Chapter 8: Monstrous Savior

"I'll pose as a decoy and surrender myself willingly. That will be enough a distraction so you two being on the east and west gates. You'll have to eliminate all at least one hundred guards in order to attract the Elementals. My imprisonment will gain the attention from my mother and the others. Yume will probably sneak into my cell and that's when I'll instruct her to gather those I wish to save. We'll meet at the fountain in front the main house within one hour of my signal." Senka focused her eyes on the black haired hunter.

"lllumi, I need to ask you to only kill those gathered within Town Hall, along with anyone who attempts to fight you of course. Regardless of gender or age, just as long you leave the rest alone I'll make sure you'll be compensated for your troubles." she demanded with confidence in her voice as if there was a hidden trump card in her possession.

Blank eyes stared at the woman, head tilted in question. "You can offer me more than fifty million?" lllumi asked bluntly exposing what she needed to top.

Senka snickered with a wicked smirk on painted blue lips. "Oh trust me, it'll be worth while. The Sunalin family is very well off. I'm sure the amount you'll get will rival what your client is paying you. I grantee it you won't be disappoint by the amount seen in your account."

"Alright, it's a deal. I've known you much longer than the client." lllumi replied almost immediately to the woman's words.

Hisoka laughed at the devilishly wonderful mastermind of a plan she created within second of deciding to accept lllumi's offer. "What a frightening woman you are Senka."

Violet eyes shifted to the male next to her, a faint white aura lined the woman's body. "Oh you haven't seen how frightening I can really be." she provoked, a dangerously sinister grin widened her lips.


Yamanu Island, 1:35 PM

The hunters stood on a cliff that was in full view of where the entire Sunalin family lived. Yamanu Island, home to over three hundred souls and many were of Senka's family. Hisoka and lllumi stared in awe, they had heard very little of the Sunalin family until meeting the female hunter. This was the reason, fifty percent of the inhabitants where family members. When either male or female married in, they were brought here to live. Thus answering the main question to why the number of guards out weighed the family members. The insane amount of control and inability to roam freely is almost none existent, unless you wanted to become a hunter.

However, the Sunalin family was highly known for its treasures and were very well established within the Mafia world. As well as trade for raw goods and other materials, acting like its own country. The magician allowed the scene to consume him, taking the fact this was where Senka lived her eighteen years. And where they will destroy.

Hisoka whistled. "So this is where Senka grew up?" he observed how lively the decent sized town was, also how isolated it seemed to be. Only surrounded by forest and wildlife.

"It is definitely much bigger than I thought." lllumi speculated, the whole town seemed to cover at least five hundred mile diameter.

Senka nodded at the assassins' words in agreement. "Yeah, they seemed to have expanded it by about ten miles all around. Population most likely increased, Tessila's information wasn't too bad." The woman stated while hands worked to undo the belts for her sword holsters. Hisoka's golden eyes narrowed at her hands holding the treasured winged blades were given to his friend.

A blank stare scanned the area, seeing there was more home structures than tall buildings. That meant many narrow passages and spaces, maybe this might be entertaining after all. "Having the guards taken care of shouldn't take very long, even if there numbers are high." lllumi said, he blinked at her hand before taking hold of her treasured winged weapons, tucking them away into safety.

Senka began to tie her long blue locks into a pony tail. "It's important that we kill every last one to attract all four Elements since they'll most likely be guarding the Town Hall." she restated to the two males.

"Hey Senka, how are you certain the family members gather in the Town Hall?" asked lllumi, wondering if her plan would actually work. Though ninety percent of the time, Senka's strategies and master plans for jobs this massive were accurate, especially when she's highly knowledgeable about the subject.

The woman giggled devilishly sweet to his question. "Because they can't resist the opportunity to discuss how to publicly kill me, twisted bitches." She sighed, not quite ready to willingly allow herself be tortured in the fifth but it was the only way to reach Yume.

Hisoka noticed how her expression softened, fighting between being angry and distressed. Right then, distress was winning. Senka's fists tightened, jaw flexed. Suddenly, her vision was blocked by fuchsia as she felt a pair of lips smash against hers. Violet eyes widened, the woman gasped in slight surprise which was her mistake. Unintentionally giving Hisoka access into her mouth, his devious tongue snaked past Senka's teeth.

lllumi stared at the scene with his big dark eyes that opened ever so slightly more than usual. He blinked absent-mindedly while his friends continued their brief passionate exchange. Obviously it wasn't the first time he's seen Hisoka act in such a way but it did make the assassin wonder why. There was no such need for things like love and affection, even if it's just physical. A distraction, that's all it is.

Hisoka pulled away from the woman, a devilish smirk curled his lips. Senka's expression was feverish and full of submission, that won't last long. Her fist still balled, the female hunter pounded it straight at the magician's stomach without warning "What the hell was that for?" she shouted at the man who caught her fist inches front his torso.

He hummed. "Now that's the little devil I know." he said in a cheery tone "Didn't I mention it the other night? Depressed doesn't suit your lovely face."

Violet orbs blinked in momentary surprise at his words, recalling the conversation in the bathroom. The woman huffed, collecting her thoughts and resolve. She retreated her hand from Hisoka's palm. "I should get things started."

"Good luck Senka." lllumi wished his friend, a hand raised in a gestured wave.

Hisoka smiled in a broader line smirk. "Don't get killed now."

she snickered. "Same to you."

They watched as Senka jumped down from the edge of the cliff, on impact, the ground crumbled before her. lllumi turned his head to face the smirking magician. "You aren't upset at the fact she gave her weapons for me to hold, are you?"

Hisoka scowled, arms folded across his chest before looking into the other direction. "No comment."


South Gate, 1:45 PM

Senka appeared before large stoned double doors, her neck titled upwards. Violet eyes grimaced at the unavoidable situation. Deep down, she knew this wasn't her only option to invading the town. Maybe she's allowing that monstrous nature to steer, the subconscious desire to rip apart everything before their eyes carried wicked intentions. A faint smirk curled her painted blue lips, calming her heart down from the thrill of destruction. Senka's hands up as she closed her eyes. "I surrender."

The instant those word left her lips, a swarm of armed guards surrounded the woman. A solemn expression became her poker face as she was harshly restrained and bounded with an overload of chains.

Hisoka, whom was observing the ordeal from the cliff snickered in blissful anticipation. He licked one of his precious cards. "Hm, I'm so excited. I can't wait until the main event." The magician purred in allure. He hoped there would be someone worth fighting while he's at it.

His friend stared at him with that usual emotionless expression."Hisoka, I wanted to asked you..."

A hum escape Hisoka's lips, yellow eyes side glanced to lllumi. "Go on."

"Is Senka an actual member of the spiders?" the black haired man dared to ask but the curiosity got the better of him. The idea of her having a spider tattoo somewhere on that curved body wouldn't leave the assassin. That and the fact most of her torso and back was exposed from the laced shirt, it didn't help.

The jester's eyes turned back to the town, a clear scene of Senka being publicly humiliated by doing a 'walk of shame' in the direction of a massive three floored building. He could only guess that was the main house, where her instant relatives lived and lied underground levels of torture. The magician spotted the fountain she labelled as their meet up point as well.

"From what I know, she is not a legitimate member. However, they seem to value her presence very much. Senka had long been associated with them before the two years I replaced number four. I'm not even sure just how they first became acquainted." Hisoka answered his friends' question with honesty. "Why so interested lllumi?" his allured voice asked.

A shrug from the other male was his reply. "Just curious I guess... about how powerful she is perhaps? The last time I ever saw her fight was around the time, you know." answered his monotone voice with honesty.

Hisoka sang in interest. He remembered, it was the day they got into it and he left her for dead. "Which was last year right? Oh she has very much grown since then." a wicked smirk curled his lips in a dangerous manner. The magician's mind began to ponder into his friends' question about Senka. Although the woman doesn't possess a single tattoo on her body, she's invited to every troupe meeting. She seems to have this strong relationship with them, especially their leader.

Golden eyes narrowed, what was her relations to the spiders? He knew she was with them but not why and how. The thought instantly vanished, he didn't care for that really since he was in the troupe for one main reason. What Hisoka did care for, if he's right, would be very troublesome. There's no way her and the leader have a relationship that is similar to what they have. Not possible. Then again, the woman is just as unpredictable and fickle as him. Regardless, somehow, Senka stands alongside the spider and he would like to know how. It interested him all the more.


Senka kept her eyes closed, forced to walk to the main house, her poker face was maintained. Making sure no one within the crowd could tell what the woman was thinking. The murmurs of gossiping whispers invaded her ears to the hunters dismay but she blocked them out with ease. Senka focused her energy to find the one person key to her plan working. She scanned the large swarm of bystanders in search for a familiar presence.

The woman's heart throbbed in detection of the wanted person, her eyes instantly flicked open and landed on the person. A girl with dark brown eyes, wavy black hair that passed her shoulders, expression mixed with anguish and surprise. It was set now. The plan is set into motion, all there is to do now was to wait.

Hisoka and lllumi watched as Senka paused just before the stairs leading into the door of her old home. A middle aged woman with an pear shape figure stood at the top, body language expressed pride and dominance. Now sitting on the cliffs' edge, Hisoka placed his hands behind him in a leisurely pose. A hum of entertainment vibrated in his closed mouth. "Looks like the show is about to start." voice coated with allure.

Senka's violet eyes stared at the woman she once called aunt, trying her best to not break the chains to slice through flesh right there and then. The bounded hunter noticed how time had begun to claim that black haired vixen, wrinkles and dips revealed stress on her facial features. Body clothed in a long patterned dress that didn't flatter the elder woman's figure one bit, placing emphasis on rounder parts.

"You have no business being here, Senka!" started a thundering female voice, purposely displaying the captured female.

It made Senka giggle at the stupidity, this woman never changed in her ways. In fact, it seemed to have gotten worse as she made a spectacle of Senka. "That's a silly question to ask someone you're related to isn't it? Aunt Nova." answered the blue haired woman in a condescending tone.

The older woman known as Nova groaned in anger through her teeth, Senka knew where to hit. "How dare you show your face in the town you ungrateful child, after everything this family has done for you, disrespect is what you give in return? You scorn the Sunalin name!" scolded her mother's sibling.

Senka's rage crept behind, threatening to wreck her resolve to restrain herself. "That's funny, especially since you're no better." she replied cheekily, violet eyes narrowed into blue ones with a sinister soul reflecting. "Is placing you're own sisters, nieces and nephews into a torture chamber not labelled as disrespect anymore? Oh I know it's called being a bitch." Senka insulted in a carefree tone.

A low growl of repulsion came from the woman with fragments of green in black hair "But how did you! Nevermind! it won't matter for long." she turned to the guards. "Take this traitor to the fifth, immediately!" spat Nova is a fit of panic at how Senka knew such information without being in town for years. The hunter knew that little push was all it would take to be instantly sent to the fifth floor.

Hisoka blinked in excitement, eyes kept on the woman's chained body as she disappeared into the mansion. "The countdown starts." he stated aloud, a single card between his fingers gently touched his lips.

lllumi hummed, agreeing to the other male's words. "I'm going to head over to the west gate, see you at the fountain. Good luck." monotone voice said before vanishing, Leaving the magician alone on the cliff.

A breathless sigh filled the air, a smile played on his features. "I get the feeling I'm going to see something wonderfully divine, how lovely." allure dripped from his tone. It was a very long time since all three of them meet like this, to kill so many. Hisoka could sense the amount of potential with blissfully powerful auras. Throat dried from the attractive thoughts that conjured in his wicked mind stop when Senka's image popped in.

A chuckle rumbled from his chest that quickly escalated into a laughing fit, hands covered his face. "Oh my~ The thought of killing someone precious to Senka so she would hate me is very tempting." Hisoka moaned aloud, almost as if he was trying to seduce himself.


The Fifth, 2:00 PM

Chains embedded into mucky grey bricks bounded Senka on her wrists, ankles and neck. She took every pain inflecting torture they gave her, cursing the fact a low tolerance was her downfall. Though, she never gave in. The sounds of her breathless panting filled the dark room, a cold drift caused the woman to shiver. Knife cuts and wipe lash marks quickly began to redden Senka's coloured skin. She was actually more disappointed about her clothes being torn and ripped than anything else.

A woman stood before her, whip in hand as she let an sadistic giggle. Coloured black hair mixed with shades of brown, black pants, white flats and a tight white cotton corset proved to be three sizes too small for the woman's round body. "You still alive? Just die already Senka really, make it easier for everyone" taunted the female with arrogance. This was Ivya, her cousin just a year younger.

Senka's violet eyes glared into blue ones. "How could I die when you hit like a child, Yume can do better." she provoked in an insult.

Anger sparked in Ivya's eyes. "Why you!" she growled, raising her hand, about to give Senka another lash before the ringing of her phone interrupted. Hand paused mid air, trembling in reluctance before lowering the weapon.

Ivya dug her phone from a pocket. "Hello! Mom? I'm in the middle of- alright, I'll be there shortly." She hung up, blue eyes narrowed on Senka. "I have to attend the town hall meeting but I'll be back."

"Oh take your time," Senka smiled "I'm not going anywhere." she lied in a cheerful tone.

The younger cousin kept her stare on the older one, sensing something strange in Senka's voice but dismissed the thought. Placing the meeting as a primary order before the blue hair woman's torment. Senka watched Ivya's round silhouette disappear behind a closed door, she let a tired sigh out.

"I thought she's never leave." the woman said aloud, attention turned to her left. "Come out Yume, we don't have much time." Senka

The girl from earlier that Senka alerted during her walk of shame through the town appeared from the shadows. Dark brown eyes watched in awe as Senka pulled the chain out of the brick walls with ease. Wondering what kind of power her older cousin possessed. The woman smiled at the younger one as she broke off her shackles like paper. "You've grown up so much, not a little child anymore huh?" Senka commented on how Yume's girlish figure morphed into a mature one as small curves on the petite body became more defined.

A slender hand slid under plum coloured locks to be flipped. "What's the plan Senka?" the girl asked with confidence from the flattering compliment.

The hunter smirked, knowing how much Yume liked flattery. "First off, where is everyone else located?" asked the woman.

"I told them about you getting taken and managed to get everyone at Aunty Nel's house." she answered quickly.

"Good job, Yume. That saves a lot of time and trouble. Now, I need you to listen carefully." Senka's tone changed into one filled with seriousness, hands rested on either one of Yume's shoulders. "I brought two others with me, they're dangerous but strong. You have to keep the adults from attending the meeting. Everyone inside the Town Hall will die. Tell them what I just said, do you understand?"

The girl, in shock nodded slowly with wide eyes. "Yes I understand Senka."

"Go, quickly." Senka urged Yume. The girl nodded firmly, turning to the wall she previously stood against. Placing a hand on the cold bricks, she forced to allow a green aura to appear. A dark purple circle expanded from around her fingers into an oval shape that was as tall as her. Yume then run into the dark abyss, it quickly shrunk away to have bricks reappear.

Senka smiled proudly. "Oh that's a new one, she'll be a fine hunter." The woman stated while stretching her limps, a sighs causally. "I kinda regret not bringing my weapons but I couldn't afford to get them taken." Senka mumbled to herself, like a psycho.

The woman approached the metal doors to her containment, her leg raised to give it a kick. Sending it flying into the opposing wall, a deep dent resulted from the impact. She walked out of the cell and into a dark hallways. Senka knew where she was and knew how to get back up to ground level. The hunter blurred her vision, focusing a white aura to appear around her body before it was replaced by black.

She hummed, the aura unable to take shape quite yet. A wicked smirk curled her surprisingly flawless painted blue lips. "Actually I'm feeling very angelic today." Senka whispered, allowing her angel wings to appear. She wasn't done there, from heeled boots shadows roared around her feet. One outburst of aura was all it took for the itching darkness to engulf anything in its path as it consumed every inch of the massive structure.

'Alright boys, don't let me down.' thought Senka before bolting down the hall, leaving crumbled floor behind.


West Gate, 2:10 PM

lllumi noticed how the building Senka was taken into was covered in her aura, he took that as a signal to begin his part of the plan. "Time to start work." his monotone voice mumbled carefree while approaching the opened gate. He counted twenty guards within the first few yards, the fountain they were to reunite at was thirty ten miles into the town. That's where the mansion was as well.

"Hey you! Stop right there!" shouted a guard in warning.

The assassin observed the guns in their hands, this should be easy. Round headed needles appeared between lllumi's fingers, his expression remained cold and emotionless as he began a shower of the pointed weapons in the guards directions. Lifeless corpses hit the ground, faces all covered in gold, lllumi nonchalantly walked past them. Entering the town.


East Gate, 2:10 PM

Hisoka's attention was called when he noticed Senka's aura took over the building she was captured in. A smile played on his lips, the signal to begin his assault was given. They had one hour to complete their individual tasks before meeting at the fountain. He guessed the amount of guards he'll have to kill ranged from fifty to one hundred, give or take ten or so.

With a playing card in hand, he approached the welcoming gate. A mischievous smile on his lips as golden eyes came into contact with a guard. The armed man gasped, mouth opened to alert the others but it was too late. Hisoka appeared behind the frightened guard, the sounds of muffled pants was his last breaths. The body dropped, raising attention to the deadman's team. The magician looked back with a smirked at the trembling males, bringing the card inches from his face. A single motion of his arm sent the card flying, impaling a forehead.

The Magician hummed when the sound of dismay and a siren went off, then it all clicked. Senka not only used herself as their distraction, she used them as her decoys. While they pillage the town, she destroys the main house. As all that happens, it triggers the towns alert system. Thus, leaving the Elementals to only protect the Town Hall since every single political head and influential body will be present.

A shaky breath escaped Hisoka's lips, expression overly seductive. "Perfect you are my angel." He purred before harshly retrieving his card embedded in the dead guard's forehead.


Nellia's House, 2:10 PM

"Are you sure it was Senka, Yume?" asked a fair skinned woman with thin highlighted blonde hair and violet eyes. Wrinkles and age showed signs of immense worry about her disowned daughter not only returning but giving herself. As well, the message the hunter had sent with Yume rose tension in the house.

Dark brown eyes flashed with annoyance. "Of course it's Senka! Who else could it be? Even Tessila sent me a message about her coming!" she snapped at her aunt, unable to contain the frustration. "She got captured and send to the fifth just so she can save us!"

Nellia felt a gentle hand rest on her shoulder in reinsurance from her older sister Natalia. "If my daughter really is here and with what Yume said, we really should list. Remain here and not attend the meeting." The hunter's mother could sense something terrible would happen if they went, she didn't want to go in the first place. Not that it matters, since their eldest sister Nova loves the spotlight. Their absences would only fuel the attention craving woman, allowing it to go unnoticed.

A hard smash against wood demanded their attention, eyes shifted to the only adult male in the room. "What about my son! Hunter is still down in the fifth! Are we really just going to sit here and wait while Senka and whoever she brought destroys the town and the building my only child is in?" the giant man named Nolan thundered in passion, blue eyes roared at his two older sisters.

"Calm down Nolan." hissed the fourth sister, Namia. A woman with curly black locks with licks of red. "Senka is your Goddaughter, have some faith in her like she did with you once. She's not stupid, Senka will find Hunter down there with her. Relax." Namia struck back with highly aggressive attitude in her voice. Purple eyes warning her little brother to surrender in reluctance before she got serious. Grumbling while taking a seat, his wife rubbing his shoulder in comfort.

Natalia turned to her second eldest daughter. "Yume, make sure your siblings are fine." she directed in a gentle voice, earning a small nod from the girl.

"Yume wait." Nellia called, making her niece pause. "What...what was she like? Senka." the woman asked with a careful voice, eyes filled with wonder and hope.

Dark eyes shifted to the floor, Yume thinking of her eldest cousin whom was banished from the family. Her expression seemed to be indifferent. "Super strong... thought I only saw a little and it was scary." answered the girl in a quiet voice before leaving the room to attend her siblings.

The words left them with unsettled feelings which were only enhanced when the loud sound of war sirens rang through the town. Alerting the people of intruders attacking with extreme violence. Their hearts tightened and ached, thinking of worse case scenarios.

Natalia sighed calmly, standing up from her seat at the rectangular table. She closed her eyes, hands together as if in prayer. "We must conceal our presence from them until Senka is finished." stated a soothing voice, a white aura contoured her round curves. Purple hair danced against the force as a light blue aura replaced the white, it expanded around the house. Just as fast as she started, Natalia finished. "It's done... all we can do now is pray."

A distressed Nellia couldn't calm her anxiety over what Yume had said, she hoped her daughter didn't wander down the wrong path. Little did her intuition inform her, it was too late for Senka.


The Fifth, 2:30 PM

The woman blazed through the halls of the underground torture chambers with incredible speed. She found it comical how Nova and Ivya could think gunpowder and numbers would stop her. Senka was practically slicing passed the guards like paper, her bladed aura acting like scissors. This was way too easy, or maybe she's just gotten that much powerful. The woman even left herself unprotected from the bullets by not summoning her wings just to make things entertaining. A devilish grin played on her painted lips as Senka dodged in flashes a shower of bullets. She giggled, when will they get it? They're going to die, so why not run now?

Within five minutes of the start to her plan, Senka laid waste to dozens of bodies. The hunter sighed in a shaky breath at the bloody scene under her heels. "Contain yourself Senka." she sang to herself, aura dangerously shifted between black and purple. Trying hard to keep her blood-lust from rampaging, she needed it for later.

Deeming she had cleared the floor, Senka was about to break her way into the forth when something unexpected happened. A baby's screeching cry echoed down the hall, violet eyes widened in slight panic. Impossible! No way would that think of placing a child down here. The woman quickly flashed away, retracing her path as she narrowed in on a faint presence. She spotted a door that remained untouched, kicking the door open to find the source of loud sobbing.

Clicking of her heels bounced against the walls as she approached a dirty play pen, a small child around one year of age stood inside. Its small hands reaching out towards her, face drenched with salted tears, voice already started to crack from the amount of screaming. A little boy with faint red hair, fair skin and dressed in a blue jumper sniffed at the hunter. Senka's heart throbbed when she met grey eyes, a gently saddened smile softened her features.

"It's alright pumpkin, I got you." Senka said in a soothing voice, fingers curled around the tiny body. Picking up the infant, she seemed to hold him with comfort on her side. The child seized with the tears while the woman began to walk out the dark room.

A giggle filled the hall. "c'ka! c'ka!" he chanted, trying to say the woman's name. She couldn't feel tiny hands wrap around her neck, rage no longer took a back seat. Senka had enough. Imprisoning her mother was one thing but an innocent child... an infant... no more. A dark expression clouded the hunter's features, wings morphed into a more demonic shape. She took her right hand to allow a black glowing sphere gather in her palm. Once formed, Senka shot her arm upwards to have bricks crumble down. Wings kept the debris from harming them, her youngest cousin laughed in innocent enjoyment.

"How dare they." she growled in a low tone filled with anger.