First Time Hold Your Hand

The Christmas decoration around the campus is very lively. Lots of couples walking together with their bodies close to each other, trying to warm their bodies in this freezing weather. The white mist outside crystallised into the jewels hanging around the branches. The mild sun made the jewels shine brilliantly in the rainbow's spectrum of colour.

Yu Dong and Liu Xiang congratulate him for his successful presentation. They have their presentation this week, divided into a few meetings. After the last presentation, their lecturer gave them his pointer for overall presentation, and also mentioned Bai Yutang as the best space utilisation and functional design. His lecturer said that his restaurant design is not spectacular, but definitely could win the bid if this project is for real.

Bai Yutang blushed hearing that praise, and deep inside his heart he was grateful for meeting Jian Ge.

They plan to have Christmas dinner at the cafe last time. Liu Xian said that he and Tang Yuxuan will fetch them at 7 o'clock. Tang Yuxuan still has basketball practice inside the gymnasium this afternoon.

Bai Yutang and Yu Dong planned to do the Sea Dragon dungeon while waiting for dinner time. While walking to the dorm, Yu Dong asked him, "You didn't have any plan going out with your Jian Ge?"

Bai Yutang shook his head, "No, Jian Ge has Christmas dinner with his colleagues. He's busy this week. We planned to go next Wednesday."

Yu Dong also adds Jian Kang Lu as his game friends, three of them sometimes doing co-op together. He can understand why Bai Yutang really admired this man. Even he can't help to feel amazed even though he has never met him yet in real life.

He also noticed the change in Bai Yutang. The way his friend dressed and talked now is different from what he used to know. Yu Dong feels this change is for the better. 

Sometimes they talk about Jian Kang Lu, and Yu Dong can't help but admire Jian Kang Lu. It's rare to meet a man that looks like he has everything, but is still humble and influences others with a positive attitude.

"Is it true Jian Ge is still single? I thought you said that he was already over 30 years old." Yu Dong shuddered a bit from the cold breeze. "And you said that he's really handsome."

Bai Yutang raised his turtle neck to block the cold wind. "Yes, I also wonder why. I bet his fans club is even greater than Tang Yuxuan."

Yu Dong snorted, "Maybe that's the curse of extraordinary beings. Better to be ordinary like us. Remember that tragedy that traumatised Tang Yuxuan so much?"

Tang Yuxuan used to have a girlfriend. She was his high school sweetheart. She was the high school flower in his hometown. Tang Yuxuan comes from a small prefecture where the family over there tend to know each other. This girl is pretty, well matched with Tang Yuxuan.

But the tragedy happened when Tang Yuxuan accepted into T university and his girlfriend was studying in a local university. The tight schedule and heavy workload made their communication not as smooth as they used to be. 

His girlfriend started complaining that Tang Yuxuan didn't pay attention to her. She even protested why Tang Yuxuan still had time to play basketball instead of video chatting with her. His girlfriend accused him of cheating, and they fight a lot.

One day, when Tang Yuxuan played basketball as usual, his girlfriend suddenly appeared. God knows how she can even find the basketball field where Tang Yuxuan played. She was furious to see Tang Yuxuan fans club around the field. After that, she forcefully hug Tang Yuxuan and ask him to hug her back in front of the crowd. Even suggest to sleep at Tang Yuxuan's dorm.

Of course Tang Yuxuan rejected her, no visitor allowed to stay at the dorm. Especially the opposite gender. Tang Yuxuan then sent her to the hotel around the dorm after having dinner together. Tang Yuxuan tried to appreciate his girlfriend's visit even though he didn't feel comfortable with her imminent jealousy.

At the hotel room, his girlfriend suddenly attacked him. Even try to get herself naked. When Tang Yuxuan rejected her with all his effort, she was crying non stop and ask him why he didn't love her anymore. She always dreamed to be his wife, his soul mate, inseparable.

No matter how Tang Yuxuan explains to her that he appreciates her, cherishes her, and loves her, she won't listen to any of it. She accused Tang Yuxuan didn't loving her anymore because Tang Yuxuan was attracted to big city girls instead of small town girls like her. She accused Tang Yuxuan of preferring the smart girl in top university instead of a girl from an unknown university like her.

And so on.

When his girlfriend is going back home, suddenly her family accuses Tang Yuxuan to take advantage of her. Tang Yuxuan explaining to her family. His family is furious to hear that, his father almost beat Tang Yuxuan when he comes back to his hometown explaining this whole mess. His mother cried and tried to defend her son. In the end, Tang Yuxuan could clear his name. They broke up after that. But his family relationship with hers is irreparable until now.

That's how Tang Yuxuan was single at the beginning of their second year. And now he stays single for more than one year. He said that he will be looking for a girlfriend only when his life is stable enough to think about the future. He doesn't want to walk through that one hell of rollercoaster again in his university life.

Bai Yutang opens the door of his dorm followed by Yu Dong. They took off their jackets and started to online on Magallan. He noticed Jian Kang Lu wasn't online for today also. This is Saturday. Usually he is always online at this hour if they're not going out together.

He hasn't met Jian Kang Lu this whole week. They still play games as usual, and everyday Jian Kang Lu chats with him talking about trivial matters. Until now he didn't show anything out of his habit except that last Sunday's movies. Bai Yutang still didn't know and didn't ask why he was gloomy last time.

Around 7 o'clock Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang come to their room. Four of them then walk to the cafe together. They lively enjoy the dinner. The cafe is decorated with green and red ornaments, giving the merry atmosphere and warm inside despite the cold weather outside. A lot of couples inside the cafe, enjoying their own Christmas eve date.

They talked about the upcoming final term test next month. After the new year, their leisure time will be over. They will cram all the material in two weeks then they will have the nightmare in the middle of January.

Bai Yutang's mobile phone suddenly vibrated. There was a new message from Jian Kang Lu.

[JiangKangLu] Hello, did you enjoy your Christmas Eve?

Bai Yutang looked at that message, and replied.

[WhiteMist] Merry Christmas Jian Ge. Yes, I enjoy Christmas eve dinner with my friends. How about you?

[JiangKangLu] We're also having Christmas eve dinner with my colleagues from the hospital. We eat hotpot at the restaurant you admired before.

[WhiteMist] Oh, thanks to you Jian Ge for taking me to that restaurant. Today is the first time my lecturer specifically praised my project. I won't make it if not without your help.

[JiangKangLu] It's all due to your hard work. Do you want to come here again next Wednesday? Or try somewhere else?

[WhiteMist] I don't mind, you know better than me. Let's go somewhere you are comfortable with.

[JiangKangLu] Let's go to the Japanese restaurant then. Near my hospital, there was this excellent Japanese restaurant with an authentic chef. We can see how he prepared the sushi and sashimi. If you like Japanese food, you'll love it here.

[WhiteMist] Sure. Tell me the location and the time, Jian Ge.

[JiangKangLu] I'll send you the location. How about 6 o'clock? So you can go back to your dorm before 9 o'clock. Or I can fetch you at your dorm. It's so cold lately.

[WhiteMist] It's not convenient for you. It would be better if we meet over there.

Bai Yutang's friend looked at him, who suddenly absorbed his phone. They know Bai Yutang must be chatting with Jiang Kang Lu. Everytime he chats with Jiang Kang Lu, Bai Yutang always shows this face. The kind of face full of admiration and beamed with happiness.

Tang Yuxuan still feels uneasy about this friend of Bai Yutang. He can't understand why an over 30 years old man who still single wants to befriend a university student. He knows Bai Yutang's explanation, but he was afraid that this man is actually a wolf who wants to take advantage of Bai Yutang's naivety.

Liu Xiang teased him to turn into a jealous sugar daddy. Liu Xiang said, even though Bai Yutang is kind and a very good person, he's just an ordinary man. If this man is as great as Bai Yutang's story, why does he want to take advantage of him? A lot of cute and pretty fish out there in the ocean. So far they only play games, dinner together, or watch movies. Nothing out of ordinary.

When they finished their dinner, the temperature outside dropped below 0 degree. It seems the snow will fall again tomorrow on Christmas day. Before they reach the dorm, snow falls already. The swirl of the white flakes dropped like bird feathers from the sky.

Bai Yutang loves cleanliness. After that snow falls outside, he still insists on taking a shower. He doesn't like to go to sleep with sweats or dirty dust outside. He only went to bed without taking shower when he was too tired from doing his project.

On Monday night, he feels his head spinning around. And his throat started to feel itchy. His nose also starts to smell nothing. He took his medicine, and slept after playing co-op with Jian Kang Lu.

On Tuesday night, he was already coughing. His fever reached 37,9 degree. He has no appetite to eat and even wants to vomit every time he eats. He forces himself to eat because he knows he won't get better if he doesn't eat. And the cold medication also needs to be taken with food.

Yu Dong bought him chicken rice congee from Chinese restaurant near the dorm. The chicken boiled tenderly with pieces of onion. ginger, and scallions. It is really suitable for sick people.

He usually loves that chicken porridge, but tonight his tasting bud feels nothing except bland congee. He still managed to finish third quarter of the congee. He took his medicine and feels sleepy after that. He didn't even notice that Jiang Kang Lu messaged him.

This was the first time Jiang Kang Lu didn't receive any reply the whole night long.

Bai Yutang awakens at 2 o'clock in the morning because his fever comes back again after the medication effect wears off. His cough was getting worse. He took medication again but can't sleep well the whole night long. He saw his mobile phone and replied to Jiang Kang Lu's message. Apologised he fell asleep so early last night.

Bai Yutang got worse in the morning, his fever reached 38,2 degrees. After taking medication again after breakfast, his fever was still 37,6 degrees. He needs to get better soon. Today he promised to have dinner with Jiang Kang Lu. 

Bai Yutang decided to take a sick permit to skip class today, and go to the infirmary. The doctor over there gives him antibiotics and advises him to be admitted into hospital if not getting better in two days.

Bai Yutang wonders if he needs to cancel his dinner. He decided to take his antibiotics and medicine first to see whether his fever was going down. But he felt bad for meeting Jiang Kang Lu and later infected him with his sickness. He fell asleep after having his lunch and medication.

When he opened his eyes with difficulty and kept coughing, it was already 5.30 in the afternoon. Yu Dong saw his face flustered, and his breathing also short. Bai Yutang decided to cancel his dinner rather than go with his condition.

[WhiteMist] Jian Ge, i'm sorry. I don't think i can keep my promise today. I need to cancel the dinner.

10 minutes later Jiang Kang Lu replied.

[JianKangLu] It's okay. Is something wrong? You seem quite busy these 2 days. If you're busy you can tell me. We can schedule it again when you're free.

[WhiteMist] It's nothing Jian Ge. I just feel unwell. I'll take some medicine and have some rest.

[JianKangLu] Okay, if you're feeling worse, please tell me as soon as possible. We can check you up here at my hospital to make sure you're okay.

[WhiteMist] Thank you Jian Ge, I will.

At 8 o'clock Bai Yutang's fever reached 39,2 degrees. He vomited his dinner and his medication. He doesn't even have energy to get up from his bed. He's just lying there half conscious. He was breathing rapidly, Yu Dong really worried about him.

Bai Yutang suddenly feels someone's hand on his forehead. It felt cold and comfortable. He didn't have an ounce of consciousness left to open his eyes. His throat also hurts and he can't speak. He also felt like someone held his body and took him away from his bed. He feels floating and his body feels heavy. He also feels like everything around him is moving. He wants to vomit again but he can't.

He can sense that he was finally placed into something stable in a bright place, but the world around him still feels spinning around. Something sharp stabbed his arms, and he can feel something drawn out from his body. He wants to pull his hand.

Suddenly he feels like someone holding his hand, and another hand on his forehead. Soothing his anxious nerve. From that stabbed place, he feels something cold run through inside his vein. That hand holding his hand the whole time.

When he finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a familiar handsome face filled with anxiety. His hair looks damp from the sweats around his smooth forehead, his eyebrows furrowed accompany that black eyes filled with chaos below. This is the first time he saw the distressed face of Jiang Kang Lu.