I Want To Bathe You (NSFW)

[Do you guys free tomorrow night? This humble slave wants to convey Jian Ge's invitation for dinner tomorrow, if you guys could spare your time other than holed up in the studio.]

Bai Yutang smiled to see his friends answered that they're free and will be there at Il Mare tomorrow at 7 o'clock. Bai Yutang told Yu Dong to bring Mu Xiaoya also. His lover told him to invite Xiaoya too.

"Gege, can I invite my soon to be ex-roommate?"

"Yes you can. Is he an architecture student too?"

Bai Yutang shook his head, "No. He was from computer science. Thank you, gege." Bai Yutang planted his soft lips on Jian Kang Lu's cheek. He can't help to do that. Even after all the horrible things he did, his lover is still the same gentle and kind man who always provides him with comfort. He can't help to feel that he was the luckiest person on earth.