Don’t Talk to Strangers

As a child, one of the first lessons taught to you is how you are not supposed to talk to strangers. This is for your own safety and well-being and whatnot. Parents tell their kids stories of children being lured away with candy and ice cream, only to end it with some variation of 'you will never see me again'. To a 5-year-old child, this just scares them into never wanting to leave their parents. A sense of dependency budding from that one exchange.

Since life likes to throw curveballs and plot twists, as you age into an independence searching teenager, you then realize that practically everyone is a stranger. You then have to decide if you are going to risk talking to them or staying lost. When a stranger approaches you, however, your fight or flight instincts would kick in.

Right now, I was ready for a fight.

The sky was a few minutes away from turning Prussian blue, as I was headed back into the house. I was just about to step off the sidewalk when a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. Automatically, my free hand was inching its way to lift the skirt of my dress up and grab one of the knives that were sitting comfortably in its holster. I turned to face my mystery stalker and found them wearing black running shoes, a dark pair of jeans, and a dark grey jacket zipped up. The hood of the jacket was up, concealing the identity of however this person was.

"Adelaide?" The voice, I now recognized belonged to a female, was very silvery and somehow sounded familiar.

I was shocked. How does this person know who I am? I am sure I kept my identity as quiet as possible. Was this person my stalker from earlier in the week?

I schooled my face into one of confusion. "Excuse me?" I asked in a nice, confused, voice.

When the mystery woman was sure I would not run or scream, she let go of my wrist and removed her hood. The streetlight a couple of houses down provided light in the almost dark street. The contours of her heart-shaped face were visible under the yellowish light. She had small, yet full, lips and a narrow nose. Her almond eyes were pearl-grey and held some sort of sorrow in them. She had hints of white in her short brunette hair and she looked to be somewhere in her late forties. The darker color of the jacket contrasted with her light tan skin.

I know her. She looks really familiar, but I cannot seem to remember where I've seen her before. I could not have seen her around this neighborhood before because I made it a point to know who lives around me. She could not be some random stranger, right? She knew my name. She called me Adelaide. There could not be that many people named Adelaide in the world. It would be a huge coincidence if one of those people actually live around here.

When I did not acknowledge that I recognized her, she glanced left and right at the empty street. We stood there for a moment. The awkward silence enveloped us as the moon and stars were shining brightly in the beautiful blue hue of the night.

"Sorry." She said apologetically. "You look a lot like someone I know." She lowered her head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry I am not who you hoped to find." I found myself apologizing.

"It is alright." Her words were laced in sadness as she put her hood back on and walked away.

I stood there, by myself, on the empty street. The younger residents of the street were probably out enjoying their Friday night with friends. While the older occupants were having some quiet relaxation time after a long work week. I, on the other hand, stood rooted to my spot on the sidewalk like an idiot and just stared into space. I played the recent events over and over again in my head. I know I recognized that person's voice. I know I had seen that person somewhere before. I just cannot pinpoint where and when. Her facial features were very similar to an image in my head, I know it belongs to someone I have a history with. Whoever that woman was, I need to know who she is and how she knows my name as well as where I live.

"-you doing? Hello? Houston we have a problem. Earth to Addy. HELLO?" Liam's voice broke me out of my trance.

His hand was waving up and down in front of my face. I blinked a couple of times and stared in the direction the mystery woman went for a second longer before I faced my brother. He turned to look down the street to where I was looking with a puzzled face.

"What happened? What are you looking at? My now worried brother asked.

It was obvious in his tone that he was confused and concerned. I just gave him a tight-lipped smile when he looked me in the eyes. I need to know who that person is before I tell Liam. Knowing him, he is going to freak out big time if he finds out I have someone we can maybe call a stalker.

"Nothing. I was just trying to remember something," I lied.

What I told him was not a complete lie. I mean, I was trying to remember something. I avoided his gaze as I turned on my heel and went straight inside the house. The warmth enveloped me as I took my coat off and tossed it, not so gracefully, onto the back of the couch. Just when I thought my week could not get any worse, I now have to find the identity of, let's just call her Hooded Stalker. The week is not even over. I still have to get through the stupid dinner with the most important people in the kingdom. I paced back and forth in the living room with a lot of anxious nerves.

I think I need another glass of water.

I stopped my pacing and headed into the kitchen just as Liam closed the front door. His worried expression has still not left his face. I need to get a hold of myself before Father and Charles come pick us up any minute now. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and went to the sink. I opened the tap and filled my glass almost to the top with cold water. I downed the whole thing quickly and slammed the glass down to the countertop. My nerves were more steady than it was 2 minutes ago, that's a good sign. Liam had appeared in the kitchen and stood on the other side of the counter. He looked like he was about to say something but just as he opened his mouth, there was a loud honk outside.

"Father and Charles are here," I said with an even voice.

I passed him and headed back into the living room. He closed his mouth and followed me into the living room. He grabbed my coat before I could reach it and helped me put it on. I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into the pocket of my coat. Liam opened the door and let me pass through before coming after me and locking up the house.

There is definitely no turning back now.