Strongest Form Of Love

Jian Kang Lu doesn't know what emotion he felt right now. He was over forty years old. He thought he already tasted every emotion a human should encounter. But now..

Rage. Fury from his kitten's suffering. His hands trembled while holding the glass. He kept drinking and drinking, holding himself from running to the F firm and lash his anger to the whole people who bullied his kitten.

Dejected. Why didn't his kitten tell him this kind of thing? He didn't believe his kitten didn't know the persecution done by his colleagues. Is he not strong enough to let his kitten depend on him?

Remorse, a gnawing pain crept inside. How hurt and sad his kitten had to face those kinds of things. This is only a small portion he heard from Zhen Guo. What else did they do to his kitten over there?