Chapter 5: Mine for the Taking

Five Years Ago

It had been one year since Senka had finally awakened her Nen ability through the worse experience she could have possibility imagined. The girl was thankful to have gotten the hunter licence, it allowed her murdering those monsters go unpunished. Well, it really depends on your definition of punishment. After what happened, the amount of rumours was too much for not just Senka to bear but apparently her family also.

She was disowned.

Cast out, exiled from everything and one she knew. Makes since why she doesn't use her last name right? What last name can she use? It's a real issue yet one she can deal with later. The last eighteen years of her young life seemed like nothing but a nightmare now. She felt... free. Able to live however she wanted, where she wanted. It was unreal and hard. Well, if she was an ordinary girl it would have been extremely difficult for her to survive. Luckily, Senka is a gifted hunter with tons of experience. Where did she decide to focus all of that?

Bounty Hunting and fighting. Yes, within the year she had been banned from her home did Senka discover her true calling. The life of a hunter suited the girl so much it scared her. One complaint she'd have is her inability to suppress the ever thirsty blood lust she unlocked that night.

Senka's short temper has become overly deadly since then, killing anyone that annoyed her on sight. Only nineteen and still trying to find herself and her many personas.

The girl walked nonchalantly through the nightlife of a notorious red-light district, though she appeared young, her body had long matured. She dressed her curved figure in a short and tight skirt, a tank top that showcased her cleavage nicely, leather jacket and tall heeled boots that inched pass her knees. Senka had painted her lips and nails in black, eyelids dusted with shadows of black as well.

Yeah she had an emo phase okay, who doesn't?

As She walked through the crowd filled with people wishing to indulge into nightly mischief, random creeps would bombard the young hunter.

"Hey sexy."

"Yo babe you wanna grab a drink?"

"Damn girl, that ass."

Senka groaned in irritation, swearing that the next male to approach her with such grossness would end up regretful. Just then, she felt a strong hand snake around the front of her hips, forcing the girl to stop. She looked to the source, meeting blue eyes and an actual handsome face. A perverted smirk curled the intoxicated stranger. "You look like a bad bitch that's in need of a good fuck." he slurred. "I can help with that."

Hm... Too bad his mouth doesn't match that appearance, a good lesson to remember.

Violet eyes narrowed in disgust on the arm coiled around her hips, it felt gross. A hand slowly took hold of the unwanted limp, a sweetly devilish smile played on her black lips. "Didn't your mother tell you, keep your hands to yourself." Senka said before her invisible demon wing swiped down on his forearm, cutting it clean.

A agonized screech demanded the attention of others in the crowd to see the man howling in pain, his arm lifelessly bled on the ground. The girl responsible long gone down the street, a scowl returned on her features. Men, creatures that had either sex or violence on their minds. A bitter feeling settled within her, heart ached from the still growing pains of her disownment.

Senka pushed her haunting memories aside, she can't allow such emotions while on a job. It gets in the way and causes unwanted mistakes she can't afford. Soon enough, the girl reached the middle of the district. She stopped at the door with a sign over it written 'Deseret Beauties' in purple. A snicker rumbled from her chest, it suited her more than needed.

She causally walked in, a boy five years younger than her in age waited patiently at the side.

"Ah! Senka-san! You're just in time!" He greeted with a smile and shining brown eyes. The girl smiled faintly, this boy was the only male she had trusted since a year ago.

"Hey Tashiro, is everything ready?" Senka asked with a soft voice as they walked together into the club.

He nodded eagerly. "Yes! The costume is in your room. Mama said the target will arrive sometime around twelve." The young boy informed her.

'Damn... it's eleven... great.' She thought with unspoken monotone, her expression blank and annoyed.

Tashiro noticed, he blinked at his friend. "Senka-san... Are you alright?" He asked in concern as he stopped at the staircase to the living quarters where her room was. the girl continued, climbing up the stairs. "Yeah I'm fine." She mumbled.

The boy watched with sadness as her figure disappeared from his sight, knowing she wasn't telling the truth. At the same time, he couldn't pry. Senka had closed off not just herself but her heart. An emotionless sigh filled the air as she entered her room.

Senka looked to see her outfit for the night, a smirked curled her lips. A black corset designed with red silk on the sides and two big hearts on each breast, red lacy garder and stockings. "Mel-san really did a good job to make sure I draw attention to myself huh." The girl said to herself before walking off to take a shower.

Within an hour, she had gotten into costume and was now applying make up. Creating the illusion of flawless skin. She lined her lips with black, filling the rest with red. A pucker helped mix the two colours with ease, she loved how dangerously sexy it looked. Lastly, instead of using eyeshadow the girl painted a red heart around on eye to help fit her theme. Senka took a moment when finished to admire her complexion. Impressed at how the transformation from emo teen hunter to flossy exotic dancer seemed too easy.

"Don't you look like a pretty little psycho." A female voice complimented in monotone.

The girl turned to see Mel leaning against her opened door, a smirk curled black lips. "Thanks for the costume, I feel comfortable wearing it."

"No problem kiddo, I knew it would suit you."

Senka's fingers tensed, she bit her newly painted bottom lip. "Oh I forget to tell you, I have to travel to Heavens Arena next week."

"That's fine but take Tashiro with you this time. That boy wouldn't stop crying when you left before."

The younger female laughed. "I'll probably be the one to train him huh?" She joked, not realizing her clairvoyance was so strong.

Mel stared at Senka in concern, there was something bothering the girl. The past ate away at Senka, in more ways than one. She could never go through a day without reliving events that pained her in any way. It was tragic to watch. She needed to learn how to move on from it, to not care and instead take the lesson.

"Take care of him when the time comes, Senka." the woman said, earning a surprised look from Senka.

Mel's lips curled from a faint smile. "I'm counting on you, make my son a good hunter."

Senka blinked before a confident smirk replaced her depressed expression, she stood up to bow in front the older female. "Thank you, Mel-san. For everything you've done within this past year for me, I appreciate it."

The woman snickered, hair waved as she turned to walk out. "You're target arrived, stage in ten." Mel looked behind to Senka with a smirk and winked. "Knock 'em dead kiddo."

She took a deep breath as she waited for her queue behind the stage. Stomach felt sickly, nervousness kicked in. She couldn't allow that, needing to calm down and which personas. Senka blurred her eyes, slowed her heart beat and steadied rough breathing. She was ready.

"Here's your favourite bad bitch! Straight outta the asylum! Harlot Rose With 'Pretty Little Psycho'!" Introduced the club's DJ who doubled as a hype-man.

Senka took the stage with confidence, her steps seemed to be in sync to the song. When the girl stood in the center was exactly when lyrics began and she started. The young hunter moved her body with the music, lips mouthing certain words of the song. At the chorus is when things picked up, that's where she dropped her best moves. Senka twisted and turned her hips, blowing a kiss or winking every so often. Hands seductively touched her own body, getting into the mood of the song. The sounds of whistling and comments thunder through the music but that didn't phase her.

While half way, Senka could sense a murderous aura radiating from the bar. Chest tightened for reasons unknown to the girl, she could tell the person was incredibly strong. Well, so is she. Pushing the thoughts aside, she continued her mission. Violet seductively eyed a lonely man in the shadows, her target. Senka knew from the smirk and obviously flirtatious winks he was giving her she had him. A dangerously alluring smile played on her painted lips, its her victory. Too easy...

At the bar where the aura originated, a man with red hair and a questionable excited expression sat cross legged. Not that it seemed weird in a club like this, he was just weird in general. Yellow orbs watched as the girl on stage worked not just the crowd but him. Hips dipped and rotated to match the rhythm of a song she obviously knew. The girl definitely mastered how to maneuver her body as every limp and its motions only added to her allure. You'd never guess Senka was nineteen by those seemingly lewd actions as she slowly dropped, opening her legs before she bounced back up. Her seductive moves made the girl irresistibly enticing, the display could have any man on their knees. Maybe even him.

However, what got him reacting so heavily to this performer was more than the teaseful display was those wonderful demon-like wings not anyone can see. The magician dressed man laughed in delight, he found her. The Angel of Death.

"Keep staring and I'll have to start charging you, Hisoka." Taunted a familiar female monotone voice.

Hisoka hummed, not taking his eyes off the girl. "I don't mind, it would be money well spent." He replayed in an alluring voice, the sound of glass landing on the bar counter for him to take. The smell of strong alcohol tickled his nose, hand took the cold glass.

The comment earned a smirk from the woman, she hummed in interest. "You've taken a liking to my cute Senka-chan huh?" The woman spoke the truth, he did.

Her words, finally getting Hisoka's eyes off the stage. A female with light purple hair that flowed in long waves down her back, emerald green eyes and exotic dark skin. Black fabric hugged her body in all the right places, making all the other men grin.

"Oh~ So her name is Senka. How did you manage to get such an angel Mel-san?" He asked, eyes shifted back to the stage only to sadly realize the girl was done. A scowling Hisoka took a sip of the drink given to ease his dismay, it burned the whole way. The magician was completely captivated by his found new toy named Senka.

Mel's red lips smiled sadly "So you know about her Nen eh?". The woman's eyes softened with an indifferent expression. "Picked her off the street around a year ago... So much talent that girl..." She sighed. "But she's a feisty one, has an amazing short temper."

"So I've seen, she made quite a scene outside. Such a bad girl you have Mel-san." Hisoka purred in delightful entertainment, watching as Senka gracefully stepped down from the stage to be swarmed by lust driven men. "I'd love to see her in action." A pur vibrated into the glass before taking another sip of the fire water.

Mel snickered at his double meaning. "You might get lucky, she'll fight anyone who even touches her these days." The woman indirectly sounded like a mother complaining about the girls rebellious stage.

By the stage, Senka could feel her body burn from all the eyes on her. She was never one for attention but it felt... nice. Even if it wasn't the good kind. Men interested in her from that performance approached the girl in heated desire. It was annoying her, hearing the same disgusting lines she's had said to her countless times.

Senka smiled devilishly at yet another male trying to get her into the private room. "Sorry Darling~ but I'm not doing private shows today." She alluringly in rejection, her nail trailed down the man's buttoned shirt, a playful smirk curled painted lips. "Maybe some other time when I'm available." The girl trying her best to keep the balance between her personas but it tough acting like something your not. Senka needed to attract her target, she did everything, laid out the bait and now it was just a matter of-

A husky voice cut her thoughts. "That's too bad especially when I got a mill with your name on it."

Senka's hand reached under her blue locks before giving them a confident flip. "One million?" She laughed in fake amazement. "You're crazy to think so little can buy me." The girl smartly taunted, knowing it only thrill the wanted man more.

He boldly snaked a hand on her lower back, threatening to travel much lower. "You'll be begging for more." A cocky grin ruined the targets handsome features.

'more like you'll be the one begging' she thought wickedly. A devilish smirk curled her lips, eyes giving the target a fake lustful expression. "Big talk, hope that's not the only big thing about you." Senka whispered seductively.

The man chuckled thinking he was going to get lucky. "Oh I'll show you big alright." He slurred, giving her behind a hard pinch.

The young hunter gasped at the slight pain, cursing her low tolerance for it. She smiled sweetly, batting her eyelashes. "Just... Give me a second, we have a very special room." voice overflowing with suggestive lewd intentions.

She strutted over to where Mel was, expression showing the amount of confidence the girl had. Senka felt her achievement was near, she was so close. However... this game of attraction and seduction was becoming dull. It was too easy that she felt slightly bored. Hisoka observed the lack of interest when the girl unmasked her persona for a moment before posing as a typical customer.

Senka knew it was him, the person whose murderous aura she felt on stage. Violet eyes landed skeptically on the oddly dressed patron at the same time, admired the obviously toned body. She'll give him that. The girl stopped her wandering eyes and turned to the dark skinned woman. "Hey Mel-chan!" Sang the girl as she leaned against the bar, a sweet smile on black lips.

Hisoka attempted to play dumb, a smile on his lips as he pretended to enjoy the drink in hand. The magician couldn't resist and sneaked a glance of Senka from the side. He noted how her busty chest seemed to rest on the marble counter perfectly, in fact her current appearance made the girl seem perfect. The costume squeezed her curves, accenting them all the more in an enchanting way. He wondered for a moment what she'd look like out of it. A throb coursed through him when a glimpse of black demon wings gleamed for a moment, teeth bit down on glass. Senka was definitely a potential toy for his use, it was just getting his hands on her first.

Mel hummed. "What is it?" The woman asked.

"I need the key to paradise." She said mischievously, coding her words for only Mel to understand. Senka's tone no longer trying to hide her wickedness, unknown that it encouraged the man drinking next to her to act out his own desires that itched.

A low chuckle escaped his lips, caused attention from the girl. She glared at him from the corner of her eye, sensing something off about the man beside her.

Mel cleared her throat to demand Senka's attention from the dangerous male. A hand reaching out with a gold key, its head shaped as a heart. "Don't have too much fun Senka-chan you hear? Time and place." Mel indirectly reminded in hidden hopes to not have her and Hisoka somehow form relations.

It was already too late.

Senka's rolled her eyes childish annoyance. "You sound like my mother." she bitterly jokes while taking the key. "I'll be done in ten maybe fifteen."

The woman clicked her tongue. "Remember what I said young lady and dont-"

"Ever fall for the bad boys. I know! I know! Gotta run." Senka cut off Mel to finish the infamous quote of her caretaker, exaggerated in a highly girly voice. The girl strutted off, her arms tangled themselves around her targets' one.

The woman groaned silently to herself, gentle hand rubbed her aching forehead. "See what I mean."

A mischievous smirk crept on his lips. "You know Mel-san, there is a certain activity to fix that." Hisoka hinted wickedly at a way to straighten out Senka's attitude, his strong chin rested in his palm.

Mel's big browns widened, a whistle sang from her lips. "Wow I didn't think you could get it up for anything but fighting. Bravo!" she clapped in a joke in monotone.

Hisoka's expression turned worrisome by the woman's perception of him. "Hey... I am a man too you know..." he scowled, sweat drop on his forehead.

"Huh? Could have fooled me." the woman peaked over the bar counter, checking to see he was telling the truth while continued teasing the dangerous man.

He looked away in unspoken embarrassment, feeling slightly uneasy as he snapped his head back to devour the remaining fire liquid. Usually the man would effortlessly forget all about someone but her Nen wings wouldn't leave him be. For the past year, Hisoka found the image of how those lovely black angelic wings sliced through flesh with ease become what he desired when killing another. The magician felt a sensational tingle course from his neck to lower regions.

He wanted those wings badly but patience is key. She wasn't ready, not yet.

The dark skinned woman blinked at his actions. "Hey that's not the way you should drink whisky." she lectured in monotone, grabbing the now empty glass.

Hisoka hummed at her words. "Then how should it be?"

She nonchalantly cleaned his glass with a rag. "You sip it slowly, to savor the taste."

The magician found her words comically filled with irony, perfectly describing how he wished to gain Senka. A small laugh passed through his lips as he made motions to leave. "Is that so? I'll have to keep that in mind." he said with an alluring voice, walking away.

Mel could only watch as he headed in the direction Senka and her target were. She mentally cursed herself for not being about to protect Senka much longer from people like Hisoka. The woman knew that was naive of her to do, Senka was meant to attract them. People of evil and wicked intentions. People of power and influence. People that mirrored herself. Senka wasn't good, she was evil. An evil that is tamed by the goodness in her heart, or what remains of it.

Senka had gotten her target right where she wanted him. The girl took them to a sound proof room that was exclusively used for hunter type uses. A leather couch was in the room, having it seem harmless. The male target sat while Senka seductively straddled him, her body further seduced him as she grind against him in a sexual manner. Hating every second of it, the girl had to resist a little longer. She reluctantly allowed the target's hands to grab her waist, his lower self rubbed against her hard. Senka groaned in annoyance instead of pleasure, her reaction gone noticed.

"Something wrong babe?" He asked impatiently.

"Well," She sang in a cute voice, trying to play it off. It was time. "I have a little problem." her voice seemingly hypnotized the man, not noticing the sparkle from her knife. Senka shifted her hips purposely against his lap, making sure to have his undivided attention.

A lustful groan came from the target. "Yeah? Maybe I can help."

She giggled wickedly. "You see, the truth is...I can't seem to get turned on if... I don't see you bleeding out."

A look of confusion flashed in the unfortunate man's features as he felt a sharply painful stab from his chest. "W-wha?" he looked down with blurred vision to see a knife planted deep into him, causing the pain. He looked to Senka, whose bloodlust was written all over her face. A sinister smile replaced the cutely fake one. "Thanks for the help, it's much appreciated." The girl purred in thrilling excitement as she violently twisted the impaled knife.

Her targets's body now lifeless, a psychotic giggle of thrill and enjoyable let her grim coloured lips. A hidden Hisoka's eyes threatened to roll back as the girl painted herself with blood from her fingers in an alluring manner. The two unknowingly moaned to themselves in unison, each loving every moment.

Senka's became more recklessly careless as aura leaked out from her overwhelming blood-lust. Unable to control himself any longer, he opened the door to see the full extent of the girl's actions. A dead man that was her target sat lifelessly on the couch with an enchanted Senka still on the corpse. Both seemed aroused from their own means. Hisoka took a step inside the room with smirk. "Hm~ So this is paradise? How intriguing." spoke a strangely alluring male voice.

Senka looked to see the strong aura magician man from the bar standing before her blood bath. The amount of blood-lust in the room was powerful enough to scare off probably every weakling within a 50 mile radius, at least. Hisoka had to admit this girl could rival him, the scene was absolutely amazing. It was like a live image of a succubus that had hunted and was now devouring her prey. He loved it. Blissful adrenaline coursed through his body, igniting his own lustful bodily reaction.

"You... That clown from that night... and with Mel-san." she said, recognizing Hisoka from his bizarre appearance. "What do you want?" Senka asked straight, taking her eyes off the intruder to seductively link a droplet of blood from her waist. The magician moaned in a hum, closing the door behind him. The click twitched Senka's hear, she paused her actions, absent to the fact she was still straddling a dead man

Senka sighed calmly, rage crept in her from being disturbed by this stranger she had seen in a year. "I'll ask once more ... What do you want?"

Leaning against the door, a hand covered his face."What I want?" he started in a low voice before a dark chuckle turned into sinister laughter. The girl's body tingled in alert, something was wrong with this guy. Hisoka's own rageful blood-lust stormed the concealed room. Setting her body on fire with sensation she's never felt before, her heart raced in pure excitement.

In a blink of an eye, Senka was violently pulled by her neck and slammed against the wall on the opposite side. The girl gasped loudly, having the wind knocked out of her. The magician curled a hand in a rough manner around the young hunter's neck, an wicked smirk played on his lips. Even with blurred vision, the image of Hisoka's murderous expression caused every hair on her body to stand. Senka, in an effort to free herself grabbed hold of Hisoka's strong wrist, breath rusty. About to do a counter attack, she inched her leg up in hopes to kick the dangerous man off her. It was in vain as the man placed a steady knee between her shaky legs.

"Ah uh ah~ I can't have any of that my Angel~" he said. "Now to answer your question, I want to fight you, very badly." Hisoka finally revealed to the girl, a glorious tremble turned him on all the more when Senka's eyes widened with rage. It impressed him, now she tried her best to hide her fear but to only have her body betray that.

Hisoka laughed in amusement. "But that can wait a while longer, you seem to still need some... maturing." he said, alluring voice hinting at something much worse than a fight. His large hand released Senka's neck, she coughed, inhaling needed air.

The girl rubbed her neck, knowing it'll bruise in the morning. "W-what are you getting at?" she dared to ask, only sealing her tragic fate.

The man snickered devilishly. "Oh don't play dumb now, you know very well what I mean."

Senka knew better, this man was dangerous, too dangerous. Her whole body screamed in an urge to run, yet something else said to fight. She could take him on and win. Right? No, maybe it was her ego talking. Black lips parted, eyes glowing with fury. "I'd rather fight you than do that."

He moaned alluring. "Oh I like that look you're giving me, my Angel." A hand drifted downward along the curves of her body, tracing each inch of her with care.

The girl slammed his hand from her, she glared at him with undying hatred. "I'm not yours. I don't belong to anyone." she growled, disliking the idea of a man chaining her to him. Not happening this time around. Not again. Calmed, she quickly formulated a plan to escape the room.

Hisoka licked his devilish lips, Mel was right about her being feisty. "That makes two of us."

Senka's chest tightened, violet eyes remained firmly in his yellow ones. She knew the moment her eyes only shifted away from him, he's be onto her. The girl swiftly brought both hands between them to place them on his chest. With a strong push, Senka forced Hisoka across the small room near the dead body.

The magician smirked wickedly, a playing card appeared between his fingers with a snap of his wrist. "Although it's a pity, I can't have you running off now." voice filled with cruel intentions.

A breath paused in her throat, instantly she began to use Ken but Hisoka was moments faster than her. As he appeared in front of the girl again, a hand swiped down the middle of Senka's corset. She gasped when the fabric dropped to the floor, exposing her naked body to him. In reflex, she wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to cover what she could.

Fear was now in the driver seat, Senka didn't know what else to do. Where to go. How ever else to fight this strange man back. She realized the reality of it, again the worst situation was about to happen. This time, nothing can save her.

Seeing her frightened expression and a nicely proportioned body only added to his arousal. "I did plan on being gentle with you." A pale hand reached out, gently grabbing hold of blue hair. Strands interwined with his fingers. Senka's purple eyes watched him with deathly anticipation, her breath hitching.

"But..." yellow eyes darted to meet hers, earning a gasp from the girl. The evil magician tugged hard on her locks, forcing Senka to step from the wall and against his hard body. Hisoka released her hair to roughly take hold of Senka's shoulders, giving her a violent spun. His hand drowned in navy blue locks, keeping strong pressure on her head to make sure she didn't get another chance of escaping. "I am not in the mood to spear you like I did the last time."

Senka's body trembled with extreme terror, this was really happening. She felt his cold hands on her body, they roamed around selfishly. The young hunter parted her lips to protest but no words came out. The shock took over, it pained immensely. Her whole body drowned in a mixture of a discomfort and pleasure. Senka didn't know which to believe. Yes, this didn't how she wanted to lose such a treasured piece of her. At the same time, what he was giving her and making her feel... It left the girl with a confusion heart. Tears began to fall, music mixed itself with her own sounds.

When the ordeal was finally over, the room only filled with panting. Unable to stand, her trembling legs gave away. Senka slowly dropped to the floor, soaked in despair.

Hisoka fixed his clothes, yellow eyes looked down to the girl. She hadn't moved an inch. Skeptical, he crouched down to her level. "Senk-"

In a fit of rage, Senka roughly pushed the man down to the ground and straddled his waist. Slender fingers violently curled into a strong fist, nails dug deep into skin. She reeled her arm back to punch the floor, inches from Hisoka's head. The floor crumbled, unable to withstand her aura filled hit. He was surprised she still had so much energy and strength.

"Give it back you asshole! I'll kill you! I swear to God on my grandpa I will!" she shouted with rivers of tears streaming down her cheeks, ruining her makeup. Purple eyes blazing with fury at him for taking what she treasured the most. Senka had no idea she felt something, no idea she still had a heart. Until he stole it, this monster.

Hisoka couldn't fight his psychopathic urges, realizing he had deflowered the girl, no, the woman. Expression filled with pure ecstasy from this, her anger towards him fueled the dangerously lewd intentions that were conjured in his mind. His cold fingers found swiftly snaked violently into her hair to grab a handful, tugging the girl inches from his face.

"I pray that you do, my Angel." Lips smashed into a harsh and unwanted kiss on Senka's part. Her hands pushed against Hisoka in an effort to pull away but his hold on her proved to strong. Small hits from her fits died as she gave in.

It should have been enough to break her, destroy her but no. That wasn't the case because it just made her all the more stronger. Glorious anxiety rushed through Hisoka, finally, he found it. A toy that couldn't be broken.