TangTang's Luck

Yu Dong pressed the elevator button to the eighth floor. Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang follow him behind. Tang Yuxuan still gives him a cold glare and crosses his arm while they're inside the elevator. There are two women and one man in middle age inside the elevator.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us last night. The worst part is you let some stranger help you send Yutang to hospital instead of letting us know." Tang Yuxuan whispered in Yu Dong's right ear with a threatening voice.

"En.. And you just remember to tell us this morning in the class. Don't even bother to call us, or send messages in group chat once you arrived in the hospital last night. What's the use of being brothers?" Liu Xiang said those words slowly on Yu Dong's left ear while tapping his shoulder in a dangerous manner.

The elevator door opened on the 5th floor, and two young men wearing doctor gowns came inside. Yu Dong just holding the fruit basket in front of his chest tight, and answering them in a wronged tone, "I've told you guys the detailed story this noon at lunch, why you still blaming me."

Tang Yuxuan wrapped his hand around Yu Dong's neck. "Daddy is still shocked to hear your news this noon. After we went back to our dorm, we just managed to think clearly. It's definitely your fault. How come you didn't know he was that sick. TangTang said it was just a minor cold, and you say nothing yesterday at lunch. How do we know that he collapsed last night?"

Yu Dong mumbled, his answer filled with slurred words, "You have no idea how guilty i felt. He said he already took antibiotics from infirmary and just needed some rest. He was sleeping when I came back from campus. I told you that I also bought him chicken rice congee for dinner. How do I know that he started to vomit everything and collapsed after that. He still can answer me when I ask him questions after vomiting."

"How could you didn't know that he had a high fever?" Tang Yuxuan is still pestering Yu Dong.

"He said that he was fine, and do you think that touching each other as a dorm mate is a usual conduct? Only both of you like to grope us even more than you interact with your girlfriend before." This time, Yu Dong's voice is not low, and the people inside the elevator peeking at Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang.

Tang Yuxuan's arms almost choked Yu Dong's neck once he heard that. The elevator door opened again at the eight floor. Three of them walk out from the elevator. Liu Xiang chuckled while he walked, "Okay okay, we don't really blame you. I know that TangTang was weak during winter. But he was always doing fine with taking medication before. I also thought it was just an ordinary cold when we visit him on Monday night."

Tang Yuxuan is still pestering Yu Dong while walking in the hospital corridor. "But how could you telltaling to that man while you say nothing to us?"

Yu Dong sighed, "I'm not having short term memory loss like you, so i still remember what i told you guys this noon." He then greeted the nurses at the nurse station. "Hello, we want to visit Bai Yutang at room number 8008."

The nurse station in this Super VIP ward was designed like a reception lobby in the hotel. It doesn't look like people coming here to visit patients at the hospital. The lounge provided for visitors waiting, complete with long sofa and magazines. There's a small cafe selling coffees and drinks in the corner of the lounge even though this VIP ward only has 8 rooms on this floor.

The nurse is still young and cute. She smiled and said, "Please wait for a moment. May I know your relation with the patient?"

Yu Dong answered, "We're his dorm mate. Thank you." The nurse politely replied, "Please wait at the lounge, we will get back to you as soon as possible."

Three of them are sitting in the sofa lounge, and Yu Dong continues to answer. "I told you, i panicked when i saw TangTang breathing rapidly and just lying in the bed. His phone kept ringing so I picked up the phone, It was from Jian Ge. He said he was near our dorm and also worried about TangTang. He's a doctor, so i told him about Yutang's condition. He said he will come to check and I picked him up at the gate. After that he took TangTang to hospital with me. He's the one who admitted TangTang to the ER, and took care of all the administration. My job only brings TangTang's wallet and gives his ID at the administration table. Can you really blame me not calling you guys at that time? My mind was blank the whole time."

Liu Xiang commented with his hand on his chin, "Hmm.. Surely he knows better than us about TangTang's condition. What time are you coming back to the dorm last night?"

"I reached the dorm around 11 o'clock. Jian Ge sent me back to the dorm." Yu Dong answered.

Tang Yuxuan's face still frowned. "Do you think this Jian Kang Lu is not suspicious? You said he took care of TangTang's hospital admission. He's not Bai Yutang's relatives, why does he care about him so much? This hospital also looks expensive. Why must go that far for someone you're not really close with?"

Liu Xiang laughed and poke him, "Why are you so sour, daddy? This wife is not even complaining but you already smell like 1000 old vinegar. That's good if TangTang receives the best treatment. And I bet he also works here. Maybe he got some employee discount or something."

Yu Dong saw the nurse coming and told them that they can visit the patient. She also accompanies them to the room and reminds them that visiting hours are limited until 8 pm so the patient can get early rest.

She also gave them masks and said, "Please use the masks inside. The patient has respiratory disease so it's best to protect yourselves from getting infected."

Three of them nod and put the masks before they come inside the room.

Bai Yutang is with Jian Kang Lu at the moment. Jian Kang Lu visited him before his clinic schedule. The nurse opens the door and greets Jian Kang Lu, "Hello Doctor Jian, please don't be late for your clinic schedule. Nurse Li already called ten minutes ago and told me to drag you down."

Jian Kang Lu raised his head to look at the nurse and smiled under his mask, "Yes of course, i just need five more minutes. Tell Nurse Li not to come here. I can't let my friend see her tweaking my ear and dragging me down."

The nurse smiled and gave him an okay sign with her hand. This is the first time Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang see Jian Kang Lu, and see his smile. Both their first impressions are the same.

'He's handsome! Even with a mask he still looks so handsome! Is this really a doctor?? None of the doctors I saw before looks like this!'

Before they even have time to say anything, Jian Kang Lu already looks at them and smiles. His peach blossom eyes are curved and look so beautiful like those models in the magazine. He had this halo above his head that made people pay attention to him. Even a mask can't hide his charm.

"Hello, you must be Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang. I'm Jian Kang Lu. I'm sorry but we're still in the middle of co-op. Let me finish this first and greet you properly."

The three of them come inside and put the fruit basket in the round table. This super VIP room has a single sofa near the patient bed, and an L shape beige leather sofa near the window. The big round table placed in the middle of the sofa. The room has a big window which gives a spacious feeling. The floor is tiled with dark brown woods and there is carpet underneath the sofa and round table. A big TV screen hung on the wall to let the patient kill their boredom. A small table in the room corner has a flower vase with a real white orchid on top of it.

Yu Dong was the first one to speak, "Hello Jian Ge, it's okay. We'll just sit here. How are you, TangTang? Are you feeling better?"

Bai Yutang already looks at them when they come inside. Now his head is back to staring at his phone and his fingers move rapidly playing Magallan. He nodded his head lightly, "En, my fever rapidly going down. I only feel slightly unwell from my cough. But much better. Thank you DongDong for your help last night."

Yu Dong shook his head, "I'm doing nothing. It's all thanks to Jian Ge."

"If you didn't answer Bai Yutang's phone last night, I also can't do anything." Jian Kang Lu said nonchalantly.

Liu Xiang opened the fruit basket and washed the fruits in the kitchen sink. This super VIP room also has a small kitchen with microwave and refrigerator. They also provide the glasses, plates, and dining utensils. After he peeled the fruits he sliced them and put them inside the refrigerator for a while, so it will taste even fresher later when they eat.

Soon both of them finished the co-op. Jian Kang Lu stood up and introduced himself properly to Tang Yuxuan and Liu Xiang. He also asks whether they want to have dinner together with Bai Yutang in the room.

"This hospital also provides the menu for the visitor. You can look at the menu on the tablet here, and order it from the tablet. Or if you guys want to, I can order Chinese food or Japanese food from a nearby restaurant. When the food arrives the nurse can send it to this room later on. But remember Bai Yutang can only eat the hospital menu, so don't order anything for him. He can eat the fruits later if he finishes his dinner."

Liu Xiang took the tablet and shook his head while saying, "Don't bother Jian Ge, we just ordered it from this tablet. Can i call you Jian Ge too?" Tang Yuxuan is still silent and hasn't recovered from his surprise. His whole bad imagination seems like a joke now. 

This man called Jian Kang Lu looks exactly like Bai Yutang and Yu Dong praising. No wonder those two guys admired this man so much. Even just looking at him and hearing him talking for less than five minutes already impress Tang Yuxuan. Although impressed doesn't mean his suspicion goes away.

"Sure, why not? Okay, then I have to go first. Visiting hours only until 8 pm, so maybe I can't meet you guys again. Please come back safely later and see you again tomorrow." Jian Kang Lu's apologetic tone pleasantly filled their ear and then Jian Kang Lu left the room.

Yu Dong helplessly smiled at Tang Yuxuan. "See? No you guys can understand how i feel."

Bai Yutang turned his head towards his friend who was sitting on the sofa. "What are you guys talking about? What do you feel, DongDong?"

Before Yu Dong can say anything, Tang Yuxuan already jumped and put his hand to Yu Dong's mouth, preventing him from spoiling anything. "Nothing! Yu Dong feels worried about you. Why you didn't told us if you're that sick yesterday?"

Liu Xiang just gave his mocking smile to Tang Yuxuan, "Ah, Daddy.. Please tell TangTang the truth. By the way, i want to order chicken cordon bleu. What you guys want to order."

Yu Dong took the tablet and scanned the menu with his eyes. Bai Yutang answered Tang Yuxuan, "I'm sorry. I don't want to make you guys worried. I already took medicine and the infirmary also gave me antibiotics. I think I'll feel better soon if I take my medication and rest enough. Please forgive this humble slave, Daddy."

Yu Dong ordered beef braised noodles and gave the tablet to let Tang Yuxuan choose. Tang Yuxuan then chose the pan seared salmon. They talk about how this hospital menu is even better than the cafe they used to visit. They also chat about Bai Yutang and assure him his sick leave is already taken care of.

"Don't worry. Last night Jian Ge already gave me the doctor's note explaining your disease. I submitted it to the campus office and they said you can go back to your class anytime when you are already better. Just don't forget to give the campus the hospital admission note when you discharged." Yu Dong said while turning the TV on.

The three of them then lively talking and prevent Bai Yutang from saying too many words. His voice still sounded hoarse, and they told him to get rest and not talk too much.

At 6.30 their meal arrived, and four of them enjoyed their dinner. At 8 o'clock they said goodbye to Bai Yutang and went back.

They took a taxi back home. Liu Xiang teased Tang Yuxuan, "So, Daddy.. Still worried about Jian Ge's bad intention?"

Yu Dong snorted, "Yes Daddy. You need to apologise to me."

"Yes yes yes.. I admitted that I was wrong. This Jian Kang Lu really seems like a good guy. But still.. I can't understand why he was so good to TangTang."

"He also good to us." Liu Xiang reminded him. "He politely offered to order food from a nearby restaurant for our dinner. And when we eat at the hospital, you do realise that it will be charged into TangTang's hospital bill, right? As far as i know, Jian Ge is the one who paid the hospital bill. I think it was just like TangTang said, Jian Ge is someone who is very kind to everyone."

Tang Yuxuan can't deny that fact. He also can see from the way that nurses treat Jian Kang Lu. Although she teased him, she shows great respect to Jian Kang Lu.

Yu Dong added, "Don't forget that he likes to play Magallan. TangTang told me that Jian Ge doesn't have real life friends to play together. I guess that's why he likes to hang out with TangTang."

Liu Xiang nodded. "Yeah, i know that. I guess it was TangTang's luck to accidentally meet him and befriend him."

Tang Yuxuan was silent. With all his friends didn't agreeing with his opinion, it was better to go along with them at this moment. "I think you're right. I admitted my mistake. I agreed, it was TangTang's luck to know him."