Chapter 2: Angel of Death

Just because a person didn't grow up poor does not mean they had it easy. Nothing in life is uptainable without hardships, especially what you truly desire. What you crave. what you dream. Senka is proof of that outcome. Sure, she came from a wealthy family with both power and influence in their growing city.

Some people say that those who are privileged but aren't satisfied are too 'happy'. They need something to, well, spice up their life in a sense. Senka wasn't that lucky.

She could see it, auras and of course the other children couldn't. They weren't special like her and it made life utterly miserable. Senka couldn't be saved from the torture of mundane eyes. For mundane eyes either feared or insulted those deemed special. Which is worse? Senka can tell you, she wasn't feared and hated it immensely.

"Senka's so weird!"

"I know right? Did you hear what happened during gym?"

"No! What! Spill!"

"She kept staring at Hikuro! Then asked him why he's glowing!"

"What? That's so weird!"

"Maybe she likes him!"

"Eh? Ew! No way! Who would want a freak to like her!"

Senka had no choice but to endure it for years. It pained her parents to see their child go through such a unfortunate time in her life. Little did they know, there was much more to come for her. For she was only seven when the torment from her peers began. During this time did the young girl begin to develop another persona that deviated from her original path, a dark persona that becomes a spark for her future.

Now thirteen, someone had taken notice of her talents and encouraged an opening of a journey that would change her life.

"Senka, go and take the Hunter exam." Her grandfather commanded with love.

Big violet eyes blinked at him in disbelief of his words. "The Hunter exam?" she said in confusion. "Why should I? I'll just final and everyone will laugh at me."

He chuckled, showing his age. "You mustn't think so negatively, the universe hears it. And mind what others say about your gift, they are all jealous because what you see is what great people are made of."

Senka rose a brow, still not understanding such a grand topic. "But it's dangerous! I can't protect you guys if something happens to me!" The girl protested strongly, amazing the old man of her awareness to the future.

He gently patted her small head with affection. This same child that used to follow him like a little shadow is about to become her own being. How time flies by. "Don't be afraid Senka, you will pass and become stronger. If you take that exam, you'll understand what you see is a gift and not a curse."

Senka passed the exam and became a fully licensed Hunter at thirteen. Although, she felt it happened to be luck that brought her success. For the next five years, the girl focused to training her Nen and on protecting her family. The amount of political attention they were getting, she feared for her younger siblings and cousins. In order to prevent any harm coming to them, she'd put the target on her back.

"No Senka! That's too reckless!" her mother openly rejected her offer.

"Yes if I wasn't a Hunter but I am." She stated calmly "It's been five years since I passed the exam and I've trained hard to help this family. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure the younger ones are safe and protected".

Confidence. She found it. It's a dangerous thing to have, especially if you have a lot to lose.

When it happened, August 1st. An event that not only changed Senka's life but another as well. All because she was too confident, too cocky, too naive. It happened so fast, she thought with her training and skills, taking on five guys would have been nothing. That might have been the case, if her kidnappers were strangers.

Of course, she wasn't lucky.

Senka woke, her body was sore from the clumsy rope wrapping and the hits taken prior to her blanking out. Violet eyes tried to focus on the blurred images, her ears none stop sounds of evil laughter and footsteps frightened her immensely. Anxiety and panic rushed through her body, she began to struggle in her retrains and that only called unwanted attention to her.

Boy one howled. "Look at who's finally awake."

"Man we should have done this shit sooner!" Boy three said wickedly as he inspected her body.

Boy two chuckled. "I call dips on fucking her first!"

"Dips on second!" Boy four called.

"Hey hey, calm down. Everyone will get a turn, revenge is best done nice and slow. Or rough." Boy Five chimed in to cut the hyper energy of the other four.

That comment made Senka gasp, her sense snapped out of their drunken state instantly. Body screamed silently in a panicked urge to run but that wasn't an option. If she had only calmed down, it would have been obvious what was needed to be done. She'll have to learn it the hard way, the rage will take over soon.

Just watch.

Senses regained, Senka's eyes widened. "D-Demi, John, P-Pavi, J-Jun, Kuro ... Y-You guys? But we went to school t-together... Why kidnap me?" She asked with a cracked voice.

They all exchanged evil grins and smirks between one another, Kuro parted his lips to answer.

"Why you ask? Well aren't you Miss. Little Innocent."

Demi chuckled. "Come on Bitch. The answer should be simple."

Senka blinked in confusion. There were too many reasons that she couldn't really pick one. "M-My family?"

Pavi loudly made a buzzer sound to signal she answered incorrectly. "Wrong you slut."

"Pavi." Jun warned as he walked closer to the helpless girl, making her fidget effortlessly. "You see Senka, your family made it easy to kidnap you. Why we did it?" his voice paused as he stood inches before her. A rough hand took hold of her chest, outright violating her body. Senka's breath was caught in her throat from shock, was this really happening? "Because we just wanted to see you beg us to stop while we fuck that confidence out of you." He admitted bluntly.

Her heart started racing, something in her snapped. Something she always had but only in the right situation would she have unlocked it. No matter how long and hard she trained, her Nen never appeared. Even though she mastered all the basics, it still wouldn't reveal itself. Guess she'll have to thank them, huh.

They didn't know what hit them as each one fell in a pool made of their own blood. Leaving Senka and her raging bloodlust alone. Or so you think.

Widened purple eyes, she panted with a devilish smirk on her lips. A small giggle rumbled from her chest only to develop into a chilling evil laugh. "I did it! I finally did it!" She cheered, her black aura shaped like angel wings stretched out in victory.

However, the happy moment was cut short as the sound of a hand clapping called for her undivided attention. Senka's drunken bloodlust eyes rested on a tall figure dressed like a jester with light red hair and face paint. Detailes didn't matter at the moment, what did was how the stranger had an expression that mirrored her own.

The man purred aloud. "Oh that was so good." he complimented in a creepy tone. "So much potential... and ah those eyes~" he said in partially a moan.

Senka, blinded by her lust let that confidence return. " Enjoyed the show huh? Good because now it's you're turn to die." she threatened him not learning her lesson.

This only made him all the more excited, so much that his eyes began to roll back a little. "Oh? That's a bold move for someone who's tied up." he remarked on the ropes that kept her bound.

She hummed playfully. "Right these ropes, I forgot about them." The man watched as a black aura wing seemed to sharpen its edge before gently pushing against the ropes, allowing Senka to finally be released. She sighed in relief. "Much better."

The display he had just witnessed made him feel ways he hadn't felt in a very long time. His whole body was on fire from the massive amount of stimulation this girl gave him from awakening her Nen. It wasn't just her Nen, her bloodlust, her aura, her. This girl, she was going to be the greatest toy he's ever had the pleasure of killing. Not just killing, no she's much too special for him to just kill her now. With more time and care she could be it. The entertainment he had been looking for, the spark to keep his interest. A toy that couldn't be killed or broken so easily. Yes, in this moment it is as if he had just seen the grim reaper itself raise into the world.

No, more like.

The Angel of Death.

Oh he could taste it already, being able to kill the an Angel of Death.