Chapter 3: We're Enemies But...

Hisoka carefully opened his eyes in expectation of bright light invading the room, only to be disappointment. Overly thick red curtains blocked most if not all the sun rays, casing a faint pink tint in the room. He never understood why the woman disliked light so much, for the years he's known her it's been so.

Feeling a shift against him, yellow eyes landed on Senka whom was carelessly snoozing away in the junction between his bare arm and chest. This wasn't anything unusual but it did feel strange due to their lengthy time apart. Normally Senka would have distance herself and not indulge in such selfish manners. Not that he disliked the actions but they did raise suspicion to her motives. Hisoka took the chance to inspect how the woman had seem to mature, a sight rush coursed through his body. It tingled him all over, to see how ripe she was for the picking.

His tongue hungrily licked his lips, Oh he couldn't wait! Almost a year had gone by since he'd seen her Nen and its dangerously beautiful aura. The magician's expression began to turn sinister as his wicked imagination took over. Feeling a wonderful sensation creep in his lower regions.

"It's way too early in the morning for you to have such a perverted look on your face." Spoke a hoarse voice that interrupted his low key blood-lust. She nuzzled into his chest with a tired groan, not waiting the sleep to end.

Hisoka's lips curled with a smirk in amazement at her overly affection display. Now that's unusual of her to do. "And good afternoon to you too." Greeted a husky voice.

Senka blinked at him a couple of times with a drowsy expression, allowing his words to sink in. "Huh?" It hadn't dawn on her yet.

"You slept right through all six of your alarms~" He smiled with a twisted cheeriness at her dismay. Now it did.

She frantically lend over him carelessly, letting her exposed stomach lay across his. Hisoka allowed the woman's body to rest on him as he enjoyed the scene. "Why didn't you wake me up!" Senka whined, a small hiss escaped her lips. An arm extended to have her hand disappear into the abyss of a black bag, searching for a specific device.

"None-sense~ you were sleeping so peacefully in my arms, I couldn't help but let you be." He said purposely in hopes to phase the female hunter. It earned only a groan of annoyance from Senka as she continued her search, though he noticed the slight feverish tone on that exotic skin. "I'm supposed to get an important call for a big job today! Ah yes there it is!"

Finding her phone, he watched as she swiftly tapped through the device to find what all the fuss was about. He felt the rhythm of her irritation echo against him.

Senka tsked, embarrassment and shame flooded her. The only reason she didn't hear the alarm was because she was too comfortable. Or safe. Hisoka took notice of the conflict and beauty in her. The way those deep blue locks seem to fall around her in a gracefully careless manner. How she seemed to have a slight glow radiating from her coloured skin. Not too often did the two sleep together so intimately until daylight after lewd activities. Something changed perhaps? In her or him is the question. Maybe it's him because for a brief moment, he thought breaking such a creature would be a waste. To openly indulge their activities more and give into the tempting desire he had for her. But that was just a thought, a fickle one.

"Damn, it's already three. I have to get ready." She voiced while removing her body from his, slipping from the warmth of the bed sheets. Only to have a muscular arm wrap around her waist from escaping him completely.

"Hisoka!" Senka protested against the capture.

"Stay in bed with me longer." He simply smiled. "Taking one day won't hurt, you'll die young working so much." So cunning, tempting her with desire to get his way.

A slightly blush lit her cheeks, letting Hisoka believe he'd win.


Senka snickered at his words, peeling off his arm with both of hers. "Like you're one to talk." she scoffed, quickly allowing her silk unbuttoned shirt to fall. The male hunter wondered where she could get all that energy from. Not that he's any better. "One day you'll target someone that will kick your ass." the woman said her usual comeback in reflex at the hunters' thirst for blood. It didn't phase him, she always said that.

He dismissed her claim with a nonchalant hum, a smile played on his lips. "Must be something extremely good if you're ditching me for work on this special day." he stated in an attempt to change the topic to something more... intriguing. Hisoka was interested to know what kind of target demanded her attention on such a significant day.

The woman's movements paused mid way through getting dressed, her back faced him luckily. No way in hell did she ever wish for him to see her blushing, especially when her whole face turned feverish. "You remembered what today is?" she asked in a careful voice. Hisoka frowned, He could tell she was testing him. Which way should he go? Didn't this woman realize how dangerous it is to have him in control by now? How bold.

His smirk returned to his lips. "Testing me like that isn't a smart idea you know." warned the dark magician with allurement in his voice.

Senka bit the inside of her cheek, it was a childish tactic that grew into a bad habit with him. She always tested his fickleness, flirting with the reality of him one day deeming her of no interest. Now, she only felt all the more foolish. The woman's eyes softened. "I wouldn't call it that." she disagreed in a passive tone, her hand fished a black long sleeved top from the closest.

Hisoka sighed breathlessly. "Today is our fifth anniversary." folded arms propped his head up in a more comfortable position as he concealed yellow orbs behind darkness. "How time flies~" happily said aloud with that usual alluring grin for the woman's reassurance. "Remembering such a... pleasurable event." he purred in pure honesty, licking his lips in excited over reliving the memory.

That was one thing she could count on in terms of honesty coming from the hunter, his bloodlust always told the truth. Senka sighed in mental surrender to the male, throwing her beloved phone directly at Hisoka, forcing him to sit upright. A strong hand catches the device inches from his face with no effort, yellow orbs rested on her feminine figure grimly.

"Read it." the woman ordered in a calm manner, although her tongue spat venom.

Willingly, he did as told and shifted his glance to the small screen. He hummed in delight to see it was a message from Machi:

Senka, the date has changed to August 30th.

It seemed innocent enough, until he read the next couple of lines. His eyes narrowed.

P.s Hisoka-san was being stupid, got both arms cut off and made a pass at me. It was rejected. That's all.

Instantly, Hisoka realized what made the woman so guarded since his arrival. He peaked his interest, the complex dynamic between Machi and Senka. "There's no need to be jealous." he teased with a grin.

"I'm not jealous!" she snapped in denial. A lie of course. She was jealous even though there was nothing to really be jealous over. It enticed the man in her favour unknowingly to her, amazing him at how something so harmless and undone caused her resolve to become unstable. This was the first in a very long time he'd seen Senka so bothered by a trivial matter. It made him wonder slightly about her own private life, slightly.

He sighed dramatically. "I sense dishonesty~"

"It's not dishonesty if it's true." she retorted, earning a snicker from Hisoka.

The still unclothed man hummed in an alluring melody. "My my, so stubborn even after five years together."

Senka groaned under her breath, looking into a mirror. "Nothing says 'Happy Fourth Anniversary' than having a couple cards slice through you." Mouth oozed with bitterly venomous sarcasm, a hand grabbed hold of a lipstick.

Hisoka's smirk only grew. "Well if that's how you feel, I'm sure you really enjoyed the fifth~" He teased flirtatiously about their intimate activities.

She scowled slightly in an effort to conceal her embarrassment. The woman forced a devilish smirk of her own to curl newly painted lips. "Moving onto more important things, to answer your question about the job. I'm taking down the Giartanio Mafia." She stated, voice filled with murderous intentions.

This caught the attention of Hisoka enough to open his eyes. "That's an A-Class bounty." The Giartanio family, known for it's involvement with drugs, weapons and human trafficking. Not as internationally known like other Mafias but still quite powerful and dangerous locally. Their trademark was taking young girls in place of payment if money wasn't put out-front. Senka had been tailing them for years and was about to finally get revenge.

She gave a small nod while strapping on a crimson leather waist belt. "Ah huh~ I have history with them and seems my client does too. I'm being offered a triple the bounty amount to bring that bastard's head on ice." Senka briefly explained with bitterness at the end, bringing curiosity to Hisoka. Wondering what sort of connection the two families had.

The sound of her phone ringing paused the conversation. She turned to face Hisoka with a hand out. With a sly grin, he throws her device back in the same manner as she did to him but faster. Of course, Senka waves an arm to swipe her phone mid air.

"Testing me isn't smart you know." The woman says in a low tone, mocking the warning he gave her earlier. Earning a snicker from Hisoka as she answered the call. "Hello~ Tashiro!" A nervous giggle passed her lips, a hand rubbing the back of her head in unseen forgetfulness to the caller.

"Yeah sorry I over slept. Huh? Woah slow down, say that again." She blinked in confusion, a darkness began to cloud those lovely violet eyes. Processing if what was just say, is happening.

Noticing the woman's quick change in demeter, Hisoka swung his legs on the edge of her bed in preparation to get ready as well. Having a strong feeling something amazingly tragic will happen. He began to clothing himself as she continued her call. Senka's grip on the mobile device tightened to Hisoka's interest, someone is getting her angry. Lusting tongue licked his lips in blissful anticipation at what could possibility have this woman nearing rage. Pure dense black aura spilled around her, contouring the curves of her figure in a deathly manner.

Her jaw flexed. "Got it, send me the address. Be at the door in thirty Tashiro." The woman ordered before ending the call.

Wasting no time, she slipped the phone into a hidden pocket. Senka spun on her heel with intentions to head straight for the doorway only to meet a clothed Hisoka.

He smiled wickedly. "Where to?" The man simply asked, hinting desire of tagging along for the fun. Their eyes contacted, he felt a shiver course through his body from the blazing anger in her stare. He liked it when she was enraged, even turned on by it.

Senka gave him a quick glance up and down, dismissing how incredibly fast he had gotten dressed. "The next town over to the Giartanio main house." She answered, no time to waste in arguing when he'd probably win.

Hisoka hummed in excitement. "Wonderful~ Nothing like working an assassination job on such an occasion." He purred, shifting his body sideways to allow the woman the lead.

Senka's expression darkened, making his anticipation unbearable. "More like a mascara by the time I'm done with the place." She grumbled bitterly, walking passed him and heading to the first floor.

The man chuckled at her murderous statement. "Oh, sounds like you're making it a little to personal aren't you, my Angel?"

To his surprise, a devilish giggle came from her lips. "Of course it is." she responded in seemingly fake enthusiasm. "They have my cousin, so everyone is gonna die."

Her words had almost put Hisoka into complete ecstasy, it thrilled him intensely to know that in the very near future he'd get to see them again. To see Senka kill in her matured nature. The man effortlessly concealed a moan from escaping his lips, certain regions began to react.

The crave he felt to see her wings again couldn't be held in no longer. It had been too long since the last time he'd seen those deathly dangerous black nightmares.

Hisoka licked his lips, knowing he was more than addicted to her Nen.

He was enslaved.