Chapter 4: Show Me Your Talent

Tashiro's foot wouldn't stop tapping against the ground in a nervous fashion. He knew Senka would be furious about the news but there wasn't a way around it. Telling the woman about her cousin being a captive of a notorious human trafficking mafia felt like a death sentence. However, it had to be done.

The boy's brown eyes frantically glanced at either side of him every time the sound of footsteps was heard. His anxiety only increased with every passing second, the area didn't help. He hated being in this town, it was all about crime.


His chest tightened, which signaled Senka was near. Tashiro looked up to finally land on the familiar curved figure dressed in black pants lined with a black long sleeved shirt, v-neck that showcased her busty assets, red waist belt that accented those curves and her signature leather heeled boots. The sound of her clicking on the rough ground became more predominate as she closed the distance between them. Orbs relaxed, she looked as beautiful as ever. Her exotic skin, it wasn't something common. It made the boy realize why her cousin was taken.

Or traded.

"Senka-san!" He greeted with a relieved smile, noticing not just her dark expression but the man dressed weirdly as a jester or magician beside her.

The woman smiled faintly, showing the boy she was on the edge of a blood lust rage. "Hey Tashiro. Thanks for the call, I know it was hard on you to tell me and I really appreciate it." She wholeheartedly said as a gently hand rubbed soft brown hair.

Hisoka watched the friendly exchange between the two, realizing the boy was her trainee. A hint of a blush on Tashiro's cheeks showed his bashfulness to her understanding the emotions he felt.

"I-It was nothing! Besides... I couldn't do nothing while Tessila was in that house..." He openly stated in anguish, feeling terrible about being unable to take immediate actions other than to call his teacher.

Senka retracted her hand, Hisoka noticed the shift in her aura. It became darker and thick. Screaming for blood and destruction. Sinister intentions spilled all around yet the actual aura itself couldn't be seen. The man's chest fluttered with glorious anxiety, he couldn't wait to see her murder again.

She snickered. "Do you have the blue prints of the house?"

"Yes! Here." The boy pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket and gave it to her.

Senka took the paper. "Thanks thanks." She said, unfolding it.

Hisoka hummed. "What a good little student you have Senka-chan."

"Those thoughts you have loading in your twisted mind, delete them." The woman instructed in slight monotone while studying the paper quickly. She didn't need a Masters on this psychotic magician to know what was going on in that mess he calls a brain.

"hey... Senka-san..." Tashiro hinted in a hesitate tone, telling the woman with the shifting of his eyes he wondered who Hisoka was.

A hum escaped her lips, taking a brief glance between the two males before returning to the paper. "You're better off not knowing this sociopath." she answered his unspoken question with indifference strange to him.

Hisoka smiled at her words. "Ouch that hurt my feelings Senka-chan." He joked.

She giggled with fake innocence. "Didn't know you had such a thing Hisoka." the woman in a comeback, only making his smile widen.

"Acting tough before your student, very admirable."

Senka rolled her eyes, not wanting to entertain him by taking on his comment.

'Hisoka...his name...' thought Tashiro as he watched the two adults in their own exchange, wondering just how dangerous a man Hisoka is for her to be so protective. The boy never seen Senka like anything but a dragon lady towards him. Always yelling and scolding Tashiro for whatever she wanted. He knew it was all for his sake.

"Alright listen up Tashiro." Senka called for his undivided attention as she partially shoved the paper into him. "I'm gonna send Tessila out to you, my bike is at Mel's." she informed while cracking knuckles. "You keep them both safe and I'll give you a cut of the earnings, sound like a plan?" Violet eyes side glanced to acknowledge his nod.

Hisoka noticed the gleam in Tashiro's eyes, it lit with such promise and determination.

The boy's resolve earned a wicked giggle from his teacher's lips. "That's a good student, now lets get started~" She sang with an enticing voice, it seduced Hisoka unknowingly to her. Senka positioned her body inches from the double door entrance, Hisoka standing beside her. Both readily their bodies, he waited on Senka to make the first move.

Tashiro blinked at the woman in confusions. "Ah but Senka-san... the prints." he said while stretching a hand out, only to be rejected.

Hisoka smirked devilishly at her, knowing the reason she doesn't need them anymore. She cracked the other knuckle. "I've already mapped out the root to the main room that bastard is in." The woman started to rotate her neck. "It seems to be a full house." voice continued with pure joy. "Four at the front door, six on the first floor, five roaming the halls, two on the second floor, one where Tessila is, two at the main door, oh~ eight in the main room! And finally two at the back door."

The boy looked at his teacher in awe, she was able to know where each guard was and the number of them without seeing inside. It only confirmed his decision in wanting to be her trainee was correct, she was truly powerful.

"Not too bad." Hisoka couldn't agree more, Senka had definitely gotten much more powerful than he ever imagined. He couldn't wait to see more of what she's gained.

"Hisoka, don't get in my way." Senka warned with a sweet voice.

The man's eyes narrowed, smirk widened. "Wouldn't dream of it."

He noticed her murderous aura begin to rush out of her body with intensity, forcing him to resist his lewd urges. Senka's hands were covered with a thicker layer of her aura, black edges straightened into sharp blades. Dense black devil wings formed lastly, she was ready.

The woman swiped an arm across the door multiple directions within a matter of seconds, turning it into nothing but waste. It didn't take long before the two disappeared from Tashiro's sight and began to storm the house with immense speed. Five seconds in, they met the four men just at the entrance. Of course, expressions of confusion and alarm were on their faces from spotting invaders.

Senka didn't give them much of a chance before sounds of blood and regretful last breaths were heard. Along with lifeless bodies hitting the ground too. He watched in amazement to see the woman in a joyfully psychotic state of thrill as she alluringly licked warm blood from the bladed aura. "Four down~"

His lips curled in a delighted smirk, impressed by how much control she has on her blood lust. Senka didn't give him much more time to admire the scene. "Let's keep going." She commanded, leading with the mentally mapped route.

"Okay." Hisoka followed the woman down the next hall to met another two guards and continued to watch the show. His eyes couldn't peel themselves from her figure, the way each movement went unwasted and in which grace. It seemed as if she was just floating through the air, slicing and impaling her way through the bodies in her path. Those devil wings shielding her from any projectile that happened to be aimed at her, she was... magnificently powerful.

The man let a moan slip from his lips, stimulation from the display becoming too much as it effected lower regions. Within five minutes of their invasion the hunter pair reached the targeted room. Before Senka made her move to storm the mafia boss room, she turned to Hisoka.

"Stay no further than a two feet radius from me, my Angel Wings will protect us from any bullets this time around." The woman commanded in hidden concern for her partners' safety, not that he needed it. They just can't afford any careless moves that would hinder progress.

Hisoka smirked in mischievousness, slipping a sneaky hand on her hip. "Only two? I can get much closer." he whispered in seduction, making it obvious the jester flirted with giving into lust of his own.

Senka slapped his wicked hand away. "Didn't get enough last night?" she asked slyly. "This isn't the time or place for that Hisoka." lectured the woman.

The male hunter took hold of her chin to guide violet eyes into yellow ones, Senka's chest tightened at his overly alluring expression. "I can never get enough of you, my Angel~" he purred in a low tone for her ears to hear alone.

The woman's eyes widened slightly before averting from his lusting gaze, she bit her lip. "Just do what I say... My cousin's safety comes first right now." Senka stated, her voice mixed with anger and distress.

Hisoka noticed the shift in her, smirk replaced with a smile to soften his features. "Lead the way." he said, releasing her chin.

Senka didn't know whether it was him being understanding or annoyed, she was thankful. The woman faced another set of double doors, wooden this time. She took a breath, concentrating to have her black aura appear as a bubble around them that took the shape of angel wings within second. Now, they were protected by her Angel Wings Nen ability. Hisoka hummed in amazement, her Nen never seized to disinterest him.

"Blow the house down~" she commanded the wings in a soft melody. The male hunter observed how black aura stretched outward in a circular sweep of the wings, the pressure alone created a strong enough gust of wind to break the wooden door from its hings. Senka stepped forward with confidence, Hisoka snickered as he followed her movements.

The moment they walked into the room, a storm of bullet were fired at the pair. He knew ordinary bullets wouldn't be able to penetrate her wings. The jester happened to know Nen bullets couldn't harm her Nen wings either, such a frightening woman. It turned him on just thinking about it.

Once all the gun bullets were finished, what men that remained in the entire house swarmed the room, closing the door in an effort to trap the hunters. How naively futile, don't those weaklings realize who they're dealing with? It almost made Hisoka regret the trip, almost thanks to Senka. The woman relaxed her aura which allowed the bullets to hit the floor. A clap thundered through the room.

"Welcome Senka! I was wondering when ya were gonna show up!" Greeted the young boss with a wide grin and open arms. He was leisurely sitting on a three cushion leather couch with a cigar in hand. Jalin Giartania, only one year older than her with short dirty blond locks, blue eyes and of course handsome features. Violet eyes rested on him, enraged, she stomped towards him without hesitation. A strong leg raised to kick the back of the leather couch he sat in, heeled boot only inches from his head.

"My cousin, I'll take her place so release Tesslia." Demanded the woman in obvious threats, ignoring the sounds of guns aiming at her. Hisoka's eyes narrowed in slight confusion at Senka's words, why would she... oh, now he understood. The man smirked anxiously, feeling impatient to see how it'll play out. Every person's death.

The young boss roamed Senka's body with hunger, a wicked grin widened his mouth. "Eh? So predictable of you Senka! The Sunalin's family pet!" he ranted while waving a hand for a subordinate to do as commanded with the girl. Senka removed her leg, chest raced from adrenaline rushing through her body in hidden excitement.

"Since we got a shit load of time, why don't we catch up on old times eh? I don't remember ya being such a fine piece'a ass when we were younger." The man flirted with Senka aloud, eyes openly examined her highly accented female features. He hummed in approval. "Damn." Jalin whispered not so quietly, taking a drag of the cigar.

His lewd comments and slurs irritated the woman since he opened his mouth, while Hisoka didn't take them on. What did peak the male's interest was this history between Jalin and Senka that she wouldn't discuss with him.

A smile returned to his lips in place of that poker face, he hummed in question. "I'm curious to know, what was a younger Senka-chan was like?" His words gained a tsk from the woman, which told him it was uncharted territory. But why?

"Hisoka!" she hissed through her teeth, warning him to back off. It was a fruitless effort to conceal her dark past, even though she knew Hisoka didn't really care for it. That wasn't the point, Senka didn't care about Hisoka knowing. The woman was just tired of being forced to relive events that nearly killed her.

The mafia boss tilted his head to directly look at Hisoka, a snicker passed his lips. "Huh? She hasn't told ya? Well ya must mean yor her new guy then! What the fuck ya supposed ta be eh? A magician? You look like her kinda crazy! Careful, this slut gets around!" He provoked with more insults, not that he wasn't wrong about the magician part. The rest though...

She had enough, Senka spun her body to delivery a swift round house kick to Jalin's face with immense power. Hisoka blinked with confusion before a smile returned to his lips, playing cards appeared in hand. "My my such a distasteful vocabulary." He mumbled while nonchalantly shuffling the cards.

Jalin winced in pain, the impact forced his body to the side, blood splattered from his mouth onto leather. Coughs and laughs mixed together as he spat more blood out onto the floor, a smug expression played on him. A hand stopped the trigger happy henchmen from making a move. "Hit a nerve huh? Hearing the truth too much for ya?" His eyes glanced to Hisoka. "Ta answer yor question Mr. Magician, Senka here was a psychotic little slut with no friends."

Senka's fist tightened, though she couldn't voice against Jalin's words. They were true, she was all of that, even if she hated to admit it.

Hisoka paused mid shuffle, his stare narrowed on Jalin. "Hmm? I see I see... but for a woman to be labelled a slut, she'd need quite a history of partners." He speculated bluntly, knowing there was not a chance Senka was that sort of woman. Her chest fluttered, it was the first in a long time she'd heard Hisoka defend her in such a manner.

Jalin snickered. "Ya sure 'bout that buddy? Cause my brother and his friends made sure ta take care of that." He proudly stated.

Senka's jaw flexed in anger, if it was one thing she disliked the most was being degraded. She roughly grabbed a healthy fist full of his dirty blond hair. "You're just like Jun, full of shit and unable to process anything through that small thing you call a brain." The woman insulted back with an enchanting voice. "You idiots were threatened by strength, too weak to fathom power such as mine." She stated bluntly, releasing his hair harshly.

The male hunter knew the underlining to Senka's words, it's the first thing they shared. Hisoka's ears twitched from the fingers which itched to pull triggers on the woman, smirk fainted as cards rushed between his hands. Weak people wasn't his thing, you know? So boring. He returned his attention back onto Senka and the young boss. Looking at the bleeding male brought a sense of nostalgia.

A beaten Jalin angrily narrowed his blue eyes at the violent woman. "Better keep that mouth stuffed woman! That ain't no way ta talk about someone's died sibling! Especially a bitch as inferior as ya." He spat in mourning rage.

It clicked with Hisoka, who Jalin was. How fortunate for him to actually recall such pieces of waste, better thank that lovely woman with angelic wings. A dangerous expression crept onto his face. "Oh~ What a great turn of events~ so interesting~" He whispered to himself. The male hunter caught Senka's wings beginning to form, meaning she was losing control on containing her blood lust. Not that it matter to either of them because it's more fun.

The woman smirked, a giggle erupted from her chest. It was filled with evil and sinister intentions. "You're more of an idiot than I thought Jalin." She said in a sweetly innocent voice, her wings completely formed in an angelic fashion. though she was anything but an angel. Hisoka paused his card trick, body tingled all over, thrilled he won't have to endure the wait any longer. It was time for the show to begin. More childishly wicked giggles came from her, it was over. "Me inferior? And you superior to me?" She sighed in excitement. "Why don't I show you what true superiority looks like." A smile played on her crimson painted lips as her wings stretched out. Black aura originating from her feet started to spread out to cover all the walls, ceiling and floor of the room. The feathers sharpened, a single shake allowed needles to shower down on the henchmen, pinning them wherever they stood, including Jalin.

Hisoka chuckled in amusement as the men all groaned and complained about being unable to move. It was comical, how she manipulated the fact they can't see aura. Brilliantly sinister.

Jalin looked around at his distressed men, body motioned to get up in reflex only to find he too was stuck by some invisible force. "The fuck did you do Senka?" He growled in hopeless anger while struggling to move from his spot.

Senka hummed. "Nothing at all." She played devilishly innocent.

The mafia boss flexed his jaw, anger long taken over. "Don't fuck with me!"

She giggled in amusement, it was so easy to make weak men so flustered. "Relax~ We're just gonna play a game." She sang wickedly, waving a slender digit. "Truth or Dare?" asked the woman ever so sweetly.

"I ain't playing shit!" Jalin shouted in rejection, bad move. Hisoka's adrenaline rushed in ecstasy when Senka vanished from in front of Jalin and before a random henchman on her left, a powerful aura covered hand struck the unfortunate soul in the heart. Now twelve including Jalin remained.

A deathly smile played on her lips, feeling better to have finally get things started. "Oh you'll play because if you don't, one of your men dies." Senka explained with twisted pleasure oozing from her voice, she roughly retracted the hand which impaled a now dead male. The woman stared at the crimson covering her hand in bliss, a moan escaped from her mouth along with a giggle. "Oh how blood gets me going, such a turn on." She seductively purred.

"However, If you play I'll let you all live." Senka stated falsely with a sweetheart smile, making Hisoka snickered to himself. The woman enjoyed making her victims believe they had a chance of survival when really, they were dead the moment she stood at the front door. The magician licked his lips in lusting anticipation.

Hisoka continued to observe as hesitation and fear settled in not just the men but Jalin. Erotic thrill took over the man's body, unable to hold in the pleasurable feeling Senka's murderously alluring display gave him. It was brilliant, how she manipulated the fact they only knew about Nen but obviously couldn't see. The urge kill everyone himself just to have his way with Senka was becoming too unbearable, but he must remain patient. An itchy sensation in his trousers only encouraging his wickedness.

"Dare." Jalin boldly answered without a stutter, earning a snickered from her.

Senka smiled and glanced behind to her male counterpart.

His lips curled into a smile that mirrored hers. "Yes Yes~" Understanding what she indicated, the magician put himself to work. A flick of his wrists and a single playing card appeared between his fingers. Hisoka then sent a single card flying at each line of henchmen. On contact, a gush of blood spilled from all the men's necks as the bodies dropped.

Shock coursed through Jalin as he witnessed this magician solemnly kill eleven of his men at once. Furious eyes turned to the hunter pair, mainly focusing his anger on Senka "Damn it you bitch! Ya said ya wouldn't kill them!"

Her smile grew sinister in nature, unknowingly crushed the remains of Hisoka's tolerance.

"Ah, so simpleminded. The key word was live because none of you were going to. Besides," Senka stated with a mischievous tone, she grabbed him by the throat in rage. "Not only did you take me, you had the balls to take my family... as if I'd let you live now." She ended with a smile.

Hisoka snickered darkly. "Game over." He purred the reality of Jalin's eventual demise.

In a blink of an eye, the woman's aura coated hand impaled through the young mafia boss's neck. Wheezy gasps and coughs were the only sounds coming from Jalin. Blue eyes used their final glares on Senka whom stood inches over him, dark blue locks and a sweetly wicked smile the last things they captured.

A fit of sinister laughter burst from her lips "Finally!" she shouted between laughs, blood-lust long taken her over. "I got my revenge." Senka voiced her accomplishment aloud, hand retreated from a dead Jalin's neck. Unable to control her focus on the wings caused the aura around her to fade, revealing not one blood stain on her hands but everywhere else.

The woman spun on her heel to express the immense satisfaction of reaching her long awaited target to Hisoka to find him directly behind her. His expression written with lust and desire of the days murderous events. Nen spilled from Hisoka, matching hers. Senka, un-phased by the pressure of his aura only enticed the magician all the greater.

"Oh~ Senka~" he moaned in an alluring purr. "You were so~ good~" His muscular arm snaked around her waist, perverted eyes mentally undressing her already. She looked so appetizing with crimson blood splattered all over her.

Senka, drowning in fresh victory and blood lust didn't fight his touch. Instead she allowed herself to be engulf by his overwhelming aura and raised her arms to have fingers reach for soft fuchsia hair. "Shut up and do me hard already~" she seductively rang in his ear, giving permission to indulge.

Hisoka smirked in his own triumph, hand pulled her body against him roughly in a sexual manner. "As you wish my angel~" The magician whispered playfully, the hand on her back took a fist full of long navy locks. Senka let a small moan escape from the violent treatment. "I prefer devil." She pressed her body against his chest, allowing him an amazing view of her busty assets that were nicely accented.

Purposely, the woman rocked her hips tenderly on Hisoka's, making a groan rumble from the man. "hm~ either one would definitely suit you." He licked his bottom lip at Senka's enticing movements, he leaned down to close the space between them.

Hungry lips smashed against hers aggressively, giving the woman just what she asked for. She melted into the harshness of his touch, instantly parted her lips to allow a deeper level of affection. Hisoka felt her body shiver from the sensation of his wicked tongue invading her warm cavern. The woman's reactions to him only encouraged the jester to do more devilish intentions.

A mischievous smirk from Senka caused his to momentarily be distracted long enough for her to take the lead from him. Senka's hands smoothly snaked down from his hair to his chest while she took steps forward, forcing Hisoka to walk backwards until his back slammed against a still aura covered wall.

She wicked giggle broke their heated kiss, both inhaled needed air. Hisoka took in the seductive look she gave him. Anticipation of her tactics aroused the man immensely, a lewd expression played on his features. Senka playfully smirked. "I think~you're wearing one layer too many." A fingernail dragged down the middle of his chest while simultaneously cutting through the fabric. Revealing a toned torso under those jester clothes, she bit her lip in enticement from what she saw.

Hisoka crotch throbbed in excitement, his wickedness mirrored hers. "If that's the case Senka." his voice became slightly husky from arousal. The magician brought a finger to her neck, making her chest tighten. Slowly, his nail very light in its touch traveled down to her chest, he paused to appreciate the creation of v-neck lined clothing with a smirk. "Then perhaps you're in need of relief as well." A card appear between his finger to swiftly slicing through not just the black fabric but the leather waist belt in one motion. Senka sighed in arousal, the cold air sent chills to her now exposed torso. Yellow orbs admired the view, a seductive hum filled her ears. "Such a stunning body you possess my Angel." He complimented, ending in a moan with his last few words. Sly hands found themselves caressing her exotic hips as he pulled the woman's body against his.

Senka allowed the male's cold hands to roam her feverish figure. "Not so bad yourself." She purred in a dangerously sweet tone, her own slender fingers glided enticingly upward to his shoulders. Sneaky digits slipped under his ruined white clothing to peel it back slowly. Eyes locked as her hand curved over his broad shoulders to have the ruined shirt slide down muscular arms and to the floor.

The woman's tease destroyed his patience, finally able to unleash the tension. Retaking the lead, Hisoka maneuvered his limps to roughly slam Senka against the wall as she did with him. A small gasped left her lips but the magician didn't give Senka much time to catch a breath. Strong hands snaked under her thighs to lift the woman, her legs eagerly wrapped around his waist to his enjoyment.

Hisoka grind his hips into Senka's, earning lovely moans. Her arms coiled themselves around his neck in reflex, fingers tangled in fuchsia hair. She couldn't resist, melting into the amount of pleasurable pressure the male hunter was giving her. "Hi...soka..." She moaned in breathless pants, the overly perverted feverish expression that took over her features fueled his lower self.

The man rocked hips against her intensely as he buried himself into her neck. Senka tilted her head to allow the magician more access, which he appreciated. Hisoka kissed where a hickey from last night had marked before giving the spot a few rough nibs. The violent actions caused her body to tremble in delight, only the sounds of her moaning and panting filled his ears.

"I'm not going to let you off easy as I did last night, Senka." Hisoka warned the woman in a whisper, earning another shiver through her body. The heated jester felt the stinging pressure of teeth sinking into his skin, letting a groan escape his lips. A wicked giggle from her invaded the room. "What a coincidence because neither am I, hope you can last long." She boldly taunted Hisoka in a tease, pushing her most womanly parts against his heated one.

He smirked sadistically, who knew that little girl he found five years ago to the day would have become so worthy. So... sensational. The woman had no idea how intoxicated he was by not just her Nen but the raw power she possessed.

Or just her.