck and right shoulder really hurts. Guess he had to put some oils and patch later on.

Yu Dong also tries to wake up but he sluggishly wriggles under his quilt. Fatigue from two days pulling an all-nighter combined with this freezing weather outside, really lure mortal humans to stay in the bed and hug their pillow tight all day. Bai Yutang prepared to take a shower first and kick that quilt to make sure Yu Dong woke up.

Today is Monday. They have morning class today, and also the last day to hand in their project assignment. Bai Yutang already finished his assignment two days ago. The files were sent to their lecturer's email yesterday morning. 

But last night he still only managed to sleep for 3 hour since he still needed to beautify the presentation and made sure the rendered 3D model didn't have any issues. It will be a huge loss if a good project had a bad presentation and issues in presenting it.

Actually, it won't take a whole day to edit your presentation. The presentation was basically done last week. The real reason he only slept for three hour last night, because he was watching a movie with Jian Ge.

It was unusual for them watching movies in Sunday, and also Jian Ge suddenly ask him. Usually they're going at Saturday, or Wednesday. Wednesday is the shortest day for Jian Ge at the hospital. Jian Ge told him that on Wednesday and Saturday, he doesn't have polyclinic schedule. And every time Jian Ge asking him to watch movies, he always notify him 2 or 3 days in advance.

That's why Bai Yutang agreed yesterday, despite his unfinished presentation. Because he sensed there's something happening to Jian Ge and he might need a friend. Last night's movie time was spent in silence. Jian Ge didn't talk much as usual. His face is still calm and his eyes still gentle as always, but there is some uneasiness inside him.

Bai Yutang didn't ask, and didn't try to converse much. He just silently accompanied his Jian Ge, made some comments once in a while, and tried to smile a little bit more to brighten Jian Ge's mood.

Surprisingly, though it sounds weird that two people spending more than two hours together and converse not even ten minutes in total, Bai Yutang didn't feel awkward at all. 

Jian Ge's silence was somehow comforting and spoke for itself. Although Bai Yutang could see that Jian Ge was not his usual self, the shadow in his mind was not a dark poisonous one. Instead it was surrounding them like a night blanket, smoothing the roughness of the day.

Last night they had dinner as usual at the theatre. Every time they planned to watch movies, Jian Ge always asked him in advance whether he wanted to have dinner outside or in the theatre. But he was ashamed to make Jian Ge always pay for his meal. Besides, the theatre menu is also very good. The time is also not quite right, since he is still busy working on his project.

As individual projects, they didn't have to do everything in detail. They can choose to present the concept, the initial function and the movement flow, as long as they understand the meaning of differences of design needed to utilise the space and the purpose of the building. 

For example, high class western restaurants will have different space utilisation with hotpot restaurants, or how family restaurants need to emphasise the children's and geriatric needs.

Jian Ge really helps him a lot in understanding the space utilisation for this project. Jian Ge also likes to ask him about his project. Sometimes Jian Ge only smiles and stares at him while he explains the progress of his project. It looks like he was listening to the most important thing in his life. Sometimes that makes Bai Yutang wonder why this magnificent man likes to hang out with him.

Jian Ge is the most astounding person Bai Yutang ever met in real life. He admires him so much, and silently determines that he also wants to have that remarkable personality like him.

The first time he looked at this man in the plane, his only impression was that this person is handsome. His face is smooth, his body is tall with slim muscular posture. Even Tang Yuxuan will look like an ordinary person beside him. There's something inside this man that will attract people's attention. His mature appearance adds his charm instead. Even the young girl sitting in the aisle is smiling so sweetly and beaming with happiness when talking to him.

That's why he was stunned for a moment when this charming man suddenly talked to him, asking him about the game. He doesn't look like a gamer at all. He looks like a young successful businessman, or model. 

When they chat for the rest of the flight, he could see that this man's knowledge is very wide, he even knows a lot about the game which shows he really plays it instead of just joining the hype.

Jian Ge's gestures are always elegant, he always speaks politely, his calming voice also very soothing. When Jian Ge told him that he was a doctor, Bai Yutang really thought that sometimes the world is unfair. A handsome and charming man, smart, and successful.. It really looks like a person in books or TV drama characters.

From the way Jian Ge introduces him to his acquaintances such as Huxiang's owner, the wealthy look businessman in the concert, even the VIP lounge ladies or the manager and waiter in that Italian restaurant, he can see that Jian Ge truly a cultured man. He can talk to anyone, about anything, and makes people around him feel very comfortable. Including Bai Yutang himself.

He wonders whether Jian Ge will feel bored talking to him. He was not a very talkative person, his knowledge also can't compare to Jian Ge. That's why sometimes he didn't talk much at first. He's afraid he will look stupid if he made inappropriate comment. But the more they talk to each other, the more he can be himself and speak comfortably.

He also noticed Jian Ge's simplicity looks add more dignity and reflect his personality well. It was the reason for Bai Yutang lately to dress in propriety to imitate him. How he wished that he could go back and dress more appropriately when he accompanied him to the shopping mall or when they had dinner at Huxian. Bai Yutang doesn't want to look like a ruffian young boy any more beside Jian Ge.

Bai Yutang just noticed, if you're going out with a well dressed person, you will feel appreciated. The biggest charm of Jian Ge is not how his gentle peach blossom eyes curve when he smiles, or how playful his straight eyebrow raised a little, or how his revolting lips curled upward when he smiled. But the overall gesture that makes you feel like you're important, wrapped you in friendly summer sun soaks into your soul.

He realizes people always stare at them every time they're going together. He knows that people's attention is due to Jian Ge's presence. Because he never felt that kind of attention if he was going out by himself.

For the 21 years of his life, he never had any girls that would stare at him with that awe in their faces. Bai Yutang has been single for his whole life.

Bai Yutang also has some crush on the girls around him like a normal healthy young man. Once when he was in his second year of high school, he really liked this one girl in his class. She was cute, with round glasses, and a sweet smile. She draws very well, and both of them are assigned to draw the yearbook art project.

He tries to have more conversation with this girl. Even one day he mustered his courage, offering her to send her home when they stayed late at school. But this girl didn't show any interest to him at all.

Last year he also had a crush for an economic freshman. She was a friend of Liu Xian's girlfriend back then. He had secretly hoped that since they often going out together with Liu Xian and his girlfriend, they will get closer naturally so this girl can see his sincere effort and heart. But then Liu Xiang broke up, and turns out this girl only agree to go out together if Tang Yuxuan also there.

It made him feel that maybe he and Yu Dong destined to be single in their whole university life. Who will take second glances at them if there are these two superior specimens like Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xian around them? Truly a bad fate.

If he can be a man with Jian Ge's attitude, then maybe his unfortunate love life can change. Not only love life, but his whole life. Since he can see that this kind of man is someone who can bring happiness to the people around them.

He also likes to hear Jian Ge answering hospital calls. Although he doesn't understand every single one of those medical terms, he can see that Jian Ge is a very respectable doctor. He answered clearly, simple but meticulous. Sometimes he would talk longer to patiently explain to the person on the other side of that line.

Jian Ge always gives him an apologetic smile before he answers the phone, and always politely says thank you for his patience waiting for him taking the phone calls. These phone calls vary from as short as five minutes to as long as more than fifteen minutes. He likes that part about Jian Ge. Made him feel like an important person.

But that's what makes everyone around Jian Ge likes him. Even the janitor in the toilet feels that way. Jian Ge always politely smile and say thank you for their hard work cleaning the toilet.

Once he asks about that to Jian Ge. His answer was, "All professions in this world are hard and important. Without them, we won't have a clean and hygienic toilet. Not many people want to choose this profession, it was not an option for them. Every single person will be happy if we appreciate their fruits of labour. That's why I always try to give them the appreciation they should receive in the first place."

And that's how Bai Yutang also changed slowly this last 4 months. He tries to be more polite. He tries to be more attentive. He tries to be kinder to other people. He is also seriously doing his project and studying diligently than ever. 

Jian Ge told him that he was never a smart person. But he is studying and working hard to reach his position now. Nothing comes free in this life. Jian Ge also told him, life is only once. So if you waste your life, there will be no second chance and it was no use to feel regret later on.

Sometimes Bai Yutang used to feel whether choosing architecture is the right choice for him. His father was a small contractor in W city. He always admired those architects he saw when he followed his father in the construction site. He can draw well, and he was a top ten student in his high school. It was his main reason to finally choose architecture as his university major.

His parents rejoiced when he was accepted in T university. After all, it was one of the best architecture faculty in the country. Even his father bought him the high spec laptop and tablet he needed two years ago.

But in his third year, he already knew the nightmare story about the unemployed architect, or that low salary with long working hours from his seniors.

Famous architects paid really well. But from hundreds of thousand architects spread around this country, only those super talented and extremely good luck that can achieve that level. Bai Yutang also feels that his talent in this field is just an average. Many people in his class are really worth admiring. He feels that he might not be that great architect he dreamed of.

That's why he feels lucky he met Jian Ge. His words always inspire him. No matter if you become famous or not, the important part is you enjoying your job and doing it well. Every job, every profession is matter, despite how insignificant it was in the eyes of others.

He wished to know what was disturbing Jian Ge's mind last night. He wished he could do more, like how Jian Ge introduced a whole new world to him and changed his view of life. 

He realizes right now he only can accompany him to watch a movie. But someday he also wished to imprint his existence in Jian Ge's life, just like he did to him.