Hand In Hand

"I'll call you when I finish. Don't forget your lunch, TangTang."

Bai Yutang nodded, and kissed his lover's cheek before he got out of the car. He smiled to see the flustered face of Jian Kang Lu and waved goodbye. He was reluctant to separate from his lover even just for a few hours, but he knew he needed to pack his stuff. Moved back to the place they called home.

He hasn't told Xu Chenjie that he will move out. He only texted him last night to invite him for dinner tonight. He was not surprised to see his soon to be ex-roommate sit on his chair, playing games on his PC on this Sunday noon. Xu Chenjie was even more addictive to games compared to Yu Dong. Or maybe because Yu Dong have a girlfriend now and Xu Chenjie was still single.

"You're back?" Xu Chenjie asked him without even turning his head. His eyes glued on the screen, it seems he and his team are in the middle of war.