Chapter 12: Pretty Girl Is Suffering

It is fact, that male spiders identify themselves to females through complex courtship rituals. Why? To avoid being eaten, for the male hardly ever survives. What better way to lengthen your life span than to present yourself to a female instead of thinking you could take her head on.

Ever thought of that? He did.

Six Years Ago

Senka walked aimlessly, in no specific direction, no desired destination. She just walked, it was the only thing that took her mind off into space. Allowing her to forget the pain. A blank expression seemed to remain on her features, she couldn't remember the last time a smile curled her lips. Oh, right it was around three months ago. Before life turned into the disaster it was, when things alluded to being simple.

The vibration from her phone signaled a message came in, she pulled out the device to see it was from her caretaker.

Stay safe kiddo and don't be reckless, Mel.

Violet eyes stared at the caring massage with cold detachment, it was nonsense. People don't naturally care for another unless there was some sort of motive. If there was nothing to gain, no need for relations. It was all a game to reach higher in the latter. That's what Senka thought, her vision had been stripped of innocence to see the world for its ugly colour.

It was depressing. To have everything, everyone, that you knew turn against you. Not help you as much as they could have. All because the fear of peer pressure engulfed individuals, family, into shunning her away. It hurt, immensely.

Senka carried those wounds around, under her clothes, her skin, in the heart. Anxiety began to overtake the girl, her insides rapidly turned and flipped causing a sickly feeling deep in her stomach. She swallowed, jaw tensed in reflex. Senka swerved into a nearby alley, not wanting to hurl in public eye. No need to add salt into her already infected wounds.

She panted heavily, a hand braced her body against cold brick, it felt nice on her skin. Blue hair draped around her face, tears threatened as it burned her eyes. Breath hitched, waiting for something to rise from her throat but nothing came. False alarm.

A sigh escaped her lips, eyes closed in hope to wake from the nightmare. Why? Why did it have to be her? She didn't do anything wrong! It was all self defense, she was the victim. Then... why was she treated like the villain? From her own family... it tortured her. Fingers curled against the solid mass as anger crept from deep inside. Heart beat steadily at the sound of unfortunate souls approaching the girl. Evil boyish chuckles and snickers interrupted her self loathing.

Great, a venting session.

"Yo gurl, How you doin?" slurred a playful voice.

A different tone chuckled, it was deeper. "You lookin' a little sick there miss, we can help with that." it said with unhidden motives.

Violet eyes shifted to side glance at what she was dealing with: Two males, seemed to be older than her, looked very much like those wannabe gangster types. Bandannas, baggy clothing, slicked back hair and sneakers that looked two sizes too big. The scene tempted the girl to laugh but that would ruin the 'poor helpless girl in the alley' persona she had going.

Senka concealed her blood-lust instantly, letting out a fake sniffle. "G-Go away... I-I'm fine." she pretended to sob, a hand pulled back strands of blue to reveal her face.

Ignoring her words, the boys stupidly inched closer. Exchanging wicked looks, thinking they were about to get lucky.

"Oh yes you are." provocatively commented the childish sounding one, his hand roughly grabbed onto Senka's without permission. She gasped loudly, allowing the male to violently twirl her body and have it slam against the hard brick wall. She let out a whimper, scared eyes flashed at her victims.

Lips quivered in fear. "No! Let go of me!" Senka shouted in dismay, expression reflected her act.

Mischievous cackles rumbled from the boys at her 'damsel in distress' routine, not realizing they were already trapped in the web.

"Come on Babe, show us a little something something." slurred the boy whom at the moment wasn't grabbing onto Senka, until now. A hand boldly slid between her thighs, the girl was glad she wore pants.

Senka swiftly took hold of the naughty hand trying to dig their way to China, her grip causing the male to howl in pain.

"Ouch ouch! Fuck bitch let go!" He whined, struggling to pull away from the tight hold with no avail. With a single motion of her wrist, a loud crack echoed in the alley. The boy cried in agony from having his bone crumbled, his friend stared in terror with wide eyes.

Using the shocked reaction as an opportunity, she twirled her own captured wrist out of trembling fingers. Now freed, Senka curled slender digits around the second boys' neck. The sound of choking invaded her ears, she could sense her blood-lust wanting to play. The screams and pleads were numbed as she crushed a throat in her hands, allowing a lump body to drop effortlessly. A quick spin had Senka's body behind the remaining boy, hands grabbed hold onto either side of his head before snapping the neck.

Senka's heart raced uncontrollably, hearing began to return as the sound of her panting reached ears. The faint black film of wings would fade in and out. Even while trying to get her aura stable, she could sense the presence of a third body. This one was different, more matured and powerful. "Show's over. There something I can help you with?"

The man in simple black dress pants and white buttoned shirt smiled at her with fake sweetness. "How did you do that?"

She blinked, senses warned her of danger. This person was strong, she'd probably die if they were to fight. Still, knowing that Senka remained composure, not wanting to show any signs of weakness. The girl stuck her tongue out at him in response to his question.

A small chuckle came from the smile. "Very smart of you to figure me out so quickly, it's a first." he complimented her fast thinking.

"You didn't answered my question before asking one yourself." she retorted like a brat.

"Actually, its more along the lines of what I can do for you." he asked finally.

Senka rose a brow, skeptical to his words. "Yeah? And what would that be?"

His smile only grew all the more, feeling he achieved in gaining the girls' attention. "Let's discuss it over dinner." he offered, turning to walk out of the dark alley. Fully expecting her to follow him without a single word.

Senka groaned in reluctance, thinking how much of a terrible idea it would be to just aimlessly follow a dangerous stranger. Who knows, he could be a vampire and just wanted to make sure her iron levels were up by treating his prey to dinner. Or it nothing bad would happen and she gains a new ally.

Either way, what did she have to lose? She already lost everything important months ago, did it matter really?

With a heavily breath, Senka followed the man to a quiet restaurant with hardly anyone inside. Sitting down, both had the opportunity to get a good look at the other. She noticed how decently handsome he was, jet black hair that covered his forehead, fair skin, seemingly toned body and of course incredibly strong. Least to say, he appeared to be normal, those were the ones to be wary of.

Violet eyes met with round grey ones, even with the scowl on her face, she had to admit they were beautiful. Only mentally though, she'll never say it. The man smiled at her. "Why don't we start off with introductions?"

The girl huffed, arms folded under her chest. "You first." she rudely insisted as a waitress placed menus on the table.

"My name is Kuroro Lucilfer." he stated without a moments hesitation, smile never faded.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion on the male. "Senka." she replied dryly, a hand unfolded to flip through the food items available.

"Such a beautiful name for-"

"for a beautiful woman like you?" she batted her eyelashes, unimpressed by the cliched verse. it was too easy to spot, the oldest line ever. Senka snickered bitterly, sensing through his own act.

Kuroro frowned briefly, affected by her wittiness only to have a faint smile curl his lips once again. "Skilled, smart and beautiful. A triple threat."

Senka's tongue clicked in annoyance at his trivial sweet talk and charms. "Cut to the crap."

Grey eyes stared openly at her, impressed by the girls' strong senses and ability not be lead astray. She was entertaining for one so untamed. "Alright, have you heard of the Phantom Troupe?"

The question caught her off guard for a moment, curious to why he's ask such a question. "Sounds familiar. Their a group from Meter City who goes around killing and stealing. I think I heard some rumours but nothing too significant as yet. What about them?"

To her surprise, Kuroro's smile faded into a frown, hands interlocked in front of him. The answer Senka gave him only worked against her as Kuroro grew more intrigued by the girl. Finding it fascinating how she was about to obtain such unpopular information. He decided to let her in on a secret. "I am the leader and I want you to join us."

Senka laughed wickedly, hand holding her stomach of the aches while the other slapped against the table in hysterics. He stared at the girl with a confused expression as a slender finger wiped tears of laughter away. "No seriously, what do you want with me?"

"But I am serious, one hundred percent serious. I want to recruit you as a spider Senka." The man said with an honest tone, thinking his charismatic nature could win her over. Little did he know, it was going to take much more than pretty words to enchant this female.

She turned away from him with a stubborn huff. "No. Not a chance." rejected the girl instantly. Unaware that nothing was going to stop him from getting what he desired. Determination drove the man, he knew exactly how corner this one.

"Don't you want a family again? It must be lonely, wandering around the city to city without a single person to call a friend." he said, clawing into her open wounds with his words. Senka's lips parted only to be closed again, Kuroro could tell she got under her skin by how she averted further eye contact.

A rebellious teenager, that's what Senka was and it showed. That mask of violence and smartass attitude, it gave her away. He saw right through the girls' act for help. It was only a matter of how much force needed to push her over the edge. Kuroro noticed how her violet eyes seemed to dim as she allowed the past to consume her.

How cunning, calculating and conniving of him. It only warned the girl more of the potential dangerous that awaited in her future if she chose him. At the same time, the man was right, she craved to have a family again. What he didn't realize, Senka's resolve to stay away from that was stronger than his desire for her.

"As tempting as that offer may be, I rather keep to myself. Crowds aren't my thing. " responded Senka, a playful smirk curled her lips to hide the pain.

Kuroro simply snickered, the smile on his lips that never seemed to disappear began to annoy her. "Very well, I'll respect your decision."

Senka scowled at the man. "Respect my ass." she mumbled under her breath.

"But just one last question, how did you know of my ability?" He asked. Not that he'd admit to this aloud but it frightened him how Senka was able to see through his tactics with such ease.

A devilish expression replaced her miserable one, it sent a shiver down his shine. "No one specifically asks to see someone's Nen out of nowhere. Humans only become interested in something they want to manipulate for their own gain. Nothing more, nothing less." she explained with distaste in her tone. He could tell life had tainted the girl with it's ugly hardships.

Kuroro chuckled at her response, it was exactly what he hoped from her. This girl, she'll be someone frightening and he wanted her all to himself.

"I will send you details of the Troupes' next gathering, you should come." he informed, a smile returned onto his lips.

The girl groaned in frustration at him not accepting the constant rejection. "I take it as an order, not a request."

"The choice is yours Senka, I will not force you but I don't plan not letting you go."

An eye twitched at his persistence, there wasn't anything good about her. "I don't take orders from anyone. I work alone, period."

"That's fine. Just come to the gathering, I won't expect any commitments. Having you around would be enough." he cunningly stated before getting up from the table, signaling their time together was over. Senka's chest tightened as his figure past the side view of her vision, a strange crave to grab hold of fabric to stop him rose with urgency.

A spider needs a strong web right? To hold it, carry it and trap prey in. That's what she'll be, this girl. She'll be what supports and helps the spider achieve its goals. The most important pond that rivals the significance of the legs. He could see it already, how grand the future looked with Senka in it. Standing alongside him and the others. She's the key to his success.

Fists tensed in a tight ball, irritation boiled in her stomach. She was going to regret this, lips parted. "Kuroro, Wait..."

He looked back at the girl. "Change of heart?"

Senka snickered at his level of cockiness somewhat entertaining, she stood up from her seat. "More like change of scenery." curved body strutted towards the man, stopping when she was right beside him. "I might as well willingly go with you now, since it'll happen anyway." The girl stated with an expression of boredom. It's not like she has anything better to do, only minutes ago was Senka wandering around without a care in the world.

"Then let's be on our way, the others are waiting." he said, not wanting to question the girl in her fickle antics.