Miss You

She misses him. Like fire misses wood. Like a fish misses water. But, not as deathly or chaotic. It's a little more softer. More light.

It's this feeling that you can't us words to describe and even if you attempt, it doesn't sound right. Like it's on the tip of your tongue but you're still unable to taste it. You imagine the flavours and feel, only making the crave worse.

A battle between the heart and your mind. Each individual must fight this war on their own. And if they seek the incorrect help, they must take two steps back before reaching where they originally started.

It's this other world within a world with a space.

It's a feeling without words that you know.

Both causing immense pain and adore.

You adore and adore and adore.

Then you rage and rage and rage.

Doors open and close. It all sounds silly or simple, but really, it's the hardest journey you'll ever embark.

You'll cry yourself to sleep some nights. Gather your racing thoughts and throw them out the window.

This is a practice you learn after each failure, and each failure isn't an actual failure. Just a lesson you need to realize is a lesson.

Once you stop drowning in self - pity and sorrow and the egoistical ideas, a new world opens.

The door is invisible and only for those willing to surrender.

Not everyone is willing to surrender because there's this initial thought, the last wave of ego, the final boss to level one.

The s ecret to passing this level is as simple as opening a bottle of water and drinking it. What makes it difficult is finding the bottle of water when you believe the bottle isn't there.

You see. Her missing him isn't just her missing him. Her missing him, is him missing her.

And them missing each other doesn't have to be toxic.

Missing a voice, a touch, a laugh, it's all part of the plan.

Every ache, every tear, every regret too.