Future In Laws

Right after the plane landed, Jian Kang Lu turned on his mobile phone and sent his kitten a message.

[TangTang, my plane has landed. I'll pick you up right away, please wait for me.]

Jian Kang Lu already booked a car and the driver for today and tomorrow. The driver was already waiting for him at the arrival gate. He took Jian Kang Lu's luggage then led him to the car. It was a similar black SUV with the one Jian Kang Lu used last time when he visited this city.

That time, he attended the funeral of his kitten's father. If Jian Kang Lu remembers his kitten's face that day, his heart still ached. He could understand what his kitten felt at that time. 

Even though he understands, he doesn't know how it feels. Jian Kang Lu was lucky that both of his parents were still alive and well. That's why he admired his kitten. His lover is a strong man.