Chapter 7: They'll Learn Angels Could Be Bad

Senka groaned quietly, her face nuzzled into the chilling hardness she was comfortably laying on. Violet eyes flashed open as she began to wake, with hazed vision she stared at a sleeping Hisoka. The woman scanned his relaxed features and untamed hair, allowing time for drowsiness to leave. A warm smile crept on her lips, wishing to have the peaceful moment lasts a little longer. Wanting to remain in her temporary utopia in the chaos they called life. Yeah, not happening.

The female hunter sighed ever so softly, removing herself from the warm safety of the males arms. Body supported itself to sit up with coloured arms, wavy blue hair cased around her shoulders, sheets slid down to bunch on her hips. The woman twisted her figure to prep for leave, a leg hung over the bed only to have a strong arm seize Senka from continuing.

She blinked in confusion at the limp coiling her waist, following it to the source. A smiling Hisoka greeted her as did deja vu. "Is there a reason you always seem to run from me in the morning? This is strike two." Hisoka asked, his voice ringed in allure.

The woman frowned at him. "That wasn't my intentions." she spoke in softly, eyes reflected a hurt expression.

A soft knock on the door interrupted their short conversation, Senka exhaled in woe before turning her attention away from Hisoka. "coming!" she shouted, leaving the bed to quickly buttoning her silk shirt, his eyes lingered on her figure a second longer. The magician felt something off in her, something he can't seem to put his finger on. It seemed familiar, recalling a time that had a scarily similar effect. But that's a story for another day.

Senka opened the door to see her cousin with a passage in hand. "Tessila? Is something wrong?" she stared in surprise, voice horse from sleep.

Tessila's widened at Senka's appearance, her face turned a feverish red in realization she interrupted something. "No no, I just needed to give you this." she motioned to the concealed box. Brown eyes softened. "It's from grandpa... he said if there was ever a chance for one of us... to give it to you. Mom hide it in my suitcase in hopes you'd somehow know I needed saving." Tessila explained, moving the gift towards her older cousin. "Please accept it for Grandpa, it's was ... meant for your twentieth."

A tug on Senka's heart made anxiety sicken her stomach, the image of her deceased grandparent flashed. "Thank you, Tessila." said the female hunter while taking hold of the treasured present from the other's hands.

Tessila simply smiled. "Sorry I disturbed you, I'll be heading back to my room." with that, she acted out her words, walking away from Senka's room.

Violet eyes however, remained at the door longer, staring at the passage. She bit her lip as she closed the door, brain trying to fathom what transpired. A now fully awake Hisoka had been listening to the conversation, watched the woman come back to sit on the edge of the bed with a indescribably blank expression.

The magician's eyes scanned the item that laid on her lap, a boxed shape wrapped in golden paper that shimmered under light. Curiosity steered in him, wondering the endless possibilities lying inside. His gaze shifted back to Senka to see her expression had turned all the more emotionless. Intrigued, a smile played on his lips. Hisoka moved his half naked body towards the woman, placing himself behind her. Senka noticed when each of the man's clothed legs slid on either side of her, no protest came from her mouth. Too focused on the gift from her died grandfather.

"Aren't you going to open it?" he asked, fingers gently pushed messy blue hair aside. Casually resting his strong chin on her shoulder.

Head shook in decline. "I don't really want to." she answered almost instantly, her tone filled with reluctance.

Hisoka hummed in interest, the vibrations tickled her skin. "Not even out of curiosity? How strange. Is it because of who it's from?" speculated Hisoka, yellow orbs narrowed on a small card in the right corner of the gift. A sneaky hand reached for the paper gingerly, waiting to see if the woman would voice against it. That never happened.

Senka kept eyes on a pale hand when it pulled to peel the taped card, index finger flipped it open in one graceful motion. The magician's vision narrowed at the paper, lips parted to read the message. "To my eldest granddaughter," He began. Her chest throbbed in an ache, he felt her body tense against his bare skin but kept going. "I wished to give this gift to you on your twentieth birthday but fate seems to have other plans for us both. No matter where you are or the title you may have, we are family Senka. From when you were young, I knew greatness was in your path. Treasure this gift and use it with a strong heart. Remember, angel or demon, you are meant to fly. To Senka, Love Grandpa." Hisoka ended the message by closing the card, it had only increased his urge to see what was inside.

Unable to contain the storming amount of sorrowful emotions inside, Senka allowed a single tear to fall. It pained her, the resurfaced fact that she couldn't or wasn't allowed to say her final goodbyes to dying grandparent during that time. Even though she went back home after receiving a disturbing call from her mother, they turned her away. That memory haunts her more than she'd admit.

Hisoka wrapped his free arm around the woman in an embrace, a dangerous thump whipped any trace of the salty droplet. "There's no need for tears from such lovely words." he said in an effort to comfort her.

"Open it." she demanded in a gently sweet voice, he felt her body tremble. 'I can't... knowing this is the last gift I'll ever get again from him.' she thought mentally.

Hisoka's features softened. "Alright." Senka's eyes couldn't take them off the magician's hands as he carefully ripped the pretty wrapping paper to reveal a black metal box lined with a stunning white sliver.

An amused hum came from the man. "Interesting." he commented in allurement, realizing what it was.

Senka rose a brow in question. "Seriously!" she yelled in frustration, grabbing the mental rectangle from between Hisoka's hands. "One of these? This old man is still screwing with me!" cursed the woman. Making the jester chuckle at her reaction to the gift she didn't want to even open herself.

"Why all the fuss? It just requires aura." Hisoka stated in entertainment at the simple task.

She huffed. "Whatever." her voice indifferent. Senka rested the item back on her lap, focusing a tiny amount of aura to appear. As expected, a click was heard to signal the hunters it had been unlocked. The lid slowly cracked until it stood tall, the box was now open. Violet eyes widened greatly at what was inside, two short swords with winged pommels. One designed with angelic engraved mental while the other was demonic in appearance. A medium sized stone embedded into the rain-guard, it seemed to mimic the motions of water as pure white and black swirled inside it.

Hisoka observed not just her reaction but the uniqueness of the weapons. Thinking that in some way, the blades were not only special to her, they were meant for her. The magician couldn't fathom how perfect they described Senka's character. Always in constant battle between her cruelty and mercy.

A bitter snicker escaped her lips as slender fingers slid into the box. "Crafty old man... He hid them just for me." she mumbled to herself, not caring whether Hisoka heard.

"Weapons like these are incredibly rare to come across." he accurately speculated, she looked at his admiring expression towards the wings blades. The hunter could feel the amount of raw power gleaming from them, as if they were calling the woman to wage battle. It only increased his on going interest of Senka whom seems to be full of surprises.

She nodded in response to his statement. "The Sunalin family is known for five treasures, these are one of them. Each treasure is a weapon of some kind that's given to talented young ones with specific Nen traits. If you were happened to be chosen, you became part of a protector group called The Elementals. It's such a big deal that many name their children after some sort of natural element." Senka explained in nostalgia. "These were mine back when I was in line led them, Storm was my element."

Storm, is considered the fifth element in some beliefs along with the standard four: Air, water, earth and fire. It represents the ability to control all four to then combine and manifest a 'storm'. It's also a hidden allegory about how balance is the key. That's what made Senka the perfect wielder for the winged blades, forever trying to tame both light and darkness within her. There was also another meaning but we'll leave it a secret for now.

Hisoka chuckled at the enticing information. "I wouldn't expect any less from you Senka." The magician's attention was taken by a shimmer of the stones embedded in the metal, a smile appeared. "Is there a story behind the stones as well?" he asked interested allure.

"How'd you know?" she smirked, batting her eyelashes sweetly. "Apparently my great great grandmother was a witch who placed a curse on the stones in order to protect her family against extremely powerful king. It was later revealed that she was a conjurer of course."

"Fascinating, I've never realized such a detailed tradition existed." openly stated Hisoka, mind wandered what it would be like to fight Senka with such a weapon. For all the years they've known one another, he's never witnessed anything but her bare hands used in battle. Anticipation tinged through his body.

A gentle hand closed the box, enough with being depressed. "The family wanted to keep it a secret and would spread false myths to fool people, so the history isn't well known."

"I'd like to hear more." whispered Hisoka in interest, his tickled her ear.

The female hunter shrugged away from him in a shiver. "Sucks for you, I'm exhausted with discussing my past." denied Senka almost instantly in a half playful voice, removing herself from between the man with her treasure in hand.

Hisoka smiled, elbows rested on either knee. "But I enjoy listening to your idle chatter." he said in flattery. The woman gave him a blank glance before placing the box on her dresser, she wondered whether he was lying.

lips thinned in a displeased look. "You're joking." The tone of Senka's voice alerted the magician of caution in its attitude. She turned her body to face Hisoka, leaning against the wooden clothing containment. Her wearing nothing but a buttoned shirt two sizes too big proved to be a distraction. Enhancing the essence of their physical relationship with a unspoken claim to the woman. He loved it.

"No, I'm quite being serious." he insisted with seductive tone. "Don't you believe me?" his own lips curled in a mischievous smirk.

Senka scowled. "Actually no, I don't." she crossed her arms under a busty chest in stubbornness. In a blink of an eye, the red haired man no longer sat on the bed but stood before her.

"When will you stop testing your worth?" asked Hisoka, revealing the very thing she had struggled to answer herself. Although, she did find one answer that might solve his question and calm her nerves.

The woman's face grew serious in nature as she stared directly into his yellow orbs. In a fit of fury, a hand swiftly grabbed hold on Hisoka's neck. Senka's curled fingers strongly pulled the man towards her, leaving inches between them. "When you show me a reason."

A thrill set in Hisoka as her violet eyes stormed with that raw rage that seemed impossible to tame. The magician laughed in sinister pleasure, even more when he felt the woman's grip tighten. He could tell Senka wanted and desired more from him, the question is, will he allow it? Is it worth it? He's already put so much into developing and refining their relationship. Are they truly ready for the next level? Perhaps. If she can handle it.

"Be careful what you wish for, my Angel." his voice warned with extreme allure, ecstasy filled golden eyes locked on hers. "If you provoke me into becoming serious, there won't be anywhere for you to hide."

Senka's lips curled with a dangerous smirk of her own. "That makes two of us." She repeated venomously the same words he had said to her, five years ago, when he took something precious from the little girl Senka once was. A fit of laughter rumbled from his core, this was absolute the best. She never brings boredom.

Let's see who will chain whom first. The game begins again, this time they're tied.

Another knock forced a timeout on their intensive moment yet again, both pairs of eyes didn't dare glance away from one another.

"Get downstairs you two! There's someone here to see you!" shouted Mel's monotone voice.

The hunters exchanged looks, both wondered who on earth it could be. Not everyone and anyone knew the club, let alone would guess they would be there. Hisoka had one face pop in mind that could be waiting for their presence but there was no way he would be here.

"Lucky lunatic." Senka bitterly blurted as her fingers reluctantly released Hisoka's neck. He watched the woman stomp away into the bathroom, his hands touched where her warmth was just moments ago. A shaky breath exited his smirking lips. "Oh~ That woman definitely knows how to get me steered up." he purred, ending the last couple words in an almost moan.


Downstairs, a man with long straight black hair sat patiently on a black couch. Obviously waiting for his audience to arrive, emotionless face leaving it hard to dictate any sort of concert indication to what he was thinking.

Upon hearing heeled footsteps, big dark eyes shift to see a dressed Hisoka and Senka. The magician of course in his usual styled attire but this time a green sleeveless top. Designed with a purple heart on the left and diamond on the right. Senka, clothed herself in typical tight black jeans, sliver buckled belt, long sleeved fully laced black under top with a dark blue plain bra-let and her signature leather boots.

Golden eyes rested on the long haired male, a smile appeared "lllumi? Fancy seeing you here of all places." Hisoka greeted, surprised to see his friend at the exotic dancers club.

The blue haired woman's mouth dropped open in absolute disbelief of who came to invite. "The hell are you doing here?" Senka's volume raised in bafflement.

lllumi only blinked, empty orbs rested on the magician first. "Oh Hisoka, you're here too? I shouldn't be all that surprised." his voice seemed slightly more cheerful than his features let on. Senka's right eye twitched, feeling slightly irritated at herself for being happy of the noticed association to Hisoka.

"Seems as Gon managed to get your brother" stated Hisoka in excited allure, seeing the assassin urged the blissful memories of young potential toys from the Hunter Exam. "They were at Heavens Arena for a few months, such good boys." he let out a breathless sigh. "My have they grown so fast."

lllumi hummed in his usual stagnant tone. "Yeah, apparently my father allowed him to leave with Gon, I disagree with his decision... Killua doesn't need friends." His answer didn't surprise Hisoka, it more sounded like deja vu since the subject was already openly argued during the Hunter orientation.

Senka looked between the two males, her brows wrinkled in slight disgust at their obsessions. "Ya'll have issues, fucked up ones that should get you two locked up."

Hisoka scowled at the woman, her comment struck an unwanted nerve. "You're just as bad Senka."

"That's true." lllumi interjected his two cents. "Especially when you see blood." voice seemed to pick up in tone at his speculation of the woman's own weird obsession.

The hunter pair sat on a black couch opposite to where lllumi waited, simultaneously plotting themselves down at the same time. Hisoka's back lined against the soft cushions, legs crossed and arms folded over a fresh green coloured shirt with purple symbols on each chest.

Violet eyes narrowed on the two, features softened in a blankly straight stare. "Point taken..." It was something undeniable, submission was the only way out of it.

Or not.

"But Killua finally has a friend! You and your brother complex self needs to let the boy live." she turned to Hisoka and his grinning expression. "And you with that stupid look on your face says you found some poor little unfortunate soul to torture. So my little blood thing doesn't sound as bad now huh?"

She commented aloud about their said 'issues'. Senka felt all the more satisfied about her scolding outburst when neither of the two men said anything back. Hisoka sweatdropped, he wondered how on earth did this woman go from crying one second to practically lecturing them the next. It was slightly scary.

"Yeah, thought so. Anyways lllumi what did you come here for?" The woman redirected. Senka blinked at the raven haired man, she could never fathom his kind of craziness possessiveness he has over Killua. Then again, she could understand possessive urges on a person, her eyes peered at Hisoka sideways for a moment.

IIumi's gaze turned on the female hunter. "I'm actually here to see you Senka." he revealed. "I did stop at your apartment, seeing you weren't there I thought decided to try my luck here. I'm glad I did."

"For what exactly?" her body ached sickly, warning something was wrong.

"Well, I've been hired to assassinate the whole Sunalin family." he said in monotone.

"The whole family? As in every single person?" asked Senka in a slight frantic manner, wondering what kind of person would hire lllumi for such a thing. The Giartanias maybe? She did not too long ago murder not only every person in the house, but the leader, the eldest son. Not to mention she killed the middle one too. Geez she's made countless enemies, over the years.

lllumi's cold eyes remained on the woman. "Yes, I felt bad that I'd the one doing it and not you. So I decided to give you an option to choose those you want to keep alive. Also, since you're familiar with the area you'd come with me." Informed the Zoldyck without hesitation, his features still unchanged from their emotionless outlook.

Hisoka glances sideways at Senka to see her expression become darkly blank, she was calculating her options. He snickered softly to himself, a smile on his lips as he closed his eyes to await her answer.

She bit the inside of her mouth, allowing her hate of what they had inflicted on her guide the decision to not go. "I -"

The sound of someone calling Senka's phone cut her off before she could answer. "Who is it now?" she grumbled in irritation as a hand dug into her pocket, retrieving the mobile device.

Hisoka hummed. "My my, aren't you popular." he observed with allure in his voice.

"Fuck off." she swore at the smirking magician, eyes landed on the screen. The woman's stare narrowed dangerously to the two males' surprise at the caller ID. "Shit just got real." Commented Senka in a snicker, her thump tapped on the 'answer' button then touched the 'speaker' icon. Allowing Hisoka and IIumi to listen on the conversation,

"What happened? You forgot you had a daughter? Or you just realized I'm still alive?" Senka greeted the called with harshness. They exchanged curious glances at each other, questioning the woman's odd start off with her father. Especially since this was the first time either has witnessed Senka with a parent, visually or verbally.

A male voice chuckled from the phone at her words, "Nice! As expected of my daughter!" he complimented in joy.

Senka crossed her legs. "I learned from the best." cameback the woman as she rested an elbow on the couch arm, phone in the other, a seemingly calm expression took over her features. "What did you call for baldy?"

Her father cleared his throat, signalling the jokes were finished. "Listen, don't rescue your mother." The three listeners stared at the phone in bafflement, lllumi's stagnant emotionless face remained the same.

A spark of anger raised in Senka, she hated people of authority telling her what to do. "Why not?" she snapped in a broader line shout at the phone in her fingers.

"Because it's a trap, I've been in that dysfunctional fuck up she calls a family for any years before leaving. I know about Yume being sold to the Giartania's."

"It was Tessila!" correctly Senka in a instant shout, earning her stares of entertainment her the outburst.

"Oh She the big one right? Man I'm old. But anyways." Her father jokes. The two males both held in their own snickers at how embarrassed Senka was from the conversation. Her cheeks lit with pink, eyes looked anywhere but her fellow hunters.

He continues. "Your mother will be fine. She's a strong woman, fucking crazy but strong."

Senka's expression turned solemn, her eyes softened. "What about the kids? There's no way Yume can take on those four let alone Ivya. I can see Aidan helping but Miku and Reva are most likely on Nova and Ivya's side." stated Senka in rational thinking. Although the woman had been disowned, it didn't show certain family members that cared deeply for her to stay in hidden contact. She made sure to keep some level of awareness to how everyone was copping.

While lllumi listened blankly, Hisoka came slightly lost from the rush of names he didn't know but still paid attention.

Her father sighed, as if there was nothing more he could advise his daughter to do. "If that's how you feel and do go, take someone with you. Trying to pillage the place alone is suicide, although I know you're strong. It doesn't hurt to ask for help."

Senka mentally groaned, frown still planted on her lips. Oh how ironic this was, her father has phenomenal clairvoyance. "I know Dad, thanks for the advise. I'll keep it in mind."

"No problem, talk to you later kiddo." he bid farewell to his daughter.

she hummed softly. "Bye." Her thump ended the call with a tap eyes sparkled with calm rage, she knew what needed to be done and it was long over do. Unknown to some, Senka has two main levels of anger. The first one has already been shown, it's violent and loud. However, the second one is to be feared. Ever hear that saying? Fear the quiet ones? Yeah, if the woman is silent and angry. An Apocalypse is coming.

Hisoka's features softened in excitement at the woman's fury, an alluring hum escaped his smiling lips. "Such a nice expression, it's my favourite one."

"Senka looks really fired up." lllumi says in slight cheered observation.

This is enough. She's done with allowing her past to consume everything of piece her. It's her turn. She's different now, stronger and much more powerful that the little girl she was back then. She'll show them. Destroy them. Make them feel how they made her feel. Break away from the throbbing pain she's been forced to endure. These chains that imprisoned her will be what bounds them. Let them witness her monstrous nature in all its terrifying glory.

"Sure lllumi, I'll help you. In fact I have the perfect plan." answered Senka with blazing violet eyes, ready to wreck havoc. "When do we leave?"