Do You Miss Me As Much As I Miss You? (NSFW)

Bai Yutang standing in the middle of the crowd at the arrival gate. The airport was packed with people who were searching for their guests or their beloved one appeared from the automatic gate. Bai Yutang arrived 30 minutes earlier than the estimated time of his lover's flight arrival, but his heart was already racing fast from his expectation.

After taking care of his grandpa's decision, busy with listing the house to sell and discuss the selling price, Bai Yutang really needs his dose of cuddling with his lover. Somehow he felt that he belonged in his lover's apartment more and more compared to his parent's house where he spent his childhood and teenage life. No, it was not the apartment that gave him such a strong attachment. It was his lover. He sighed and tried to calm his heart from missing this man too much.

'Wherever you are, that's where I belong.'