The Power Of A Thousand Sun

Bai Yutang lists their assets. He needs to ask for his lover's opinion about this. This clearly was not a simple matter he could solve alone. He rubbed his temples which had been throbbing hard with pulsating veins. 

Can he just say no? Their family was not in the proper position to offer any help, even themselves already struggling hard to earn money. Bai Yutang sighed. He knew exactly his mother had a soft spot for his uncle. Bai Yutang himself can't blame her mother. If Bai Yuren someday asks him to help him pay tuition for his nephew, he might have the same concern with his mother right now.

[Gege, can i talk to you when you're not busy?]

Jian Kang Lu read that message 3 hours later. He was smiling when he saw a message from his kitten, but then his straight eyebrow frowned to see the content. He called his kitten directly.

"Baby, what's the matter? Sorry i just read your message."