Chapter 14: Where Loyalties Lie

Not his.

Is what came to Hisoka's mind when seeing the clothing choice Senka decided on. Dressed in faded blue jeans with a white belt and her signature heeled knee-high black boots. A dark blue shirt that exposed her stomach, neckline in the shape of a large V to have her busty chest in a pleasing display. She finished this look off with black overcoat that had a lush silk purple inner lining.

This was Senka's Troupe appearance, it'll become much clearer soon.

It was August 30th, the date in which members of the infamous Phantom Troupe were ordered to meet in Yorknew City. To the magician, it meant two things. One, he would have the chance to possibly fight the leader. Two, Senka changes the direction of her viewfinder off him and onto the same being he had eyes on. Well, maybe three because he'll have to watch suspicious exchanges between her and Kuroro.

Hisoka didn't know this side of her until he joined the gang himself two or three years back. Least to say it surprised him, how well she was able to keep such a secret.

"Quit gawking and get on already." Senka grumbled, holding a black helmet against the curve of her waist. The woman had been patiently waiting for him to finish undressing her with his eyes but now it was just too much.

The male blinked before a smirk curled his lips. "I still think I should be the one to drive."

"No." she rejected instantly in a stern tone, as if scolding a child.

He pouted unseen to her. "But I wanted to drive."

Senka turned behind to glared at him, wondering if this guy was really an adult. "Seriously?" voice expressed how unimpressed she was with his childish manner. What is he? Twelve?

"Yes." smiled the magician.

She blinked at him, not sure how to really take on his sudden switch in character. Honestly, she was half expecting him to pull some sneaky trick.

"I don't recall you putting money into it." Senka reminded that she was the one who slaved over earning a hefty amount of this specific motorcycle. It was a custom built one that her father helped in creating, since that was his main field of expertise and interest.

He sighed. "Fair enough." Hisoka reluctantly admitted defeat, seeing she had a good point.

The female hunter slid her body forward to allow him space on the narrow seat, back arched slightly, still holding the head gear at her side. Hisoka thought how Senka looked as if she was about to do a photo shoot for one of those magazines that depicted females whom seemed to be starving themselves to pose in sexual positions to stimulate desire of both woman and consumerism.

A snicker escaped his lips as he lifted a leg to sit in right behind Senka. Their bodies perfectly fitting together with ease. She felt his strong chest press against her back, fighting the urge to blush. The woman mentally shook her head to push back the girlish thoughts, tossing him the helmet. As the man caught the protective had gear, Senka used her Shadow Tamer Nen to create another helmet around her own head.

The magician hummed in delight, he didn't realize just how versatile the woman's Nen was. Hisoka couldn't help but feel the similarities between them.

"Grab on." instructed Senka, body arched forward as her hands gripped handles. Hisoka and his wicked hands grabbed onto not her hips, or waist but her chest.

She froze and looked down to see what was going on and just stared. Brain trying to process what on earth this person is doing and now of all time. They're going to be late at this point.

"Hisoka... what the flying fuck?" the woman scowled at him behind black.

The jester smirked mischievously, he was going to have his way. "Second thoughts about driving as yet?" asked the taunting man alluringly.

She's going to kill this man one day. "... I'm going to kill you one day..."

"Is that a 'yes' then?"

Senka gave into Hisoka's tactics and allowed him to be the driver. There was a weird sensation is having to wrap her arms around his torso in order to not fall off the fast moving vehicle. The magician would purposely accelerate just to feel her hold tighten, finding it entertaining how she'd pretend to be reluctant to his support.

She figured at least half the troupe probably reached the location given, they needed to be careful. Senka had concealed her presence long before their departure. The hunter pair drove into an old city that was abandoned and allowed earthly elements to take over. Tall buildings were old and ruined as if they were in a Zombie Apocalypse film. The place showed absolutely no signs of life or human habitation anywhere. It was the perfect place to lay low for a temporary spider hideout.

The woman signaled for Hisoka to pull over into one of the many deserted about a mile or two form the original location the troupe is supposed to gather. As the bike came to a halt, their feet simultaneously touched the dusty ground. Turning off the engine, he heard a sigh from behind as he took off the helmet.

"Damn, that was a longer ride than I thought." Senka complained while getting up stretching, her shadow-made head gear faded.

Golden eyes watched the woman pat earthly powder off her clothing. He hummed with a smirk. "Perhaps you should allow me drive more often." Hisoka teased, removing himself from the bike.

She groaned in annoyance at his persistence, fingers combed through messy hair. "Keep pushing your luck and see what will hap-" The female hunter's breath paused in her throat. Body froze upon feeling hands softly glide through blue locks, violet eyes landed on Hisoka in question.

"There was something in your hair." he stated with an indifference expression, flicking whatever it was.

Senka's features seemed to flinch, averting saddened eyes. "Oh... Thanks." Her chest tightened in failed expectations, thinking Hisoka attempt one last affectation exchange before it was no longer allowed. Disappointment settled in and he knew.

The magician smirked, she was so predictable in times like this, when the woman was honest. She was just as much of a child as him. A dangerous hand slipped under her chin towards him. Golden eyes inspected the woman with an emotionless face, rendering her unable to figure out the man's thoughts.

What should he do? The thing was, after a month of his return to her, they aren't the same. Their relationship changed which he'd admit it was for the better. Hisoka felt confident in his restrain, now he wasn't so sure. Some force in him warned to remain in control. At the same time, a voice predicted this woman crumbling his own resolve. The magician swore a form of jealousy tried to sneak in as he wondered if Senka favored Kuroro more. Her being so cautious about being seen together and going to separate to the gathering proved that idea.

At that moment, Hisoka realized what the female hunter was implying in their heated conversation the morning lllumi came to Mel's club.


"I'm being quite serious Senka, don't you believe me?"

"Actually no, I don't."

"When will you stop testing your worth?"

"When you show me a reason."

"Be careful what you wish for, my angel. If you provoke me into being serious, there won't be anywhere for you to hide."

"That makes two of us."


Senka's violet eyes widened slightly at feeling Hisoka's touch slip under her chin, guiding the woman's vision to rest on him. The woman's expression softened in his hold, she hated these moments. The 'goodbyes', even if this one would be short, it's still hard. She bit her lip, knowing what to do, what he was asking for without needing to voice it.

The female's scarlet lips gently pressed against his, her body simultaneously made the space between them nonexistent. Senka's chest throbbed dangerously when strong arms enclosed her curved torso, wondering how long she'll have to wait until they're able to touch like this again. To Hisoka's surprise, she tilted her head to deep their exchange all the more in hope to have the brief moment linger. He allowed her movements, taking the opportunity to do the same.

He captured this angel that never breaks, no matter how hard he tries. Even when she seems to crack, it only makes her stronger each time. There was no way he'd give her up without some kind of fight.

A fight that had been raging for years between three. Pay attention and keep guarded. This is the point where the war shifts into the favour of one.

For this woman is his, only when the presence of a certain spider is nowhere to be found. Perhaps it might change, or not.

Senka parted their lips, expression feverish with cheeks tinted in pink. Hisoka's eyes widened when she buried herself into his chest, looking at blue hair in confusion to her motives.

"Just... Just a little longer." she whispered in a little frail voice, arms snaked around his sides to clung onto green fabric. For once, she wished being a spider wasn't an course, luck never is on her side.

The magician curled lips in a soft smirk, a laugh rumbled from his stomach at her actions. Senka's reluctance to release Hisoka only encouraged him, just as she wanted. Senka's breath paused upon the strange sensation of feeling his muscular arms trapping her all the more. What would she have done if the magician released her instead? Run.

A dangerous hand glided through vines of blue to strongly caress her head in the affection she desired. The female hunter could feel his breath tickle her ear, it make her shiver. "Soon my Angel, it'll be done."

The woman waited for him to say more but silence came. She knew what he meant. It was the very thing she feared. That reason however, we'll save for later.


Taking a deep breath, Senka strut with confidence into the building marked as where she'll be spending the next few days in. Sounds of her heels echoed through hallow walls. She cringed as she was engulfed by a sea of extreme darkness. The woman never liked the dark, it creeps her out. When Senka heard the murmuring of voices did relief come over her.

"Guess who's back~" the female hunter made her introduction with a smug grin on painted scarlet lips. Violet eyes scanned the massive caving-in room to see the groups' blonds all reached the meeting place first.

Shizu gestured her head in a slight bow. "Hello again." Earning a smile from the newly arrived woman.

"Senka! It's great to see you!" greeted the first blond with big green eyes and sweetheart features on a toned body, that's Shalnark.

The female hunter walked causally into her circle of friends, trying to recall mentally the last time she'd seen any of them. "Ditto." she smirked.

Phinks, slicked back blond hair and clothed in a track suit, kept his usual scowling expression. "Damn, you were called too Senka?"

She hummed in response. "Of course! It's not a party without me now is it?" stated Senka with a cocky tone, a hand gave her wavy blue hair a small flip.

Uvogin, not blond, grinned at the woman in excitement of her appearance. "Ha! Now there's a face I really haven't seen in a while!" Greeted the giant man, whom placed a heavy hand on her head in a friendly pat. The gesture made it seem as if they had a sibling relationship, which was true.

The violet eyed woman giggled at his words. "Same old Uvo, well minus the afro obviously." she smugly commented on his change in appearance compared to the day they met.

Uvogin chuckled, liking the snappy attitude she gives him. "Feisty as always! And short too!" hand still patting Senka as if she really was his sister and she wasn't voicing against the brotherly actions.

"Compared to you? Duh I'm short! As if I wanna be tall like you! That's not cute at all." she bickered.

He hummed, entertainment in his voice. "You cute? No way." teased Uvogin with a smirk.

"Quit saying that! You do that every time and it's not funny!" the woman shouted in a whiny tone, arms flailing frantically.

Phinks twitched a brow, arms folded. "Oi, stop babying her so much Uvo." he grumbled.

"But she partially is one." interjected blonde woman in a purple short skirt and v-neck dress top, she was known as Pakunoda.

Shalnark chuckled at the comment. "That's so true!"

Violet eyes glared at the older woman. "For you're information I'm classified as a 'Woman Child' okay!" Senka stated childishly, earning laughs from the others.

Uvo snickered. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." he retrieved his hand from the female hunter.

"Hey Senka, You know if the new addition is coming?" asked Pakunoda.

She blinked, smile quickly faded and replaced with a frown. Senka turned her head away from the other woman, showing her distaste of the implication. "Shouldn't you be asked Machi? How the hell am I supposed to know that? It's not like he's my responsibility." lied the female hunter blatantly.

Shalnark hummed in question, titling his cutesy head at the woman. "but aren't you friends with Hisoka?" he speculated aloud.

Keeping with her act, she huffed, arms folded under her chest. "I haven't seen that jerk in over a year, that answer your question?" tone filled with a smug attitude, hoping it would be enough to fool her friends. Guilt crept into Senka but she couldn't afford to reveal the magnitude of her relationship with Hisoka. As far as the rest knew, the two somehow were acquainted previous to him replacing the fourth. Huh, she didn't realize how selfishness worked until now.

"Senka, I have a present for you." Kuroro called to the woman, his round greys focused on her only. Breaking up the reunion between Senka and the other members.

A faint blush turned her cheeks a feverish colour when laying sight at the man who was running this show. Chest throbbed, did he look that good a few months ago or is it just her? Quickly, a smile attempted to hide the bashful expression. "What a coincidence, I brought you something too." sang the woman with a cheerful tone.

Senka approached the man whom sat in the shadows with a book in hand, unable to shake off the burning sensational heat his eyes were drilling into her. With a playful smile, she strut over towards him causally. Footsteps of her heels echoed in the ruined room, they sounded confident in their movements. She leaped upon the higher level he was on, taking her rightful post.

Her violet eyes were invaded by his big round ones, feeling captivated just by his presence. Was it really a persona she was keeping up or did she actually feel this way?

Senka looked down in awe to see a beautiful rose shaped pendent with a decent sized jewel acting as the middle. A soft gasp left her lips, eyes widened in disbelief. "This... how did you get it? There's only one in the world." she asked Kururo, looking to him for answers.

He smiled at her with endearment. "I was right, to think it would suit you better than in its case."

The woman snickered, understanding that he most likely stole it from a recent conquest. "Well, good thing I brought this as a thank you." Senka said while reaching a hand behind her to reveal a book written with age on the cover, embroidered with angel wings and other religious symbols.

Kuroro's eyes widened in surprise, she liked the way his expression lit up handsome features. Damn it! She did it again. "Figures the one whom were to find it would be you." He stated in awe, taking the gift from her fingers with care. Staring at the ancient text in pure astonishment, how this woman was able to find such a treasure, looks like they are matched.

A sheepish smile of slight embarrassment came over her, feeling awkward from the attention attracted. She shrugged. "It's nothing really, just took some calls and stuff." the woman said in an attempt to act nonchalant and shake off the heat. Smoothly taking a step right next to the spot Kuroro not too long ago raised from. She crossed a leg over the other, a finger played with her new jewel.

The man could only remain with his smile at her display, pleased Senka had liked the present. He sat down as well. "To witness how much your skills have improved greatly within the past few years, is not merely 'nothing' Senka." Kuroro complimented the female aloud while resuming where he had left off in the previous book, wanting to save hers for a special time.

Senka laughed, her leg gently brushed against his in a playful manner. "Aw, First a gift and now compliments? What's the occasion?" she interrogated in a mischievous tone.

"I had missed your birthday." he simply answered. "Besides, do I truly need a reason for wanting to treat you well?" the man questioned, grey orbs glanced behind to her.

The hunters' chest fluttered with butterflies, warning she shouldn't fall into the trap yet again. But, it's hard to not like someone who is being so sweet. Senka's features softened, she leaded towards him with puckered lips. He smiled at the feeling of her lips ever so softly pressed against his cheek, leaving a faint scarlet mark. The woman giggled, head gently rested on his shoulder to express affection in return for the kindness. "No, you don't. Thank you Kuroro." she whispered for only him to hear.

Content that his woman was pleased with the late birthday present, attention averted back onto the book in hand. Troupe members, whom witnessed the twos' interaction all exchanged content looks.

Get it yet? If not, just give it a second to sink in. You'll understand, just like he did.

Hours seemed to roll by as the sun began to dim into reds and oranges. That was when Feitan's group finally arrived. They waited and played and played and waited until the run-down room was consumed by shadows. Everyone had taken a spot on a fallen piece of stone that was scattered all over. Some remained quiet while others slowly became restless. Before Senka realized, night-time was being replaced by daylight.

Phinks groaned under his breath. "He's not coming".

"It's already so late." mumbled Kortopi.

Uvogin was first to voice his impatience. "Damn Hisoka, I'll rip him apart when I see him."

The blue haired woman snickered mentally, she knew how the magician loved to make an entrance. When at same dramatic reveal of his presence happened, Senka couldn't help but roll her violet eyes at the scene. Bitter irritation settled in her when Hisoka stated one of many reasons why he showed up. Though, she had absolutely no reason to feel the unwanted jealousy. Actually, she had no right either. It was nothing compared to what the woman could be tortured with.

To Senka's dismay, Hisoka turned his attention to her, chest throbbed when his yellow eyes looked into hers. It was his turn to keep up their act.

"Oh? Senka is here too? What a wonderful surprise." greeted the magician with a smile, pretending they weren't together a few hours ago.

The woman groaned with a scowl as she looked away from the man. "You know what would be wonderful? You getting a watch." Senka grumbled in comment to how they all waited until sunrise, earning a smirk from Hisoka.

Both hunters made sure to keep aware of the others and their reaction to the little exchanges they make. Senka hoped to not draw on any suspicion, which was the case. Not one person seemed to be skeptical about her and Hisoka. Maybe her smug comment saved them because the sounds of snickers were heard. The woman mentally sighed before averting her own attention to Kuroro.

"Kuroro." Senka whispered for only the man to hear, signalling him it was time to reveal why he gathered all the spiders to Yorknew City.

Shalnark and his perkiness turned with a smile to his leader. "Chief, everyone is here now!"

"What are we stealing now, Chief?" asked an deathly eager Ovu.

Hisoka's body tingled with excitement as his (current) number one target stood from his spot next to Senka, stepping into the candle light. The magician moaned in his head, thinking just how perfect a candidate Kuroro for him to fight. The thought was enough to drive Hisoka to sweet bodily pleasure.

"The underground auction treasures is what we shall take." ordered Kuroro to his precious spiders, his smile wickedly stunning that Senka chest tightened unconsciously.

With her elbow rested on a thigh and chin in palm, Senka listened to aloud thoughts about what exactly Kuroro wished for them to steal. The woman snickered to herself, shouldn't they know by now? How clear the answer is? This is Kuroro, leader of the Phantom Troupe, the spiders. He'll settle for nothing else and only more.

Violet eyes couldn't help but wander onto the magician in green before instantly shifting away. He was looking at her too, no, not her, the darkly angelic being linked to her. How long can they keep up this secret? This affair between them. She wonders if Kuroro know, probably. Or not. Guess she'll have to gamble her chances and right now the future is unclear.

Kuroro turns his body to the woman sitting in the shadows beside him. "Have you completed the necessary preparations, Senka?" the leader asked, calling forth his secret weapon.

Senka blinked out of her momentary daze, a smile curled her scarlet lips. "As requested~" she answered cheerfully devilish, standing up to take her place in the moonlight and at Kuroro's right hand.

All eyes fell on her but that wasn't a certain. Remaining confident as she took her place beside the darkly angelic leader. Members of the founding spiders looked at the pair in awe for they were the most powerful. To the six, it didn't matter Senka wasn't from Meter City or an official member. To them, she was just as equal. Even though Kuroro and her grow up in completely difficult circumstances, his respectful treatment towards her encouraged trust.

"It shouldn't be surprising, The boss always calls for Senka when it's a big job." Feitan stated.

"What's the plan Senka?" asked the babyfaced Shalnark.

The female hunter smirked, lips parted to begin. "I was able to get a not only to location of where the auction will be and details of the items." she waved a finger to specific individuals. "Shalnark, Nobu, Uvo, Shizuku, Feitan, Machi, and Franklin, You all will take the hot-air balloon into the city. When you reach the auction location, only Feitan, Franklin and Shizuku are to head in first. You two, at the stage and Shizuku, well for obvious reasons. The rest of you fall in once the first phase is completed."

Faitan hummed with a tone of indifference. "Sounds too easy."

Uvogin chuckled in thrill. "We should be back soon!" wanting to get out and began to act out his boss' orders to wreck havoc on the unfortunate city.

"Wait, she's not done explaining." Machi indirectly telling the impatient man to remain right where he was, earning a tsk of annoyance from him. Blue eyes and an emotionless expression rested on the woman standing beside her leader.

The female hunter smirked, arms crossed under her chest. "From what I've gathered, there will be complications so most likely we'll have to work on the fly. I have a feeling they'll have moved the items before your arrival."

Phinks arched a brow in question to the last part of Senka's explanation, it rose suspicion in not just him. "Why would you say that?" he asked what everyone else was thinking.

Senka shrugged nonchalantly. "It's highly possible they've gotten notice of some kind about the auction being targeted. So, it's better to assume the first plan, being phase one, will have complications." she explained.

"The percentage of success?" Kuroro asked the woman.

Violet eyes blinked at the question, scarlet lips pressed together in a hum as a finger tapped her bottom lip. "It depends really but I'd estimate between sixty to eighty percent." speculated Senka to the Troupe members.

Nobunaga blinked in bewilderment of the woman's answer as skeptical expression circled the room onto her. "Sounds like you don't have faith in our abilities, Senka."

"That definitely not my intentions." she retorted.

"With how the success rate is so imperfect means you're lacking on your part." Feitan stated.

Senka snickered dangerously. "Geez guys, no need to doubt me." the woman playfully taunted with confidence, she'll let her plan spoke for itself. "There are too many wild variables to account for with the Mafia running things. Plus, the minimal amount of information my sources were able to get me, there's a second phase to my plan. Some poor unfortunate soul in the building that oversees the auction will have valuable information I couldn't get. That's where Feitan comes in." Senka explained, finishing with a sweet heart smile.

Machi's lips parted in a small gasp of realization to what the strategist was getting at. "Oh, I see. Torture." she blurted.

"My specialty." Feitan mumbled in agreement.

Senka nodded with a hum. "Everything else depends on the outcome of whatever that person has to offer, which I'm positive will lead to the auction items. The difference in percentage is just really a random length of prolonged time it could take." her expression turned wickedly confident, violet eyes sparked in determination. "The point, true success in gaining the treasures is two hundred percent because we will take them all. No questions asked."

The magician marveled at how wonderfully sensational Senka is, amaze by the immense attention to every single detail and possible outcome in her plan. Even taking into account of the leak of their arrival and complications that for any normal thieves would prove too difficult. But for the spiders, this was a field trip. It was fun and thrilling. Senka only added to how dangerous the troupe was with her talented informative skills and aura abilities. Even the woman's acting was entertaining. The magician smirked to himself, impressed by her flawless performance earlier and now this. You'd never guess the rebellious bratty girl he found those five or six years ago be this brilliant strategist standing tall before him in such glory. It made his body throb with excitement.