
This year's winter is not as bad as last year. They rarely encounter heavy snow at night even though this is already entering January. Jian Kang Lu didn't have to bring his thick coat every time he went to the hospital.

Jian Kang Lu just finish his presentation and answering questions from the hemodialysis trainee. As one of the best hospitals famous for it's kidney treatment, B hospital is one of the hemodialysis training centres in this country. Jian Kang Lu will have to give 8 lectures in this 3 months training.

His phone vibrated. He peered at the screen, it was a call from Zhen Guo. Since it was not a call from the hospital nor his kitten, he pressed the silent button and continued to answer questions from the participant.

After he finished, he picked up his phone again, wanting to give Zhen Guo a call back. Jian Kang Lu noticed Zhen Guo sent him messages.

ZG : [I think I need to talk to you about something. When did you have time to meet me?]