Chapter 6: Deathly Ultimatum

Senka and Hisoka were currently making their way to Mel, Tashiro had taken Tessila there until the mascare was finished. The woman wasn't surprised Tashiro took her cousin there, it was probably the safest place. By the time the pair had gotten their built up lust banged out, the sky was dark and the night took over. Allowing for the street to become lively with the red-light nightlife.

As the two walked side by side, the woman looked through her phone. She felt embarrassed to yet again indulge in her desires because she couldn't resist. Not knowing whether it was due to seeing blood or Hisoka. It confused Senka, the two reasons were now tied. Maybe she doesn't have such a good restrain on her blood lust as once thought.

A sigh left her faded red lips. "Damn, five missed calls and six unread messages from Tashiro." she mumbled aloud.

The magician beside her snickered. "What a terrible guardian you are to completely forget about your obligations."

"I do not want to hear that from you of all people." she retorted while tucking her phone into a pocket.

Hisoka glanced at the box Senka was carrying that held Jalin's head. "There's no need to feel shame in getting carried away while doing something enjoyable."

She scowled stubbornly to force herself not to blush. "Whatever, let's just hurry up and get to Mel's place."

The jester's expression turned skeptical with a scowl, knowing what kind of place Mel had owned. "That's where your little student took her? How bold." he commented, finding it comical how the boy would take Senka's cousin to an exotic dancers establishment.

"If your target bolted would you think of looking in a strip club?" she bluntly said, putting the small argument to an end.

He snickered at the thought. "Point taken." He'll admit, for ordinary people it wasn't be so obvious. Unless you have relations with an ex-dancer who happened to live with the club owner.

Hisoka's eyes wandered on his female partner, not helping but notice a faint glow surrounding her. It wasn't any kind of aura but an aftereffect from their earlier interaction. He happened to spot a red mark on her collarbone, a sense of possessiveness crept in the magician. Taking pride in the fact such a woman was his, even if it went unspoken.

Senka noticed how the man beside her was smiling a little more than usual. "What are you grinning about?" she asked dangerously.

He chuckled. "Are you sure you want to know? It may scare you." Hisoka teased her, fully predicting a flustered reaction from the woman.

Now she was curious, the female hunter snickered. "I highly doubt that."

Hisoka hummed at her. "Well if you really want to know, I was admiring the hickey I left on your neck."

Violet eyes widened. "Fuck!" she shouted in dismay. An embarrassed expression made her complexion turn into a feverish colour. She frantically fixed her blue hair in hopes to conceal the mark, the scene made him laugh in amusement. Senka glared at the man, annoyed at his sadistic manner. A pout on her lips called for his attention.

"Now now, it's nothing to get so upset for. You should feel endeared." he said with allure in tone.

She softened her eyes, looking away from Hisoka. Her hand tightened around the metal handle. "It's not that."

He hummed, surprised of her indirect acceptance of his words."Then?" Yellow orbs rested on the woman to see her expression turn grimly anxious.

"Mel is going to haunt us non-stop." she nervously said.

Hisoka's features mirrored hers. "Oh, this is a problem." A sweat drop appeared on his forehead as he understood how the club owner loves to taunt not just her, but him as well about their relationship. The two grimaced in their unavoidable fate to Mel's torment.

Senka groaned, a neon purple lit sign telling her they reached the undesired destination. She felt reluctant to enter and so did Hisoka after realizing his own miscalculation. The woman took a deep breath as she looked at the sign. "Let's just get it over with."

"Agreed." the male sided with her, following suit as she pulled the door open to set foot inside the building.

The girl hissed as she felt a sharp pain near her inner thigh, showing signs the man did a number on her. In cliché, Senka's foot tripped on red carpet. A strong arm was in front of Senka's body in seconds of her to catch the woman before she was even close to falling. Her hand placed itself on his muscular one in reflex, she stabled her foot. Violet eyes blinked in disbelief at what happened, meeting a mischievous face.

"Oh my, seems I was a little too rough with you earlier." he teased wickedly in a low voice, a blushing face of embarrassment his prize.

Senka could only avert from his haunting golden eyes. "S-Shut up! You're being too clingy!" she poorly attempted to push him away.

"But you like that, am I right?" The magician said, tickling her ear. She hated it when he did that, say what the girl actually felt.

She huffed, peeling his arm from her body. "Keep thinking that." Senka said stubbornly as she continued walking into the building. Earning an entertained chuckle from the male, he liked how she hardly ever admitted to enjoy certain things.

The two hunters entered through purple silk curtains that were tied to allow passage, luckily the club was closed. Not much happened on Mondays, so it severed as a great day off from a hard worked weekend. It was one of the best clubs in the city, clean and updated. The booths were designed with black cushions and a glass table that lit light purple from a hidden light in the floors. Bar remained organized and pristine in cleanliness with a staircase display of the available alcohol. There, Mel stood as she always does in a signature black thin strapped dress. She was always one for simple. With her on the opposite side of the counter sat Tashiro and a young girl.

"We're back!" Senka shouted to gain the attention of the three bodies.

"Yo." greeted the magician with a playful voice.

Hisoka's eyes scanned the unknown female, she looked to be around her twenties, jet black hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. Dressed in a simple shirt and jeans that accented her curved back and thin waist. The man knew this girl and Senka were truly related by their skin, only the younger female was slightly darker in complexion and made Senka seem paler than believed.

The girl, known by name as Tessila, turned her head to have big sparkling brown eyes land on the two hunters. He saw Tessila's worried expression be replaced by relief the instant she sighted Senka.

"Senka! You're safe, Thank god!" the young cousin said, arms wrapped around the older one tenderly, burying her head into Senka's neck. The hunter smiled, she hugged back tenderly with her free arm. Hisoka observed with a smile as his partner and Tessila reunited without distraction.

"I'm glad we got there in time before anything happened." Senka's chest tightened, hoping nothing was inflicted on the girl. "Did they try... to?" she asked with a careful voice, fearing the answer.

Tessila shook her head against the woman's neck, Senka sighed thankfully. She gently planted a loving kiss on her cousin's head, not knowing how she would have forgiven herself if those lowlifes had done anything to take away Tessila's innocence. Senka didn't mind if she replaced Tessila in order to protect her, it's what the hunter was meant for. It's what she once lived for. Maybe she still does. I doubt it.

Senka's audience watched in awe her exchange with Tessila. For as long as any of the three individuals had known the blue haired girl for, she never once mentioned anything about her family. Nothing. It made them believe that maybe they perished tragically and its the reason why Senka never brings up family. She hadn't explained the murders or the disownment. Not a word of her being exiled and partically thrown out of her home with nothing but a single bag. Meeting Tesslia made them realize how little was known about Senka's background.

Tessila pulled back from her embrace, to reveal tears threatening to stream down her cheeks. Senka's heart ached, something else was wrong. She needed an explanation to how and why her cousin ended up where she did.

The female hunter whipped Tessila's tears with a thump. "Go wash your face and calm down first. We'll talk after." ordered Senka in a gentle voice, Tessila nodded before running off.

Hisoka noticed the worried expression on Tashiro's face, the boy's brown eyes followed a crying Tessila. The urge to run after the rescued girl surfaced in him but so did hesitation. The male hunter snickered at the entertainment of youth which quickly faded as Mel stared at them with emotionlessly skeptical eyes. "Coming back so late, must have been a damn good lay huh." she commented with no filter in monotone.

Senka and Hisoka exchanged grimace looks, both had expressions as if they were teenagers being caught doing something naughty by a parent. It was an embarrassing and discomforting experience that neither wished to go through again. Hisoka mentally noted to not leave marks on Senka if they ever planned on returning to Mel's club.

The blue haired female groaned in annoyance, slender fingers rubbed her head. "I'm already twenty four Mel-san!An adult!" The magician followed her and they both took seats at the bar, Senka lifted the box in hand to rest it on the counter.

Mel tsked in slight irritation. "An adult knows not to put box carrying a damn decapitated head on a bar top!" scolded the woman in a motherly manner as she simultaneously removed the said box to a cooler used specifically for Senka's bounty heads.

Violet eyes rolled, Hisoka chuckled at the parent-child exchange.

"Nice work with that hickey too, it's as clear as day." Commented Mel aloud in front of her son, causing him to blush. "Reminds me of the day you popped her cherry."

With guilty and bashful looks, the two stared in opposite directions of the other. Neither opened their mouths to amuse the teasing woman by voicing a comeback. They both took equal part of the humiliation and unspoken acceptance of what transpired.

Tashiro's eyes never left the two hunters, memory still firmly recalling their meeting before the mass murder.

"Hisoka." Mel called for the magician's attention, earning yellow orbs on her. "My only son, Tashiro." she shortly introduced with a nod, voice blank without emotion.

The two man acknowledged one another in a stare, Hisoka slightly realized the boy from earlier. "Yes, We met at back at the mafia house." he stated with disinterest.

"I didn't know you had such a grown child, Mel." he added, elbows rested on the cool bar top as his paled fingers intertwined with red hair. The magician's features lightened with interest. "Perhaps now you could join us the next time." he offered in with allure.

Tashiro chuckled at the older male's words, he smiled. "Mama hasn't been on a mission since she had me." the boy informed while pointing a finger at himself.

Violet eyes blinked, the fact of Mel being a hunter had escaped her mind for a long time. She realized that within the past five years she knew Mel as a hunter, she'd never seen the dark skinned woman do anything in the field. "Yeah Mel, why is that?" she asked in pure curiosity.

Mel shrugged. "I'm a lover, not a fighter." she stated in monotone, face expressionless. She slid alcoholic drinks to only Senka and Hisoka.

They all stared at the woman with the same dumbfounded look.

"Yeah, should've saw that coming." Senka murmured their collective thoughts.

Luckily for them, Tessila came wandering back with red eyes to save them from the awkward atmosphere. The older cousin turned to the girl. "Calmed down now?" asked Senka with a stern voice she used for lecturing others.

"Yes." spoke a frailly soft voice, Tessila glanced at the magician sitting beside her family member as she took the seat between Senka and Tashiro.

Understanding what brown eyes were staring at, a sigh escaped the red lips. "Tessila... This is Hisoka, we work together." she hesitantly introduced the dangerous male to the younger one.

Hisoka smirked, finding her actions interesting. "Work together hm?" he mumbled to himself before taking a decent gulp of the drink.

"Oh shut up." Senka grumbled back, taking hold on her own beverage.

Tessila blinked, eyes darted between the two hunters. "Are you Senka's boyfriend?" she asked daring straight forward.

"No!" Senka rejected while Hisoka answered. "Yes." both said their words in unison, causing the two to look at the other. The woman scowled in a huff and the man only smiled at her.

He sighed with an alluring voice. "Still being dishonest are we?" Senka stuck her tongue out as her answer, Hisoka resisted the urge to pull the woman to violently silence her voice with his lips but decided to save it for later. He'll let her off this time.

The blue haired girl took a gulp of her drink with a huff. "Now Tessila, why don't you explain how you ended up at that bastards' hand." Senka demanded in a stern voice. Causing the younger girl to swallow in nervousness at being put on the spot. The other three waiting patiently for her to begin.

Tessila's finger trembled slightly, she looked down at her blue jeans. "They sold me, the family sold me to Jalin for three million."

Senka's heart dropped at hearing her worst thoughts being confirmed. Violet eyes burned with anger, her jaw flexed to conceal an outbrust. "What about the others?" she asked in reluctance.

The younger cousin bit her lips, trying to hold back more tears. "It's... It's terrible Senka..." the girl choked out in a sob, while all the others could do is listen to the family turmoil that Senka had been blind of.

"The five of us were forced to stay in different sections of the house. Mom and Aunt Nellia tried to seek us out but they were caught by Ivya."

Senka groaned at hearing her cousin's name, they had bad blood since birth for political reasons.

"Aunt Nova sent all of us to the fifth floor... then as punishment to make sure Mom or anyone else didn't think of doing the same thing, they sold me to the a Mafia family."

Senka's killing aura burst out, unable to control her rage any longer. "Bitch... Sending my mother to the fifth floor huh? They've gotten bold." she spat out as if the words were venom. Hisoka hummed in delight to himself at her anger being so strong, slightly curious to who could make the woman so enrage just from hearing their name.

"What exactly is this fifth floor?" asked Toshiro innocently, not picking up the subtle hints of its meaning.

The magician swirled dark liquid with dangerous fingers. "It sounds like some sort of torture or punishment chamber." he stated aloud, awaiting for the female hunter to confirm his answer.

"Pretty much." bitterly responded Senka in a dry tone. "It's the last floor of the main house, they get away with anything that dehumaized a person."

Tessila couldn't help but tremble in fear from the unseen aura. She tried to gulp down the bothersome lump. "T-That's why you need to come home with me! Please Senka, come back with me. Mom and the others captive need you! You're a hunter!" Tessila begged with watery eyes, the others all remained solemn to allow the blue haired woman decide on her own accord.

Vengeful feelings surfaced within the older cousin once again as memories of the past ate her insides. She crossed her arms, expression cold. "No."

Tessila's eyes widened in disbelief of her saviors rejection to her plead. "But why? You're family Senka! We need your help badly!" the girl shouted in dismay.

"Yeah Senka! You can't just abandon your family!" Tashiro added in a passionate shout.

The blue haired woman giggled evilly, making Hisoka smile unknown to her. "That's fucking golden, me abandoning them? It's more like the opposite." she began to explain, an arm unfolded to take hold of the cold glass. Violet eyes narrowed at the drink before her, it was already starting to become diluted from ice melting. "I was the one who was disowned and banished from the family at eighteen." she finally revealed. "You were all still innocent children then."

Hisoka noticed the girl was obviously told different about what happened to Senka from the confusion in her eyes.

Tessila was completely taken aback, a lump in her throat bothered her again. "N-No... That's a lie! They said you left the house because you weren't capable of protecting us! And there you went away to be with a man!"

Senka snickered bitterly. "Of course they would tell you that Tessila, it was to cover up the real reason." she explained. "Fucking bitch." The woman mumbled to herself before taking a sip of watered down alcohol.

"It makes sense once you think about it." interjected Mel in analyze to a confused Tessila, brown eyes rested on the dark skinned club owner.

"Senka... what did they want to hide from us?" her cousin dared to ask.

Hisoka's eyes observed an expression from his female counterpart that he hadn't seen before, it didn't suit her. That pained expression of anguish, only broken toys have that and she definitely was a far cry to be labelled broken.

Faint red lips parted, a slender finger rubbed against the wet glass. "Everything was in place for me, I passed the hunter exam and was sent off to train my ablilties for years. Grandpa even had a fiancée lined for me to marry in order to strengthen political power and relations with other families. Due to my own weakness, a few months after I turned eighteen and declared to become The Protector, this group of boys I knew before I left kidnapped and attempted to rape me." She paused to take another sip to allow her cousin a moment before continuing her story. "But I killed each one of them before they had the chance and finally awakened my true power." She bit her lip. 'and it's when I first met Hisoka...' mentally added Senka before going on. "Word that the Sunalin family possessed a hunter that murdered five boys of her age didn't sit well with certain people in and connected to our family." The woman smirked with a wounded expression. "Weakling idiots."

Hisoka snickered, finding her words amusing. "My thoughts exactly." he interjected a comment smoothly.

She glanced at him with a faint smirk before going on. "The entire family held a meeting with Nova leading the whole event the next day. She's the main reason I was disowned and banished. Apparently none of the four had enough authority and influence to gain the vote in my favour. Nova used how uncontrollable I was as a reason to cause liabiliy. It honestly still pisses me off." Senka ended with fury sparking her violet eyes.

Tashiro and Tessila's expressions mirrored one another, not expecting such a tragic experience from Senka whom both looked up to greatly. Mel's features tightened, feeling repulsed at the story before Senka's presence invaded her life. Realizing why, not just as a girl but even now she never wanted to talk about her past. Why it constantly took pieces of her, kept the woman from reaching her full potential. The Magician on the other hand, didn't care for it. Since he was content with the current Senka, she had grown wonderfully since that night exactly five years ago.

Hisoka's own excitement flared from the fire burning in Senka's eyes, the rage from her old scars began to rise in her. His body tingled at the sensation, loving her murderous expression. The jester parted wicked lips in an alluring hum. "How delightful."

Mel sighed. "I think that's more than enough drama for today." she stated, acting on her proper role as a mother figure. "Tessila, I have a spare room upstairs your more than welcome to use until something comes up."

Brown eyes softened with gratefulness. "Thank you Miss. Mel."

"Mel is fine." she turned to her son. "Dummie go show the girl to her room." her monotone voice thundered through whatever he was thinking.

A silly smile curled his lips as he frantically got off the chair. "Oh! Yeah right." He held out a hand to Tessila, a faint blush brightened her cheeks. "Let's go, Tessila."

She blinked carefully at his hand before nodding, taking his gentle hand with her own. The three adults watched the two younger ones make their way to the second floor.

"Youth eh?" Commented the boys mother as she began to clean the last glass that belonged to Senka.

"So envious." added Hisoka.

Senka snickered as she removed herself from the high bar chair. "You would be old timer." She was glad for Mel, unsure if she'd be able to hold herself back from explaining the family's real dark secret. Her secret. Her failure. Her sin.

The magician stared at the blue haired woman with a scowl. "I'm still quite young." he rebuttled her claim as he seemed to follow her steps.

She rolled her eyes, not wasting time on a comeback to his words. "Night Mel, don't stay up too late." called her foster child.

Mel snickered. "I could say the same to you."

She sighed heavily. "Damn the day went by so fast." Senka stretched while walking into her old room, amazed at how well kept it was after the years she moved out. A warm smile crept on her lips, mentally thanking Mel.

"Oh, nice room." Hisoka observed, walking in casually.

Senka glared at the magician. "Don't tell me you're planning on staying in here too?" she suspected aloud while unbuckling her waist belt.

His eyes closed for a momentary smile. "Yes! I want to spend every possible moment with you today." stated an enthusiastic voice.

She was taken aback but at the same time not completely surprised. A blush found its way on her cheeks, she turned away from him "You're so cunning." Hisoka was mused by her constant persona shift, smile widened into a smirk.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smirked.

The woman huffed, finding it useless to start another arugement with him. It's always one sided unless they're indulging in some kind of twisted desire. Not that she, you know, didn't enjoy it. Who wouldn't? The after affect of is what throbbed inside her, a constant tormenting reality of how breakable and fickle their relationship was.

Senka felt the bitter feelings creep insider her, an urge that had bombarded her in the last two years. She quickly pushed it back. "Whatever. I'm going to take a nice hot bath." her voice rang in joy to finally be able to relax.

Hisoka hummed wickedly. "That's a good idea." The woman's breath paused in her throat upon the electric sensation of cold hands slipping under her shirt from behind.

"Why don't I join you?" He whispered seductively into her ear, the breeze of his hot breath was enough to cause a shiver to flow through Senka.

She bit her bottom lip, body still sensitive from earlier. A faint lingering of the jester's touch only increased the heat within her body. Could she live without this man? If he ever disappeared or worse, would she be able to go on? This was bad. Really bad. Senka was falling deeper and deeper into his palm. She felt a chill as his fingers enclosed around her waist.

"I've been meaning to ask Senka."

"What is it now?"

"Have you gained weight?" he didn't stutter, fingers lightly squeezed the arena in which the woman was self-conscious about.

Senka swore a vein popped in her forehead, the girl pulled her elbow forward to give the idiot magician a strong hit in the ribs. The force caused him to fly backwards, luckily for him the bed had slightly cushioned the impacted.

He didn't have much time before an angry blue haired woman climbed on top of him to give the man another strong punch. Hisoka couldn't help but let a chilling laugh out, it had been very long since Senka had ever landed a good hit on him. The last time, was a year ago when he left her for dead.

"Would you like to die now or later?" she asked through her teeth.

He hummed, actually contemplating his answer. "Now would be fine, since we are in bed." Hisoka answered sneakily with allurement, hands grabbing hold of blue locks.

Their eyes invaded each others, she could tell he was hinting for more. However for some reason, his comment turned the woman off. Was it from what Tessila said? Bothered by the fact she's off doing lewd things with this man while her mother remains in danger. The though alone was enough to discourage her to not feel in the mood. She glared at the magician, a huff broke their silence.

"Screw that, I'm taking my bath." Senka announced with a tired voice as her hair slid out his grasp. she walked away into her own private bathroom, It had been a very, very long day. A hot bath sounded like the right medicine to calm not just her nerves but aching body.

Hisoka sat up, resting on arm on either knee. He stared at the opened bathroom door as the sound of running water was heard. The hunter wonder if she was bothered by what her cousin had informed them. The image of a wounded Senka along with a vengeful one flashed through his own thoughts. Did the woman want to rescue her family? Would he assist her? Perhaps if she asked. Or he might just invited himself along. Hisoka felt the need to have Senka close to him. Was it from being away from the woman for almost a year? He thought she exaggerated when accusing him of not contacting her. However when he did it was short and long periods of waiting. She could have initiate contact just as simply as he could have. Sometimes, having lengthy time apart makes their moments together all the more enjoyable.

Eyes closed, Senka's lips exhaled in relief as her body soaked in the burning hot water. It felt sensational on her aching skin and muscles, almost orgasmic, almost. For a second, she was able to forget her newfound worries. The thought made her snicker, what a day its been.

An alluring hum echoed through the silence, she opened an eye to see a fully nude Hisoka leaning against the opened door. Senka instantly averted her violet eyes, his nakedness caught her off guard.

"Started without me I see." he noted aloud, stepping inside before closing the door.

She snickered, bringing knees to her chest. "Says the naked pervert." Senka retorted as the magician got into the decent sized tube with the woman, taking his place behind her.

A sigh, that turned into a slight moan, left his lips as the hot water gave him the same feeling as her. Golden orbs rested on Senka's wet back, drenched hair bunched to one side. The female hunter was too engulfed with her own thoughts to notice Hisoka reaching for the shampoo. Only when large hands began to gently rub her head did she realize what the jester was up to. The woman peeked at him over her shoulder, he simply smiled at her with closed eyes. She decided to not resist and allow Hisoka to continue.

The two enjoyed their silence as his fingers worked the liquid soap into blue hair. Senka's expression softened in a depressed manner, thankful the male hunter couldn't see her pitiful state. Chest tightened, realizing that they'll have to part ways soon. It was always like this but she couldn't voice her distress of their departings. Her heart ripped apart every time they said good bye, Senka not wanting to trust fluttering that was hopefulness. The woman didn't want to lie to herself any longer.

Hisoka carefully washed the white bubbles from her locks. "Okay, finished."

"Thanks." she said in a soft tone, giving herself away. Yellow narrowed at the girl.

The man hummed with his usual allurement. "Don't look so defeated, my angel. It doesn't suit you." he whispered in her ear.

Senka gasped in slight surprised upon feeling his hands coil around her torso to pull the woman closer to him. Hisoka's chest bear touching her exposed back, his larger structure making her seem smaller as he hung over Senka. He chuckled with a smile when she leaned against his body, feeling her relax under him.

The magician then enclosed around her to bring his hands in front the woman. She hummed in question when his cards appeared in hand, violet eyes looked to the side at a smiling Hisoka. "How about I show you a little trick?" he said, not really asking for permission. She watched him in bewilderment before nodding. "Okay."

Both rested coloured orbs on the deck of cards he held, Hisoka began to shuffle them. Senka always liked how elegant the man's hands appeared to be when he did it. After a couple more times, he stopped. "Now pick a card." the hunter directed.

The woman didn't hesitant when he handed her the deck. "Can you see it?" she asked while fanning through the cards.

"Yes." He watched how her slender fingers handled his precious cards with care, Senka was probably the only one he'd actually allow to touch his masterful weapons. How her chest tightened, she knew which card was hers. Pulling the single piece out, she flipped it to reveal the ace of spades.

Hisoka hummed in interest, while Senka's anxiety only increased. Spades represented problems, sickness and disappointment. Definitely not something she wanted to see at the moment.

"Can I pick again? I don't like this one." she asked in dismay at her reality. What scared her was not knowing whether the card referred to her family situation or the complex relationship with Hisoka.

She felt a chuckle from the male vibrate against her back at the childish reaction. "It's not so bad. Now place it back into the deck, anywhere you wish."

The woman groaned before reluctantly replacing the card into the deck, sliding it somewhere towards the bottom. "Then put it in my hand." he said, and she did as instructed, placing the deck in Hisoka's left hand. "Now, this is the card right?" he rotated his right wrist to have a card appear out of nowhere.

Senka's eyes widened in awe when she saw the ace of spades between his fingers. "Yeah... it is. What the hell? How did you do that?" she asked, looking to him.

Hisoka smiled as he laughed at her childishness once again. "Don't you know Senka-chan? A magician can't give away his secrets." The man stated in a slightly seductive tone.

Her head tilted at him, realizing what the hunter attempted with his little trick. "Was that your way of comforting me?" she asked in a carefully curious voice.

"It worked didn't it?" Was all he said with a playful smirk on his dangerous lips, confirming her thoughts.

Those words made her chest throb in hidden happiness. The sound of water waving echoed as Senka carefully maneuvered her body to face him, straddling the man's lap under the warm water. Ignoring the hardened organ that poked near her bottom, wet fingers caressed his face on either side, thumps ever so gently rubbed away the painted symbols on his cheeks. Then, shifted her attention to his now fuchsia looking hair, strong pale hands enclosed around her waist to pull the woman's chest directly against his toned flesh.

He hated the scowl that invaded her lips that were more suited with a devilish smile. "Do you wish to save your family, Senka?" Hisoka finally asked.

Her breath paused in her throat, shocked he saw through her own fickleness. The woman's eyes seem to sparkle with anxiousness. "If I did... Would you help me?" she at last verbally expressed honest desires with her voice.

"Of course." he answered, seduction in his tone. Senka's body shivered as his wicked hand enticingly traveled up along her spine. "I would hate to miss an opportunity to see my angel 's wings" he purred in a shaky voice.

Something in her snapped, no longer wanting to listen to the voice that warned of his dangerous intentions. That was long over due, since he's done too many terrible things to her, she's lost count. To Hisoka's entertainment, he was silenced with her lips. The man allowed Senka's touch to slither pass his teeth, deepening their exchange. Her hands naturally wrapped themselves to enclose his strong neck.

Feeling an itch deep inside places only he could reach, she seductively grind hips onto heated stiffness. A throbbing sensation coursed through his excited lower area from the motions of consent. Hisoka, in response, pulled the woman impossibly close into him to seal the deal. Earning a sigh of satisfaction from her as their bodies rubbed against each other in a fit of heated release. Senka's voice cracked in a series of moans into the passionate kiss, the male smirked against her lips. The naughty sounds effects that were being created bounced in the bathroom in echoes, making the woman tremble from hearing them back.

She snaked her devilish fingers into his soft hair, tangling into it. Every so often, her digits would give him a small tug, knowing it would only encourage Hisoka to become more wicked in his actions. Senka broke their fight for dominance to catch her breath to meet a lustful expression playing on the man's handsome features.

She buried herself into his neck. "Happy fifth!" she purred into his ear with a seductive smirk.

Senka didn't care anymore, she just wanted to indulge in this man as much as time allowed her. She'll make certain he can't be without her.

It no longer matters, if she's selfish or not. She'll do anything to get what she wants. Whether it's saving her family, becoming a villain or having Hisoka for herself. Senka will not limit herself to such choices when she can have it all.