Chapter 9: Let's Rage

Hisoka sat patiently on the stone ledge that surrounded an ironic angel fountain in a leisurely manner. His hands gracefully shuffled the deathly cards while awaiting for the hour to be up. However, the male companion with him seemed to be feeling the opposite.

"Isn't Senka is little late?" asked lllumi who sat beside the magician, legs crossed, elbow propped on a knee to allow his chin to rest in his palm.

Yellow eyes shifted briefly to a small clock tower that was so conveniently across from their sight. A solemn expression presented a calm appearing Hisoka, it was minutes to three. "She still has time." he stated, finding it slight comical how she seemed taking all the time in the world.

The assassin stared absent-mindedly at the sky. "I've been thinking, you two actually seem very compatible." The blunt words made Hisoka lose concentration for a single second, a card dropped from his fingers to the dirt covered ground. A slight scowl tensed his features, he glared at his friend before picking up the dangerous paper.

"Oh? And what made you come to that conclusion?" asked the magician. He looked at the fallen card to see it was the two of hearts, a light chuckle erupted from the man in entertainment. The card stood for success and engagement to a partner, what are the chances.

lllumi blinked at the clock in boredom, his head tilted ever so slightly. "Similarities and certain actions between both of you, along with some sort of common goal." he explained in monotone, eyes following a bird flying by.

Words caught Hisoka's interests, a hum escaped from his lips. "Correct." golden eyes glanced sideways to his friend, wondering if he'd pick up on the hidden secret. "Care to explain your opinion on this said common goal?" he asked deviously, hands paused their movements to give momentary attention.

His friend looked the other way. "Not really." answered the assassin bluntly.

Fuchsia brows wrinkled. "Huh?" the magician's expression flipped into an indescribable expression at the denial of an explanation.

"Since I'm not sure of what exactly it is myself. Almost as if it's hidden and can't seem to explain what it is. Only that whatever it may be, is the main force that keeps you both together... If that makes sense." lllumi elaborated on his reasoning to why he couldn't out right say what their common goal was.

Hisoka's smirk returned, liking the response. "It does."

As if on cue, the darkness of Senka's aura began to fade around the mansion to have white and blue be revealed. The moment not a shred of her Nen apparent, the structure caved in from the middle. Hisoka hummed in thrill at her destruction, loving the scene as Senka walked from the rumble. Angelic wings protect her from the crumbling material that fell around the woman. Signs of the woman's minutes of torture was noted from the slits in her pants and sleeves, jagged ripped edges on the blue laced shirt now exposed exotic healed skin.

The two men peeled eyes from Senka's appearance to spot a small child with an innocent smile in her hands. Fair skin that contrasted against hers, faint patch of red hair and a sweet heart face with round cheeks. A few possible reasons and scenarios leading to how the woman could have came out with an infant ran through their minds briefly.

Dark eyes blinked at the scene with indifference as the long haired assassin got up from the fountains ledge. "Senka looks pissed off." lllumi observed her expression, it was unemotional but filled with tamed rage at the same time.

Hisoka stood up as the woman approached them, the sound of her heeled boots echoed in the quiet town.

"Yo~" he greeted, observing the unintentional seductive manner her wardrobe had been ruined. Pants cut with slits, her stomach completely exposed as it seemed to have been cut off just below her chest and a horizontal slice on Senka's collar bone revealed cleavage.

"Nice work." lllumi compliment cheerfully, appreciating her immense amount of professionalism in getting things done.

She didn't pay attention to Hisoka's lustful eyes as hers looked around to see the fountain was surrounded by piles of dead bodies that were taken care of by her two male partners. Not phasing her, in fact, Senka seemed to not even care of the massacre before her feet. Since she had one of her own right under them, buried tens of feet deep in dirt. "Yeah... you too. Sorry we're late, I had a few things to get done."

The magician smiled. "Not at all, you're right on time." Hisoka said in his usual alluring voice, pointing out the fact it was exactly three o'clock.

"Looks like you had fun." stated lllumi with joyed tone from the fact she had brought a once standing structure to its knees. It was all just a pile of rocks now.

Senka's expression instantly lightened to fake her anger at the infant. "We sure did! Right baby Hunter?" she cooed at the child with gentle violet eyes, a finger poked his little tummy.

The two males looked in question at the woman then at each other. "Hunter?" both Hisoka and lllumi blurted aloud in unison, obviously thinking the same thing. How strange to name a child after a dangerous profession, like they're ones to talk really.

Senka sighed in agreed annoyance. "Don't ask, I'm not in the mood right now." she warned in a stern voice. The woman stepped closer towards Hisoka, motioning for him to take the child. Hisoka's lips hummed in allured interest, with a twist of his wrist, cards disappeared from his hands in preparation to carry Hunter.

"I take it your being mad has something to do with this little one?" he asked while dangerous hands carefully - and willingly - took hold of her youngest cousin, planting Hunter against his chest. Allowing the small body to comfortably sit in the crook of his right arm, fingers curled around softness. Golden eyes looked down at the child to meet round greys, a look of curiosity showed on Hunter's sweet face. Tiny hands dared to reach out, gently touching the magician's painted face as a smile exposed little white teeth.

The enraged woman happened to caught the moment, seeing Hisoka give Hunter a genuine smile back. It rose butterflies within that Senka never thought she'd feel, ever. As quickly as the fuzzy emotion came, it was pushed away "Those bitches put the child down in the fifth!" she explained in extreme anger in her voice. "I'm so pissed off! I can't wait to find that little." Senka refrained from cursing with a frustrated huff.

"You'll get your chance soon enough." lllumi stated, a hand giving the treasured weapons he had kept safely for the female. Violet eyes shifted to the assassin, a slight gasp in realization of the items called for her attention.

Senka mumbled a 'thank you' as she took back her winged blades. "I already wired the money to your account while I was inside." she informed the black haired male while placing the holster straps around each of her inner thighs. Hisoka sneakily observing her unintentionally seductive movements, taking his attention away from Hunter only a few seconds.

"Oh? Alright" he replied in disinterest as lllumi was too busy staring at the child in the magician's arms. "So cute."

A sense of pride crept in the woman, a smirk played on her lips. "I know right?" she said enthusiastically. "He's my youngest cousin, an only child." explained Senka while fastening the last belt.

The child noticing how his smirking capture no longer had yellow eyes on him, followed the direction of eyesight to land on his eldest cousin and savior. "c'ka?" blurted a sweet baby voice, calling back the attention of Hisoka and Senka. Head rose to see Hunter pointing with a little finger down at her, it didn't help the aching in the woman's chest to subside.

Senka's lips curled into a sweet smile as she straightened her back, looking to the child in the magician's hold. "Yes baby Hunter, I'm all yours now." said the woman in a cheerful tone, knowing the boy was calling for her undivided attention. She reached gentle hands out to him in thinking to take her cousin back, only to have Hunter shy away from her invitation.

All three simultaneously stared at the child's rejection of Senka to remain in man's hold. A chuckled of both endearment and interest came from Hisoka. "Seems he liked me better." he teased the woman as Hunter giggled into Hisoka's shoulder, resting his head on the dangerous man. A cute smile, tiny eyes squinted at her enjoying the attention they all gave him. Her chest tightened from how attached her little cousin had gotten within minutes of being in the dangerous magician's arms.

Senka glared at her male counterpart with a smirk, right eye twitched. "Fabulous, want a prize Hisoka?" she said in sarcasm. An entertained Hisoka looked into her violet eyes, knowing very well how she enjoys the display of him and the child. Even though she'd never openly admit to it, deep down she secretly wanted it. What was before her in this moment but we all want things that are unreachable.

Hunter, breaking the moment, a tiny finger pointed at the man holding him. "Da?" blurted an adorably sweet voice.

The magician snickered at the baby's attempt in trying to say his name, while Senka bit her bottom lip to hide the joyed feelings inside her. Forcing with every portion of her self to contain the urges to encourage selfish thoughts.

A smirk curled the male's lips, yellow eyes rested on the eagerly waiting boy. "Hi~so~ka" alluring voice slowly pronounced it's own name with entertainment, waving his index finger in the same tune.

"h'ka?" Hunter popped out before turning back to Senka just to repeat the same line. She couldn't help it, unable to keep in the unconsciously happy feelings as laughter erupted from her chest. "You're so cute!" she said sweetly to the child with a smile, a gentle hand softly caressed Hunter's small head.

lllumi observed the rare scene in front of him, strangely not finding the interaction between his friends and this infant to appear weird. It seemed almost natural and fluent, like the way Senka took over such a motherly role instinctively and how Hisoka adapted with such parental manners within seconds of having the child in hand. The assassin figured the other male hadn't realized Hunter had been in his arms for more than a few minutes and hadn't returned the boy to his cousin. The ordeal brought an idea into lllumi's mind.

"If you two have a child, it'll probably be very cute." lllumi blurted out with a straight face. Earning two completely different reactions from his two partners. While Senka glared, Hisoka seemed to be actually contemplating the thought. Having a child with someone as worthy, powerful and not to mention physically attractive as Senka didn't unsettle the magician. Nor did it thrill him into actually wanting one either.

"Hell no!" she answered bluntly. "Not with this psycho! He'd probably grow up my poor child to either be killed or kill him."

The assassin let out a laugh. "Senka... you're making it worse for yourself."

Too late, cause now he was interested. "Now that you say that Senka." taunted Hisoka purposely, leaning towards the woman with a mischievous expression. "Having a child with you sounds all the more tempting." allured voice teased in a soft tone.

Violet eyes death glared at the man whom potentially started to plan out an unborn child and their destructive future. She parted her painted blue lips to snap at the crazed jester only to have the urge feel not worth the breath. "No comment."

lllumi simply blinked at the two. "In regards to the child... what are we going to do with it?" he pointed at the little boy.

Hisoka hummed as he let Hunter grab onto dangerous fingers on his free arm. "Why not keep him with us?" smiled the dangerous man.

"Oh hell to the no!" shouted Senka instantly rejecting the insane idea from bringing the infant to a battle ground, especially her uncle's own. "I know you're crazy but that's fucking insane! I'll never hear the end of it! And if that child only gets hurt his father will kill me!" the woman ranted, the two males obvious in their ignoring her words as they walked away in the desired direction.

"So then, Town Hall?" sang the magician with a devilish smirk.

"Da!" blurted Hunter, pointing into the direction needing to go.

"Finally, I thought we'd never get this over with." lllumi said with a uplifted tone.

Senka groaned at the manner she was treated in, heels began to move behind them. "If that child gets hurt in any way Hisoka. I'll kill you, bring you back to life, clone you, kill you and your clone and repeat." rambled the woman in an annoyed tone, not liking distractions such as this while fighting seriously.

The magician rested his yellow orbs on Senka, he chuckled in entertainment from her warning. "As tempting as that sounds, you have no need for concern." he assured. "I'll treat the boy as my own."

The woman scowled in immense worry. "Coming from you that only makes my head hurt more."

"Strange for you to become so attached within a significantly short time." stated lllumi to Hisoka in regards to not even letting the small boy go from his hold.

Hisoka hummed in question. "It's not really that unusual."

The team of monsters plus one baby stood meters before the structure known as The Town Hall, where all the political officials and elders debated on Senka's public execution. The instant they had step foot within range, three figures appeared, blocking the main entrance to the building.

Hisoka faced a dark skinned young woman with ocean blue hair that was styled in tight dreadlocks bunched together in a neat knot. Thin figure clothed in a simple grey dress with long sleeves, hem line stopped mid thigh, flat boots that reached to her knee matched the colour of her hair. Brown eyes glared at the invader, her hand tightened around the sliver trident that towered over her in height. This was Reva of water.

Before lllumi, dull grey eyes stared in disinterest from a female a few years younger than Senka. Short white hair framed a expressionless face, skin a shade lighter than the other Elemental woman. Body that matched Reva's was dressed in black jeans, white ankle boots, a grey bra cover and black cropped jacket. Empty hands twitched, itching to grab hold of the duel guns at her sides. Miku of the air element was this woman.

Finally, a man with extremely curly short dark brown hair, bored crimson eyes shielded with black framed glasses, skin similar to Senka and posture showing signs of a nonchalant personality stood in the woman's path. Lanky body dressed in black pants and a red shirt Chinese styled short sleeved shirt. Aiden of fire, was someone close to Senka's heart. Not only was he a cousin of her age, Aiden had been there for her during the harsh times of the woman's childhood. He had taught her something very important, that strength is everything.

Senka's violet eyes shifted between all three elementals, expression cold. "Bravery is going to get you all killed." said the woman in a strong voice.

Reva growled under her breath. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" she snarled at the female hunter's words.

"No, it's a promise." Hisoka stated in a playful tone with that smile of his, completely Senka's thought.

lllumi hummed. "But either way, you're going to die."

The water bearer's eyes widened in anger. "Go to hell you bit-" Reva's sentence was cut by an arm from Aiden blocking her path. The dark skinned woman looked in fury to her elemental partner. "Aiden! What the are you doing?" she thundered at him in demand to his motives.

His crimson eyes not leaving Senka once. "It's no use in fighting Senka or her friends." he stated in a carefree tone.

Miku shifted ever so slightly to the male element. "We have our orders Aiden, not to allow any intruders to enter the Hall." re-informed a quiet unemotional voice.

Senka giggled wickedly, alerting Hisoka it was about to start. "Don't be so tense. I'm not going to fight either of you, they are." the violet eyed woman stated with a sweet smile on her lips. "It wouldn't be very polite of me to get greedy, sharing is caring." she taunted, voice cheerful.

A wrathful Reva twirled the trident in her hands with skill before directing its triple points at Hisoka and the child in his hand. Hunter, sensing danger, looked to the magician with a quivering pout and big grey eyes. "Ba!Ba!"

Hisoka blinked at Hunter before smiling at the boy. "There's nothing to worry about little one." Golden eyes shifted on Reva wickedly, excitement coursed through him. "The bad girl won't touch a single hair on you, or me in fact." his alluring voice said as his free hand magically made the four of spades appear. The infant giggled at the simple trick.

Reva's features tensed, her jaw flexed in anger at the magician's words. "Bring it the fuck on." The determination in the elemental woman's eyes steered the magician in ways she'll soon regret, he licked his lips in anticipation of how strong she seemed to be.

lllumi and Miku stared at each other, absent - minded meets unemotional. The grey haired woman swiftly took her guns out, giving them a spin before fingers curled around sliver mental. lllumi could tell it was a special kind of fire arm from the decorations that covered the weapon.

Miku's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the assassin. "We'll finish this quickly, Reva." she mumbled in a small voice, not a trace of emotion could be found.

"My thoughts exactly." lllumi said back, golden needles appeared between his fingers.

Aiden groaned in annoyance at how readily his two companions were to fight opponents they had no chance against. "Are you two woman insane? Take a good look at them! Fighting the old Senka was one thing but now." Aiden paused, intimidation began to settle within the man. As if Senka wasn't bad but the two men with her.

On the right, a long black haired man with big round dark eyes, expression seemingly blank, dressed in purple and white. On the left, stood a man dressed in a green and white, piercing yellow eyes, styled back fuchsia hair. Paled face painted with a star and teardrop on either cheek, child in hand of course.

Even without aura they seem to radiate danger, just their demeter was enough to shake the fire elemental. "That's some next level shit." he finally stated, slightly angered at his own weakness. Aiden thrust hands deep into his pockets, showing his surrendering. "I'll pass on this one, there's no way I'll get myself killed so young." he voiced, hand rubbed his neck in surrender.

Hisoka, still coddling the little boy in his arms hummed in allure at Aiden's keen senses. "A wise decision, you definitely are Senka's relative." he complimented the male cousin as he casually walked over towards Senka, symbolizing him siding with the hunter woman.

"Hm, running is nothing cowardly if it means avoiding a meaningless death in same cases." lllumi commented aloud, noting how the two females itched to stop their team member but hesitation settled in them. Though he guessed it was due to the intensive stare his female friend was giving them.

Senka's expression softened as Aiden to safely approach her, crimson and violet exchanging acknowledgment of growth between the two.

A lazily smirk curled his lips. "Look how badass you've gotten and you brought friends! That's good!" he greeted with a comical sense.

she snickered. "Hello to you too, now get your ass outta here." Senka demanded of her cousin, wanting him to go quickly. The itch to have her blades cutting into flesh started to become unbearable.

Aiden sighed. "Still the same old Senka, go easy on the-" Joking words were cut from the male as his eyes widened in shock. A single bullet wound from his forehead appeared, a line of blood dripped from the hole. His mouth twitched in an effort to get last words out but wasn't successful. Senka's features remained calm and unnerved as the lifeless body of Aiden towered downward, falling to the ground with a thump between her and Hisoka.

Eyes rested on Miku, who's gun was pointing directly where a once living Aiden stood. "We have no need for weakness" she simply stated with a cold voice, dropping the weapon to her side.

Little sniffles was heard from the baby in Hisoka's arms, crying silently for his fallen family. Hunter wrapped his tiny arms around the magician's neck, burying a sobbing face into fabric. Hisoka snickered at how sensitive the young one seemed to be. "It's okay." he gently assured, giving the child a soft pat on the back.

Senka truly didn't know how to react to what just happened. Should she be upset, no? Enraged at the fact her cousin was just murdered right before her eyes. But she wasn't. She felt nothing but calmness. Perhaps he wasn't significant enough? Oh... so that's what he meant. For a moment, she understood why monsters like lllumi and Hisoka didn't remember every single person they've killed. Senka knelt on one knee, her hands gentle rubbed his soft curled hair. "I'm sorry... Aiden." she whispered.

Hisoka mentally moaned in wonderful bliss at the entertaining characters of Senka's family, they displayed such promise and worth. The urge to sustain his own blood-lust tingled all over his body, excited to have such a challenge presented to him. The baby in his arms giggled from the magician's strange behavior.

"..." lllumi stared at his crazed friend, having no words for the sociopath enjoying this way too much.

"That's right!" shouted female voice that was new to the Senka's partners in crime.

Senka's body ached in excitement upon the familiar presence that she itched to destroy call for her attention at the rooftop of the Town Hall. Violet eyes lit with blood-lust as the plump image of her primary source of rage originated from came into focus."Ivya." she named the round bodied woman still dressed in her white corset and black jeans that seemed overly tight.

Icy blue eyes narrowed at the female that stood between the two intruders. "Senka? How the hell did you get out the fifth?" shouted Ivya in dismay at seeing the hunter unbound and in daylight.

A snicker left painted blue lips while standing up, she placed a hand on her hip. "Don't fuck with me Ivya, you really think chains will keep me down? So mundane." Senka said with a cocky attitude.

Ivya tsked, rolling her eyes in dismissal of her older cousins words. "Whatever, I don't care. By the time I'm done with you that little boyfriend of yours will have to gather your remains." taunted the loud woman, pointed at the magician.

Hisoka's brows wrinkled in a scowl at the comment. "little?" he mumbled aloud, feeling a wounded ego. Realizing for a moment the possible reason to why Senka didn't really discuss her family, they were all some sort of messed up. Not that he's any better but too much of anything of never healthy, even crazy.

The assassin turned to his friend. "Must be true... since your expression is one of being offered." lllum said, earning a glare from the magician.

"He's not my boyfriend!" denied Senka in a shout.

Ivya hummed in suspicion of a lie "Huh? You sure? Cause he seems like your type, fucking psycho."

Both lllumi and Hisoka mentally agreed with her cousin on that one, the magician being living proof.

"Yeah? Well I rather that than be weak." Senka retorted with an insult.

"Ouch." lllumi commented to Senka's comeback.

Ivya laughed in dismissal of the older female's direct attack on her life choices. "Excuse me? Do I hear jealousy? Still mad about me stealing your first boyfriend? hm... What was his name again? Or is it the fact I'm the family favourite?" she tapped a finger on her lips.

Senka snickered. "You know... I'm surprise your tiny brain reminders anything but sizes."

"That's two for Senka." Hisoka blurted out, side glancing to lllumi whom was crackling as the two woman continued their bickering.

Ivya groaned in irritation, her hand taking hold of her black whip to have it twirled and directed at Senka. Violet eyes narrowed at the weapon that seemed to have an elastic quality as it stretched triple times its length in order to target her. In a flash, Hisoka was entertained to see wings blades finally taken out from their containment. Senka skillfully deflected her cousin's attack, sending it diving into the dirt. A thin cloud of dust raised from the impact, Senka's expression was calm and un-phased.

This was nothing. She's finished. A smirk of hidden victory found its way to the woman's lips, violet eyes sparkled with sweet insanity. Hisoka found himself chuckling, feeling a tiny bit of pity for Senka's opponent. They were going to face a worst fate than death, especially if they tortured the woman as Ivya did.

"You know, killing within the family is forbidden." Senka stated, voice sounded deathly sweet as finger curled around metal handles.

Senka's hands worked the winged blades with masterful skill, twisting, flipping and turning them through her fingers. When they stopped, the weapons pointed tips both in the direction of her target. Knees bent, body launched itself aiming for the plump woman.

"But don't worry, I'll play as your executioner." She deemed before leaving the ground, a large circle of cracked earth was all that remained.