Take My Soul Away (NSFW)

Bai Yutang rarely sleeps outside. He doesn't have many friends that will invite him to sleep over. Besides, all of his friends are the good boy type, never going into clubs or partying all night long. As top students in one of the best high schools in the city, their night activities were limited to playing games all night long.

So when Bai Yutang asked for permission from her mother to stay with Jian Kang Lu tonight, his mother granted his request immediately. She even nag Bai Yutang again for his insensible act, not to show Jian Kang Lu their hospitality by offering him to sleep over at their house. After all the things Jian Kang Lu did to their family, it was inappropriate to let Jian Kang Lu stay in the hotel.

Bai Yutang just smiles helplessly and assures her mother that next week Jian Kang Lu will stay over at their house.