Chapter 10: Get On My Level

It began, the second phase of the plan. Eliminate the Elementals. Then onto phase three, Town Hall.

lllumi vs Miku

Dark eyes stared into grey ones, both lllumi and Miku hadn't moved an inch. Testing the other to see who would dare begin their fight, the assassin was surprised to see the woman flash from her spot to appear within arms length of him. Sliver gun aimed right at his forehead, luckily he had shifted behind Miku moments before her finger pulled the trigger. He observed how a grey aura line shot out the barrel, Nen bullets.

Swiftly, lllumi straightened his hand in an attempt to give Miku a clean chop to the neck. His hope was to render her unconscious but she dodged the attack with in quick flash. Dark eyes shifted calmly to feel her presence behind him, turning on his heel, lllumi waved his arm horizontal to throw a shower of needles. Miku gasped, leaping backwards to have the deathly weapons of his miss her by seconds.

The woman let out a breath, slight panic settled in her when she noticed the assassin's expression hadn't changed. As if this was nothing to him, that she was easy. Miku's chest tightened, feeling unconfident in her skills.

"You're surprisingly talented." complimented lllumi on her abilities. "Not anyone can avoid such close ranged attacks with my speed."

She blinked at him, grey eyes unexpressive in the amount of hope his words gave her. "I could say the same about you... You're an assassin, right?" Miku asked with a monotone voice.

"Yes, I'm a Zoldyck assassin." he answered simply, seeing no reason to hide his identity.

The corner of her lips curled in a faint smirk. "That's good to hear." she said, focusing to have a white aura trace her figure. "Seeing as we Sunalin's don't get much strong opponents, someone of your stature will be a good test dummy."

lllumi hummed in acceptance to her friendly challenge. "Make sure to try your best to not die."


Hisoka& Baby Hunter vs Reva

Hisoka watched as Senka aimed directly for Ivya, her angel wings faintly seen. Admiring the beauty of the woman's Nen for a moment.

"Hey Clown! Eyes here!" growled the water elemental female as she lunged at Hisoka with her trident.

Hunter's eyes widened before shutting tightly, fearing the impact of such a lighting fast attack only to no feel anything but wind. Hisoka skillfully dodged each one of the woman's attacks, swerving left and right as she would poke her weapon at them. The baby began to giggle, his frightened emotions replaced with innocent thrill.

"g'in! g'in!" chanted the child in demand of more amusement, earning a chuckle from the working magician.

Reva groaned in frustration at the two males, her being unable to land a single hit on the fuchsia haired man became annoying. Plus, she was afraid to hit the baby and only made movements that wouldn't cause harm to Hunter while fighting Hisoka. All of this was pushing the water bearer's patience.

Hisoka smirked, expression showing how entertained he felt. "Judging from your weapon, your element must be water. Am I right?" he asked in an alluring voice, which for some reason only added to the woman's short tolerance.

She huffed, pausing her movements. "Woah, super smart. " she said with immense sarcasm. "Yes dumbass, I'm the water element. Like knowing that is going to help you, really it's hella funny." Reva bluntly retorted in arrogant attitude, placing her free hand on her slender hip.

The woman's words seemed to peek Hisoka's interest. "But that's where you're wrong, it tells me everything I require to know about you."

"As if I give a flying fuck." she bickered back, twirling the staff with one hand before stopping it in a catch. "Cause you're going to die anyways." Reva declared with blazing brown eyes that lit with enormous confidence, her aura began to radiate from the petite body.

Hisoka's body tingled in that familiar sensation that urged him to kill, he licked his lips in pleasurable excitement from Reva's potential. "What a wonderful expression you have." Having a momentary thought at how this woman reminded him of the Senka he met five years ago.


Senka vs Ivya

The sky was filled with streams of sparks as Senka and Ivya clashed. They seemed like fireflies separating and meeting, rays of light followed their quick movements. Although the black haired cousin was fighting with a whip, it was a special material that allowed the weapon to an outer layer that mimicked the durable quality of metal.

It had been a very long time since either of the woman had fought one another, the last time being the day Senka was disowned. Least to say, between them there was history resulting for this tension. Things needed to be settled and it was going to dead with one of them dead.

Ivya leaped backwards, distancing herself from Senka whom smirked at the movement. "Giving up already?" bluntly taunted Senka.

"In your dreams, I'm just bored of this back and forth." the plump woman waved her whip to create a lashing sound. "Why don't we get to the main event." Ivya stated before a lime green aura surrounded her feet and hands only.

Senka, knowing the kind of Nen abilities her cousin possessed, instantly leaped from her current spot. Aura in the organic shape of vines shot up from the ground with immense speed, turning sharply to Senka's direction with the aid of Ivya's hand commands. Senka landed on the roof of another structure only to flash elsewhere, able to avoid the green vines and have them smash into cement.

A calm Senka, now air bound, detects Ivya's Nen from above her. Violet eyes noticed an appearance of a lime circle that had vines burst out in a downward strike at Senka.

Ivya laughed in wickedly amusement to see a cloud of dust rise from the impact. "Got ya!" she said in early victory only to have her blue eyes widen, seeing that Senka had survived. The older one having placed her bladed in an 'X' formation, summoning her Angel Wings to aid against the green Nen and thus allowing her to protect herself.

Blue eyes glared in anger at the still living woman, a low growl escaped her lips. "How in the world could you still be alive? It's just fucking wings!" bitterly asked Ivya.

Senka snickered devilishly, flashing out of the vines' line of fire. The wings flapped, allowing her to seem as if she's flying but it was just for show. A small giggle eurpted from her, finding Ivya's words comical, almost idiotic.


lllumi vs Miku

After the appearance of a thin film around the woman's body, she flashed over to be inches from lllumi. Pointing her gun at his head, dark eyes stared blankly at the weapon before shifting behind Miku. A needle in his hands, he went to stick the sharp item into her neck. In a second, she had disappeared before he was able to carry out his action. Her abilities and senses have increased.

Miku reappeared behind lllumi, gun pointed again at his head in a second attempt. This time, she pulled the trigger without hesitation before he had the chance to react. Unknown to her, the assassin possessed speed she couldn't fathom. lllumi flashed out of the line of fire, he observed as the Nen bullet left the barrel with greater size and speed than the previous one.

lllumi hummed in understanding, she's an Enhancer with Emitter capabilities to fool the opponent. His hand, armed with needles counterattacked head on. Lunging at the woman from the side, big dark eyes focused on her head. To lllumi's surprise, grey eyes shifted to land on him and found her sliver gun staring at him yet again. With lighting speed, he dodged another shot from Miku.

The two matched opponents faced one another with facial expression that mimicked the other's stoic features. lllumi tilted his head slightly. "You're speed and awareness is impeccable." he complimented with a joyful tone.

"Same to you." she replied in monotone.

lllumi blinked at the woman, finding her words odd. This was only his normal speed, nothing to get excited over. "Hm? But I'm only at an average speed."

Grey eyes widened ever so slightly, a frantic feeling of anxiety settled in Miku. She was already fighting in her fastest pace! Yet this man before her, who currently she currently matches against, claims it's not even close to his top speed. As if this battle between them is like a walk in the park, like nothing. There was no way she could win let alone survive fighting such a frightening person. But, she had a duty to complete.

Miku's jaw flexed, her grip tightened around metal. lllumi noticed her expression darken in dismay of how inferior she is compared to him. This was his chance to kill her while she's distracted. Raising his arm in preparation to hurl another shower of needles, in a moment of displaced character, lllumi hesitated. Feels of pity swarmed the assassin, this woman was young and talented. Yet, she needs to die. Or does she? But if he doesn't do it, Senka will. lllumi knew because Miku murdered Aiden, she's dead already.

Needles, with lightning speed, rushed at the female. This time however, they were too fast for her to move in order to avoid the attack. Grey eyes widened as numbness engulfed throughout her body, fingers relaxed, the sound of her guns dropping was non-existent to her. lllumi had showed her mercy and only placed a single needle directly at Miku's forehead. The woman feel backwards with a thump, staring at the beautiful sunset that decorated the sky in reds, yellows and oranges. A tear slowly trailed from the corner of her eye, precious memories flashed through her mind.

One down, two to go.


Hisoka+Baby Hunter vs Reva

Hunter stared in awe at Reva's aura, droplets of royal blue surrounded the woman. Hisoka observed how it mimicked the appearance of rain, she was a Transmuter like him. Within an instant, the man conjured possibilities of her abilities and a strategy to beat Reva. Although he was short an arm, that didn't matter. It only added to his excitement. Hisoka reached his free hand behind Hunter's ear, the child blinked at the dangerous hand to see a card magically appear. The little boy giggled as he playfully tried to stretch for the weapon, Hisoka pulled his hand away to keep it a distance.

Blue eyes sparked with determination to defeat the man before her. "That's your weapon? As if a little card is going to help you against my Nen Rain." she arrogantly stated.

The magician snickered, a smirk curled his lips. "Oh it'll be more than enough." he declared with allurement.

Reva huffed. "I'll make you regret ever coming here!" the woman shouted, a hand reached out to a droplet, her palm seemed to enlarge it with aura into a ball. She motioned her arm to have the blue sphere be thrown at the two males with incredible speed.

With ease, Hisoka dodged the attack in a shift flash to the right. Allowing the aura created ball to hit a structure that was behind him, causing an explosion. The loud sound frightened Hunter, the magician felt a small flinch in his arms. He glanced down to see the child clinging onto him in fear of the destructive noise.

The dangerous hand holding the small body gently patted Hunter's back. "Aw~ It's alright little one~" cooed Hisoka in his seductively soothing voice to calm Hunter down. Which worked, as the baby sponged off Hisoka's own unnerved manner.

A furious dark skinned female groaned, her chest raised in adrenaline induced fury. Trying to fathom how this man could possibly avoid every single attack she had thrown at him since the start.

Golden orbs narrowed at the woman, Hisoka noticed her resolve was crumbling. Perfect. In a swift motion of his arm, he sent the single card between his fingers in Reva's direction. Hoping the weapon would pass through the space between the droplets to land a hit, only to have the four of spades be stopped. The magician noticed how the droplets expanded into a protective wall within seconds.

Hisoka hummed in interest at the unique ability, having confirmed his speculation of her being under the Transmutation classification. "Oh? That's neat~"

Reva's smirked, feeling she had the upper hand. "My Water Wall is partically unbreakable! You're little cards are completely useless against it!" she stated, tapping her trident's staff into the ground in emphasis of confidence in her Nen.

The man snickered, noticing something very important to his success in winning against this woman. Reva didn't realize with that little subconscious tap of her Trident had gave herself away to Hisoka. Instantly, he reformulated another plan. A highly mischievous expression played on his features, twist of his wrist made another card appear in his hand. The magician shifted a finger to have two more cards show up miraculously, earning more giggles from Hunter. Hisoka aimed at the aura wall, the cards of course were stopped again.

Reva stared at the man with confusion, not understanding his actions. A wicked smile on his lips hinted a devious trick was being planted but unluckily for her, the woman didn't know him that well to realize that.

"There are three cards in your water wall." he began.

She groaned. "No shit! I only have eyes."

His smile remained unmoved. "Each one of them are a different suit, there are four in total. So which suit is missing?" Asked the magician, a finger pointed at the cards in question.

Blue eyes blinked at the man, her expression annoyed. "What the hell you think this is? A game?" she shouted only to have Hisoka retain his manner, telling her he was being serious in his action. She sensed something was off but nothing suspicious could be seen, even with Gyo.

Reva huffed in surrender before eyes shifted to the three cards in her aura wall. As she examines to determine the answer, baby Hunter glanced upwards staring at pink substance that was connected to Reva's trident and right ankle. "Da?" whispered the child to Hisoka, looking to his protector as he pointed at the questionable object.

The magician chuckled, highly impressed by Hunter's natural talent. Hisoka brought a finger to his lips. "Sh~"

"Hearts." answered the woman.

A smirk curled the corner of Hisoka's lips, "Wrong~"

Reva's eye twitched "Huh? Why they hell am I wrong? There's no hearts!" she retorted in frustration.

"At your feet." he simply said, pointing downward in her direction.

In a fit of panic, her head looked at the ground to see a ten of hearts just inched from her boots. A sweatdrop trailed on her forehead, wondering when he was even able to plant that when she's never taken eyes off him.

Hisoka could tell she was getting uncomfortable and nervous by her expression. While she was so foused on the direct attack, Reva failed to pay attention to any other threat and allowed him to get that close undetected. His little trick worked, it was his win.

"Why don't I get you a little fortune~ You're going to lose something of extreme value." The magician evilly stated in a deliberate trick to throw Reva into panic. It worked.

Blue eyes widened at the over confidence Hisoka displayed, fear of her defeat settled in her. Filled with pride, the woman had no intentions of running away even with his clairvoyant claim of her misplacing something important.

Hisoka smirked in early victory as Reva's breath hitched, he got under her skin. It didn't surprise him really, types such as her are submissive to panic easily when their pride is targeted.

The woman gripped onto the staff of her Trident, finishing this guy was not only her goal but duty. "The only thing I'm going to lose is one less problem."

Reva began to twirl the weapon, taking a step towards the magician. "Da!" mumbled Hunter in uncanny timing, indicating the exact moment golden eyes narrowed, seeing this as his opportunity to act.

Hisoka gave a tug at the string of pink aura that was attached to Reva's boot, making her fall. A gasp of surprise left her lips as she was forced off-balance, her body seemingly froze and the spinning Trident was pulled out of reach. That sealed her death. Reva's aura instantly disappeared once she and the metal staff weren't connected through physical touch.

The woman landed on her back only to feel the strong pull continue, having Reva hang by a leg upside down. She struggled in frantic movements in hopes to free herself but blue eyes then saw the now invisible reason to the attack. Hisoka's Bungee gum was attached to her ankle like glue as well as to her weapon.

A growled of fury roared from Reva "You cheating bastard! Using In to conceal your aura! That's fighting dirty!" she spat with venomously, angry at the fact she was not only caught in such a devious trap but having the true source of her abilities revealed. It was humiliating.

"Now now~" Hisoka said in an alluring voice, his finger waved side to side to simultaneously swing the hanging woman. "Very good job, pretending to be a Transmuter when really, you're a Conjurer and this trident is the source of your abilities."

"H-How the fuck did you know that? Senka! She-" Reva was cut off but a card aimed just inched from her face, a small cut appeared on her cheek. Blue eyes widened at the smiling magician.

"Oh no, the one to blame is you~ Giving yourself away by never letting go of the weapon, it was quite obvious" Hisoka explained his observation to the woman. Perhaps to any other she was would been victorious but luck wasn't on her side. This man was monstrous in nature, there was not a chance of survival.

Reva's eyes shifted in fearful realization of her demise, breath began to hitch. "You... You're fucking insane!"

He chuckled, eyes closed for a momentary smile. "Why thank you~ Such a compliment really~"

"H'ka Ya! H'ka Ya!" chanted the baby.

The magician chuckled with a smile at the child's chant of victory. "Yes we won!" he turned to the trapped woman. "You should be thankful I was your opponent and not Senka, she wouldn't have kept you alive for so long. Though you may possess some potential, you're only able to use Nen while carrying an item... It's quite boring." he sighed dramatically.

Reva began to panic, her body warning the woman of something horrible coming her way. Something she couldn't run from. "No! Please! D-Don't do this!" she pleaded in a fruitless attempt to get the magician to spare her life. Its wasn't happening.

"Such a tragedy... I had high hopes for your potential." he sadly said before sending a card to impale deep into her forehead.

The unharmed child in his arms looked to Hisoka with tearful grey eyes, sniffling to himself. A tiny arm waved at the lifeless body dangling. "bi bi!" blurted Hunter through hiccups.

Hisoka snickered to himself, finding the little one highly perspective for his young age. "Bye Bye~"

Two down, one to go.


Senka vs Ivya

Senka laughed evilly, finding the naive words comical in nature. "Just wings? How fucking dumb are you, hm? Five years have passed by and you still choose to fight the same old way as you did before I left. You're so weak it's pitiful." she ranted with a sinister expression on her features.

"Excuse me?" growled the blue eyed woman, feeling insulted by the other's harsh words.

"You heard me Ivya. Nen is such a powerful ability because of the endlessness possible uses and adaptability." Senka explained. "For example, these wings are just one form of many. Let me show you how a true Nen Master fights." The angelic image on her back turned into a dark bloop as it decided on what to morph into next.

To Ivya's surprise, the black aura divided into four pieces that retained the shape of a human. Blue eyes widened, shifting in slight panic.

Senka smiled, knowing she was getting her cousin where she wanted her. "My shadow people." stated with woman with a wicked smirk, a hand on her hip. Clearly setting her superiority and dominance against Ivya. There was no more chances, Senka didn't give two flying you know whats. She came here to kill and that's what she was going to do.

The other female felt her body tremble, pressured from the overwhelming power that radiating from the hunter. Ivya's jaw tensed, her hands were again surrounded with lime green aura. "That's it? Little people made from your wings?"

Unaffected by Ivya's words, Senka stared at her cousin with indifference. "You haven't seen nothing yet." stated the woman as she placed the winged blades into their holsters. Her Nen shadow people darted in an head-on attack at Ivya while she levitated a few feet from the roof.

Vine aura shot at the dark figures as she tried to avoid every strike. Ivya leaped backwards only to have a shadow person appear where she landed, its claws grazed her arm. The woman hissed at the pain but couldn't stop as the aura created beings would allow for it. In a moment of desperation, Ivya her aura surround her in 360 degrees, vines bolted from all directions. Not stopping to realize it as all a distraction.

Senka chuckled devilishly from above, calling for Ivya's attention. Blue eyes frantically shifted to the floating cousin, noticing how the sunset was no longer seen. Replaced by a black misty aura that domed the entire town, Ivya's heart raced in panic.

"Wh-What is this? Explain Senka!" demanded Ivya, voice exposing the fear that crept behind her.

A mischievous smirk curled painted blue lips. "Why don't I show you instead." said the woman, tone oozed with cruel intentions. Senka's hands darkened by her own aura, the familiar sounds of a thunder storm began to echo through the town.

Hisoka and lllumi whistled in unison at the massive spectacle Senka was putting on. Hunter trembled at the loud noises, burying his small head into his protectors shoulder.

Ivya didn't know what to do, she stood there frozen. Blue eyes widened at the magnitude of Senka's abilities, cockiness quickly disappeared from the woman. Body began to shake, betraying her.

It all amused Senka, to see this person who had constantly belittled her throughout the years they've lived together. Now, she finally has her nemesis on the rope, shivering in fear and on the brink of pleading for her life. A dangerously dark expression played on Senka's features, blood-lust raging to be let out.

Shadow People reappeared when Ivya wasn't paying attention, each one grabbed onto a limp. "Get off of me!" shouted Ivya, the plump woman pulled and tugged in fruitless attempts to free herself with no luck. The dark figures melted around hands and feet to morph into a web-like shape to completely trap Ivya.

"You know Ivya, sending my mother and Aunt Natalia to the fifth is whatever, they're grown women." Senka started with a slightly seductive tone. "But sending the kids...Hunter... And selling Tessila is where you fucked up." her voice became more sinister as she continued."No matter what, I am their protector and I will continue to do so." declared Senka in a rageful passion.

The crack of thunder grew louder, Senka's killed aura leaked uncontrollably. Ivya groaned in pain as the shadows trapping her began to pull on limps in separate directions. She laughed in hysterics. "Don't fucking kill me! You their protector? Oh hun, you're no one's hero. A monster is what you are and what you'll always be." Ivya spat in hateful bitterness.

Senka's breath hitched at the very issue she had been struggling to answer. Deep down, the woman already knew it. She realized on that day, the answer. This moment was just a confirmation of her inner thoughts she always pushed away.

An Aura covered hand raised towards the dark sky. "Say hello to Aiden for me!" She said with a sweet voice, violet eyes watched a dark thunder bolt stuck at the bounded woman and shadows ripped Ivya apart. A sinister expression made her seen almost psychotic in nature, an evil cackle rumbled from her chest. The woman held her stomach which stung from the about of laughter. Senka turned to face her male accomplices, face painted with blood splatters.

Three down, Town Hall to destroy.

"I'll meet you two inside." she said with immense insanity, voice seemingly seductive as she moved to the sky viewer.

Hisoka laughed in a similar manner to Senka, absorbing the woman's own blood-lust to further satisfy his. "Finally we've reached the main event."

"Hm, my speculations about the two of your were right." lllumi commented aloud as he began walking over towards the entrance to Town Hall.

The magician decided to ignore his friends' comment, following suit beside the other with the child in hand.

Senka mentally commanded her shadows, having them smash the glass and drop the remaining pieces of her cousin. The sounds of screams and panic made her body hot, she felt a throbbing sensation course through lower regions.

"Ivya? What is the meaning of this!" screeched a frantic female voice in demand, her tone showing signs of sobbing. "My baby girl!"

The woman above listening to every cry giggled, her ears twitched from the sound of someone entering through the front doors. Signaling to Senka that lllumi and Hisoka with her youngest cousin made their appearance.

"Who are you people? You have no business being in here!" shouted another voice before it began, the sounds of killing and murder.

"Hm~ I see those two wasted no time in getting started." Senka mumbled to herself. The woman took a step forward in the opening to descend into the Hall. Landing on the alter portion with an impact crumbling the painted cement, blue locks gracefully fell around her shoulders. Violet eyes scanned the current situation of the final stage to her plan.

lllumi, of course doing his regular thing with those needles of his in hand. The assassin sped through each row of long-gated desks, planting the deathly weapons however suited best. Senka always admired the seemingly elegant way he killed with no effort at all. The woman's line of sight darted onto the Hisoka-Hunter duo on the opposite side of the room. The magician, cards and baby in hand ended the life of anyone within his reach.

To Hisoka's surprise, the child had snatched one of the cards while he was drowning in the ecstasy of his blood-lust. Golden eyes rested on Hunter as he innocently examined a King of spades. In a blink of an eye, the child randomly swung his arm and let go of the card. Hisoka followed the thrown paper to find it impaled into the back of a man's head. "Oh my~ Let's keep that between us~ Hm?" He alluring whispered to Hunter.

Senka, catching the scene, couldn't help but feeling both proud and jealous of her little cousin.

Nova, whom was coddling her dismembered daughters' head looked upon Senka's figure with teary eyes. Instantly, a storm of fury raised within her, wanting to confront the person to blame for Ivya's murder. Nova shaky stood up, releasing the severed head.

"You... bitch! How dare you! Killing my daughter! You're cousin in cold blood! You have shamed the Sunalin name! The family's honour and reputation is now tarnished because of a monster like you." Nova yelled at her niece as a final retort to inflict pain, the murderous scene pushed the older woman into having a psychotic breakdown.

Senka glanced with icy violet eyes at her aunt, causing the woman to flinch at the chilling expression. A wicked smirk curled her lips. "If I'm the monster, you're in my palace." she replied calmly.

Nova tsked, enraged at the little reaction gotten from Senka. Wanting the girl to bow down and beg to be forgiven. Well, she's expecting that from the wrong person. Having enough, the female hunter swiftly grabbed the demonic winged blade. A swipe unseen to the human eye cut right through Nova's neck, blue eyes rolled back. Senka holstered the weapon, turning her back to the blood splatter as Nova's headless body dropped to the floor.

Screams of agony and fear echoed through the large room, bringing satisfaction to the giggling woman. Blood splattered and lifeless corpse collapsing every few seconds. The whole scene only exciting Senka as she took a seat on top the head deck, where her grandfather used to rule. Crossing her legs, an elbow dug into her thigh.

A breathless sigh of pure bliss escaped her lips, teeth bit down on a long nail. "Sorry Grandpa, being a devil feels too good."